View Full Version : Gun Violence Restraining Order Law in California

10-01-14, 07:30
More unbelievable legislation from Jerry Brown...


SACRAMENTO Calif. (Reuters) - People who fear a close relative may commit gun violence will be able to petition a judge to temporarily remove the
person's firearms in California, under a bill signed into law on Tuesday by Democratic Governor Jerry Brown.

Under the so-called gun violence restraining order in the court system, immediate family members and law enforcement agencies could ask a judge to
order guns temporarily removed from certain individuals. The restraining order would last 21 days, and could be extended up to a year, after a notice
and a hearing.

"If it can save one life, one family from that agony, it will be worth it," Democratic state Senator Hannah-Beth Jackson, said during debate on the

10-01-14, 07:39
Just when you think California's gun laws couldn't get any more asinine and intrusive....

I really do wonder how a True American could still willingly live in that State.

Might as well pass more Gun Control, while letting Criminals out of Prison early and back onto the streets.

10-01-14, 08:11
So whats the criteria? Is this objective, or subjective???? Are their certain parameters outlined in the law? Or is it just up to the judge? I can already see how this is going to go. Baby mama gets pissed at baby daddy, boom...guns taken because she makes some stuff up. Or ex-girlfriend gets pissed and does the same thing.

Welcome to Kalifornia, Amerika. I suspect coloRADo will follow in their footsteps shortly.

10-01-14, 09:38
This "the needs of the one outweigh the needs of the many" attitude must have Spock's green blood boiling.

10-01-14, 09:50
Common Sense found right here...no, not really. Just some "critical thinking, Cali-style:"


And it is just the kind of reasonable approach to a deadly problem that gun owners ought to embrace.

Reagans Rascals
10-01-14, 09:51
Its very telling that the majority of states passing legislature barring an individual the right to defend and protect themselves, are also the states that have very liberal laws concerning the legality of "recreational" drugs...

get as high as you want... but heaven forbid if you even think about protecting yourself

10-01-14, 09:53
This is meant to suppress gun owners from speaking out on their own behalf to get back some social and political influence. They'll stay quiet and in the closet for fear of having this done to them. I've lived there and seen firsthand that this is what's going on.

10-01-14, 10:01
"If it can save one life, one family from that agony, it will be worth it," Democratic state Senator Hannah-Beth Jackson, said during debate on the

The same could be said for anything people don't like..........just think of the agony we could save people from in Drunk Driving accidents if we outlawed drinking, if it saved just 1 person it would be worth it... And we all know how that worked out.

10-01-14, 11:01
"If it can save one life, one family from that agony, it will be worth it," Democratic state Senator Hannah-Beth Jackson, said during debate on the measure.

Be sure to ban cars because they kill more people than guns do.

10-01-14, 11:31
Its very telling that the majority of states passing legislature barring an individual the right to defend and protect themselves, are also the states that have very liberal laws concerning the legality of "recreational" drugs...

get as high as you want... but heaven forbid if you even think about protecting yourself

and some of the highest incarceration rates. Clearly they are doing it wrong, all the while convincing themselves they are doing it right.

10-01-14, 14:13
Just when you think California's gun laws couldn't get any more asinine and intrusive....

I really do wonder how a True American could still willingly live in that State.

Might as well pass more Gun Control, while letting Criminals out of Prison early and back onto the streets.

"A true American"? Really? I'm tempted to tell you to go FK yourself, but instead I'll ask that you clarify what a "True American" is.

If it weren't for family obligations, I'd leave CA. When the old folks pass on, I will leave. As for me being a true American, I sure consider myself one. I was born & raised in CA, I work 55+ hours a week, every week, I pay my share of taxes, I don't accept gov't handouts, I have pride in myself, my home, my business, my family, my church, I vote conservative, I don't support illegals, I value my God given rights, I'm an NRA Endowment member, & I donate to my local 2A orgs. I also donated to NY & CO's gun rights groups when their balls were on the chopping block. Is that not "True American" enough for you?

10-01-14, 15:59
SACRAMENTO Calif. (Reuters) - People who fear a close relative may commit gun violence will be able to petition a judge to temporarily remove the
person's firearms in California, under a bill signed into law on Tuesday by Democratic Governor Jerry Brown

And here we go with the pre-crime / thought crime bovine feces that so many dystopian novels have warned us of . . .

10-01-14, 22:50
"A true American"? Really? I'm tempted to tell you to go FK yourself, but instead I'll ask that you clarify what a "True American" is.

If it weren't for family obligations, I'd leave CA. When the old folks pass on, I will leave. As for me being a true American, I sure consider myself one. I was born & raised in CA, I work 55+ hours a week, every week, I pay my share of taxes, I don't accept gov't handouts, I have pride in myself, my home, my business, my family, my church, I vote conservative, I don't support illegals, I value my God given rights, I'm an NRA Endowment member, & I donate to my local 2A orgs. I also donated to NY & CO's gun rights groups when their balls were on the chopping block. Is that not "True American" enough for you?
That kind of hostility is why we are filing a gun restraining order against you.

