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View Full Version : Who Says Liberals Can't Become Great Military Men? (Hunter Biden)

10-16-14, 20:43
I take it back. He was in the reserves, a while after his active duty service.


10-16-14, 21:50
What did he do that was great?

10-16-14, 21:52
Got kicked out for doing blow. And he was never active Navy, always in the reserves, as a public affairs officer.

10-16-14, 22:21
Sorry about that. I should have researched his service a little further. I assumed at some point he must have served overseas in an active capacity, but none the less he was a reservist.

My reference to "great" was sarcastic.

10-16-14, 22:28
One of his associates, John "John Boat" Kerry was also active duty U.S. Navy. Maybe you were thinking of him.

10-17-14, 05:33
Smedley Butler has 2 medals of honor and he would make Obama look like Reagan.

10-17-14, 05:40
Daniel Inouye, while anti-gun and as liberal as you can get, has a MoH for taking out two German machine guns nests by himself, iirc, after he lost his arm. He's of Japanese descent... he fought for America when America put his family in a prison camp for looking like the enemy. I'd imagine the number of people here that would fight for a country that put you and your family in prison because of your race could be counted on one hand. I'm not one of them for sure.

10-17-14, 09:47
Smedley Butler has 2 medals of honor and he would make Obama look like Reagan.

That what I was going to bring out.

10-17-14, 12:56
Just goes to show there is no connection between acting heroically in combat and having political leanings that confer with the oath taken to support and defend the Constitution.

Of course, there are also plenty of rank-and-file combat veterans who are perfectly willing to trample on Constitutional rights after they leave active duty, too....
