View Full Version : German arms for Kurds

09-01-14, 16:58
Kind of a new political direction for Germany:


09-01-14, 17:40
The Kurds are some badass fighters. I'm sure the Turks, Iranians and Russians are not gonna be happy. I saw G3's in the mix along with 8000 boat anchors in form of a G36's.

09-01-14, 21:05
Good for the German's.

09-01-14, 23:55
The Kurds are some badass fighters. I'm sure the Turks, Iranians and Russians are not gonna be happy. I saw G3's in the mix along with 8000 boat anchors in form of a G36's.

Better than nothing, especially in light of some of the mixed quality crap the Kurds are currently working with.

09-01-14, 23:56
Good for the German's.

Given their export laws I'm kinda amazed they are doing this.

09-02-14, 07:33
Given their export laws I'm kinda amazed they are doing this.
Profit motive?

09-02-14, 07:53
IIRC the Turks are actually ok with the Kurds now since they understand that they are the only ones capable of stomping ass and noT running away.

09-02-14, 10:00
How much combat has the G36 seen over the years? Doing some quick google searching last night I couldnt find much at all.

If not much then maybe this will be a good opportunity to see how the rifle holds up to heavy use.

09-02-14, 14:36
Profit motive?

Certainly, but there would be a profit motive for Colt to sell brand new M4s and M16s to the public. For the Germans to export arms to the Kurds really does require something equivalent to an act of congress. The arms industry is tied to government in ways most Americans simply can't relate to.

09-02-14, 19:55
Great news, but 8,000 pistols? The only thing those would be good for would be to off yourself before being captured by ISIS and being executed on camera.

09-03-14, 00:17
Beats the hell out of a sharp stick or rock. Thousands of Chicago gangbangers can't be wrong.

09-03-14, 00:40
Great news, but 8,000 pistols? The only thing those would be good for would be to off yourself before being captured by ISIS and being executed on camera.

It's a small thing to carry along with your rifle and extra magazines and generally worth it's weight.

09-03-14, 15:45

09-03-14, 16:13
It's a small thing to carry along with your rifle and extra magazines and generally worth it's weight.

I've had the opposite experience. They have a place, but an extremely minor one- most soldiers would be much better off with a couple extra rifle mags than a pistol. Especially without a lot of handgun specific training. Rifles are easy to shoot well and powerful, handguns are hard to well and weak. But if they issue them to support staff I could see a point. Just wish they gave them 8,000 more rifles and a bunch of trainers... I have a feeling those G36's are going to see a lot of full auto use.

09-09-14, 08:05
Looks like they are just dumping old stock

Waffen für Kurdistan: Die Liste
T.Wiegold 31. August 2014 · | 59 Kommentare
Hier mal auf die Schnelle die Waffen, die Deutschland in den Nordirak liefert:
8000 Gewehre G3, 1 Mio Schuss
40 MG3
8.000 G36
8.000 Pistole P1
30 Milan, 500 Lenkflugkörper
200 Panzerfaust 3
40 Schwere Panzerfäuste

The equivalent would be M14 rifles, M16A1s, M60s, and vintage 1911 plus some obsolete LAW and Dragon ATMs

09-09-14, 08:56
It's still a win/win for the Kurds and Germans, no matter what dusty warehouse they dug them out of.

09-09-14, 09:27
So the US was/is arming Cartels and Islamic Jihadists... and zee Germans are arming the Innocent that are being persectued, mutilated, & slaughtered... got it.

09-09-14, 16:13
So the US was/is arming Cartels and Islamic Jihadists... and zee Germans are arming the Innocent that are being persectued, mutilated, & slaughtered... got it.
The world, it's a strange place sometimes.

09-09-14, 16:43
The equivalent would be M14 rifles, M16A1s, M60s, and vintage 1911 plus some obsolete LAW and Dragon ATMs

Yes please, sign me up also to rid them of their old stock.