View Full Version : Who is Khorasan?

Travis B
09-23-14, 21:32
This terror group is gaining a lot of attention after being announced by National Intelligence Director James Clapper as a major threat last week. Does anyone have prior knowledge of them? I haven't heard of them before this week.



Mauser KAR98K
09-24-14, 01:11
Is this a Jersey Shore question?

09-24-14, 01:18
Just another in a long line of radical Jihadist groups that see the fighting in Syria and Iraq as their own personal "Woodstock."

09-24-14, 01:22
It appears they were "pioneers" of sorts in explosive prowess. Toothpaste tubes, even clothes dipped in explosives!


09-24-14, 02:01
I was so hoping it was the Kardashians.

09-24-14, 07:32
The latest boogeyman that we should all wring our hands over and scream for the gov't to save us from.

Sent from my PG41200 using Tapatalk 2

09-24-14, 07:33
Who is Khorasan?

Hopefully, they are now the crispy critters smoking up the place in Syria.


09-24-14, 08:10
The latest boogeyman that we should all wring our hands over and scream for the gov't to save us from.

Sent from my PG41200 using Tapatalk 2


When confronted by modern western military forces, ISIS isn't even the JV team. They're the peewee league team that plays during halftime at a preseason NFL game. They've been all talk and man did it scare Mr and Mrs America into believing that once again we need to lay a sacrifice at the feet of the King to keep us safe. If they were planning to do anything on US soil, they haven't. Foley's execution was their high card and it didn't work. So...

KHORASAN!!! Thousands of them are in your malls and under your beds! They've put their damn evil serpent tongued Muslim bombs in your toothpaste and sneakers and under your pillows! And if we want to be safe, all we have to do is let the roving SWAT teams do random closet inspections. And if they find something else...well...you go to jail. But that's fine, if you have nothing to hide, why be afraid of them coming in?

ISIS will fold quickly. Their logistics are just efficient enough to be a problem for the Iraq Army who is about as professional and organized as the Michigan Militia in the mid 90's. Time to create a new boogey man and fight a war far away with no benefit. And a few more decades of war is certainly not going to create more future problems from that whole region. It's not like using them to fight the Russians has ever bitten us in the ass...right?

09-24-14, 08:16
Yeah... I heard korishans like 3 times on the drive in today. Never heard these animals mentioned before.

Doc Safari
09-24-14, 11:10
:jester:Khorasan is a made up terrorist group that gives Barry someone to attack and not drop bombs on his ISIS buddies.

09-24-14, 13:02
Khorasan is a made up terrorist group that gives Barry someone to attack and not drop bombs on his ISIS buddies.

In light of Hussein demanding to approve EVERY attack in syria, I doubt that you're that far off.

09-24-14, 13:04
I was so hoping it was the Kardashians.

I think they're related.

09-24-14, 14:44
I think they're related.

I bet Khorasan is responsible for at least one killer walking free(until he breaks into a hotel to recover his Jihadi memorabilia,) so at the very least they have something in common.

09-24-14, 15:08
The latest boogeyman that we should all wring our hands over and scream for the gov't to save us from.
Yeah, except not long ago they wanted us believing no one in that general area was any direct threat to the USA.

09-24-14, 15:41

When confronted by modern western military forces, ISIS isn't even the JV team. They're the peewee league team that plays during halftime at a preseason NFL game. They've been all talk and man did it scare Mr and Mrs America into believing that once again we need to lay a sacrifice at the feet of the King to keep us safe. If they were planning to do anything on US soil, they haven't. Foley's execution was their high card and it didn't work. So...

KHORASAN!!! Thousands of them are in your malls and under your beds! They've put their damn evil serpent tongued Muslim bombs in your toothpaste and sneakers and under your pillows! And if we want to be safe, all we have to do is let the roving SWAT teams do random closet inspections. And if they find something else...well...you go to jail. But that's fine, if you have nothing to hide, why be afraid of them coming in?

