View Full Version : Our Westgate Is Coming. Where Will You Stand?

Amp Mangum
09-25-14, 11:32
Very sobering: http://bearingarms.com/westgate-coming-will-stand/?utm_source=thdaily&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=nl

Watch the video.

09-25-14, 11:54
Well done video

09-25-14, 14:05
HBO has a 1 hour documentary on the event. Well worth an hour of your time.


09-25-14, 14:06
Very good article. Makes you think....a lot.

That mall is huge, I have spent time there. I can see why it was so difficult to take them out.

Amp Mangum
09-25-14, 14:24
Wolves at Westgate documentary done by a Kenyan TV station:


09-25-14, 15:34
I am never without a firearm, and that includes carrying a Colt carbine in my truck too! In my opinion you're a fool to go about naked in this day and age, as most do....

Doc Safari
09-25-14, 15:43
OP: I'm not sure what you mean by "Where Will You Stand?"

If it happens while I'm "there" I'll assess the tactical situation and act accordingly.

After the fact, I'm not sure what I'll do, but you can bet your sweet bippy I won't be singing Kumbaya with any goat-smelling jihadist types. And that's the understatement of the century.

I think we should take the ones we capture, and publicly on TV, show pigs being butchered in front of them, and the pigs' blood being poured over their heads. After we do that we line them up and let the firing squad use them for target practice. We should broadcast that worldwide as a warning to other jihadists that their fate is to smell like pig when they get to the afterlife. We should even put in the video that we prefer to capture them alive just so we can douse them in pig blood.

I'd bet they stop the terror nonsense overnight.

09-25-14, 15:51
Sadly, like they stated in that video, nothing will change until AFTER an incident.

09-25-14, 16:10
I am never without a firearm, and that includes carrying a Colt carbine in my truck too! In my opinion you're a fool to go about naked in this day and age, as most do....

not everyone is blessed with that ability due to rule of law sadly.

09-25-14, 16:11
OP: I'm not sure what you mean by "Where Will You Stand?"

If it happens while I'm "there" I'll assess the tactical situation and act accordingly.

After the fact, I'm not sure what I'll do, but you can bet your sweet bippy I won't be singing Kumbaya with any goat-smelling jihadist types. And that's the understatement of the century.

I think we should take the ones we capture, and publicly on TV, show pigs being butchered in front of them, and the pigs' blood being poured over their heads. After we do that we line them up and let the firing squad use them for target practice. We should broadcast that worldwide as a warning to other jihadists that their fate is to smell like pig when they get to the afterlife. We should even put in the video that we prefer to capture them alive just so we can douse them in pig blood.

I'd bet they stop the terror nonsense overnight.

doubtful for mutiple reasons. also you seem to be misinformed about Islamic beliefs regarding pork.

Doc Safari
09-25-14, 16:14
doubtful for mutiple reasons. also you seem to be misinformed about Islamic beliefs regarding pork.

Really? I thought it was forbidden for them to even touch pork and that was an automatic trip to Hell.

If that's wrong, please cite the facts. :)

09-25-14, 16:29
Really? I thought it was forbidden for them to even touch pork and that was an automatic trip to Hell.

If that's wrong, please cite the facts. :)

As i said, you are mis-informed. Touching a pig or even being covered in pig gore does not relegate a muslim to hell. this is a oft repeated BS myth that never seems to die.

30 seconds on google will confirm this.

Amp Mangum
09-25-14, 16:31
OP: I'm not sure what you mean by "Where Will You Stand?"

I was just quoting the name of the article.

Amp Mangum
09-25-14, 16:36
Check out the guy wearing an IDPA vest about halfway down the page:


09-25-14, 16:45
Sadly, like they stated in that video, nothing will change until AFTER an incident.

And I'm 99% certain it won't be for the good. Instead we'll have TSA at the mall groping the elderly and kids.

09-25-14, 20:22
Just Wikipedia, but here you go.

Prohibition of pork consumption in Islamic law[edit]

One example of verses from the Quran on pig consumption:

He has made unlawful for you that which dies of itself and blood and the flesh of swine and that on which the name of any other than Allah has been invoked. But he who is driven by necessity, being neither disobedient nor exceeding the limit, then surely, Allah is Most Forgiving, Merciful.

—Quran, Al-Baqara 2:173

Islamic law is similar to Jewish law for the consumption of pork, that the land animal, to be Halal, it must both have split hooves and chew its cud.

