View Full Version : It's Getting So You Can't Even...

Doc Safari
08-27-14, 14:56
...wave a rubber penis at people anymore.


Skyler Connor, 18, of New Derry, is facing a disorderly conduct charge for waving a rubber penis at passing motorists.

Now, was this a clear-cut case of latent latexuality, or simply an instance of protest against his own inadequacy, i.e., was he in a state of penile denial?

Did the police state confiscate his weapon of mass dysfunction? Or was he able to retain his toy terrorizer?

(Sorry, I thought we needed a little humor for a change). :lol:

08-27-14, 14:58
I hope he sues the town and wins big

08-27-14, 16:06
The War on Men rages on . . .

08-27-14, 16:44
Was it a high cap. dildo?

08-27-14, 16:47
Was it a high cap. dildo?

Sad story.........but that ^^^^^ is some funny Sh#$...... :jester:

Alpha Sierra
08-27-14, 18:12
The War on Men rages on . . .


He's lucky he doesn't end up on the sex offender registry. The feminazi womyn probably think he should be pre-emptively arrested for rape.

08-27-14, 18:27
It was a full auto phallus.

08-27-14, 18:34
This reminds me of a guy I knew. He stuck a 2' long suction cup dilldo to the roof of his car like an antenna and drove around all day with it. He was a special kind of retarded.

08-27-14, 19:18
This reminds me of a guy I knew. He stuck a 2' long suction cup dilldo to the roof of his car like an antenna and drove around all day with it. He was a special kind of retarded.

This is a sure fire method of inciting all the "mangry" women in the area to smash out your windows and/or slash your tires/key your car

08-27-14, 21:12
This is a sure fire method of inciting all the "mangry" women in the area to smash out your windows and/or slash your tires/key your car

Penis envy, it's real fellas.

08-27-14, 21:51
Sounds like a recipient in a "White Elephant" gift exchange. Lewd and Lascivious conduct charge? Or just Disorderly?

Straight Shooter
08-27-14, 21:59
I didn't read it, don't care to...but the headline reminds me back when I drove OTR for many years. I cannot count the times Id pass, or guys would pull up beside me, with either fake ones, or real ones, out...jackin it going down the road. I remember over in Wilson N.C., I saw this one dude in a convertible several times, months apart. People are a f-in trip, I tell you.

08-27-14, 22:33
Thats tasteless, disgusting, and offensive. I love it.--Droz, PCU

08-27-14, 22:41
Haha classic! :lol: they charged him? Damn... Can't even pull a prank anymore

08-29-14, 18:37
Was it a high cap. dildo?
Nope, unregistered DD. He was tired of people laughing at his SBR

All he can own now is a dewat