ISIS will fold quickly. Their logistics are just efficient enough to be a problem for the Iraq Army who is about as professional and organized as the Michigan Militia in the mid 90's. Time to create a new boogey man and fight a war far away with no benefit. And a few more decades of war is certainly not going to create more future problems from that whole region. It's not like using them to fight the Russians has ever bitten us in the ass...right?

Very interesting and also telling. Extremely disappointing coming from someone who repeated mention of his service was used as leverage to spawn favor for your viewpoints.

I don't care what some of the less than sharp pencils in this box think who cry that obama is a radical muslim, the Illuminati is waiting to enslave us, etc. But you are a bit of an exception. You I personally anyway would expect better of.

Your repeated support for muslims has been noted and if you remember I agreed with you that of course they are not all bad apples. No doubt about it in fact. Yet you always seem to take it a bit too far and now to try to sell us on the fact that our president, who has literally been coerced into this fight scratching and clawing along the way, has now decided to go beyond that which he didn't initially want to do, specifically a vast and lasting military conflict, and therefore decided to expand upon it by fabricating adversaries in addition to those he's already dealing with, is so hollow and ridiculous that there can only be one explanation.

Can you guess what it may be? Or would you prefer to pretend you haven't read this and ignore the question?

09-24-14, 15:48
Khorasan is a made up terrorist group that gives Barry someone to attack and not drop bombs on his ISIS buddies.

How on earth are you not embarrassed to write something like this here? Can you post a picture of yourself and give your real name? No one deserve to hide if they think this way, man up and be accountable.

Doc Safari
09-24-14, 15:56
How on earth are you not embarrassed to write something like this here? Can you post a picture of yourself and give your real name? No one deserve to hide if they think this way, man up and be accountable.


I guess I should have posted a smiley of a court jester.

(Original post edited: you happy now?) :jester:

I'm just having a hard time believing that we intend to arm the FSA, when people are screaming that those arms will simply end up with ISIS. It's just too hard to believe that all of this is just monumental incompetence. If it is then we're closer to the end of this country than I thought.

09-24-14, 16:06
:jester:Khorasan is a made up terrorist group that gives Barry someone to attack and not drop bombs on his ISIS buddies.

How on earth are you not embarrassed to write something like this here? Can you post a picture of yourself and give your real name? No one deserve to hide if they think this way, man up and be accountable.
And you know he is wrong, how?

Doc Safari
09-24-14, 16:20
I know some of you won't even read this because it comes from World Net Daily, but the relevant quote is from Col Allen West:


Unless the United States deploys Special Forces on the ground and acknowledges its enemy is Islamic jihadists, the Obama military strategy against ISIS is doomed to failure, charges retired Army Lt. Gen. William G. Boykin and former congressman and retired Army Lt. Col. Allen West.

Boykin, an undersecretary of defense for intelligence under President George W. Bush, insisted the U.S. “cannot destroy ISIS with the strategy President Obama has laid out.”

“If we arm and equip the Free Syrian Army, all we are doing is supporting al-Qaida,” he said. “We’ve got to realize ISIS is dedicated to attacking the United States, and any weapons we give the Free Syrian Army are only going to end up in the hands of ISIS.”

West agreed.

“No single Republican in Congress should have put their name on voting for the lack of a real military strategy in what amounts to giving away $500 million to the Free Syrian Army, a rebel force we don’t fully control or understand,” he said.

“Barack Obama is an Islamic sympathizer who enables the other side to be quite successful – a political leaning that was obvious as far back as 2009, when he invited the Muslim Brotherhood membership to occupy the first two rows when he spoke in Cairo,” West told WND.

“You want to look at how many Muslim Brotherhood members Barack Obama has brought into the administration and how closely the Obama administration works with groups like CAIR, or how hard the Obama administration works to purge any law-enforcement training material that might offend Muslims?”

Can Barry and his minions really be that incompetent that they think ISIS won't end up with the weapons they give FSA?

