View Full Version : Secret Service drops the ball....AGAIN???

10-01-14, 05:18

A man with a gun that the Secret Service did not know about rode in an elevator with President Obama during his visit to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta on Sept. 16.

A source familiar with the case said Obama was in an elevator with his Secret Service security detail when a CDC security officer operating the elevator started taking photos and a video of the president with his phone and behaving unprofessionally.

Responding to the man’s behavior, one of Obama’s details contacted a member of the protective intelligence team, on-site detectives who handle suspicious-activity cases, to collect the man and interview him.


A security contractor with a gun and three convictions for assault and battery was allowed on an elevator with President Obama during a Sept. 16 trip to Atlanta, violating Secret Service protocols, according to three people familiar with the incident.

Obama was not told about the lapse in his security, these people said. The Secret Service director, Julia Pierson, asked a top agency manager to look into the matter but did not refer it to an investigative unit that was created to review violations of protocol and standards, according to two people familiar with the handling of the case who spoke on the condition of anonymity.

I'm just not sure how many fails there are her but I'm wondering how a convicted felon gets a security job at the CDC, then gets a gun and then gets within handshake distance of the POTUS without someone being aware of all the laws and security rules being boken here.
Just wondering, kinda curious isn't it?

10-01-14, 06:49
Contract security officers in Washington, DC are licensed by the Metropolitan Police Department. To receive licensing as an armed security officer, a person cannot have a misdemeanor conviction within 5 years or a felony conviction within 10 years of applying for a license.

Most government buildings in DC use contract security. I guess it depends on how they license security in Georgia.

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10-01-14, 08:52
The Secret Service are not all knowing gods of security. Back in the Mid 2000s when I was still heavily involved in elections we had Laura Bush come speak at an our Lincoln Day Dinner. I was one of the people organizing and setting up. Secret service had an advance team. They went over everything with a fine tooth comb. Nice guys for sure. Very careful on anyone coming into the event. Metal Detectors, no entry or exit after it started. The whole 9 yards.

So here I am sitting at the front table about 10 feet from where she is speaking and I move a bit to get a better angle to see her only to hear my pistol bump against the chair. Since I had been there from the moment they got there they never bothered to check me and it was hidden under a suit jacket so was easy to miss.

Scary how easy it would have been for a person who meant harm.....

10-01-14, 09:24
For the sake of the current President... I'd suggest he go back to Kenya until it's safe here!!

10-01-14, 09:24
The thing that bugs me the most is that a guy with multiple violent crimes under his belt was hired as a security contractor for the CDC.

10-01-14, 09:30
Given President Obama's ethnicity and the intense personal animus towards him by many, I suspect the Secret Service has been running their asses off dealing with a deluge of threats against Obama and his family since before he even took office. I would think a fatigue factor would begin to set in after a certain period of sustained heightened alert. Still, the reputation of the Secret Service had been badly tarnished by these missteps and somebody's head is going to have to roll.

10-01-14, 10:29
This really pisses me off. If the USSS screws the pooch and lets Zero get killed, JOE BIDEN will be in charge! :fie:

10-01-14, 10:32
This really pisses me off. If the USSS screws the pooch and lets Zero get killed, JOE BIDEN will be in charge! :fie:It would be a lot easier to deal with and contain a complete fool than the competent saboteur we have now.

10-01-14, 10:47
Contract security officers in Washington, DC are licensed by the Metropolitan Police Department. To receive licensing as an armed security officer, a person cannot have a misdemeanor conviction within 5 years or a felony conviction within 10 years of applying for a license.

Most government buildings in DC use contract security. I guess it depends on how they license security in Georgia.

Sent from my PG41200 using Tapatalk 2

I always thought a felony conviction especially a violent felony, meant no more guns for you unless you get a waiver.

10-01-14, 10:51
I live in a neighborhood that is facetiously dubbed "USSS slum". When the event went down in South America with the "ho's" my neighbor nearing retirement age, said that is a direct result of lowering the bar.

Now with all the security breaches becoming public, the street is circling the wagons. Certainly understand why.

10-01-14, 12:36
It would be a lot easier to deal with and contain a complete fool than the competent saboteur we have now.

Saboteur, yes. I think you and I have a significantly different definition of "competent" in this case though. :)

10-01-14, 13:40
I'm still dealing with the fact that the White House was SHOT seven times and it took them days to even notice. But Obama hand picked his incompetents and now that is what he has.

10-01-14, 14:32
Julia Pearson resigned.

BTW the Secret Service didn't find it, the White House Maid found some glass on the floor and that is what finally confirmed the shooting.

10-01-14, 14:39
Julia Pearson resigned.

I knew she was gone when Elijah Cummings started calling for her head earlier today.

10-01-14, 14:52
I knew she was gone when Elijah Cummings started calling for her head earlier today.

But Obummer's peeps were saying he had full confidence in her just this morning. Mixed signals anyone?

10-01-14, 14:54
Elijah Cummings: This turd should not be in office....

10-01-14, 15:33
Elijah Cummings: This turd should not be in office....


He has been in office since 96 and an absolute idiot and his district will continue to vote for him. How friggin sad!

My boss (of course wife) corrected me: he isn't the idiot, it is all the idiots who vote for him!

