View Full Version : Balto officer caught on tape beating a suspect

09-16-14, 17:30
Dang, this is unbelievable

Local news broadcast

Baltimore Police Commissioner Anthony W. Batts said at a news conference that the first time he saw the video was Monday, when it was obtained by The Baltimore Sun and other outlets.


09-16-14, 17:44
Somebody is going to make a ton of cash, and somebody is going to get fired....and hopefully never work in L.E. again.

09-16-14, 18:10
we've got a similar situation going on too.

09-16-14, 18:30
and of course none of the other upstanding cops do a damn thing about it.

09-16-14, 18:59
The video in the first link, the fireworks start at 00:38 and ends at 00:42 . . . FOUR SECONDS of video footage, that's it.

Just once I wished the MSM and CLEOs would release videos in there entirety.

According to the linked video (@ 01:12) the "victim" was arrested for assault on a public servant.

09-16-14, 20:12
The video in the first link, the fireworks start at 00:38 and ends at 00:42 . . . FOUR SECONDS of video footage, that's it.

Just once I wished the MSM and CLEOs would release videos in there entirety.

According to the linked video (@ 01:12) the "victim" was arrested for assault on a public servant.

As usual, we only saw a short clip, not what actually started the issue. I agree with the FOP, that videos don't tell the whole story.

An Undocumented Worker
09-16-14, 21:13
So how is this worse than the perp getting shot?

09-16-14, 21:53
Hmm. I guess there is some truth that LE can be criminals dressed in blue just as easy as in multicam.

09-16-14, 23:48
Ive seen the whole video. Cop kicks the dude out of a club or bar. They get in an argument. The dude crosses the street and the cop follows. They continue arguing and the cop just starts throwing punches. He is definitely getting fired.

The other officers there probably didnt see how the fight started but they do pull the officer off of the dude.

09-16-14, 23:54
Hmm. I guess there is some truth that LE can be criminals dressed in blue just as easy as in multicam.

Anybody can be a criminal, even in MARPAT.

09-17-14, 00:13
Ive seen the whole video. Cop kicks the dude out of a club or bar. They get in an argument. The dude crosses the street and the cop follows. They continue arguing and the cop just starts throwing punches. He is definitely getting fired.

The other officers there probably didnt see how the fight started but they do pull the officer off of the dude.

Video I saw had woman step between LEO that was throwing upper cuts and the 'perp'. One officer held 'perps' right arm while he was getting upper cut. Then enter LEO number three that tries to push woman out of way. At this time, upper cut LEO is dancing around like you commonly see ghetto rats do after they sucker punch someone.

To me it all depends if 'upper cut' LEO was yelling 'STOP RESISTING' or not.

09-17-14, 01:00
The officer grabbing the guy wasnt around when the fight started. He probably heard it and jumped in to help his buddy. He probably didnt think the officer was just kicking this dudes ass for no reason.

Either way that officer is surely getting fired and the dude is getting a fat check.

09-17-14, 04:57
While I am always hesistant to rush to judgement from one video, the way that officer jumped around during that incident is very similar to a person who has lost control.

There is a bigger issue of failed background and hiring checks as well as nepitism. If he was not related to someone in a connected position I would be surprised as this type of behavior is not indicative of someone who had it difficult getting the job.

09-17-14, 07:20
I hate to have to say this but my first thought was "Thank God the officer was black".

09-17-14, 08:05
So what's the rest of the story leading up to that? I imagine the officer didn't simply wake up that morning & decide he was going to beat some dude's ass for no reason because his woman didn't break him off a piece the night before. I realize it's trendy to bash LE & run around screaming "Police State" like a chicken with it's head cut off, but the whole story needs to be brought to light before anyone can assume anything.

09-17-14, 08:27
I hate to have to say this but my first thought was "Thank God the officer was black".

When the story broke, that was my 1st comment.

09-17-14, 13:06
The ghetto shithead with the badge, who sucker punched the guy, should be in jail for assault, creating a disturbance, falsifying a report, etc. You see him hopping around counterclockwise of the group looking for his opportunity to sucker punch the dude and then he starts throwing uppercuts and haymakers.

The victim got charged with assaulting an officer. From the article it sounds like a police cover-up at the middle management level. He should be sued personally and the settlement should come out of his pocket, not the taxpayers.

Officer Cosom stated in his report,

"At this time I went to place the male under arrest. He got into a fighting stance and clenched his fist. Me and the male got into a physical altercation due to me being in fear of my safety and I received a punch to the body."

A lot more video coverage here:


09-17-14, 13:25
I don't know if I need to see any more footage than what was shown. Why? Well I don't see any type of taught "custody and control tactics" being used by the Officer in question. I see some hillbilly haymakers and upper cuts. None of which I've ever been taught or trained to use to control, gain control, or subdue a suspect/threat/etc.

Looks like the dude lost it. You can tell by his posture that he was looking for a fight. Quite honestly more so than the guy being hit.

I have no sympathy for folks that break the law, and that goes for EVERYONE. Fire him, charge him, sue him....he made his bed, and now he gets to lay in it.

