View Full Version : USPS/firearm shipping issue?

09-29-14, 20:14
Since many of us on this forum have bought and sold stuff online quite a bit I figured I'd throw my problem out to see if any fellow M4Cers have had something like this happen, and if so what advice they've got.

Last Monday (09/22) I shipped off my HK VP9 slide with a set of Trijicon HD night sights to HK for an install, I had already received a RMA # from their CS for the install/billing/return shipping process. I insured the package for $500, mostly because I figured $130ish for the sights and I have no idea how much a replacement slide is (or if that is even an option). Tracking showed that it went out for delivery at 8:42am on Wednesday (09/24) morning, and the next update was at 10:42 PM on Wednesday (still 09/24) saying that there is no delivery update. Come Saturday (09/27) I was a little concerned, since the package had been "out for delivery" for 3 days with no updates. I emailed USPS (since I was on an endless hold for their CS phone #), and they responded Sunday (09/28) saying that as of 10:42 PM on Wednesday (09/24) there was no delivery update and that they had been having some tracking issues, with no further insight. I've also emailed HK to try and find out if they actually received my package (they haven't emailed me back yet), but honestly at this point I'm getting fairly nervous that my package is MIA. I've shipped and received a lot of packages with USPS and have never seen the tracking messed up like this, and I've never seen something go out for delivery and not be delivered. So I figured I'd share this ordeal on here and find out if anyone has ran into a similar situation or haas any idea who I should contact (local PO?). As far as worst case planning, does anybody know if you can order a slide by itself (in case mine never turns up)? I know it's early still, but I guess I'm paranoid/protective of my stuff? Any thoughts/experiences would be greatly appreciated.

09-29-14, 20:22
This has happened to me at least twice (I order 3+ USPS items a month) Very rare, but it does happen...and both times it arrived safe and sound.

Just try to forget about it. There is nothing you can do right now, and worrying won't make the situation better.

USPS won't even initiate a trace until it's been missing for 30 days anyway. My guess is by the end of the week you'll have updated this thread and mentioned that all is well.

09-29-14, 20:54
Don't feel bad,

I had UPS "deliver"a barrel blank. They found it on the neighbors porch 4 days later!

09-29-14, 21:12
I've had UPS load stuff onto their trucks on days we ended up receiving 12" of snow and whiteout conditions. Because of the scanning procedures, it would show out for delivery even when the package was sitting on the truck immobile in their own dock. Just take it as an example why all shipping services suck at one point or another.

09-29-14, 21:49
Lots of small "issues". Like one package bouncing back and forth between two sorting facilities for three days. Called and it finally made it's way south the next day. Or another package (Priority Mail) hitting the main Post Office here in town and then taking another three days to go the last 10 miles to my mail box. Or another package ($4,800 worth-shown as being delivered to my PO Box) turned up missing in my Post Office until I went and threatened to involve the local PD and the Postal Inspector. Took them about 20 minutes to find it, but they did find it. Or the package that got delivered to a neighbors. Or the package that...
The short of it all is, they do find it eventually. Considering the amount of packages/letters USPS moves daily, it's amazing they don't lose more.

09-30-14, 05:51
I've shipped and received a lot of packages with USPS and have never seen the tracking messed up like this, and I've never seen something go out for delivery and not be delivered.

Unfortunately if you ship enough eventually it will happen.

I wouldn't worry too much about it right now. I've had it happen a few times and they have always showed up. It's like the package disappears for a few days then shows up.

Have them do a trace on it after 5 days(or whatever their time frame is for that) and then it really seems to magically show up.

09-30-14, 08:02
Wonder if it passed through Chicago recently?

09-30-14, 08:04
Why would that affect it?

09-30-14, 15:39
I recently ordered a box of cigars from JR in NC. It went through NH and Mass before I received it in SC 5 days later. It was shipped Priority mail. I think the machines that read the bar address are the problem. I have had a package I shipped take 3 weeks to arrive. I wouldn't worry about it yet

09-30-14, 19:08
So surprise, surprise...after USPS being of no help, HK calls me today to let me know that my sights are installed and my slide is ready for return shipping.

09-30-14, 19:08
I avoid USPS at all costs. I much prefer FedEx, FWIW.

09-30-14, 19:26
Why would that affect it?

Beacause Chicago as a terminal hub was pretty much shut down for a bit.

Suwannee Tim
09-30-14, 19:36
All of the above plus if it is heavy UPS will smash it to junk then refuse to pay for the damage claiming alternately that you are lying and it was smashed when you shipped it then claiming it was improperly packaged then back to smashed before it was shipped then back to improperly packaged and so on.

10-01-14, 05:49
So surprise, surprise...after USPS being of no help, HK calls me today to let me know that my sights are installed and my slide is ready for return shipping.

Told you so.

You can't ask questions like that on M4C. Soon this thread is going to devolve into how USPS was good before Obama messed it all up.

10-01-14, 06:26
Haha I should have expected that. Although I do think it's hilarious that the USPS tracking still hasn't updated anything, the fact that it was done yesterday tells me that they got it either Thurs or Fri last week.