View Full Version : Think Your Life Is Worth More Than $2.00? Not To These Types It's Not.

06-24-08, 17:45
I hope Texas puts these two pieces of human garbage down. If it were up to me, they'd be soaked in gasoline and set on fire in their own neighborhood.


Murder Suspects Describe Two Killings in $2 Robbery
Tuesday, June 24, 2008

http://www.foxnews.com/images/384299/0_61_broadnax_james1.jpg http://www.foxnews.com/images/384299/0_62_cummings_demarius1.jpg

The men arrested in the slayings of an aspiring Christian singer and his colleague at a Texas recording studio said in a chilling jailhouse interview the victims were killed at random in a robbery that netted only $2.

Cousins James Broadnax and Demarius Dwight Cummings, both 19, face capital murder charges in the deaths of singer Matthew Butler, a father of two, and Stephen Swan, his employee, outside Butler's Christian recording studio, Zion Gate Records in Garland, Texas.

Broadnax and Cummings, speaking to MyFOXDFW.com from the Dallas County Jail, told the station of their plans to rob somebody the night of June 18. They traveled by train from Dallas to the suburb of Garland because "that's where all the rich white folks stay at," Broadnax said.

Their targets turned out to be Butler, 28, and Swan, 26.

"I made sure they was dead," Broadnax told MyFOXDFW.com

His voice wavering, Broadnax recounted in blood-curdling detail how he shot the men to death in a parking lot outside the recording studio after Cummings asked for a cigarette.

"I just blanked the f--- out," Broadnax said. "I shot him [Butler] and he stumbled back. I shot the driver [Swan]. He hit the ground, you know what I'm saying, but he leaned up like he was going to try to get back up, so I shot him in the head.

"Then his homeboy, I shot his a-- again, you know what I'm saying, but he was still trying to run off," he continued. "I knew he was going to die anyway, but just to make sure — pop, pop."

Broadnax said he shot Butler twice in the head.

Cummings told the station that he and his cousin had traded an AK-47 as collateral for a pistol to use during what he thought would just be a robbery.

"We didn't plan to shoot nobody and nothing like that," Cummings told MyFOXDFW.com. "No, I take that back. I did tell him we'd probably have to pop them a few times or whatever. I did. But still, I didn't think he was going to do it."

After the men were shot, Cummings said he took car keys and a wallet from Swan, but the wallet contained only $2.

"I ain't never seen nobody die like that, you know," Cummings said. "It kind of shocked me, you know what I'm saying. I was shook."

The men fled to an aunt's house, where they changed clothes, then stashed the pistol at Cummings' girlfriend's place, according to the interviews.

The cousins pawned some tools in Swan's vehicle and changed the car's plates before moving on, they said.

Authorities caught up with Broadnax and Cummings on June 20 in Texarkana in one of the victims' vehicles. A third man was in the car and but later was cleared of any involvement in the murders by Garland police.

Cummings, who insisted "I didn't kill anyone," appeared to have some remorse when asked about the crime.

"I feel real bad, you know," he told MyFOXDFW.com. "I feel it was wrong what we did."

But Broadnax, who described his life as "hell," showed little remorse.

"I kind of regret what I did, but things can't change so no use crying over it," Broadnax said.

When asked about what he would say to the victims' families, Broadnax replied, "f--- 'em."

A joint memorial service for Butler and Swan was held Monday.

06-24-08, 17:53
He should sue the victims families for civil rights violations. He was "shook" and "shocked" after shooting someone in the head.

Clearly worthy of damages :rolleyes:

Those poor people. Prayers for the loved ones.

06-24-08, 18:20
extra crispy , thats how i likes mineses !!

06-24-08, 20:21
Can I throw the switch?:mad:

06-24-08, 20:35
There are thousands of these types out there right now, this is why people have to arm themselves (and training of course) to confront deadly situations head-on.

06-24-08, 20:41
Can I throw the switch?:mad:

No me first, me first!!

Really I'm thinking no appeals, no parole, no long death row wait. They have admitted to the killings and clearly show no remorse. To use their own word's, F-em. Upon conclusion of reading the sentencing, the bailiff puts two in the back of each one's head. What's that $2? Preferably on the court house steps.