You must complete 100 hours of community service at your nearest Democrat headquarters to get them back.

10-01-14, 23:14
So whats the criteria? Is this objective, or subjective???? Are their certain parameters outlined in the law? Or is it just up to the judge? I can already see how this is going to go. Baby mama gets pissed at baby daddy, boom...guns taken because she makes some stuff up. Or ex-girlfriend gets pissed and does the same thing.

Welcome to Kalifornia, Amerika. I suspect coloRADo will follow in their footsteps shortly.

Lol. You don't know much about Colorado do you?

10-01-14, 23:23
"If it can save one life, one family from that agony, it will be worth it," Democratic state Senator Hannah-Beth Jackson, said during debate on the

And what of the lives lost because somebody who had false charges made against them were unable to defend themselves? Funny how they don't seem concerned with the lives of the "lawfully armed."

10-02-14, 01:43
Lol. You don't know much about Colorado do you?

They could have passed this easily a couple of years ago for sure, probably still. All it would take is the next time some dirt bag shoots his wife/girl-friend/baby-momma and bring this bill up.

How distant of a relative?

10-02-14, 04:19
And what of the lives lost because somebody who had false charges made against them were unable to defend themselves? Funny how they don't seem concerned with the lives of the "lawfully armed."
That would true but the lawfully armed = enemies of state in their eyes so........

10-02-14, 06:45
Just starting my morning out and I have already read the stupidest piece of legistlation of my entire life!! These people's tactics are sad, very sad.

10-02-14, 08:00
Lol. You don't know much about Colorado do you?

Don't worry after the next moron to lose his mind after chomping down a whole weed brownie, it will be the guns fault and you'll get a "Gun Violence Restraining Order" law.....

Should go nicely with the mag ban and mandatory background checks.

10-02-14, 10:31
And what of the lives lost because somebody who had false charges made against them were unable to defend themselves? Funny how they don't seem concerned with the lives of the "lawfully armed."It has come up at least once where someone wishing to kill someone they knew to be a gun owner would use the police to disarm them first.

10-02-14, 10:33
"A true American"? Really? I'm tempted to tell you to go FK yourself, but instead I'll ask that you clarify what a "True American" is.

If it weren't for family obligations, I'd leave CA. When the old folks pass on, I will leave. As for me being a true American, I sure consider myself one. I was born & raised in CA, I work 55+ hours a week, every week, I pay my share of taxes, I don't accept gov't handouts, I have pride in myself, my home, my business, my family, my church, I vote conservative, I don't support illegals, I value my God given rights, I'm an NRA Endowment member, & I donate to my local 2A orgs. I also donated to NY & CO's gun rights groups when their balls were on the chopping block. Is that not "True American" enough for you?
He merely said that it must be hard and that he doesn't see how it's worth it to be there, not that you personally weren't. Clearly you're in the boat of true American but held captive there. I was there too, once, temporarily, because my wife's job training there. We thankfully got out as quick as we could. I don't think I could stay there for relatives or pretty much any reason, but apparently you can.

10-02-14, 11:03
The following is a press release from the NRA-ILA:
On the final day of Governor Jerry Brown’s deadline to act on pending legislation, he signed into law three more anti-gun bills and vetoed one anti-gun bill.
Anti-gun bills signed into law today:
- Senate Bill 199 removes exceptions for limited airsoft and bb device the imitation firearm marking requirements.
- Assembly Bill 1609 makes it a state crime to transport or otherwise import firearms into California that were acquired from out of state, unless the firearms are sent to and transferred through a licensed California gun dealer.
- Assembly Bill 1014 authorizes a family member or law enforcement officer to file for a restraining order against you to have your firearms forfeited.
The following two anti-gun bills were already signed into law earlier this year:
- Assembly Bill 1964 unnecessarily removes existing exemptions for all single-shot pistols, other than those with a break top or bolt-action, from California’s roster of “not unsafe” handguns.
- Assembly Bill 2310 allows city attorneys in Los Angeles and Sacramento counties to initiate unlawful detainer actions against residents who have been arrested for any firearm-related crime.
Anti-gun bill vetoed today:
- Senate Bill 808 would have required special permission from the DOJ to build a firearm and would have mandated registration of these firearms. The NRA’s veto letter outlined in detail for the governor the many practical problems with the bill and the lack of any public safety benefit, prompting the veto. The Governor’s veto message can be viewed here.

10-02-14, 11:10
Don't worry after the next moron to lose his mind after chomping down a whole weed brownie, it will be the guns fault and you'll get a "Gun Violence Restraining Order" law.....

Should go nicely with the mag ban and mandatory background checks.

How many other states recalled TWO state senators and then forced a THIRD to resign as a direct result of voting for pro gun control bills? None.

CO is not CA.

