View Full Version : Oh boy, here we go.......

10-10-14, 15:15
"ISIS bearing down on Baghdad"


Any wagers on how long before Dear Leader does an about-face on ground troops? Hell, even the air campaign has slowly worked it's way "groundward"........first it was fixed-wing assets, now Apaches.

Doc Safari
10-10-14, 15:37
My take is that Barry will continue to offer more waffles than an IHOP full of customers...that is...until the world oil supply is threatened. Then he will suddenly do his best "Citizen of the World" superhero appearance and offer up whatever the situation dictates to defeat ISIS, including lying about whether he thought ground troops would be needed all along.

I figure we maybe have until the first of next year to enjoy current gas prices. By then the markets will have reacted even moreso than they are and we will be paying out the yingyang (thanks, Barry) for our gas, just on speculation and fear of what might happen.

I think we are in for a rollercoaster ride until January 20, 2017, and I hope we will be inaugurating another Reaganesque hawk who will scare the fecal giblets out of these goat-smelling camel jocks (sorry if I offended any camels).

I can only console myself that, in a way, the country itself is mostly safe just because Barry is so incompetent that even Jimmy Carter holds him in contempt (that's pretty BAD!).

10-11-14, 13:30
My take is that Barry will continue to offer more waffles than an IHOP full of customers...that is...until the world oil supply is threatened. Then he will suddenly do his best "Citizen of the World" superhero appearance and offer up whatever the situation dictates to defeat ISIS, including lying about whether he thought ground troops would be needed all along.

I figure we maybe have until the first of next year to enjoy current gas prices. By then the markets will have reacted even moreso than they are and we will be paying out the yingyang (thanks, Barry) for our gas, just on speculation and fear of what might happen....


I think we are in for a rollercoaster ride until January 20, 2017, and I hope we will be inaugurating another Reaganesque hawk who will scare the fecal giblets out of these goat-smelling camel jocks (sorry if I offended any camels)....

I wish it were that easy. Seriously. I would vote twice if I could.
Not to preach to the choir, but just as two terms of BHO were made possible by shouting down all effective opposition by the "R" word and the novelty of "first black president", so any possibility of future effective leadership will be shouted down by calling naysayers "sexist" and the novelty of "first woman president". Or any number other similar situations.
America craves distraction not results, and novelties equal distraction.

As far as the ISIS threat, this smells of one of two things:
1) Incompetency at the highest levels of leadership, considering I could have told them years ago exactly what is happening now would happen, and I'm no tactician. Actually I think there was a general or politician that tried, but of course was shouted down by the "bring the troops home now" feel-good crowd.
I would really really *like* to believe that this was all some brilliant plan to let the enemy get overconfident and overexposed so we can swoop in and obliterate them, but I just don't see that with this administration. In which case...

2) A set up. The last 12 years or so of war have been very profitable, if you're in the right business. We can't simply have all that go away now. The situation is being let to develop in a way that will illicit the maximum emotion response from Americans so that we will all be for another ten years. We'll go for a "boots on ground" option (which of course, is the only way to win, but...), and after the initial ass kicking we'll hand out, things will stymie back into what they were before we left, and ten years of hamstrung soldiering later no-one in the general public will understand that you can't just walk away without finishing the fight. We'll go through the "bring 'em all home" motions to make everyone happy, and then we'll have a repeat of what's going on right now as the enemy that's simply waited us out comes back to life. It's the perfect self-perpetuating cycle, and those that are in the right places rake in the money at the expense of our troops who they seem perfectly content to toss aside, or demonize as "nuts" when it's all over.
And of course as a bonus, with an ongoing security threat from abroad (let alone those closer to home that are ignored or quietly condoned), those that wish to turn this country into a socialist hellhole have all the license in the world to do so. It's for your safety and security!



10-11-14, 13:40
Not to preach to the choir, but just as two terms of BHO were made possible by shouting down all effective opposition by the "R" word and the novelty of "first black president", so any possibility of future effective leadership will be shouted down by calling naysayers "sexist" and the novelty of "first woman president". Or any number other similar situations.
America craves distraction not results, and novelties equal distraction.

