View Full Version : Perfect example of carrying a gun without the right mindset

09-20-14, 10:24


This resulted in the Fulman's exiting their car and approaching the man's vehicle. Feeling threatened, police said the man grabbed a handgun from his glove compartment, but did not point it at the approaching suspects.

Police said Gregory Fulham went to the open driver's window and began to punch the man in the face numerous times while his son reached in through the passenger door and grabbed the gun out of his hand.

There are certain things in life that, once initiated, require commitment to the end or you'll reap some pretty bad consequences. Marriage, running from the cops, and pulling a gun on criminals are such things.

This guy is an idiot, and a perfect example of why simply carrying a gun will not save your ass.

First, he probably didn't leave enough room between cars to maneuver out of there if a situation popped up.
Second, he kept his windows down after the guys got out of the car and his car was unlocked.
Third, he lacked the intestinal fortitude to both draw down and fire on these guys even after he was being assaulted.

He is lucky it was amateur hour at McDonalds, because if these were real criminals he'd have a few extra holes in him today.


09-20-14, 11:40
Read both atricles linked, both stories are unclear about what lead up to the fireworks. Father and son in line at 03:00 at McPinkslime's and another man behind them in line started honking his horn. They go back to him a proceed to assualt him and he produces a handgun.

Something had to have happened prior to them all getting in line at the drive thru and acting like a bunch of s**t heads.

09-20-14, 11:46
What makes you think something happened before hand? If they were having an issue prior to this it would be unlikely they both managed to order and the suspects paid for and received their food.

09-20-14, 12:19
What makes you think something happened before hand? If they were having an issue prior to this it would be unlikely they both managed to order and the suspects paid for and received their food.

According to the stories linked it said that the father and son were ordering food and for no certain reason the man behind started honking, then they exited their vehicle and approached the guy honking in his car and began to assault him. The question begs to be asked why was the guy behind them honking if he had no interaction with the men prior to the honking of his horn and why did they just randomly approach someone honking their horn and commence in beating the snot out them?

09-20-14, 12:58
1. Since when do people need some reason for doing stupid shit? Maybe they were on drugs and no toxicology results are available.

2. Maybe they were acting like assholes eating their McCrap in the drive thru and the guy behind them was starving.

09-20-14, 13:29
I guess that "stupid" implies that the motivating logic behind the behavior--is...stupid. Hence inexplicable in any way that's gonna make sense.

Not being out at 3AM, interacting with other people who don't need to be out there either, is probably a better idea.

Not being in Florida could help, too.

09-20-14, 13:51
Is it really that hard to read and comprehend? I would have honked too. I've been behind too many self absorbed @ssholes who think they own that spot until they've finished brushing their hair or whatever other stupid thing they have to do while others are obviously waiting for them to move their damn vehicle.

The main difference being, mine would be the last car he walked up to and the world would be a better place.

Now we get to fund their living quarters, TV, Internet and 3 squares.

St. Petersburg Police say around 3 a.m. Gregory and Kevin Fulham were lingering in the drive-thru lane on 38th Avenue N after receiving their food orders, for no apparent reason, causing the man behind them to honk his horn. The two got out and started approaching the man's car.

09-20-14, 14:07
Is it really that hard to read and comprehend? I would have honked too. I've been behind too many self absorbed @ssholes who think they own that spot until they've finished brushing their hair or whatever other stupid thing they have to do while others are obviously waiting for them to move their damn vehicle.

The main difference being, mine would be the last car he walked up to and the world would be a better place.

Now we get to fund their living quarters, TV, Internet and 3 squares.

I would have done the same; honk that is. The rest is a stupid person party. One side is stupid for getting butt hurt and the other for escalating a situation without the will to finish it. I pretty sure the 2 deuche nozzles will claim they felt threatened by the guy pulling a gun. Won't explain taking of the gun, but the face punching may be wiped as self defense.

09-20-14, 14:12
I would have done the same; honk that is. The rest is a stupid person party. One side is stupid for getting butt hurt and the other for escalating a situation without the will to finish it. I pretty sure the 2 deuche nozzles will claim they felt threatened by the guy pulling a gun. Won't explain taking of the gun, but the face punching may be wiped as self defense.

