View Full Version : "Hands Up, Don't Loot!" by the 'Sultan Knish'

08-23-14, 05:47
Another insightful and thought provoking commentary from 'the Sultan Knish'.

Two highlights.


"The violence in Ferguson didn't begin when a police officer shot Michael Brown. It began when a 300 lb thug robbed the Ferguson Market and abused a clerk. The release of the video showing the obese criminal assaulting the clerk led to a terrified statement from the store manager that he had not called the police and had nothing to do with the release of the video.

“They kill us if they think we are responsible," he said.

That is what this conflict is about. The police exist so that Ferguson Market and a hundred other stores can do business without being robbed or murdered. Darren Wilson, the officer who shot Michael Brown, was holding down the thin line that makes it possible for stores to stay open and children to go to school.

When the police pulled back, the rioting and looting began in earnest. A mob forced its way into Ferguson Market and other stores. Governor Nixon, a critic of the police was forced to turn to the National Guard.

All systems and people are flawed, but our law enforcement and military are reactive. When we don't talk about what they are reacting to, then there is nothing meaningful to say.

We don't have SWAT teams because law enforcement has gone completely insane. We have them because of race riots and urban guerrilla warfare. Without Watts, the Black Panthers and the SLA, the police militarization would probably never have existed.

The militarization of the police was a response to left-wing violence and terror. And the left knows it.

If the left hadn't spent much of the last century inciting race riots and setting up terrorist groups, there wouldn't be police officers armed for war.

If not for the left's disastrous social experiments, the War on Drugs would never have been necessary. Instead the left trashes social values and criminal laws and then complains about the authoritarian rebound from the crime waves that follow. The wealthy liberal who snorts cocaine and dashes from sexual encounter to encounter can walk away with little damage done. The same behavior in the ghetto leaves behind shattered lives and destroyed communities because there is no safety net for it.

3 AE
08-23-14, 06:26
Excellent essay. Thank you for the link Belloc.

08-23-14, 09:02
Racist! Michael Brown was "an unarmed black teen gunned down in cold blood by a WHITE police officer".

08-24-14, 16:32
Moving this thread back into GD, after a brief hiatus.

We had another Ferguson thread that was closed, due to folks talking more about each other than the events that occurred. Please keep this thread on-track. Thanks.

08-24-14, 16:36
Dude. Ferguson is so last week.

Mauser KAR98K
08-24-14, 19:45
There was a facebook post that a girl I knew in college was posting a blog about Furgerson and the racial issues that are "underlying". Guy calls himself a Wordsmith, and actually works at the same university I had graduated from. Basically it was white guilt and you have to put yourself in the perspective of the black community to understand how they fell (or the looting and and what not they are doing).

My reply:

I think he needs to get out of academia more. This is mostly about culture and those using race so the can make their criminal activity more "acceptable." Why are people looting and ransacking shops that belong to people who did not have anything to do with Brown getting shot, including the store that Brown had robbed? You know, the six foot, four man that my six foot one self could not last two minutes in a knock-out drag-out fight with. The same man who strong armed a store owner who was half his size for cheap cigars. The same man who punched, beaten officer Wilson and fractured his eye socked while the officer was fighting him off in his patrol vehicle and fighting desperately from Brown getting his gun.

With the evidence that has come to light in the past week, and what I have said above, I would have shot Brown no matter what race he was. That officer was completely justified in what he had to do to survive. Now his life is ruined, threatened, because the only eye witness was Brown's criminal accomplice and people rushing out on judgement with very little facts.

We have so many opportunities in this country to better people who truly need to be better than where they are. We have manufacture jobs that need people with skill, and states and federal government put money and programs together to acquire these skills: welders, drivers, etc. But people don't. We have a welfare system that awards those to stay at home then take the money as a quick leg up to find better jobs. Minimum wage jobs are not to be careers. They are to keep food on the table and lights running. What you need to ask is why these people in these cultures do not take these opportunities? Is it the economy that even recent undergrads can't get good careers in (including myself who has been looking for something to satisfy my student loans and my goals in life)? Is it the raising of the qualifications pole that the government keeps doing that makes it more difficult for people to get skills needed for this economy? Don't believe me? try having sleep apnea with no insurance and money to get a breathing machine in order to pass a DOT physical for some companies because you lack a CPAP machine. This is even if you have an very mild case of it. This is preventing many to get needed jobs in an industry that is hurting for drivers.