09-25-14, 20:31
Sadly, like they stated in that video, nothing will change until AFTER an incident.
There would be calls for more gin control certainly, you know to protect us from said terrorists.

JBecker 72
09-25-14, 20:42
I hope nothing like that ever happens here, but in these crazy days anything seems possible.

There would be calls for more gin control certainly, you know to protect us from said terrorists.

Not my gin.

09-25-14, 20:47
Check out the guy wearing an IDPA vest about halfway down the page:


Referring to pics in link-
It always amazes me how there is never a shortage of people to take pictures of children running for their life & injured people screaming for help. Can't put the freaking camera down and help? Will risk getting shot for a picture but not to save a kid, classy.

09-26-14, 02:54
If it happens here and I'm there? I will be standing HOPEFULLY behind or near cover that is adjacent to a nearby exit.

09-26-14, 03:01
Check out the guy wearing an IDPA vest about halfway down the page:


I'm digging the Chinese Red Bakelite Side Folder.

09-26-14, 03:14
I'm digging the Chinese Red Bakelite Side Folder.

Holy crap, did you see the numerous SCAR-17's? High-end weapons for a military you'd expect to see toting just AK's.

09-26-14, 12:32
I am never without a firearm,

In addition, people need to carry additional ammo. Maybe a a small pocket IFAK w/ a TQ as well.

Dead Man
09-26-14, 13:03
Well, there's 47,835 malls in the US as of 2005, and I go into a mall about 1 out of every 730 days. So if we figure there's going to be a "Westgate" in America in the next 4 years, that puts me at 1 in 69,839,100 odds of facing this. Your odds may vary.

Again.... this is pretending that this will happen in the US, and in the next 4 years. Neither of those is actually even likely, let alone guaranteed.

09-26-14, 15:33
Has anyone else here read William Forstchen's new novella "Day of Wrath"? While a work of fiction, it's very much in line with the OP's video. Scary stuff. Forstchen is the author of "One Second After."

Outlander Systems
09-27-14, 09:30
Has anyone else here read William Forstchen's new novella "Day of Wrath"? While a work of fiction, it's very much in line with the OP's video. Scary stuff. Forstchen is the author of "One Second After."

I actually gobbled Forstchen's book down last night.

Damn good read, and the ending is exactly in line with the outcome we could expect.

The author pulls no punches in regards to the "religion of peace."

We have a massive soft-target problem in this country, and there is nothing the government can do to correct this. The book illustrates, pretty adroitly I might add, that, in such an attack scenario, we are truly on our own; furthermore, it is incumbent upon us to provide our own protection.

Pretty sobering read. While, "One Second After" is pure doomer porn, this book is far more down to earth, and the outcome of the book, in my opinion, is the most realistic one could imagine, given the heavy-handed nature of politicians to seize the opportunity of a crisis to either aggrandize power, or put forth the feigning image of "doing something".

When we cede our self-determination over to another party, we are no longer citizens - we are serfs.

09-27-14, 11:00
Well, there's 47,835 malls in the US as of 2005, and I go into a mall about 1 out of every 730 days. So if we figure there's going to be a "Westgate" in America in the next 4 years, that puts me at 1 in 69,839,100 odds of facing this. Your odds may vary.

Again.... this is pretending that this will happen in the US, and in the next 4 years. Neither of those is actually even likely, let alone guaranteed. I went to the mall for the first time in seven years the other day so my odds are even less. Straight in to the Apple store with my wife, straight out when we were done. God I hate those shit holes. (both the Apple store and the mall)

09-27-14, 14:28
Well, there's 47,835 malls in the US as of 2005, and I go into a mall about 1 out of every 730 days. So if we figure there's going to be a "Westgate" in America in the next 4 years, that puts me at 1 in 69,839,100 odds of facing this. Your odds may vary.

Again.... this is pretending that this will happen in the US, and in the next 4 years. Neither of those is actually even likely, let alone guaranteed.

Are you saying that something like Westgate is not likely in the next 4 years in the USAC or you being involved in a Westgate type event?

Personally, I think it unlikely that I will be part of an event like a that simply cause I rarely if ever go to the mall. Similarly, given that we have had 3 incidents of workplace violence (Ft. Hood, Navy Yard and the UPS facility) over the last few years; have a plethora of soft targets, a society who has pretty much abdicated their self reliance to a government that couldn't protected them even if it wanted to bad things can and will happen here.