If you're gonna whup somebody's ass and they had a gun in their hand, wouldn't your first objective be to take the gun from them? And when would it then be a good idea to return the gun to them after administering said whuppin', if ever?

09-20-14, 15:20
Is it really that hard to read and comprehend?

It's not so much a question of one's comprehension as much as it is there are two sides to every story.

I would have honked too.

And would you have pulled a gun on a father and son who simply walked up to your car (provided they weren't yelling and threatening you)? What if they thought you were honking your horn to get their attention due to having some kind of emergency and they were merely checking to see if you needed them to call 911, perform the Heimlich, or inject an EpiPen?

I've been behind too many self absorbed @ssholes who think they own that spot until they've finished brushing their hair or whatever other stupid thing they have to do while others are obviously waiting for them to move their damn vehicle.

What if the self-absorbed @sshole was really the guy in line behind them and he was just being impatient? I have ordered at a drive-thru before and had to wait with a line stacking up behind me while the staff at the eatery changed fryers, their register went down, etc. Maybe it was the guy behind them that thinks this is his universe and we all just orbit around him and maybe the father and son didn't get physical until the guy honking pulled a gun on them.

09-20-14, 15:55
Why get out of your car? Given the circumstances there was no reason for them to leave their vehicle. Getting out of the car immediately escalates the situation. Your scenario is HIGHLY unlikely.

09-20-14, 16:12
Why get out of your car? Given the circumstances there was no reason for them to leave their vehicle. Getting out of the car immediately escalates the situation.

I wouldn't have got out of my car nor would I have honked my horn. Being armed 24/7 I give idiots a wide birth and always have to be the grown up.

Your scenario is HIGHLY unlikely.

Which one, the one about the medical emergency or the one where the guy honking was the a-hole?

09-20-14, 16:59
Why get out of your car? Given the circumstances there was no reason for them to leave their vehicle. Getting out of the car immediately escalates the situation. Your scenario is HIGHLY unlikely.

Not defending them, but there are valid reasons for getting out the car that won't need to have a gun drawn. Car trouble, not getting what was ordered... all reasons forgetting out. There exist many scenarios where people at the drive through would get out. Doesn't mean that's what happened here.

09-20-14, 17:26
I wouldn't have got out of my car nor would I have honked my horn. Being armed 24/7 I give idiots a wide birth and always have to be the grown up.

This is the best post about Concealed Carry that I have read in a very long time.

Outlander Systems
09-20-14, 17:39
Grown children. The entire lot of them.

09-20-14, 23:59
3 AM at a drive through?
This is a Double order of stupid with the value meal sized dumb ass as a chaser.

09-21-14, 08:15
I was in a Mickey D's drive through years ago, during the day. The car in front of me was occupied by two hoodrats who, once receiving their order, continued to sit there at the window jaw-jacking with the girl working it. Kind of a "Yo baby, wuth up?" type of BS shuck and jive. I sat there for a reasonable amount of time (not long) and then hit the horn. I saw them look into their mirrors and I'm sure the scenario linked above ran through their minds. However, a white boy in a pickup truck who had the audacity to honk at them just MIGHT have a reason to feel confident enough to do so.....and they were right. They moved on out of the line and left. If they had gotten out and approached me I would've shot every one of their sorry asses. No apologies either.

ETA: ignorant, self-absorbed assholes have to expect to be called on it eventually (i.e. blocking a drive-thru for their own assinine selfish reasons). If they react in such a way as to up the ante then they deserve whatever they get.

09-21-14, 11:11
I wouldn't have got out of my car nor would I have honked my horn. Being armed 24/7 I give idiots a wide birth and always have to be the grown up.

Which one, the one about the medical emergency or the one where the guy honking was the a-hole?

Both.........I know my first inclination, when I see someone with a gun, is to give them a beat down. :sarcastic:

........I'm not going to go into how I would have handled the situation differently than the guy in the story after honking. My comments were on his specific situation and you should not confuse that with how I would have handled the situation after honking and them exiting their vehicle.

09-21-14, 11:33

What could go wrong?