Didn't Benghazi teach them anything?

What a coincidence that "all of a sudden" out of the blue comes some other group you never heard of that is more dangerous than ISIS.

Oh noes! We better attack Khorasan first! My GOSH! ISIS may not even be a threat to the US! But Khorasan is!

Judas Freaking Priest. I've had a gutful of this administration pissing on us while they try to tell us it's raining.

I may be wrong about the details: but I don't think I'm wrong about there being more to this than mere incompetence.

09-24-14, 16:22
Oh there for a minute I thought you were asking what Coruscant was.


09-24-14, 16:26
And you know he is wrong, how?

Tell you what, I lose and you win. Many complained over the years that GD is for idiots and maybe I was always one of them, but bottom line is now even I have had it. Beyond a comment in Chuck's thread here and there you'll never see me post in this sub- forum again.

While I doubt few will cry I will say that just as we complain that muslims don't do enough to hold their wackos responsible neither do the real thinkers here. The smart guy always take the high road while the unhinged pollute and no one wants to make waves. So be it, personally I'm done navigating through such nonsense as respectfully as I can.

People like Steyr, Sensei, FromMyCold, Sam, Serious, etc are the only reason I even stayed this long. The rest have made me feel like a first class idiot for taking part the past seven years. Forget you Doc, now I'll hold myself accountable and get the f*%k out of Dodge.

Back to your regularly scheduled programming.

Doc Safari
09-24-14, 16:32
Tell you what, I lose and you win. Many complained over the years that GD is for idiots and maybe I was always one of them, but bottom line is now even I have had it. Beyond a comment in Chuck's thread here and there you'll never see me post in this sub- forum again.

While I doubt few will cry I will say that just as we complain that muslims don't do enough to hold their wackos responsible neither do the real thinkers here. The smart guy always take the high road while the unhinged pollute and no one wants to make waves. So be it, personally I'm done navigating through such nonsense as respectfully as I can.

People like Steyr, Sensei, FromMyCold, Sam, Serious, etc are the only reason I even stayed this long. The rest have made me feel like a first class idiot for taking part the past seven years. Forget you Doc, now I'll hold myself accountable and get the f*%k out of Dogde.

Back to your regularly scheduled programming.

Don't leave.

Your opinion is valuable.

But don't call us crazies until we are proven wrong.

I'll be the first to admit I was wrong if Barry somehow brings "only" back to the level of victory in the war on terror that George W. Bush left us (not that his efforts were that successful either).

Just don't tell us we're out of our minds for believing that Barry has divided loyalties and may actually be helping enemies of the US when it's hard to ignore a mountain of evidence to the contrary.

Doc Safari
09-24-14, 16:37
The sad thing is, it's not even that hard to find people who agree with me who have some real political experience:


“In defending America against radical Islamic terrorism, Barack Obama cannot be trusted,” (Tom) DeLay said.

“Barack Obama was raised a Muslim, and he claims he is a Christian, and I can’t say for sure whether he’s a Christian or not, but he has shown over the last few years that he has great sympathies with Islam,” DeLay explained.

“You combine that with Obama’s political orientation that is far to the left,” he continued, “and you get a president who hates war, hates the military, and you have a formula for military inaction when it comes to combating radical Islamic terrorists like we are seeing in ISIS.”

DeLay’s indictment of Obama did not end there.

“You add to mix that Barack Obama is incompetent, way over his head as president, and the whole combination produces a worldview that makes Obama detached and reluctant to take the type of the military action against ISIS that would be effective,” he said

DeLay concluded Obama “does not want to face the reality of the danger and threat represented to the United States by ISIS, and he does not want to admit the connections between al-Qaida and ISIS, because he refuses to understand that we are in a war against radical Islamic terrorism.”

09-24-14, 16:42
Doc, I attempted to send you a PM. Got a message saying that you have elected not to receive any?

Doc Safari
09-24-14, 16:46
Doc, I attempted to send you a PM. Got a message saying that you have elected not to receive any?