Then the GOP needs to find a black or hispanic woman to put at the front of the ticket.

That being said, most predictions pre-2008 that I read about the Presidency of the US was that we would have a black President before a female President and our first female President would be a conservative. Perhaps even Thatcher-esque.

10-11-14, 14:15

Iraqi officials have issued a desperate plea for America to bring US ground troops back to the embattled country, as heavily armed Islamic State militants came within striking distance of Baghdad.
Amid reports that Isil forces have advanced as far as Abu Ghraib, a town that is effectively a suburb of Baghdad, a senior governor claimed up to 10,000 fighters from the movement were now poised to assault the capital.
The warning came from Sabah al-Karhout, president of the provisional council of Anbar Province, the vast desert province to the west of Baghdad that has now largely fallen under jihadist control.
The province’s two main cities, Fallujah and Ramadi, were once known as “the graveyard of the Americans”, and the idea of returning there will not be welcomed by the Pentagon.
As I have said from the very beginning, the removal of all of our troops from Iraq was one of, if not the single most vile, and despicable of political machinations in the modern history of the USA! I could care less how many government agents around here happen to suck at the democratic party teat, this guy must be removed from office, asap! We are witness to a catastrophe and this douchebag, or diabolical genius(take your pick), has dragged the entire Western hemisphere to the brink! He is dispersing the deadliest pathogen to emerge since the eradication of smallpox throughout the USA courtesy of his equally virulent race centric hatred's, and he has so corrupted our government institutions that nobody with a lick of common sense believes a word that they say, he has to go!

10-11-14, 19:49
Then the GOP needs to find a black or hispanic woman to put at the front of the ticket.

Not to derail the thread, but it shouldn't matter if they were purple with pink polka dots!
To hell with these stupid race games. The only thing that should matter is "can the candidate do the job as the country needs and within the parameters of and respect to the Constitution?" And frankly, the last thing I would want is yet another president beholden to favoring a certain ethnicity just because they belong to that group. We've all seen how well this has worked out with the Obama/Holder combo...
Of course the reality isn't so easy, but I'm just sayin'...

That being said... Dr. Ben Carson would be an interesting pick, and would allow the GOP to play the game. Not sure where he stands on a lot of issues like 2A and such, but he sure isn't a fan of the current admin...and he ain't quiet about either.

But anyway- I'll shut up now. :o

10-11-14, 20:08
Not to derail the thread, but it shouldn't matter if they were purple with pink polka dots!
To hell with these stupid race games. The only thing that should matter is "can the candidate do the job as the country needs and within the parameters of and respect to the Constitution?" And frankly, the last thing I would want is yet another president beholden to favoring a certain ethnicity just because they belong to that group. We've all seen how well this has worked out with the Obama/Holder combo...
Of course the reality isn't so easy, but I'm just sayin'...

That being said... Dr. Ben Carson would be an interesting pick, and would allow the GOP to play the game. Not sure where he stands on a lot of issues like 2A and such, but he sure isn't a fan of the current admin...and he ain't quiet about either.

But anyway- I'll shut up now. :o

I agree. But in our current political climate, that might be the only choice to have a conservative. The game has changed, and out thinking must as well, as far as game play goes.

Only thing is, you have to keep perspective hen you play thier games and not turn into...


10-12-14, 09:07
Then the GOP needs to find a black or hispanic woman to put at the front of the ticket.

That being said, most predictions pre-2008 that I read about the Presidency of the US was that we would have a black President before a female President and our first female President would be a conservative. Perhaps even Thatcher-esque.

Ted Cruz, Alan West and Trey Gowdy need to get together NOW and come to an agreement where they all Run Together so they dont' infight and all prepare for the assault of the liberals AND the mainstream GOP. Cruz President, West VP, and Gowdy AG...Oh, and Ben Carson head of HHS..."The Dream Team"....