Or is it that many feel a life of crime pays better and gets the thrill and life style and "prestige" and creds on in their zip code? With Hollywood and entertainment glorifying crime, part of the symptom is there. Remember, "Top Gun" got a lot of people into the Navy, South Park got us "kick a ginger" day, and now "The Purge" is spawning an epidemic of orgy anarchy in certain large cities like Louisville, KY.

We do live in a post-racial America. Some people are not accepting that and those people may surprise as to who they are. This is a cultural and crime problem that has transcend race, but their is a demographic gap in the statistics because of certain life-style glorification and close-mindedness. Smith is right, there is an race "experience" that is an equation to this, but the reasons for them doing crime because they are a certain color and "class" is the worst excuse and reason to come up with. He adds more to the stereotype and more to the broad profiling of a race when it is indeed a culture that should not be accepted in any society.

The one response I get is that they are sadden that I am such an angry person, and we need a dialogue on racial tension in America. Why do liberals try to always put people on a guilt trip to boost of their emotional argument?

(PM me if you want the Wordsmith's blog posting. Not going to hot link it, and it is a long post).

08-24-14, 21:43
There was a facebook post that a girl I knew in college was posting a blog about Furgerson and the racial issues that are "underlying". Guy calls himself a Wordsmith, and actually works at the same university I had graduated from. Basically it was white guilt and you have to put yourself in the perspective of the black community to understand how they fell (or the looting and and what not they are doing).

My reply:

The one response I get is that they are sadden that I am such an angry person, and we need a dialogue on racial tension in America. Why do liberals try to always put people on a guilt trip to boost of their emotional argument?

(PM me if you want the Wordsmith's blog posting. Not going to hot link it, and it is a long post).

So black people angry about racism are justified and their frustration understandable but when a white guy is angry about racism it's sad and they need to seek a dialogue about racial tension.

Sounds exactly like what MLK was hoping for when he spoke of equality.

08-24-14, 22:08
have you guys heard about the looting in Chicago's Chinatown when a Chicago Cop shot a Chinese student after he came back from the library, studying all day?

*sounds for effect* (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K8E_zMLCRNg)

08-25-14, 02:19
Another insightful and thought provoking commentary from 'the Sultan Knish'.

Two highlights.

Great read, God this is pure gold right here.

"Despite the plywood boards covering the windows and doors, looters with their faces covered in bandanas helped themselves to anything they could find as those who came to memorialize Michael Brown carried on his work."

Here is another snippet on the aspiring career criminal.

Michael Brown Jr. Social Media Page Reveals Extreme Racism Towards Whites

Mauser KAR98K
08-25-14, 02:19
Well, gang, looks like it is our fault that all this is going on.


08-25-14, 02:26
Well, gang, looks like it is our fault that all this is going on.


Here, I fixed it for them . . .

US urban thug culture has police arming to keep up

Mauser KAR98K
08-25-14, 15:04
Here is this "Wordsmith's" blog post. It's worth it to understand what they think is the problem, but also how far removed from reality they are.


That little internet argument I had got to the point that I would do violence on blacks with no provocation, Michael Brown was walking and minding his own buisness, and that the Bloods and Crips were protecting stores from robbery and looting. yet, no acknowledgement or condemnations of the violence, looting, the high percentage of black on black violence, the rise of black on white violence, the coupled killed at the McDonalds in Austin, or the observation of the double-standard. Just rhetorical hoopla pointed at me to bait me to become a racist. Even with all the blatant articles, studies and evidence I posted. One posted posted a video that said black on black violence was myth, yet I posted a Bureau of Justice study that black on black crime was 77.7% of the crime committed.