I turned private messaging back on temporarily.

I can't get audio on my computer, but judging from the title Krauthammer agrees:


Doc Safari
09-24-14, 16:57
I like Col. Allen West. Too bad we don't have a real man like him in the White House instead of the vindictive little man-child we've got.


Six (only six?) examples Obama is purposefully enabling the Islamist cause

The only plausible explanation for many actions taken by President Obama and his administration is that they are working counter to the security of the United States of America. How else can one rationalize the following:

1. The unilateral release of five senior Taliban back to the enemy while the enemy is still fighting us.

2. Providing weapons of support to the Muslim Brotherhood-led Egyptian government — F-16s and M1A1 Abrams tanks — but not to the Egyptian government after the Islamist group has been removed.

3. Negotiations with Qatar and Turkey, two Islamist-supporting countries.

4. Negotiations with Hamas, a terrorist group.

5. Returning sanction money, to the tune of billions of dollars, back to the theocratic regime led by Iran’s ayatollahs and allowing them to march on towards nuclear capability.

6. Obama’s evident support of Islamists in Libya.

In an operation that was again unilateral with no Congressional approval, U.S. military support and resources were given to Islamist groups fighting against Moammar Qaddafy — and we know the results of that action. Not long after, one of the groups this administration armed, Ansar al-Sharia, took responsibility for the terrorist attack and murder of our U.S .Ambassador Chris Stevens, Sean Smith, Ty Woods, and Glenn Doherty at the Benghazi Special Mission Compound (SMC). Oh, and that same group claims it has established an Islamic caliphate in eastern Libya, based in Benghazi. Just two weeks ago, the United States of America evacuated the Libyan embassy in Tripoli due to security concerns.

But I guess it’s all hunky-dory there now, because according to the Washington Free Beacon, “The Obama administration has lifted longtime restrictions on Libyans attending flight schools in the United States and training here in nuclear science, according to a final amendment of the ban recently approved by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB).”

“Less than two years after the deadly terrorist attacks in Benghazi, Libya that killed four Americans, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is poised to sign off on an amendment reversing the ban, which was enacted following a wave or terrorist attacks in 1980s and prevents Libyans from studying these sensitive trades in the United States.”

We just evacuated Libya due to security concerns. There can be no doubt that Libya is an Islamic terrorist sanctuary state, thanks in no uncertain terms to Obama, and now he wants them to come here and learn how to fly planes and understand nuclear science?

Ok Lucy, ‘splain this to me.

The Free Beacon says “the original law effectively disqualified all Libyan nationals and those “acting on behalf of Libyan entities” from training in “aviation maintenance, flight operations, or nuclear-related fields,” according to the ban. “The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is amending its regulations by rescinding the regulatory provisions promulgated in 1983 that terminated the nonimmigrant status and barred the granting of certain immigration benefits to Libyan nationals and foreign nationals acting on behalf of Libyan entities who are engaging in or seeking to obtain studies or training in,” the amendment states.”

DHS spokesperson S.Y. Lee who told the Free Beacon that the Obama administration is reviewing its policies towards Libya “to see how they might be updated to better align with U.S. interests” in light of its revolution.”

If I may interject here, Libya is not a stable country and there can be no alignment with U.S. interests as long as there are al-Qaida affiliated groups freely operating in that country.

Of course this action is taken when the House and Senate is away on a five-week hiatus from D.C. but at least the House Judiciary Committee responded by acknowledging, “The terror threat continues and numerous news reports document recent terror-related activities coming from Libya.”

Why wouldn’t the Obama administration allow Kurdish Peshmerga members to come to America and receive flight training so they could be given quality helicopter gunships and destroy ISIS? Can anyone explain what the strategy and objective is here in lifting this ban with a nation that is or should be on the terrorist watch list?

