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View Full Version : Can't respond to EE post?

10-09-14, 15:28
Hi guys, I'm new here and very sorry if I've missed this (been hunting around for awhile but haven't found relevant info)... is it not possible for a new member to respond to a thread listing in the EE section? I'm trying to respond to a thread on an item but get a permissions failure.

Thanks and sorry for newb question.

10-09-14, 15:35
You have to pm or email the member.


10-09-14, 15:43
Thank you for the clarification. The lister indicates "don't PM me - email me" - I've emailed him a couple of times and gotten no response. He might want to update his listing if the item is no longer available.

10-09-14, 17:04
This prevents threads being larded up with irrelevant stupidity, and third party anything. If you haven't received the email back, it's just as likely they haven't gotten around to it or are waiting on a flaky buyer; though some folks are less willing to initiate transactions with members who have <5 post counts as well.

Read up on the rules for each of the forums, it'll help down the road anyway. South left the relevant link for this one.

10-09-14, 17:07
Asked and answered.