In short, liberalism is a mental disorder, a sizeable part of the black community is in trouble but they blame everything on their race and gives them the excuse to loot and pillage, and someone somewhere is going to have enough of the double-standard or get robbed for the last time and the powder keg will go up. I foresee more reaction to Michael Brown situations, even when completely justified just because of the poor response and frenzy. It seems the people who have gone past race are now racist because they don't "understand" of what being a racist is.

ETA: Again, no outrage.

Mississippi man beaten after he's warned restaurant wasn't safe for whites, witness says


08-25-14, 17:04
ETA: Again, no outrage.

Mississippi man beaten after he's warned restaurant wasn't safe for whites, witness says


Amazing that in 50 years we've gone from Whites Only to Black Only. But I doubt there will be many freedom riders to challenge the current racism.

08-25-14, 19:01
Amazing that in 50 years we've gone from Whites Only to Black Only. But I doubt there will be many freedom riders to challenge the current racism.

Really Steyr are your surprised? I'm not in the least. I know of a bunch of black areas here on the left coast that white folks can not go to. I don't know of any areas that black folks can't go to. Yea the rich folks may turn their noses up at them, but their safety is not a concern.

08-25-14, 20:42
Really Steyr are your surprised? I'm not in the least. I know of a bunch of black areas here on the left coast that white folks can not go to. I don't know of any areas that black folks can't go to. Yea the rich folks may turn their noses up at them, but their safety is not a concern.

I'm surprised in the sense that there have always been a few "ghetto" areas not safe for whites, just as I'm sure there are some redneck/biker areas that still aren't safe for blacks. But in my experiences these were very specific and confined areas where this kind of blatant bullshit could happen.

What surprises me is how "mainstream" black racism and violent action has become. In the Trayvon Martin case and perhaps the Michael Brown incident, the "victims" seem to have been the aggressors. By contrast, the McDonalds beating deaths, the victims were just that, innocent victims.

If Trayvon Martin had been white and was shot and killed attacking a black police security guard we'd have never known his name. If Michael Brown had been a white kid attacking a black cop and did indeed go for his gun, it would have been declared a "good shoot" and we'd have never known his name.

Just like most of America has never heard to the white kids beaten to death at McDonalds. Just like nobody has heard of Patrick Lavoie. But if Patrick Lavoie was black, and was shot while trying to get into the vehicle of a white driver, he'd be another civil rights martyr.

As I said before, we aren't even "separate but equal" anymore. The blatant racial double standard is appalling and the worse part of it is nobody is going to do anything about it.

Alpha Sierra
08-25-14, 20:45
I don't know of any areas that black folks can't go to. Yea the rich folks may turn their noses up at them, but their safety is not a concern.

Time for change

08-25-14, 20:57
I'm surprised in the sense that there have always been a few "ghetto" areas not safe for whites, just as I'm sure there are some redneck/biker areas that still aren't safe for blacks. But in my experiences these were very specific and confined areas where this kind of blatant bullshit could happen.

What surprises me is how "mainstream" black racism and violent action has become. In the Trayvon Martin case and perhaps the Michael Brown incident, the "victims" seem to have been the aggressors. By contrast, the McDonalds beating deaths, the victims were just that, innocent victims.

If Trayvon Martin had been white and was shot and killed attacking a black police security guard we'd have never known his name. If Michael Brown had been a white kid attacking a black cop and did indeed go for his gun, it would have been declared a "good shoot" and we'd have never known his name.

Just like most of America has never heard to the white kids beaten to death at McDonalds. Just like nobody has heard of Patrick Lavoie. But if Patrick Lavoie was black, and was shot while trying to get into the vehicle of a white driver, he'd be another civil rights martyr.

As I said before, we aren't even "separate but equal" anymore. The blatant racial double standard is appalling and the worse part of it is nobody is going to do anything about it.
And nobody in our progressive society will ever challenge them. It's only going to get worse from here.

