View Full Version : Where the money is comming from.

08-31-14, 10:49
Interesting article;


Kidnapping Europeans for ransom has become a global business for Al Qaeda, bankrolling its operations across the globe.
While European governments deny paying ransoms, an investigation by The New York Times found that Al Qaeda and its direct affiliates have taken in at least $125 million in revenue from kidnappings since 2008, of which $66 million was paid just last year.
In news releases and statements, the United States Treasury Department has cited ransom amounts that, taken together, put the total at around $165 million over the same period.

08-31-14, 11:04
When the idiots stop putting themselves in situations to be kidnapped, then I'll begin to care.

If you think your godly duty is to travel to dangerous places, welp it was good knowing you.

08-31-14, 11:11
Oh, I would agree, but as was said by the Terrorist at the end of the story; "Your Country always pays."

08-31-14, 15:05
"When the idiots stop putting themselves in situations to be kidnapped, then I'll begin to care.
If you think your godly duty is to travel to dangerous places, welp it was good knowing you"

I have a couple of friends that travel internationally almost every year. They like to rent a car and explore the areas away from the tourist district. They get robed almost every trip! Sometimes several times per trip! They find the experience exciting! They deserve to get kidnapped and if they do it long enough they will.

08-31-14, 20:28
If a media outlet sends a reporter into the field, they should be on the hook for ransom payments and not the government. If a freelance reporter goes into a hazardous area, they should secure their own kidnap and ransom insurance.

If you go into a dangerous area, proper protective and security measures are up to you and your employer.

08-31-14, 21:30
I think we are all on the same page on this one. Doing humanitarian/journalistic duties doesn't grant you any immunity from being kidnapped, thus you should work with your country's state department to get security for your visit.

08-31-14, 21:38
How do you decide who is there legitimately and who shouldn't be there?

US Marine doing MSG duty in Bangkok heads downtown for a weekend off and gets kidnapped? What's his story? He should've known to stay away from the troubled areas but it's not like he's in Sudan.

American tourists in Berlin - legit or toss em to the birds? Paris? Jakarta?

Who decides?

08-31-14, 21:39
"When the idiots stop putting themselves in situations to be kidnapped, then I'll begin to care.
If you think your godly duty is to travel to dangerous places, welp it was good knowing you"

I have a couple of friends that travel internationally almost every year. They like to rent a car and explore the areas away from the tourist district. They get robed almost every trip! Sometimes several times per trip! They find the experience exciting! They deserve to get kidnapped and if they do it long enough they will.You should tell them they don't have to book an international flight for that, they can get robbed here for free!.... Dunno, maybe the exotic scenery makes all the difference, when your handing over your cash.

08-31-14, 22:16
You should tell them they don't have to book an international flight for that, they can get robbed here for free!....

You have also filed your tax returns this year, huh?

08-31-14, 22:19
You have also filed your tax returns this year, huh?:lol:

09-01-14, 23:08
I vigorously oppose any ransom payment to terrorists because the practice encourages them to continue taking hostages to demand ransom money. Years ago in the Sudan, a slave's value was two chickens. When various organizations decided to buy the slaves and release them, slave values went sky high. One result was that more people were enslaved so that they could be sold for inflated prices. This crap took place in the late 80's and early 90's. The slaves were Christian and the owners were Muslim.

09-02-14, 12:49
The question is where are the kidnap victims coming from and why are they there. Embassy staff or government officials is one thing, but why do we keep sending private individuals to these locales? Seems like a good plan would be to have State issue travel bans to areas where kidnapping is becoming the national pass time. Why do we wish to do business with these kinds of people?