View Full Version : IS this a good buy?

06-18-08, 21:51
I am looking at a 5 yr old Colt 6920 LEO rifle with supposedly 500s down the tube. The price is $1000. Does this sould reasonable?

06-18-08, 22:16
I am looking at a 5 yr old Colt 6920 LEO rifle with supposedly 500s down the tube. The price is $1000. Does this sould reasonable?
If you dont feel it is, then if you will gladly send me the info on who is selling it, I will be more than happy to take it off their hands :D

Seriously, yes it is a good deal. Inspect it and make sure its all colt, and if it is, then jump on it like white on rice.

06-19-08, 07:40
If it is pristine otherwise, then you trade the 500 "supposed" rounds fired for the roughly $300 you'll save going for a new one retail. Five hundred rounds is nothing at all for a 6920, so if as stated I agree it would be a good deal.

06-19-08, 11:33
I'd hit it.

06-19-08, 14:06
id pay the extra 300 for the peace of mind, knowing that my colt is 100% genuine, and i know 100% the round count.

but that is me