People slip across the border, violent criminals are recruited by asshat Imams to do "Allah's" will... Thinking that we are all hunky dorky is a bad idea.

Finally watched the HBO video and while I hope USA LEO would have a far better prepared and executed response than wait for 4 days and then put an HE round into the mall, I firmly believe that it will be up to me alone to insure that me and my loved ones live long enough to escape or be rescued. Haven't read the book yet.

09-27-14, 14:51
Minneapolis is apparently ground zero for jihadists-in-training. I'm not worried about shopping at the Mall of America, however.


Outlander Systems
09-27-14, 15:49
Minneapolis is apparently ground zero for jihadists-in-training. I'm not worried about shopping at the Mall of America, however.


These people are too immature and irrational to realize that this offers nothing more than the APPEARANCE of safety.

09-27-14, 15:59
These people are too immature and irrational to realize that this offers nothing more than the APPEARANCE of safety.

"Appearance" and "feeling good" is what gun control is all about. Especially in Minnesota, where such signs don't have the force of law. Permit holders can ignore them without fear of legal consequence. Such signs in this state are merely a polite warning that if they find you carrying a gun, they might ask you to leave.

09-27-14, 16:28
Well, there's 47,835 malls in the US as of 2005, and I go into a mall about 1 out of every 730 days. So if we figure there's going to be a "Westgate" in America in the next 4 years, that puts me at 1 in 69,839,100 odds of facing this. Your odds may vary.

Again.... this is pretending that this will happen in the US, and in the next 4 years. Neither of those is actually even likely, let alone guaranteed.

Who says they would only target shopping malls?

There is a beheaded woman in Moore, OK that is proof positive that these wretched murders can strike anywhere.

09-29-14, 10:50
I fear it's not going to be a mall, it's going to be a school (a la Breslan). The bad guys know they only get one or two shots at this, and believe me, then are gonna do their dead level best to make it count....

09-29-14, 10:59
I fear it's not going to be a mall, it's going to be a school (a la Breslan). The bad guys know they only get one or two shots at this, and believe me, then are gonna do their dead level best to make it count....

Why do they only get 1 or 2 shots? 1 or 2 durka durkas could walk into any mall, grocery store, Walmart, school, etc every day for the next year and probably still be able to pull something off almost every time. Yes, they are going to die almost every time they do it but they seem to have an endless supply of death ready savages at their disposal. Soft targets are just that, soft. I don't think there is any good way to change that. Short of the mindset of the country changing and a crap ton more people deciding they should protect themselves and not rely on the gov sheep will continue to be sheep.

09-29-14, 11:03
I fear it's not going to be a mall, it's going to be a school (a la Breslan). The bad guys know they only get one or two shots at this, and believe me, then are gonna do their dead level best to make it count....

The book mentioned before agrees with you.

Has anyone else here read William Forstchen's new novella "Day of Wrath"?

09-29-14, 11:56
If you get a handful of guys who have some training, weapons, and no plans to live through the event, and target a large soft target, lots of people are going to die. On that we can all agree. In our open society, what would change that? Obviously, malls et al being "gun free zones" is idiotic and just presents that much less resistance, but short of handing everyone a gun as they come into the mall, and or, having a full time well trained tac team in the mall, what could be done? This is a worst case scenario and the only major changes that could actually prevent it, most people unwilling to live and infringing on their freedoms.

This vid does a good job of making you wanna go armed for bear when ever you leave your house, but what options really exist? I can't speak for all areas of the country or their PDs (obviously) but I can say for example, the SWAT team in the area I live was set up so they can be on location within 30 mins or less and are well armed, train consistently, many with various SOF backgrounds, etc and would take the fight to the bad guys.

If there were armed civilians present to slow the bad guys down a bit before the cavalry gets there (sadly not likely in my area) all the better, but the wont stop such a thing.

Per the vid "until an incident happens we won't fix it"

He's 100% correct. Even after it happens, we may not fix it. Think Newtown CT for example. However, there's some targets I'm not clear what "fixing" it would look like.

What's the answer? Yes, armed civilians could be a game changer in the worst case scenarios they are invoking but obviously depends on location and other variables.

09-29-14, 15:47
What's the answer? Yes, armed civilians could be a game changer in the worst case scenarios they are invoking but obviously depends on location and other variables.