Time for change
Lol! Is that the hope and change our fearless leader was referring to?

08-25-14, 20:57
Time for change

And you're suggesting?

08-25-14, 21:18
Really Steyr are your surprised? I'm not in the least. I know of a bunch of black areas here on the left coast that white folks can not go to. I don't know of any areas that black folks can't go to. Yea the rich folks may turn their noses up at them, but their safety is not a concern.

I don't know any white folk who would want to go to theses areas. Nothing there for me as for as I can see. Birds of a feather flock together.

08-25-14, 21:26
Why do liberals try to always put people on a guilt trip to boost of their emotional argument?

Because they're LOSING the argument based on the FACTS.


brushy bill
08-25-14, 21:53
I'm surprised in the sense that there have always been a few "ghetto" areas not safe for whites, just as I'm sure there are some redneck/biker areas that still aren't safe for blacks. But in my experiences these were very specific and confined areas where this kind of blatant bullshit could happen.

What surprises me is how "mainstream" black racism and violent action has become. In the Trayvon Martin case and perhaps the Michael Brown incident, the "victims" seem to have been the aggressors. By contrast, the McDonalds beating deaths, the victims were just that, innocent victims.

If Trayvon Martin had been white and was shot and killed attacking a black police security guard we'd have never known his name. If Michael Brown had been a white kid attacking a black cop and did indeed go for his gun, it would have been declared a "good shoot" and we'd have never known his name.

Just like most of America has never heard to the white kids beaten to death at McDonalds. Just like nobody has heard of Patrick Lavoie. But if Patrick Lavoie was black, and was shot while trying to get into the vehicle of a white driver, he'd be another civil rights martyr.

As I said before, we aren't even "separate but equal" anymore. The blatant racial double standard is appalling and the worse part of it is nobody is going to do anything about it.

Nice post

08-25-14, 22:56
I don't know any white folk who would want to go to theses areas. Nothing there for me as for as I can see. Birds of a feather flock together.

You mean a college town McDonalds that is completely different during the day? What college kid WOULDN'T go to a local McDonalds, especially if they had to use the bathroom. They didn't go down to the 5th ward.

And I'm sorry, that "birds of a feather" is sorta the same bullshit that is currently causing problems all over the nation. That blacks should only be around blacks and white only around whites. It's what motivates blacks to cover for other blacks even when it's wrong. And it isn't any better if white people do it.

Personally I'd love to completely move past "race" and get to "good people" and "bad people" and just indiscriminately get rid of bad people. I have nothing more in common with white "gangster thugs" than I do with black "gangster thugs", except of course pigment which is meaningless to me.

If you reversed this equation and several hundred white gangster thug pieces of shit beat two innocent black college students to death over race, I wouldn't feel any commonality with the "white guys" and I'd have wished the "black kids" a means to defend themselves.

And if we can get rid of all the thugs and other gangster pieces of shit, I'll share my McDonalds with any decent person who happens to come in. I have a god damn dream.

08-25-14, 23:11
Yeah, I wasn't meaning a college town area but tough intercity areas that we are all aware exist. You know the kind of places I keep my Yugo Underfolder in my front seat on the rare occasion when I have to drive through these areas. I agree with all your statements and yet I don't feel the same threat in white ghetto areas but also don't stop to bullshit with them on the corner either. I live in the country and away from city gang areas 99% of the time. As far as going to the bathroom, I'll piss on the side of the highway before dealing with 400 thugs of any color at a fast food joint, I ain't got no time for that shit. These kids were young, been drinking and probably not as streetwise as a lot of us and paid way too high of a price for their mistakes IMHO.

08-25-14, 23:17
So, my friend just posted this on Facebook. It's comparing Michael Brown and Trayvon Martin to Jesus. (Or maybe I skimmed through it too quickly...)


08-25-14, 23:41
So, my friend just posted this on Facebook. It's comparing Michael Brown and Trayvon Martin to Jesus. (Or maybe I skimmed through it too quickly...)


I doubt the author has spent any time actually reading the good book to form those opinions.

