View Full Version : Ideal humidity for ammo

09-20-14, 12:56
I set up a little ammo bunker in a small space with a door that closes pretty tight. Just wondering what a good humidity level to store ammo. I have a metric poop ton of it, but is finally all squirrel away in the same place all nicely labelled and organized.

Thanks for any advice here.

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09-21-14, 01:39
Ideally zero. But I doubt you could achieve that outside of a clean room or a lab.

Colt guy
09-21-14, 09:16
I have been using Zcorr bags for the past two years in 50 and 30 cal ammo cans. Works very well has kept the brass shinning and bright. Bags are heavy duty with a tough zip lock style closer.

I have also started storing some of my firearms in the bags for rifles and pistols.

Been very impressed so far. http://www.amazon.com/s/?ie=UTF8&keywords=zcorr&tag=googhydr-20&index=aps&hvadid=34222104107&hvpos=1t1&hvexid=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=10983714428013852361&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=b&hvdev=c&ref=pd_sl_4xgh8ic4fr_b

09-21-14, 09:30

I would store the ammo in cans with these rechargeable silica packs.

09-21-14, 22:30
Can't you just use a regular ziplock bags?

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09-22-14, 00:03
Can't you just use a regular ziplock bags?

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They are a little thin. I think it would be difficult to prevent them from getting holes and keeping their air tight seal.

Colt guy
09-23-14, 04:43
Zcorr bags are treated to prevent rust, corrosion and good for 20 plus years.

Very heavy duty and you can get them made to fit the 50 cal and 30cal ammo cans.