I tend to agree with almost all of what you stated except the last part. IMO a good guys with guns ready to respond to threats are always a plus and most likely the only way to actually stop carnage.

IMO the first thing that needs to change is our mentality. We can't continue along this path of nonresistance. We aren't in a civl rights march. We are in a fight. Very different concepts. We need to stop trying to have empathy, compassion and understand the guy trying to kill us. Who gives a crap what flipped his switch. All we need to worry about is how to stop his ability to hurt people RFN. Until we get over the it can't happen to me, it can't happen here, it's not my job or the police will help me mentality nothing will help. Once we get over that hump we need to enable those willing to act instead of run by allowing them to do so. No gun free zones. CCW a on campus, in a mall in a hospital... And we also need to protect these people like we do police from civil persecution. No more Zimmermans. Handing out guns to everyone isn't the right option either as no everyone is willing to do what needs doing. There are plenty who are though and we should enable them as a society instead of hampering them at every turn. Police can't be everywhere and even at best will take a few minutes to arrive on scene. Those 3-5 minutes are where the normal folks have to endure and survive. Far easier to survive a gunfight with a gun than without.

09-29-14, 16:38

I wonder if he knows that advertisement is not bullet proof?

09-29-14, 16:42
I fear it's not going to be a mall, it's going to be a school (a la Breslan). The bad guys know they only get one or two shots at this, and believe me, then are gonna do their dead level best to make it count....

Dave Grossman spoke to our unit a few times. In between his incessant "hooah?" idiosyncracy, the main point of his message was easily gathered - Muslim terrorists are traditionally known for killing kids as they are soft targets and they present huge psychological fear among populations.

Imagine what would happen if 25 elementary schools were attacked in one day by crazy men with knives.

...now imagine what would happen if it occured again...I don't mean what would happen to the kids, or even schools. What would happen to society?

Parents - 50 elementary schools in the USA have been attacked by Muslim terrorists over the past 2 days. A thousand kids are dead and thousands more injured. Are you sending your kids to school tomorrow?

09-29-14, 16:43
I tend to agree with almost all of what you stated except the last part. IMO a good guys with guns ready to respond to threats are always a plus and most likely the only way to actually stop carnage.

IMO the first thing that needs to change is our mentality. We can't continue along this path of nonresistance. We aren't in a civl rights march. We are in a fight. Very different concepts. We need to stop trying to have empathy, compassion and understand the guy trying to kill us. Who gives a crap what flipped his switch. All we need to worry about is how to stop his ability to hurt people RFN. Until we get over the it can't happen to me, it can't happen here, it's not my job or the police will help me mentality nothing will help. Once we get over that hump we need to enable those willing to act instead of run by allowing them to do so. No gun free zones. CCW a on campus, in a mall in a hospital... And we also need to protect these people like we do police from civil persecution. No more Zimmermans. Handing out guns to everyone isn't the right option either as no everyone is willing to do what needs doing. There are plenty who are though and we should enable them as a society instead of hampering them at every turn. Police can't be everywhere and even at best will take a few minutes to arrive on scene. Those 3-5 minutes are where the normal folks have to endure and survive. Far easier to survive a gunfight with a gun than without.

This is what I mean about the bad guys getting in one or two good chances at it - after that, the country's mentality will change. If something like this scenario started happening, you think for a moment I'm going to let my child go to school, or a public place for awhile? Or am I and about 20 other armed Dad's going to be standing watch on the front porch, school/gun laws be damned? I remember Katrina, and a lot of stuff CHANGED very quickly until order was restored (the last real SHTF event in the US). No, the bad guys start something like this, the current ROE's aren't going to apply....They'll get a few free opportunities, then people are going to be more prepared to fight back and it won't be AS easy...

09-29-14, 16:46
The book mentioned before agrees with you.

You want to strike terror/fear in a populace - go after the innocents...

Please don't think I'm some psycho - to deter/prevent a thing, you first gotta think about how someone could do a thing...

09-29-14, 16:56
Dave Grossman spoke to our unit a few times. In between his incessant "hooah?" idiosyncracy, the main point of his message was easily gathered - Muslim terrorists are traditionally known for killing kids as they are soft targets and they present huge psychological fear among populations.

Imagine what would happen if 25 elementary schools were attacked in one day by crazy men with knives.