08-25-14, 23:56
I doubt the author has spent any time actually reading the good book to form those opinions.

I don't know if you read the article, but it basically says that what "they" need is a martyr that is "perfect". That is, they had dirt on Trayvon and Brown, so it didn't work out in the end.

08-25-14, 23:58
Amazing that in 50 years we've gone from Whites Only to Black Only. But I doubt there will be many freedom riders to challenge the current racism.

True statement, it seems society is afraid to deal with facts. All this in Ferguson and meanwhile in Chicago / Detroit it's still a freaking war zone. Even rappers getting shot in the news and where good 'ol Al and Jesse. How dumb do they really think we are? Obviously quite a bit, or at least no one is stating the facts for fear of being called racist. Disgusting.

08-26-14, 00:16
Yeah, I wasn't meaning a college town area but tough intercity areas that we are all aware exist. You know the kind of places I keep my Yugo Underfolder in my front seat on the rare occasion when I have to drive through these areas. I agree with all your statements and yet I don't feel the same threat in white ghetto areas but also don't stop to bullshit with them on the corner either. I live in the country and away from city gang areas 99% of the time. As far as going to the bathroom, I'll piss on the side of the highway before dealing with 400 thugs of any color at a fast food joint, I ain't got no time for that shit. These kids were young, been drinking and probably not as streetwise as a lot of us and paid way too high of a price for their mistakes IMHO.

OK, now I'm following along.

But the only place we differ is I had some friends who lived in some of those "ghetto" areas and I wasn't afraid to go pick them up or drop them off at 2am. Of course I knew where I was and was mindful of the environment. By the same token I don't drop my guard just because I'm in a mostly white trailer park populated by whatever POS meth gang is running things.

08-26-14, 00:37
I don't know if you read the article, but it basically says that what "they" need is a martyr that is "perfect". That is, they had dirt on Trayvon and Brown, so it didn't work out in the end.

And that is the problem, right there.

Black racism that doesn't understand racism is racism. White people don't need a martyr, a community leader or a spokesperson because the vast majority of us live as free individuals rather than as "white people." My wants, needs and political viewpoints are not represented by Bill Clinton anymore than they are represented by Barrack Obama.

Culturally I have far more in common with Bruce Lee than any white athlete. I don't stay up at night worried about if white people are proportionally and fairly represented in the NBA, the hip hop community or at "black colleges." I'd rather spend time with Neil Tyson, Zahi Hawass and Dan Inosanto than most "famous" white people.

I don't wake up and think about if I'm acting "white", dressing "white" or worry about if my music is "white." And that is why most "black people" will never be free no matter what they do. So long as they define themselves as "black" and live by the confines of those definitions, they will always be enslaved by those who put those definitions in place. In a very real sense, racism is slavery.

There are two groups who honestly believe "black people" are a homogenous group with unique and special characteristics. One group is the "black community", the second group is the other "racist" organizations like the KKK and skinheads. They only differ in the belief of how that first group should be treated.

That most people, even educated people, can't seem to understand that is almost as troubling as the fact that this form of mental slavery is being promoted as beneficial and positive.

08-26-14, 01:28
And that is the problem, right there.

Black racism that doesn't understand racism is racism. White people don't need a martyr, a community leader or a spokesperson because the vast majority of us live as free individuals rather than as "white people." My wants, needs and political viewpoints are not represented by Bill Clinton anymore than they are represented by Barrack Obama.

Culturally I have far more in common with Bruce Lee than any white athlete. I don't stay up at night worried about if white people are proportionally and fairly represented in the NBA, the hip hop community or at "black colleges." I'd rather spend time with Neil Tyson, Zahi Hawass and Dan Inosanto than most "famous" white people.

I don't wake up and think about if I'm acting "white", dressing "white" or worry about if my music is "white." And that is why most "black people" will never be free no matter what they do. So long as they define themselves as "black" and live by the confines of those definitions, they will always be enslaved by those who put those definitions in place. In a very real sense, racism is slavery.

