View Full Version : How do you end a phone call?

09-10-14, 15:51
I always feel awkward hanging up the phone, whether it be people I know or people I don't know.

Sometimes it's like:
"you have a wonderful day"
"you too thanks"
"... K bye."

Or sometimes without saying bye:
"k thx"

Or sometimes:
"see you tomorrow"
"Yeah see you."
"... Ok bye?"

It's never like the movies where soon as you get the info you want, you just hang up. Or do you? Idk.

I also sometimes do:
"Thanks for your purchase"
"You too.... Dammit!"

Is there a good way to hang up without cutting people off?

09-10-14, 16:02
What's even more awkward is when you get off the phone with your wife, have a work call on the other line, and say "ok love you bye" on the wrong line...

I guess everyone needs love?

Doc Safari
09-10-14, 16:05
Me and my girlfriend on the phone:

Me: "Okay, I'll bring a pizza over about 5:30"
Her: "Okay, talk to you then."
Me: "Okay, see you then."
Her: "Okay, we'll talk to you about 5:30."
Me: "Okay, I'll see you then."
Her: "See ya"
Me: "See ya"
Her: "See ya then"
Me: "See ya 'bout 5:30"
Her: "Okay about 5:30"
Me: "See ya then'
Her: "Okay, see ya then"
Me: "See ya"
Her: "See ya"
Me: "Okay, bye."
Her: "Okay, see ya. About 5:30"
Me: "Okay, talk to ya then"
Her: "Okay, see ya then"
Me: "Okay, on count of three we say bye and hang up."
Her: "Okay."
Me: "Okay, ready: one....two....three..." Bye.
Her: "Bye"
(a short pause)
Her: "See ya about 5:30"

JBecker 72
09-10-14, 16:32
I've almost entirely stopped talking on the phone with people and communicate by text or email. Both me and my fiance hate talking on the phone.

09-10-14, 16:33
How do you end a phone call?


09-10-14, 16:35
I answer with "who dis?"
I end with "bub eye"

Sent from my PG41200 using Tapatalk 2

09-10-14, 16:37
I usually yell "LWRCi sucks" and then.. click.

09-10-14, 16:45
It's never like the movies where soon as you get the info you want, you just hang up. Or do you? Idk.

Pretty much.

"Ok, talk to ya later." click.

09-10-14, 17:00
I say bye and hang up.

09-10-14, 17:02
I usually yell "LWRCi sucks" and then.. click.


to the topic of the thread -
I stuggle on the phone as well, even the most mundane conversations even with people i know feel akward to me. i text or email as much as possible. i will drive 15 miles to speak with someone in person rather than call them.

09-10-14, 17:03
Lol, wtf?


09-10-14, 17:06
Same way a 10-4 is over radio.

Not that I say 10-4 during a phone call, that's weird.

"topic of convo"
"got it?"

09-10-14, 17:26
Okay here is another one . . .


09-10-14, 17:50
"Ok, talk to ya later." click.

This exactly. The trick is to hang up IMMEDIATELY after saying this so that THEY cannot say something again.

09-10-14, 17:58
'Good day.' for most conversations. Add 'sir' or 'ma'am' as needed for professional calls.

Revert back to just 'good day' for those people whose gender is not easily determined.


09-10-14, 19:08
Same way a 10-4 is over radio.

Not that I say 10-4 during a phone call, that's weird.

"topic of convo"
"got it?"

Radio is different than phone calls though.

09-10-14, 19:30
Smell ya later!

09-10-14, 19:37
Work: Used to hear "Hooah" or "out here" about 1000 times a day. More "thanks, see ya" lately.

Peace out.

Mauser KAR98K
09-10-14, 20:42
Is there a good way to hang up without cutting people off?

"**** off and die, please, and ya' have ah good un'."

Does that work?

Crow Hunter
09-10-14, 20:48
No insult intended but some of you guys are weirder than me.

Although talking on the phone and ending conversations don't really bother me.

What I say depends on the person.

I try to be as weird as possible.

I am extremely well known at work for not telling anyone who I am when I call to see if it will throw them off. Or when they call me and ask "This is XXXX, how are you this morning?" I respond with "I WAS doing okay, why, what do you want?" or "Well before you called..."

When I hang up I usually try to say something like "And hurry up with my part number" Or "Don't make me call back, you won't like me when I call back". Or I imitate one of the staff managers or something like that.

Sometimes when the engineering director calls I will answer, "This is XXXX. He will say, "Hey this is XXXX." So I say "I am away from my desk right now but you can leave a message after the beep and I will call you back, maybe." Then I will make a beeping noise. The first couple of times I did that he actually hung up and paged me.

I try to make talking with me as entertaining as possible. For me.

It also limits people who call and bug me for no reason. Although I think some people call me just to see what I say.

Now with my wife, I just say "Bye" or "Love you (too)"

09-10-14, 21:02
For regular people, "OK thanks bye."

For shooters, "OK thanks stay safe bye."

09-10-14, 21:47
About 3 years ago I stopped saying bye and started hanging up. Its very cinema-esque and makes me feel cool. I say thanks or okay and hang up. Still feels weird.

09-10-14, 21:53
You could try singing your favorite Cannibal Corpse song in your best Chris Barnes impersonation .....

09-10-14, 22:07
or howzit

hanging up:

used to say in Hawaii but kinda quite since it just confuses mainlanders :)

Aloha or howzit for answering

for goodbye:
A hui hou
A hui hou malama pono
malama pono

09-10-14, 22:14
Allright now, be cool.

I must add though that I have never been caught by the local Police playing bongos naked.

09-11-14, 17:29
Okay here is another one . . .

Perhaps it's just me, but I find that version slightly abrupt and jarring. I prefer to close with a short musical interlude to soften the transition when terminating a call. YMMV


09-11-14, 17:34
Perhaps it's just me, but I find that version slightly abrupt and jarring. I prefer to close with a short musical interlude to soften the transition when terminating a call. YMMV

"Keyboard cat does it per r r r r r rfectly" :lol:

09-11-14, 18:41
Being a Philly native it's usually
Me .Sup ?
Them. nutin much
Me. cha doin ?
Them. nutin
Me.goin out?
Them. naw
Me ok later
Them later

09-11-14, 23:55
or another fun thing is when you think convo is going to end just start acting freaked and saying NO NO OH MY GO. and hang up :)