Outlander Systems
10-12-14, 09:22
I think we are in for a rollercoaster ride until January 20, 2017, and I hope we will be inaugurating another Reaganesque hawk who will scare the fecal giblets out of these goat-smelling camel jocks (sorry if I offended any camels).

I hereby nominate Adm. William McRaven. We have got to stop putting career crimi...I mean...politicians in office, if we are going to get this country back on track.

An Undocumented Worker
10-13-14, 20:38
How insane would it be to think that maybe the administration is hurting the efforts of those trying to stop ISIS or possibly even providing support to ISIS?

10-13-14, 22:59
So we put them in, but to what end? Our guys would eventually (likely sooner than later) retake Iraq, but what then? Those sorry bastards and their tribal Arab infighting squandered what we handed them the first time, and desired a SOFA that made American servicemen subject to Iraqi law. So my gut reaction is to say "Fvck you!!!".

I just don't know........

10-14-14, 01:28
saw that new isis video of there training at least they have nice US tents to stay in !

10-14-14, 01:59
So we put them in, but to what end? Our guys would eventually (likely sooner than later) retake Iraq, but what then? Those sorry bastards and their tribal Arab infighting squandered what we handed them the first time, and desired a SOFA that made American servicemen subject to Iraqi law. So my gut reaction is to say "Fvck you!!!".

I just don't know........

Well the basic problem is we converted Iraq from a Sunni controlled population to a Shiai controlled population.

Here's a quick primer.


You can ignore the American Imperialism crap.

10-14-14, 06:39
MacArthur did it right.
We didn't pull out of Japan and let the games begin in a power struggle to rule after we were gone.

10-14-14, 07:17
Remember - ISIS is the "JV" of terrorists... :rolleyes:


On the bright side, Major League Goofball did get his 200th round of golf in last week! http://ts1.mm.bing.net/th?id=HN.608036085167426970&w=80&h=80&c=8&pid=3.1&qlt=90&rm=2

10-14-14, 07:27
Not to derail the thread, but it shouldn't matter if they were purple with pink polka dots!
To hell with these stupid race games. The only thing that should matter is "can the candidate do the job as the country needs and within the parameters of and respect to the Constitution?" And frankly, the last thing I would want is yet another president beholden to favoring a certain ethnicity just because they belong to that group. We've all seen how well this has worked out with the Obama/Holder combo...
Of course the reality isn't so easy, but I'm just sayin'...

Agreed. The only thing that should matter is exactly that. Unfortunately we don't seem to be able to get past the beauty contest phase of an election, especially the Presidential ones.

That being said... Dr. Ben Carson would be an interesting pick, and would allow the GOP to play the game. Not sure where he stands on a lot of issues like 2A and such, but he sure isn't a fan of the current admin...and he ain't quiet about either.

But anyway- I'll shut up now. :o

Best I understand of Carson's 2A view is that initially he was for "gun control", but he has "evolved" his view to say ownership outside of major cities is permissible in his world. Don't think he's a fan of "assault weapons" in any setting. I may be wrong and he may have "evolved" further to become a champion of 2A, but I really lost interest in him after his initial stance on firearms.

How insane would it be to think that maybe the administration is hurting the efforts of those trying to stop ISIS or possibly even providing support to ISIS?

Sadly not insane at all.

10-14-14, 08:01
Maybe he is saving this for a "Berlin Airlift Moment" a week before the elections?
I hate to sound that cynical, but...

10-14-14, 09:35
MacArthur did it right.
We didn't pull out of Japan and let the games begin in a power struggle to rule after we were gone.

Except that Japan had about three, three-and-a-half centuries of a strong, centralized government and nearly a century of representative democracy - against almost a thousand years of existence - and a level of (synonym for continuation, ugh, brain fart) with the Emperor as Head of State following demotion from being a god to a more ceremonial role.

Iraq has had a couple decades of strong, centralized government. Against one of the oldest, most divided civilizations on earth.