There are two groups who honestly believe "black people" are a homogenous group with unique and special characteristics. One group is the "black community", the second group is the other "racist" organizations like the KKK and skinheads. They only differ in the belief of how that first group should be treated.

That most people, even educated people, can't seem to understand that is almost as troubling as the fact that this form of mental slavery is being promoted as beneficial and positive.

Honest question referring to the bolded statement, and hopefully not too off-topic:

Isn't this due to the fact that blacks have been oppressed historically?

From my experience, many aren't exactly awarded the same opportunities as most whites, i.e. they grow up in bad areas, raised by sub-par parents, forced to go to sub-par schools and surrounded by crime.

08-26-14, 03:09
Honest question referring to the bolded statement, and hopefully not too off-topic:

Isn't this due to the fact that blacks have been oppressed historically?

From my experience, many aren't exactly awarded the same opportunities as most whites, i.e. they grow up in bad areas, raised by sub-par parents, forced to go to sub-par schools and surrounded by crime.

Hiram Rhodes Revels was the first black member of Congress in 1870. Sarah Breedlove was the first black millionaire (1967-1919). And black slave traders attended Universities in this country before the revolution.

Now my point isn't to diminish historical hardships, being a slave isn't easy and quite frankly the only thing worse than being a slave in the early colonies and US was being a slave in Africa where they might literally cannibalize you.

And yes that oppression did exist well into the 20th century for many. But the reality is if you conduct yourself as a "group" then an "individual" than any member of that group lacks special merit or consideration and will never really rise about the group itself. This is otherwise known as the "crab bucket" where in theory each crab could climb out where it not for the other crabs that latch onto it and prevent their escape.

And even when individuals do manage significant achievement, they are still expected to be beholden to the group and observe all the conformities or be branded a sell out "uncle tom." Or worse, if they decide to be a completely free individual they can be branded "white."

But that reality is today is today, there is no slavery, there are no Jim Crow laws (except of course for Affirmative Action). The black community dictating lowers acceptable standards regarding responsible parenting, education and crime cannot then be used as a "cause" for their plight because it is a vicious hypocritical cycle. If I raised my son to think it's ok to rape black girls and then complain that he's in jail for raping black girls can I then really place the blame on black girls? This is of course an extreme example but I hope it gets the point across.

Right now, in this economy, in this time and place, we are as even out of the gate as we are ever going to get. Some people will be born with advantage, some will be born with obstacles they don't deserve. And race really has less and less to do with it every day. And if you let race be "one more factor" then that is one more burden that you have placed on society across the board.

Some schools are better than others. That is an economic issue, not one of race. Plenty of white, asian and other kids trapped in shitty schools and neighborhoods. Some neighborhoods are more violent, sadly this is often a cultural consideration and the consequences are often self imposed. And as stupid is an equal opportunity option, there are white kids in safe suburban neighborhoods starting gangs, dealing drugs and doing their level best to turn it into a "respectable" ghetto. Should they get preferential consideration because they had to "come up in a dangerous environment" that they created?

Life isn't fair, some have it easier and some have it harder. The important thing is for everyone to do their best, for the good people to get treated like good people and to get rid of all of the bad people and have race reduced to a consideration slightly less important than the language you speak.

08-26-14, 03:37
Hiram Rhodes Revels was the first black member of Congress in 1870. Sarah Breedlove was the first black millionaire (1967-1919). And black slave traders attended Universities in this country before the revolution.

Now my point isn't to diminish historical hardships, being a slave isn't easy and quite frankly the only thing worse than being a slave in the early colonies and US was being a slave in Africa where they might literally cannibalize you.

And yes that oppression did exist well into the 20th century for many. But the reality is if you conduct yourself as a "group" then an "individual" than any member of that group lacks special merit or consideration and will never really rise about the group itself. This is otherwise known as the "crab bucket" where in theory each crab could climb out where it not for the other crabs that latch onto it and prevent their escape.