...now imagine what would happen if it occured again...I don't mean what would happen to the kids, or even schools. What would happen to society?

Parents - 50 elementary schools in the USA have been attacked by Muslim terrorists over the past 2 days. A thousand kids are dead and thousands more injured. Are you sending your kids to school tomorrow?

In fact, it would have to be 25 schools, at the same time - because as soon as the word got out, every school is going into lockdown, and every parent is going to drop everything to get there to get their kid or stand guard for the others.

I live in a small town, with 3 police officers. The chief's wife works for me. When my daughter was going there, after Sandy Hook, we had this discussion. In the almost statistically impossible probability something like this happened, I just asked him not to shoot me, because he's going to need backup, and I may beat him there...

Outlander Systems
09-29-14, 17:02
I'm not clear what "fixing" it would look like.

Simple answer: Just as you have people trained in CPR on staff, require a percentage of deputized teachers on staff, with access to firearms. Problem solved. Require annual training, and issue the weapons from Police surplus. Sad that this should be needed in our society, but it is the nature of the world which we inhabit.

Realistic answer: The next attack that occurs, parents sue the school board for contributory negligence, for having the means to protect the children in their care, and failing to do so.

09-29-14, 17:54
I tend to agree with almost all of what you stated except the last part. IMO a good guys with guns ready to respond to threats are always a plus and most likely the only way to actually stop carnage.

IMO the first thing that needs to change is our mentality. We can't continue along this path of nonresistance. We aren't in a civl rights march. We are in a fight. Very different concepts. We need to stop trying to have empathy, compassion and understand the guy trying to kill us. Who gives a crap what flipped his switch. All we need to worry about is how to stop his ability to hurt people RFN. Until we get over the it can't happen to me, it can't happen here, it's not my job or the police will help me mentality nothing will help. Once we get over that hump we need to enable those willing to act instead of run by allowing them to do so. No gun free zones. CCW a on campus, in a mall in a hospital... And we also need to protect these people like we do police from civil persecution. No more Zimmermans. Handing out guns to everyone isn't the right option either as no everyone is willing to do what needs doing. There are plenty who are though and we should enable them as a society instead of hampering them at every turn. Police can't be everywhere and even at best will take a few minutes to arrive on scene. Those 3-5 minutes are where the normal folks have to endure and survive. Far easier to survive a gunfight with a gun than without.

As someone else said "The US is not at war. The US military is at War, Americans are at the mall." Until the mall becomes a place most American's fear, nothing will change. It's actually not on the best interest of these terror groups to target American soft targets because it's what keeps Americans generally apathetic and divided and polarized. The worst thing (in terms of their survival and longevity) terror groups can do is attack soft under belly target of the US on US soil like a mall. That will in fact get the generally apathetic public on the same page, and the last thing you want as an enemy of the US is the majority people and its politicians on the same page. The North Vietnamese leaders understood that all to well, hence why we won all major battles and still lost the war. But they were people with a specific plan and not religious zealots who thought virgins awaited their death, and no interest in future conflict with us after their goals of getting us out met.

The (fill in latest Islamic terror group name here) are not in the same league as those prior enemies and too stupid to realize what a mistake it will be to actually get the US citizens to realize they are the actual targets of these groups. If they had smart leaders, they'd stick to "hard" targets and over seas targets to keep the US apathetic and divided. A united United States on a war footing is a war machine without equal.

I'd prefer not to see that personally but dark forces a brewing out there...

09-29-14, 18:05
Simple answer: Just as you have people trained in CPR on staff, require a percentage of deputized teachers on staff, with access to firearms. Problem solved.

I was not discussing schools, but public spaces like malls like Westgate. Schools are a different issue and could indeed be vastly improved via your suggestions and others. I'm not security expert and I could get schools in far better shape security wise in short order. Put out a simple request to parents with fire arms licenses if they'd volunteer a few days/nights a week to patrol the outside of a school (they wouldn't even have to enter the school with those evil guns) deputized only during their shift, with specific training, and communication with PD via radios supplied. I'd do it if asked, and I don't even have kids. Would stop most shooters in their tracks. Add one teacher in the school who's armed, cameras viewed, etc, and school massacres would drop to nadda. Close to zero cost to the school or the state. But, we know such low cost common sense ideas would be rejected.

Require annual training, and issue the weapons from Police surplus. Sad that this should be needed in our society, but it is the nature of the world which we inhabit.

