View Full Version : If you like your tobacco, you cannot keep your tobacco.

11-10-14, 08:52


Popping by the store for a pack of smokes may soon be a thing of the past in a central Massachusetts town, which is mulling an outright ban on the sale of all tobacco products within city limits. If approved, it would be the first such ban in the US.

I don't smoke, and I think it is digusting. I have no dog in this fight (except personal liberty and all that jazz)

I just find it immensely interesting that the same type of folks that ridicule the Bible Belt for prohibiting liquor sales on Sunday are the ones quickest to ban Trans Fats, Tobacco, and other "dangerous" products in the name of the public good.

11-10-14, 08:56
Don't let it confuse you. These folks are trying to save your health. Them's other folks is lookin' to save your soul.

11-10-14, 09:20
I heard an interesting analogy the other day for this political clash between the groups you mentioned. The political parties in our country are looking less and less like a left-right continuum and more like a horseshoe with the open end facing down. On the bottom end, you have two separate groups that are both VERY authoritarian and wish to make everyone else just "shut up and color." They are really only separated by their pet issues: abortion/tobacco/alcohol/social issues/whatever. From a sociological standpoint, both of these groups behave almost identically.

Then there is the curve at the top that represents "the middle." To me, this "peak" represents the even-minded folk who neither seek to control what others do, nor want anyone to tell them what to do. They pick and choose what issues are important to them, and are happy to "live and let live."

11-10-14, 09:22
LOL. Because banning drugs have worked out so well to eliminate people's use of drugs.

Wait till they realize just how much of their funding comes from taxing the crap out of cigs.

11-10-14, 09:48
I'd like to see the decriminalization of all schedule 1, 2, and 3 "drugs". I say free for all. User be ware and make big boy decisions with your life.

Banning tabacky aint going to save anyone, as they'll get it somehow.....just look at minors.

I say turn the DEA into the new ATFE. Simply make them the tax collectors and regulators, legalize and tax it like booze. Then the narco state known as Mexico would become a thriving utopia lol

11-10-14, 11:22
Ideas like dry counties and tobacco bans are silly and against the idea of a free state..sorry.

As much as I hate all forms of smoking...you should have the right to do so outdoors and in your home and certain businesses.


11-10-14, 11:30
Dry counties aren't dry. They just limit the group that distributes the alcohol.

A town in Mass. made a silly law. So what?

Tons of towns make stupid laws every week. . . . . few listen. Most don't even follow them . . . . cause a bunch of them are unconstitutional