And even when individuals do manage significant achievement, they are still expected to be beholden to the group and observe all the conformities or be branded a sell out "uncle tom." Or worse, if they decide to be a completely free individual they can be branded "white."

But that reality is today is today, there is no slavery, there are no Jim Crow laws (except of course for Affirmative Action). The black community dictating lowers acceptable standards regarding responsible parenting, education and crime cannot then be used as a "cause" for their plight because it is a vicious hypocritical cycle. If I raised my son to think it's ok to rape black girls and then complain that he's in jail for raping black girls can I then really place the blame on black girls? This is of course an extreme example but I hope it gets the point across.

Right now, in this economy, in this time and place, we are as even out of the gate as we are ever going to get. Some people will be born with advantage, some will be born with obstacles they don't deserve. And race really has less and less to do with it every day. And if you let race be "one more factor" then that is one more burden that you have placed on society across the board.

Some schools are better than others. That is an economic issue, not one of race. Plenty of white, asian and other kids trapped in shitty schools and neighborhoods. Some neighborhoods are more violent, sadly this is often a cultural consideration and the consequences are often self imposed. And as stupid is an equal opportunity option, there are white kids in safe suburban neighborhoods starting gangs, dealing drugs and doing their level best to turn it into a "respectable" ghetto. Should they get preferential consideration because they had to "come up in a dangerous environment" that they created?

Life isn't fair, some have it easier and some have it harder. The important thing is for everyone to do their best, for the good people to get treated like good people and to get rid of all of the bad people and have race reduced to a consideration slightly less important than the language you speak.

Very well-put. I always appreciate your insight.

08-26-14, 03:44
Isn't this due to the fact that blacks have been oppressed historically?

You do realize blacks were selling blacks into bondage during the Atlantic slave trade correct? The Dutch and Portuguese purchased slaves from victorious chiefs and their tribes.

My ancestors left the manner long ago, feudal Europe had manners not plantations and they were called serfs not slaves. My last name is from that time. So please tell me what people groups have not been oppressed historically?

08-26-14, 03:54
You do realize blacks were selling blacks into bondage during the Atlantic slave trade correct? The Dutch and Portuguese purchased slaves from victorious chiefs and their tribes.

My ancestors left the manner long ago, feudal Europe had manners not plantations and they were called serfs not slaves. My last name is from that time. So please tell me what people groups have not been oppressed historically?

I am well aware of that. I was referring to oppression in the US.

08-26-14, 03:57
The blatant racial double standard is appalling and the worse part of it is nobody is going to do anything about it.

Well since Barry's election in 2008 there has been record sales of firearms and an unprecedented demand for ammunition. Just when everyone calms down from the latest ban panic, due to the president eluding to new gun control measures on several different occasions through his presidency, Ferguson, MO. happens and area FFLs through out St. Louis sell out of goods.

08-26-14, 04:01
I am well aware of that. I was referring to oppression in the US.

You specifically stated that blacks have been oppressed historically. If you want to talk about about oppressed people here in the US look no further than the American-Indians.

08-26-14, 04:10
You specifically stated that blacks have been oppressed historically. If you want to talk about about oppressed people here in the US look no further than the American-Indians.

Good point.

Mauser KAR98K
08-26-14, 12:58
You specifically stated that blacks have been oppressed historically. If you want to talk about about oppressed people here in the US look no further than the American-Indians.

They weren't oppressed. They were routed from their lands by the states so the they could put white people on the lands so they can get taxes from them. The Government was suppose to stop that under the Indian Removal Act. Even the Supreme Court said the Feds needed to stop it. By President Andrew Jackson chose to ignore the law.

Remind you of someone?

And being a slave in America did suck, but there is a period when it actually didn't suck so bad. We are all reminded of the picture of slaves getting beaten, sweated, and strung up on the plantations. Mostly this depicts the hand slaves, or the house slaves. There was a time, however, that their were artisan slaves who actually learned a trade. There were business owners who were slaves held by a municipality, such as Nashville at one time. They were able to read, write and actually go to school. Some even got paid for their work, though very little. Some where able to buy their freedom down south.