06-24-08, 22:55
That is just too :( :mad:

06-24-08, 23:00
rather , there are millions of them out there ! and they are reproducing rapidly ! god help mankind

06-24-08, 23:12
The RED is positive and the BLACK is negative. :mad:

06-25-08, 00:55
Why is it that if I walk into a poor predominately black neighbor and shoot a couple on sight, and then later in a jailhouse interview I say I went there intentionally b/c that is where the thug niggas live, and I fully intended to take a couple off - I get hit with an extra charge of "Hate Crime"?

I sure "Obama the Uniter" will correct this and other double standards.

06-25-08, 01:18
What a shame! They deserve to die the same way. Prayers to the families. :mad:

06-25-08, 01:38
Bullets would be too mercifull for these two. Yes they are out there. What a surprise. I'll chip in $20 if they want to use premium. Prayers for the vic's families. We should be able to charge the parents that uh, manufactured these two defects.

06-25-08, 01:59
The Chinese do have some things on us in these cases -- like billing the executed's family for the bullets

06-25-08, 02:56
The Chinese do have some things on us in these cases -- like billing the executed's family for the bullets

Personally I go with executing the families as well, be hey I'm a bit jaded after wearing a uniform for so long...


06-25-08, 04:13
Outside, line them up and a 7.62 pain reliever for both of them. Maybe someone can email this to Sarah Brady and the Gang and explain that this is why law abiding citizens shouldn't be disarmed. Of course, she will blame the gun for the crime instead of these oxygen stealing pieces of shit.

06-25-08, 05:16
I would kill them for free.

Dave L.
06-25-08, 06:47
Save your bullets, I would "OJ Simpson" these sorry M$TH$R F$%K$RS in front of each other.

06-25-08, 11:59
Correct me if im wrong but is it a good thing these assholes did this in Texas?

Texas still has very strict death penalty laws, correct?

If so that means that these pieces of shit will at least be relieved of their right to breathe.

My heart goes out to the families, i simply dont know what to say in a case like this, its so...random and thoughtless.

06-25-08, 21:35
Yes the express lane in Texas is still open.

Wife and I watched the interview last night and It just pisses you off.

Boardnax is a piece of garbage and deserves the needle.

I believe the video of the interview is still on myfoxdfw.com. It will make you mad as hell once you see it.

06-26-08, 10:24
No drop hanging

06-26-08, 18:48
Yes the express lane in Texas is still open.

Wife and I watched the interview last night and It just pisses you off.

Boardnax is a piece of garbage and deserves the needle.

I believe the video of the interview is still on myfoxdfw.com. It will make you mad as hell once you see it.

The reason why we continue our collective slow swirl down the shitter is b/c each successive generation lowers the moral bar and produces an ever increasing number of individuals that see life as cheap. This coupled with the fact that the leftists have more empathy for the offender than the victim ensures that those same offenders see few real consequences for their actions.

Public executions designed to humilate and shame the surviving family, designed to cause death to the offender in a most unflattering, dehumanizing, and somewhat painful manner; designed to instill terror in the offener - ideally the offender would publicly weep and beg to be spared - are a GOOD thing.

There is a method to the maddness. It serves as not only societal retribution, but emphasises the point that death is ugly and no matter what you do not want to be a murdering offender.

Unfortunately the leftist have confused the moral obligation of confirming guilt before carrying out the sentence with the protections offered under the 8th ammendment. If one is sentenced to death - it should be a "teaching momment" for all of society.

Just me

06-26-08, 20:14
Recently on TOS there was much controversy over Pat Rogers' article in SWAT magazine where he encouraged readers to "efficiently embrace the hate".

The wailing and gnashing of teeth in that thread was of epic proportions.

These two geniuses seem to me to be a perfect example of why it is necessary to "embrace the hate". Some people don't play nice. You must not try to play nice with such people or you will die.

06-26-08, 20:26
unfortunitly, it's only going to get worst. energy crisis, unemployment and the lack of morals-mix all together and it turns into a "green light" for dirt bags to do what they do best; attack the sheep. I think the time is coming when those of us that choose to have sharp "teeth" will be forced to use them. two to the chest and one to the head!