Realistic answer: The next attack that occurs, parents sue the school board for contributory negligence, for having the means to protect the children in their care, and failing to do so.

As I say: we guard our money with armed men and our children with 'gun free zone' signs. Those are the priorities of the damned.

Outlander Systems
09-29-14, 18:31
As I say: we guard our money with armed men and our children with 'gun free zone' signs. Those are the priorities of the damned.

Making a conscious CHOICE to be victims.

09-29-14, 18:33

Agree 100%on the whole terrorists being stupid to target America directly and forcing people to wake up. Saddam, Qadaffi et al were asshats galore, but I think they understood that you can poke abeam only so long before it wakes up and eats your ass. Current crop doesn't seem to have that kind of "vision" and may cross a line that will rile up enough Americans to make a difference.

09-29-14, 19:05

Agree 100%on the whole terrorists being stupid to target America directly and forcing people to wake up. Saddam, Qadaffi et al were asshats galore, but I think they understood that you can poke abeam only so long before it wakes up and eats your ass. Current crop doesn't seem to have that kind of "vision" and may cross a line that will rile up enough Americans to make a difference.

They will poke the bear enough to wake him from his slumber. The poke(s) need to do that may be very ugly. Visions of the quote by Admiral Yamamoto...

Amp Mangum
10-07-14, 17:10
William Forstchen: Author of Day of Wrath



I really, really hope he is wrong.

10-07-14, 17:25
I have already said it has started and we will never be the same I am not alone either

many I know are the same way we will be better off than other places maybe ? but that is not like it was the days of being free are gone the days of your free speech are gone unless you are a radical liberal or muslim you will be protected if you behead someone and are muslim it will be workplace violence and the mosque you were at gets a praise letter from the president and will be defended big time by liberals !
as a gun owner you are the bad guy and a horrible radical and should be gone

this is a huge chunk of our countries thinking now and the schools are indoctrinating and making it worse and worse

many here will welcome them with open arms like some are now !

the only way to get it out of our system is to flush every one of them out of this country
meaning if one mosque like this is connected you flush the whole mosque and its leaders and anyone who attends out of this country and then any mosque one level deep that has had contact with them you flush all of them to !
and realize this is a big thing and make everyone read history about the muslims and the issues we have had since day 1 of our country and even going back 1500 years to the start
talk about slavery then you are forced to study the slavery that the muslims/persians did which was much more than we ever did !

sadly this is the last stand as a free country and even that freedom is kinda flushed and half the country is blind and stupid

William Forstchen: Author of Day of Wrath



I really, really hope he is wrong.

Alpha Sierra
10-08-14, 09:56
Sadly, like they stated in that video, nothing will change until AFTER an incident.

And we, as gun owners, are not going to like that change.

Alpha Sierra
10-08-14, 10:06
Muslim terrorists murdered 3000+ people by flying airplanes into building in one day. And what did that do to change the American psyche? American society is as soft, if not more so today than before that day.

If a mass shooting by terrorists were to occur, the overwhelming cry for gun control from the people in those localities will make your head spin. Gun owners will not be seen as protectors or good guys, I guarantee it.

10-08-14, 10:40
And we, as gun owners, are not going to like that change.

1000% agree on this. If you read The Day of Wrath novella (took me less than a day to get through it) the author comes to the same conclusion.

If something like the events described happen in real life, we as gun owners will be hunted as much as terrorists. Maybe not physically hunter and killed or jailed, but "leaders" will come after us with very sharp pens.

Amp Mangum
10-08-14, 11:55
GOP Rep: ‘At Least Ten ISIS Fighters Have Been Caught Coming Across The Mexican Border’


Amp Mangum
10-09-14, 14:21
Judicial Watch story:


10-09-14, 16:36
Judicial Watch story:


Bad Linkie. How did they confirm the fact that these guys were ISIS?

10-09-14, 19:22
Muslim terrorists murdered 3000+ people by flying airplanes into building in one day. And what did that do to change the American psyche? American society is as soft, if not more so today than before that day.

If a mass shooting by terrorists were to occur, the overwhelming cry for gun control from the people in those localities will make your head spin. Gun owners will not be seen as protectors or good guys, I guarantee it.

Agreed. Most will not wake up enough to take their safety in their own hands, they'll want some kind of feel good legislation.