View Full Version : Today is the day

06-16-08, 08:33
Today is the last Monday of the current session of the US Supreme Court. All cases must be decided before the session ends and historically the Court meets on Mondays to issue it's rulings. That means there is a 99% chance that today is the day the the Court hands down it's ruling on the Heller case. Keep your fingers crossed.

06-16-08, 10:31
Thanks, now I will be nevous all day watching the news. :D

06-16-08, 11:10
I was just told by a friend, who has argued two cases in front of the Court, that there is one more Monday left in this session, and that the Court can and does issue rulings on Tuesdays. I guess it serves me right for listening to a non practicing attorney yesterday. There is still a chance that the ruling could come today but I was wrong when I said it was a sure thing.

06-16-08, 12:55
between the immigration ruling and Gitmo terrorists, I am starting to get a little worried with this one...

06-16-08, 13:31
I was listening to Rush on the way to the store this morning and he said something about a Supreme Court decision “ your not going to like”. My first thought was Heller.

What time of day would they release a ruling?

David Thomas
06-16-08, 14:23
Looks like the Opinions were released today and Heller was not one of them.

06-16-08, 14:34
From a couple blogs I read it looks like the SCOTUS will probably save this one for their very last of the session.

06-16-08, 14:35
between the immigration ruling and Gitmo terrorists, I am starting to get a little worried with this one...

Why would those concern you vis a vis the Heller case? Both of those cases held that individuals had greater rights than the government was claiming they had and were pro-individual rights decisions.

If anything, I would say they are a GOOD sign if you want to look at them as a measure of the overall attitude of the Court this session.

06-17-08, 05:43
For one U.S constitutional rights should not be extended to unlawful combatants, terrorists or whatever the media name of the day is. Though I also acknowledge that this administration blundered in the way these guys were being held and they should have established that they will stand before military tribunals just as we have in the past. Lincoln, Grant, FDR and others all used military tribunals to try threats to the U.S.

I am just concerned that there appears to be politicization of the SCOTUS and they may just screw gun owners.

Why would those concern you vis a vis the Heller case? Both of those cases held that individuals had greater rights than the government was claiming they had and were pro-individual rights decisions.

If anything, I would say they are a GOOD sign if you want to look at them as a measure of the overall attitude of the Court this session.

06-17-08, 17:35
Or, SCOTUS could wait until the next term of court to issue the opinion. They don't HAVE to do ANYthing before this term ends. Could be October before the opinion comes down.

06-19-08, 21:13
Does the Constitution gurantee your rights?

Answer: No! It only enumerates it for "guberment" to know that it can't run all over the people. Your rights are conferred by "the Creator" (God...for those in Rio Linda)

No matter what their ruling is you will still have your rights infringed upon by the government. They have not vacated NFA '28 or '68 because they are "reasonable"....whatever...blah blah blah