View Full Version : Martial Artist, Stuntman, Both or Otherwise?

08-27-14, 21:52
Any martial artists/stuntmen/choreographers here? Just came across this:


08-27-14, 21:57
To the guys with the ARs and AKs, you are doing it wrong.

Beyond that, I am impressed with the amount of control required to make the hits look real while not striking with sufficient force to seriously injure. Wonder how many bruises and minor contusions were the result of filming this clip.

08-27-14, 22:00
They got skill no doubt, but it's even easier to look like a bad ass when it's choreographed. I'm not saying I could do any of that, hell I almost threw out my back just watching it.

08-27-14, 22:07
They got skill no doubt, but it's even easier to look like a bad ass when it's choreographed. I'm not saying I could do any of that, hell I almost threw out my back just watching it.

This is truth. I've done martial arts for the better part of two decades on and off and am actually going to check out a place tomorrow since my schedule is back to normal people's working hours. There have been a handful of times in my life while sparring where things just clicked and it was as if I was reading the mind of the guy I was sparing, blocking and countering strikes before they even had a chance to gain momentum before taking them to the ground.

08-27-14, 22:10
That is cool and all but COL Colt made us all equal.............:jester:

08-27-14, 22:26
Impressive gymnastic ability, nice balance and great flexibility. But 99% theatrical flash with no power behind it. He barely moves the bag because he isn't really transferring energy (power) into it. He could actually punch you with significantly more force than those fancy 360 degree walkover / butterfly kicks and that kind of defeats the purpose of doing elaborate moves in the first place.

Call me when he can do this.


As for taking out "airsoft opponents" with a foam kicking shield. I'm pretty sure I took more damage in Junior High pillow fights. The guy also knows absolutely "jack" about using weapons as weapons. Might as well start doing rhythmic gymnastics with a damn ribbon, it would be about as lethal.

08-28-14, 06:54
Impressive gymnastic ability, nice balance and great flexibility. But 99% theatrical flash with no power behind it. He barely moves the bag because he isn't really transferring energy (power) into it. He could actually punch you with significantly more force than those fancy 360 degree walkover / butterfly kicks and that kind of defeats the purpose of doing elaborate moves in the first place.

Call me when he can do this.


As for taking out "airsoft opponents" with a foam kicking shield. I'm pretty sure I took more damage in Junior High pillow fights. The guy also knows absolutely "jack" about using weapons as weapons. Might as well start doing rhythmic gymnastics with a damn ribbon, it would be about as lethal.

Sometimes, I think Lee just might have been an alien. Going to send that pic to my nephews kid who just started JKD.:)

08-28-14, 14:06
Sometimes, I think Lee just might have been an alien. Going to send that pic to my nephews kid who just started JKD.:)

What's worse, is he was doing full body lifts the way other people do leg lifts.

08-28-14, 15:29
Yep, his "core" went way beyond the physical...I've had some good teachers/trainers, but imagine just a couple of years spent with him...

08-28-14, 19:10
Yep, his "core" went way beyond the physical...I've had some good teachers/trainers, but imagine just a couple of years spent with him...

I've seen some rare footage (not clips of his movies) of him actually unloading on kicking shields (the hard reinforced ones, not the foam crap) and things like that. He is one of the people I'd least want to be hit by. His ability to cover distance quickly and destroy things was simply amazing. Footage of him going full tilt (not as rare) hands only on the heavy bag is also impressive to watch.

08-28-14, 19:43
Yep, his "core" went way beyond the physical...I've had some good teachers/trainers, but imagine just a couple of years spent with him...To be able to train with B. Lee would be like having a philosophical conversation with Gandhi, it would carry a lifetime in minuets. While you can't train with the man himself, you can still find schools teaching Lee's style & philosophy. There are some Jun Fan/JKD trainers locally that I have had privilege to train with, that can trace lineage to Bruce Lee. Their a small operation (really don't even charge, more donations acc) but pull in other people in the martial arts community to teach occasionally. Really more of spreading knowledge and continuing the art form, than making money. Cool people just naturally flock to this art, but I am bias.

Steyr, you come up with the best pics!!

08-28-14, 19:52
Steyr, you come up with the best pics!!

You'd probably enjoy my "other" FB page.


It's public so if you don't have a FB account you can still view it.

08-28-14, 20:07
You'd probably enjoy my "other" FB page.


It's public so if you don't have a FB account you can still view it.Kool page, and nice collection! Lots of pics in there. I thought you had a firearms safety FB page?

08-28-14, 20:51
Call me when he can do this.


Anytime I get to feeling extra tough or bulletproof, I try to remember to Google "Bruce Lee" for near-instant humility - and then go do more Hindu pushups.

08-28-14, 22:29
Kool page, and nice collection! Lots of pics in there. I thought you had a firearms safety FB page?

I do.


"Vintage Nunchaku" is my "other" facebook page devoted to martial arts history, personalities and collecting vintage weapons.

08-28-14, 22:31
Anytime I get to feeling extra tough or bulletproof, I try to remember to Google "Bruce Lee" for near-instant humility - and then go do more Hindu pushups.

Yep, nothing like a guy doing one handed, two finger push ups to remind you that there are higher skill levels.