10-01-14, 15:59
only you would bring the race/ethnicity card into it ! sorry people do not like him cause of his policies !
hahahahah once again have to bring the race card in because its the only way the left can try to deal blows cause even though know his policies SUCK and have put this country in a downward spiral but nope bring race into it hahahahah

the left was always in mass against bush in a more violent kinda way with protests that would get out of control etc... how many on the left burned effigies of bush hate pics of him in various forms etc... much more than obama has had on a personal level ?

any and all presidents face threat all the time and I bet bush had more threats from the left than obama does from the right

just like the gun shots they did not investigate that was into the white house and the maid found the evidence not the secret service !!!!!!!

Given President Obama's ethnicity and the intense personal animus towards him by many, I suspect the Secret Service has been running their asses off dealing with a deluge of threats against Obama and his family since before he even took office. I would think a fatigue factor would begin to set in after a certain period of sustained heightened alert. Still, the reputation of the Secret Service had been badly tarnished by these missteps and somebody's head is going to have to roll.

10-01-14, 16:02
For the sake of the current President... I'd suggest he go back to Kenya until it's safe here!!

I here Liberia is nice this time of year . . .

10-01-14, 16:03
How are their Golf Courses?? :sarcastic:

10-01-14, 16:04
the only reason the secret service sucks beyond belied at this point is the idiot in chief appointed her as the director !!!

kinda like a community service person as president they don't know how to handle the job and sadly the Secret Service hands are tied also the newer ones they have hired are not based on what they were in the past again because who is in charge ? a lady appointed by obama two clowns who can't do there job

and breaking news she is resigning as of a few minutes ago because of security lapses !!!!

goes to show when the left is in charge all of it starts to hit the fans !!


10-01-14, 16:05
How are their Golf Courses?? :sarcastic:

Covered in human feces and bodies of Ebola victims.

10-01-14, 17:11
Reminder: 8:24 am – Obama ‘Stands Solidly Behind’ Julia Pierson

8:24 am this morning, Obama propaganda minister Josh Earnest told CNN that he ‘stands solidly behind’ Secret Service Director Julia Pierson. Just about four hours later, the Obama regime forced out Pierson after her failures at the Secret Service. This is the same Obama regime we are supposed to trust with our health care, our national security and destroying ISIS? The video explains it all.


10-01-14, 17:14
Reminder: 8:24 am – Obama ‘Stands Solidly Behind’ Julia Pierson

8:24 am this morning, Obama propaganda minister Josh Earnest told CNN that he ‘stands solidly behind’ Secret Service Director Julia Pierson. Just about four hours later, the Obama regime forced out Pierson after her failures at the Secret Service. This is the same Obama regime we are supposed to trust with our health care, our national security and destroying ISIS? The video explains it all.


And that would be "par for this course."

10-01-14, 17:15
Face palm.

The lady needed to go.

I mean, for the love of God, people taking rifle shots at the White Hours, hookers, and drunks on the job, an idiot with a knife running into the
White House.

Trust me, I've been in the White House, several times, once you are past the front door, it is easy to get to the private residence, just a flight of stairs, off to the left. Fortunately the idiot just dashed toward the East Room.

In spite of what you see on TV, the White House is relatively small and cramped.

What a disgrace for the Secret Service and what a disservice to our nation. No matter what you think about our president, he is the president and no matter who is president, he deserves the best protection possible.

10-01-14, 17:20
Whenever you move blindly in to an organization and promise fundamental change as a hallmark of your time in charge, you just screwed yourself.
Unfortunately it takes a bit of leadership experience to know that clearing the decks of all those who served before you leaves you with little practical experience at key levels in jobs that you just can't leave rudderless and expect things to work.
Some people forget that integrity and honor will keep an honorable Man doing the impossible for the ungrateful long after any normal person would or could stand for it another minute.
I think the Secret Service was gutted, those who loved the job were retired or moved in to positions where their abilities were far more than their duties and all in the name of fundamental change.
Tyrants and egoists do those kind of things, honorable Men hold their course.
The very idea that race, gender, religion, or sexual orientation makes you more qualified than any other applicant for a difficult job is a rather odd way to look at running a government.
Just because you and I may disagree on certain philosophical, political and policy things does not mean I will leave you hanging out in the wind to dry or die.
But we have seen this guy do that, now haven't we?

10-01-14, 17:23
I always thought a felony conviction especially a violent felony, meant no more guns for you unless you get a waiver.

Beats me... That info comes straight from the city's municipal code covering security officers. In DC armed security officers are designated as Special Police. Heres a link to the relevant sections...


10-01-14, 17:28
She "stepped down"


I assume the Director of the SS has become a mostly figure head position? Her background does not exactly scream security expert status to be Director is USSS. Could her sex have been involved? Nah....


10-01-14, 17:35
Call me a bit uncomfortable, but when we have the Atlanta CDC filled with test tubes full of stuff capable of melting your face off, shouldn't we pay the extra 5 bucks and get folks who can pass a background investigation?

10-01-14, 18:53
inmates are people to !!!!!!

affirmative action is AWESOME !!!!! screw getting the best person for the job fill those jobs with inmates ! you know they want to be just like the TSA !

Call me a bit uncomfortable, but when we have the Atlanta CDC filled with test tubes full of stuff capable of melting your face off, shouldn't we pay the extra 5 bucks and get folks who can pass a background investigation?