Irregardless, some of you "free staters" are nothing more than backstabbing sissies. You should be supporting all your brothers behind enemy lines. Hate the state and the states laws don't hate the individuals behind enemy lines actually fighting for a change.

10-02-14, 16:55
How many other states recalled TWO state senators and then forced a THIRD to resign as a direct result of voting for pro gun control bills? None.

CO is not CA.

Irregardless, some of you "free staters" are nothing more than backstabbing sissies. You should be supporting all your brothers behind enemy lines. Hate the state and the states laws don't hate the individuals behind enemy lines actually fighting for a change.

Well said. If someone developed cancer in a finger, should they treat it or cut off it off in order to save the rest of the body? Or should they laugh & point at the infected finger with the other healthy fingers saying "Sucks to be you"! Free America better get out their chisels and start chipping away at the borders of NY & CA in attempt to break them off into the ocean, or step up & support the cause.

It's easy to point fingers & laugh at the "Commies" behind enemy lines from the security of their free states. Eventually, this cancer will infect the entire country. It's only a matter of time unless we all band together which from what I see here, won't be anytime soon. "We're a lost cause". FK it. Let them learn the hard way. The really funny part is that this last election, CA's votes hadn't even been counted yet before they declared Obama had won a 2nd term. This speaks volumes about the mindset of the nation (outside of CA). Good luck free staters. You're gonna need it.

10-02-14, 17:11
How many other states recalled TWO state senators and then forced a THIRD to resign as a direct result of voting for pro gun control bills? None.

CO is not CA.

Irregardless, some of you "free staters" are nothing more than backstabbing sissies. You should be supporting all your brothers behind enemy lines. Hate the state and the states laws don't hate the individuals behind enemy lines actually fighting for a change.

That's all well and dandy, however the laws haven't been repealed. The door has been opened, and I would suspect that all the front range hipsters will be begging for a "gun violence restraining order act" shortly after the next wake-and-baker smokes his wife after a bad trip from a hopped up chron-brownie.

Also keep in mind folks, that an Order of Protection restricts the respondent from being in possession of a firearm too. This is simply further encroachment on the 2A rights.

10-02-14, 18:34

10-02-14, 19:24

This is awesome!

10-02-14, 19:32
"If it can save one life, one family from that agony, it will be worth it," Democratic state Senator Hannah-Beth Jackson, said during debate on the measure.

While sitting in line at the abortion clinic??

10-02-14, 21:37

10-02-14, 23:32
"If it can save one life, one family from that agony, it will be worth it," Democratic state Senator Hannah-Beth Jackson, said during debate on the measure.

While sitting in line at the abortion clinic??
How people cannot see the abhorrent hypocrisy in such words totally flabbergasts me..

Liberals are scum.. Simple as that.

And what pisses me off more is that noone ever calls them on that, ever!! Gahhh

10-03-14, 11:27
Another gun-related law in Californicatia, what a surprise.

10-07-14, 08:21
And of course NY not to be out done by California.


10-07-14, 09:06
Irregardless, some of you "free staters" are nothing more than backstabbing sissies. You should be supporting all your brothers behind enemy lines. Hate the state and the states laws don't hate the individuals behind enemy lines actually fighting for a change.

I feel for you but it is almost time to cut out the cancer to save the whole body.

The way things are going in CA and NY I do not see it ever getting better, only worse. If something is not done soon you will take us all down. The BS spills out to the rest of us a little at a time.

That is where the hostility comes from. Everyone see the writting on the wall.

10-07-14, 11:47
I have seen about enough of how people with great ideas can save us all, it doesn't work and it usually has some unintended consequences.
As soo as the Launteberg thing passed immeadiatly everyone who had a security clearance or carried a gun as a part of their job had to have a new background investigation.
I was finishing my time in Battalion S-2 before PCS ing to another duty station and I could see the writing on the wall as soon as the rumors about being put out of the Military if you had ever been accused/convicted of spouce abuse. I should have just started count backwards from 100 and I would have almost been right on the money.
A SSG comes in and asks to speak to me privately and tells me he is getting a divorce and his wife has threatened to claim domestic violence if he didn't provide X, Y and Z in the divorce immeadiatly.
It's all good until someone uses this to intentionally do harm to someone else or to gain advantage.

10-07-14, 12:28
Unintended consequences be damned. This crap is nothing more than intentional gun grabbing, period. Good people with guns ate the enemy nowadays.

10-07-14, 14:56
Well then you'd better grab your chisel & hammer & get to chipping at the borders so NY & CA fall into the ocean. Oh that's not possible you say? How about vote to have a fence put around these states? Not possible either? Damn! Well, looks like you're stuck with helping to cure the cancer, because it doesn't seem possible to remove it. Sorry Docsherm.

Reagans Rascals
10-07-14, 16:48
I'm fairly certain an allegory of this same type of situation has been encountered numerous times in theater... local shop owner turns his competition into S2 as an "insurgent/ harboring jihadists" and they are gone before dawn... thus... the market is his...