Sorry, but I can only explain this one way: Barack Hussein Obama is an Islamist in his foreign policy perspectives and supports their cause. You can go back and listen to his 2009 speech in Cairo, where Muslim Brotherhood associates were seated front and center.

All the circumstantial and anecdotal evidence points to that conclusion. The pivot away from the Middle East seems to be nothing more than an opportunity to enable Islamists and their goals. Anyone supporting this Libyan ban being lifted is indeed an enemy of this state.

The Obama administration’s foreign policy doctrine is self-described as “don’t do stupid s@#t”. But I guess that all depends on what your ultimate goal is.

09-24-14, 20:48
Very interesting and also telling. Extremely disappointing coming from someone who repeated mention of his service was used as leverage to spawn favor for your viewpoints.

I don't care what some of the less than sharp pencils in this box think who cry that obama is a radical muslim, the Illuminati is waiting to enslave us, etc. But you are a bit of an exception. You I personally anyway would expect better of.

Your repeated support for muslims has been noted and if you remember I agreed with you that of course they are not all bad apples. No doubt about it in fact. Yet you always seem to take it a bit too far and now to try to sell us on the fact that our president, who has literally been coerced into this fight scratching and clawing along the way, has now decided to go beyond that which he didn't initially want to do, specifically a vast and lasting military conflict, and therefore decided to expand upon it by fabricating adversaries in addition to those he's already dealing with, is so hollow and ridiculous that there can only be one explanation.

Can you guess what it may be? Or would you prefer to pretend you haven't read this and ignore the question?

Well, shit. If I get to guess, I'm gonna assume you think the explanation is that I'm an idiot? Sorry I yet again fall short of your expectations. See, I really respect your intelligence and I see that we agree on several topics. Yet I worry that you may have developed some incorrect notions about me and my beliefs based off of selective reading of my posts. Let me reply by parts...

I've only mentioned my service when asked, or when it was necessary to give context to support a statement. It makes me no more or less intelligent than anyone else, only a little more experienced in certain fields. To say I use that as leverage is harsh and not warranted. Nobody owes me anything and should know that my service would be a reason to suspect me of bias if anything. I try really hard not to be a "hey diddle diddle, straight up the middle" thinker, as the groups I served with were in fact formed to evolve as the ground situation developed, an analytical and critical thinking task that might not always fall in step with military culture. I digress.

My "repeated defense of Muslims" may be a bit less heartfelt than you think. I don't post often, I'm a busy guy these days, but sometimes I read through the forums on the toilet (brutal honesty) or when I'm having a smoke and I reply. I feel I'm several thousand posts shy of writing enough to develop an accurate view of my overall thinking. I don't love Muslims, I don't hate them either. I view it as a cultural trait due to where they were born, something they can't control. When I defend them and their culture it is because it's such a common theme for dehumanizing entire groups of people. I have learned to have respect for human life, and now only hope to end another if that person makes an individual choice to act. I deem nobody guilty of anything with a life sentence based on their religion, race, etc. The comments I've argued against in defense of Muslims are often based on no experience, regurgitating the fear based news media and supporting of actions that end lives when they are completely false. I don't look to change minds or chastise, only to offer more to think about. Take it or leave it.

Now I can't tell if you're saying I have fabricated an enemy, or I have accused POTUS of doing so, so I'll reply to both. I haven't fabricated an imaginary foe that looks to invade our homes to protect us. I've watched (as have you) our country become un recognizable in the last 13 years. There are men fighting today because of an attack they were too young to remember, probably from an age group that will never again understand freedom. The foe is real, it hates freedom and wants to take everything from us. It goes by names like Power, Greed, and Narcissism and it thrives in those who survive by clawing to the top of this political anomaly we now have. It's no conspiracy, just look at the actions taken and intrusions forced on us in the name of safety, defending us from an aggressor with no face, no name, and no distinguishing traits. Which leads me to the POTUS version.