Then Nat Turner led a very brutal and bloody slave rebellion and it all come unhinged. A year later, black-code laws were past, and more and more slave owners began looking at their slaves more as chattel. Those were had their business, their craft, their freedom were forcibly placed either as a hand slave, or for the many who were free and held property had it taken away and forced back into slavery. Laws were past that owners of slaves could not free them. One slave owner went up to Kentucky on business with all his slaves, only to return home say all his slaves magically escaped into Ohio.

The perception was that educating slaves, or blacks at that time in general would lead to slave rebellions, or as some feared, take over states from the whites. So they branded them, made them ignorant to do their bidding.

And for some reason this reminds me of the current avenue that the Federal Government is doing to our returning vets with PTSD. Gin up fear that these people could snap and go on killing sprees, or fear that they have the knowledge to actual topple a government. So we must take away their rights to protect the public at large.

08-26-14, 14:19
Well since Barry's election in 2008 there has been record sales of firearms and an unprecedented demand for ammunition. Just when everyone calms down from the latest ban panic, due to the president eluding to new gun control measures on several different occasions through his presidency, Ferguson, MO. happens and area FFLs through out St. Louis sell out of goods.

Pretty sure those guns are going to be used for personal defense and to protect property and not to correct racial inequities. If a group of white guys started doing armed protests like the Black Panthers to address racial bias it would get shut down in seconds.

08-26-14, 15:47
They weren't oppressed. They were routed from their lands by the states so the they could put white people on the lands so they can get taxes from them. The Government was suppose to stop that under the Indian Removal Act. Even the Supreme Court said the Feds needed to stop it. By President Andrew Jackson chose to ignore the law.

Remind you of someone?

And being a slave in America did suck, but there is a period when it actually didn't suck so bad. We are all reminded of the picture of slaves getting beaten, sweated, and strung up on the plantations. Mostly this depicts the hand slaves, or the house slaves. There was a time, however, that their were artisan slaves who actually learned a trade. There were business owners who were slaves held by a municipality, such as Nashville at one time. They were able to read, write and actually go to school. Some even got paid for their work, though very little. Some where able to buy their freedom down south.

Then Nat Turner led a very brutal and bloody slave rebellion and it all come unhinged. A year later, black-code laws were past, and more and more slave owners began looking at their slaves more as chattel. Those were had their business, their craft, their freedom were forcibly placed either as a hand slave, or for the many who were free and held property had it taken away and forced back into slavery. Laws were past that owners of slaves could not free them. One slave owner went up to Kentucky on business with all his slaves, only to return home say all his slaves magically escaped into Ohio.

The perception was that educating slaves, or blacks at that time in general would lead to slave rebellions, or as some feared, take over states from the whites. So they branded them, made them ignorant to do their bidding.

And for some reason this reminds me of the current avenue that the Federal Government is doing to our returning vets with PTSD. Gin up fear that these people could snap and go on killing sprees, or fear that they have the knowledge to actual topple a government. So we must take away their rights to protect the public at large.

We have child labor laws today because Irish orphans were literally worked to death in factories in the North. In places like NYC there were signs that read NO IRISH, IRISH ARE'NT WELCOME, etc. It was the Irish and Chinese, both received badly in the New World that laid the tracks across North America for the railroads ushering in the Industrial Revolution. At one point or another everyone has gotten a bad shake in this old world, some however play the perpetual victim. It really comes to light during such incidents as we have witnessed in Standford FL, and Ferguson, MO.

08-26-14, 15:52
Pretty sure those guns are going to be used for personal defense and to protect property and not to correct racial inequities.

It is due to the "social justice" and perceived racial inequalities that we are seeing firearms disappear of shelves in the St Louis area. As I was eluding to in the other thread, eventually the civil rights industry and the "social justice" shock troops are going to bite off more than they can chew. IMHO this is exactly what the power players want, civil unrest to they can justify all those nifty COG plans like the NDAA.