09-17-14, 13:44
The extended footage is pretty damning. Looks like the dude didn't like what was said to him and he snapped. The other guy never even fought back other than to hold up his arm to try and keep the blows from hitting his face. The cop had to walk around another cop and a couple of bystanders to start throwing punches.

09-17-14, 16:56
Sad that because his assaulter had a badge he wasn't able to defend himself yet he was arrested anyway.

09-17-14, 17:18
Sad that because his assaulter had a badge he wasn't able to defend himself yet he was arrested anyway.

Thats why Baltimore is going to cut him a big check.

09-17-14, 17:31
I don't know if I need to see any more footage than what was shown. Why? Well I don't see any type of taught "custody and control tactics" being used by the Officer in question. I see some hillbilly haymakers and upper cuts. None of which I've ever been taught or trained to use to control, gain control, or subdue a suspect/threat/etc.

Looks like the dude lost it. You can tell by his posture that he was looking for a fight. Quite honestly more so than the guy being hit.

I have no sympathy for folks that break the law, and that goes for EVERYONE. Fire him, charge him, sue him....he made his bed, and now he gets to lay in it.

Exactly. I have no doubt whatsoever that the victim here was probably a piece of crap and deserved to spend the night in the drunk tank or something...but what was shown was inexcusable. Combined with what is obviously a blatant bold faced lie on his report? Sorry. Whole story or not, what was shown was inexcusable...and then he lied about it.

09-18-14, 10:32
That's the long dick of the law for you.

09-18-14, 13:03
I have no doubt the idiot doing the striking never misses a UFC pay per view.

PD Sgt.
09-18-14, 21:26
First, the officer looks like he is trying to bait the male at the doorway of the store. I have no problem with letting a disruptive citizen know the consequences if they cross the line, but there is a difference between authoritative and taunting.

Second, if the goal is to get the guy to leave, let him go. Do not follow him across the street, that does nothing to defuse him (or yourself if you took it personally, which you should not). Let him yell and scream, as long as the conduct does not break the law. If you do need to go over to arrest him, just do it as quickly and effectively as possible.

In this case, the officer looks to have just snapped. I did not see any behaviors by the male that were assaultive to the officer. This leads me to another big problem here. Do not file charges solely to try to justify an officer's actions or mistake. It is one thing to snap, or to make an error of judgement. You take it to another level when you compound that mistake with charges further infringing on the individual's liberty. At that point you have brought the state into the mix under the color of your authority, under false pretense. You would be better off calling a supervisor, releasing the male, and taking your lumps without making the situation worse with charges.

This is the kind of conduct that makes it difficult for every other person that wears a badge, because there are many out there who fail to see past the individual actions, and paint all of us with the same brush.

09-19-14, 00:16
I don't know if I need to see any more footage than what was shown. Why? Well I don't see any type of taught "custody and control tactics" being used by the Officer in question. I see some hillbilly haymakers and upper cuts. None of which I've ever been taught or trained to use to control, gain control, or subdue a suspect/threat/etc.

Looks like the dude lost it. You can tell by his posture that he was looking for a fight. Quite honestly more so than the guy being hit.

I have no sympathy for folks that break the law, and that goes for EVERYONE. Fire him, charge him, sue him....he made his bed, and now he gets to lay in it.

I will say this, the guy getting hit has a good woman.

First she walked his drunk ass away from the police preventing the original encounter from escalating.

Too bad the drunk ass started shoving her because that is what made the black cop go get him.

Then after getting hit a few times, and having been shoved around herself, she still tried to shield his drunk ass from getting hit repeatedly and managed to attempt it without being confrontational herself with the police officer in question.

When she realized she couldn't do anymore she walked away. Amazing effort and restraint on her part.

And where the hell is Al Sharpton and all the protestors?

09-20-14, 16:16
Lawsuit filed. Cop's been suspended. (http://www.msnbc.com/msnbc/baltimore-cop-suspended-after-allegedly-punching-man)


09-20-14, 16:32
And where the hell is Al Sharpton and all the protestors?

Protesting...in Balitmore...??


09-20-14, 22:31
Protesting...in Balitmore...??


And is he complaining that the "black officer" is somehow unfit due to his race like he did in Ferguson and the "white officer"?

09-22-14, 01:53
looks like the officer lost his temper... period.. ..

unfortunately this cost him his career and future...

09-22-14, 02:09
looks like the officer lost his temper... period.. ..

unfortunately this cost him his career and future...

Thankfully. He needs to be in a line of work where his lack of control won't violate people's rights and cost local PD's tax dollars paid out in settlements.

09-22-14, 04:23
Thankfully. He needs to be in a line of work where his lack of control won't violate people's rights and cost local PD's tax dollars paid out in settlements.

100% agree

09-22-14, 13:55
looks like the officer lost his temper... period.. ..

unfortunately this cost him his career and future...

From what the police commissioner stated, others in the chain-of-command are also in harms way.

09-22-14, 15:17
And is he complaining that the "black officer" is somehow unfit due to his race like he did in Ferguson and the "white officer"?

Why would he do that? Everyone knows the black officer is subjugated by his white superiors.