I don't believe POTUS to have fabricated this enemy, and I agree that he has tried to stay out of ground wars if possible. I do believe however that he is far less powerful and relevant than he's given credit for. He's a puppet, nothing more. As Smedley Butler said, "War is a racket". The rich and powerful owe their success to a decade and a half of war. We've pumped them full of our tax dollars, they now own the government. Private defense industry is thriving while our economy flounders, and they don't care about us or our safety. Guys like Soros increasingly advocate taking action AGAINST the American people to create a chaotic world where their machine can feed. Another war is another paycheck for them, and since POTUS and other elected officials are mouthpieces, all looking to appease their master for power and fame, we get told the lie. We get fed false information, propaganda that we used to scoff at when other countries did the same. We believe these monsters are at our door and conveniently the only thing that can keep us safe is...a bigger, more dangerous monster. But since the bigger monster isn't eating us now (yet), we are happy to feed it and sleep under it's watch for immediate protection. Never realizing the monster only wants to eat us and keep that meal for himself.

So no, I'm not an idiot. At least I hope not. I read, I educate myself and open myself to new ideas. If I can't believe in something, at least I can look to identify with the rationale of those who do. I like to consider myself a student of the world and I know I'm nowhere near beginning to knowing everything. But I worry when I see the people who I hope to defend freedom in their way of life, almost eagerly eating up everything they're told. I understand that nothing is ever black or white. There's never good or evil, just two sides who think they're right. The sooner we can understand that the sooner we'll ask for a damn good reason to send more young men into the meat grinder.

09-24-14, 21:53
2. Providing weapons of support to the Muslim Brotherhood-led Egyptian government — F-16s and M1A1 Abrams tanks — but not to the Egyptian government after the Islamist group has been removed.

3. Negotiations with Qatar and Turkey, two Islamist-supporting countries.

4. Negotiations with Hamas, a terrorist group.

5. Returning sanction money, to the tune of billions of dollars, back to the theocratic regime led by Iran’s ayatollahs and allowing them to march on towards nuclear capability.

2- The Egyptian military operates independently of the Egyptian government. The weapons did not go to Egypt's government, they went to its military. And shipments ceased when the military launched a coup against the Egyptian government.

3- Turkey is a NATO ally. As for Qatar? See every American president since at least Eisenhower and Saudi Arabia.

4- Every American president has wanted to make a lasting peace between Israel and Palestine a feather in their foreign policy cap. With Hamas ruling half of Palestine - and now part of a Palestinian unity government - it is impossible to negotiate with Palestine without also negotiating with Hamas. It's like trying to negotiate safe passage through Commancheria: You negotiate with all of the tribes or the ones you don't negotiate with won't honor whatever understanding you think you have with all the other tribes.

5- Because decades of sanctions have been so successful in keeping nuclear weapons out of the hands of Kim Jung-Il and Kim Jong-Un, right?

09-24-14, 22:59
I understand that nothing is ever black or white. There's never good or evil, just two sides who think they're right. The sooner we can understand that the sooner we'll ask for a damn good reason to send more young men into the meat grinder.

You do realize that since Smedley Butler was a general in the 1920's, you *should* be able to overlay your theory onto any war since then. That is where it may not line up perfectly.

WWII? We were attacked. You could debate about Germany, as they didn't pull off Pearl Harbor, but Japan? Yep, no doubt folks made $$$......hell, it brought us out of the Depression. You refer to people lapping up what they're told. At least today there are alternative media sources; in WWII you only had governmental mouthpieces. Was WWII then not worth the "meatgrinder"?

Korea? Blatant communist aggression without a doubt. You could argue about our need to get involved but you can't deny what took place.

Vietnam? Well, we won't go there as the need for our involvement can be endlessly argued and it was indeed the first war after Eisenhower's "Military Industrial Complex" speech. Might give you that one. However, IMHO it was a case of mission creep if there ever was one.

Post 9-11 Afghanistan? Once again, as in WWII, we were attacked. Afghanistan harbored the bulk of Al Qaeda, and was given the choice to hand over Bin Laden or face the consequences. They chose the latter. I'm not thrilled with the direction the "occupation" took, as it seemed that Iraq soon overshadowed OEF and it was placed into a holding pattern of sorts, with valuable resources diverted to Babylon. A comprehensive strategy didn't form until years later, and at that point a resurgent Taliban/ACF was no longer "on the ropes".

Iraq? Well, as with Vietnam the debate will rage for eons about the need for it. Hindsight is 20/20, and it would appear that perhaps a friendly strongman is what we should have installed.

I'm a firm believer in being careful what you ask for, as you may just get it. Case in point: democracy in the ME. The Iraqi's elected Maliki, and look what a success :rolleyes: he's been. We handed them a situation *mostly* under control and they frittered it away with traditional tribal Arab bickering. Palestinians elected Hamas! Yep, they elected a freaking terrorist group that has brought them nothing but problems by inciting Israeli responses to their stupidity. No, spreading Western-style democracy in the ME is not going to work. They seem to need a strongman-type government to keep their centuries-old feuds and cultural inclinations tamped down.

09-24-14, 23:33
Latest boogeyman that will demand our politicians to go order the military to mess with, and then we wonder why they release videos that cite specific examples of our intervention as the reason for their actions. But hey we're America so we should be able to do whatever want around the world and not face any backlash.

Travis B
09-25-14, 00:25
Quite a successful air strike? It seems we took out Khorasan's leader in the Syrian air strikes...


09-25-14, 01:55
Latest boogeyman that will demand our politicians to go order the military to mess with, and then we wonder why they release videos that cite specific examples of our intervention as the reason for their actions. But hey we're America so we should be able to do whatever want around the world and not face any backlash.

Which came first, chicken or the egg?

You know, that post had an awfully familiar Ron Paul-ish ring to it.

We can't be the world's policeman, but we also cannot afford to stick our heads in the sand either. I'm not relishing Iraq Part III, believe me.

09-25-14, 05:45
Very well stated SOW_0331. Your post mirrors much of how I feel.

Doc Safari
09-25-14, 12:47
Gosh. Now a former military man is all but openly charging that our airstrikes on ISIS seem to be deliberately calculated to be ineffective:


Fox News strategic analyst Lt. Col. Ralph Peters says the U.S. strikes against ISIS seem to be designed to avoid actually killing any terrorists.

Peters argued that if the United States wanted to truly degrade ISIS, bombs would be hitting at "10 or 11 in the morning" not in the middle of the night.

He said there was no threat from Syria's air defenses that would have justified an overnight attack.

"We went in the middle of the night because that way the buildings were empty and President Obama didn't want to hurt any terrorists. ... Rearranging the furniture with a cruise missile doesn't deter people who believe they're on a mission from God to kill everything in sight," he argued.

But we wouldn't want to put forth any batshit crazy conspiracy theories about Barry not wanting to actually defeat his Sunni radical Islamist buddies, would we? Naaaaaaah.......

09-25-14, 14:21
2- The Egyptian military operates independently of the Egyptian government. The weapons did not go to Egypt's government, they went to its military. And shipments ceased when the military launched a coup against the Egyptian government.

3- Turkey is a NATO ally. As for Qatar? See every American president since at least Eisenhower and Saudi Arabia.

4- Every American president has wanted to make a lasting peace between Israel and Palestine a feather in their foreign policy cap. With Hamas ruling half of Palestine - and now part of a Palestinian unity government - it is impossible to negotiate with Palestine without also negotiating with Hamas. It's like trying to negotiate safe passage through Commancheria: You negotiate with all of the tribes or the ones you don't negotiate with won't honor whatever understanding you think you have with all the other tribes.

5- Because decades of sanctions have been so successful in keeping nuclear weapons out of the hands of Kim Jung-Il and Kim Jong-Un, right?

Turkey has been pretty useless as an ally for the past 10 years. The Islamists have changed that country and they are going down their own path to full stupid.