View Full Version : New Orleans Gun Confiscation Video

Dave L.
06-25-08, 05:17
I'm not sure how old this is or if it's been posted- but this really pissed me off...

06-25-08, 07:11
that really sucks that they lost all there weapons and the fact they could not defend themselfs..

06-25-08, 07:48
I was working in NO the first 4 weeks after Katrina hit, if the city of NO was so concerned that LEGAL firearms might fall into the hands of bad guys, then why didn't they try to secure the weapons that were stolen from businesses? It seems to me that LE saw easy targets to carry out the confiscation order on, instead of going directly to source of the REAL crime. Now LE did go after badguys, I was near the causeway bridge on I-10 when NO SWAT lit up those 5 badguys that had stolen weapons from a gun store and were just walking on the bridge, so they were going after them, but I still think alot of LE went for easy targets (I.E., law abiding citizens...). JMHO

06-25-08, 08:32
I have no words to describe how perverse and sickening that video makes me feel.

06-25-08, 12:38
The old lady with the revolver takes the cake. I can remember seeing that one on the news.

06-25-08, 12:49
As was said in the video, "Where are the guns?" Did NOPD sell them? Destroy them? Loose them? That's a lot of guns unaccounted for!


06-25-08, 13:13
Just obeying orders...

It seems to me that LE saw easy targets to carry out the confiscation order on...so they were going after them, but I still think alot of LE went for easy targets...

Easy target being the key words

Dave L.
06-25-08, 13:21
It takes a real ****in hard ass to tackle a little old lady...I hope Karma kicks him in the nuts over and over again.

06-25-08, 13:28
As was said in the video, "Where are the guns?" Did NOPD sell them? Destroy them? Loose them? That's a lot of guns unaccounted for!


I'd guess from the reputation of the NOPD, they kept and/or sold the ones they liked.

06-25-08, 13:36
I'd guess from the reputation of the NOPD, they kept and/or sold the ones they liked.


A few hundred untraceable guns in the hands of one of the most famously corrupt bodies in the country.

I have no doubt a large amount of those guns ended up on the street...

06-25-08, 13:43
It takes a real ****in hard ass to tackle a little old lady...I hope Karma kicks him in the nuts over and over again.

No kidding. Real tough guy.

This is sickening, especially the POS police chief.

06-25-08, 15:54
You should see the condition of those guns. Beat up and rusted beyond recovery. Wh at a unlawful order given by the chief. Probably came from that useless mayor.

06-25-08, 16:11
The disgusting part is that officers from other states followed these orders from a mere city official... I understand when it's your own boss and your lively hood is on the line... but damn someone else's boss? At what point do you make the decision that an order, while possibly lawful in some eyes, is going to let down the very citizens your sworn to protect? We've talked a lot about this at my unit... people are all over the chart on this subject. Hopefully state laws in place to prevent this sort of order from being issued will help in the future... but then again there were Constitutional Rights in place before Katrina.

Gutshot John
06-25-08, 16:17
...but then again there were Constitutional Rights in place before Katrina.

Ponder the full implications of that very true statement.

It should scare the crap out of you.

06-26-08, 02:37
I had to turn that garbage off.

I always hear people on the forums talk about being prepared for disaster scenarios. How would you prepare yourself for this? I guess some weapons need to be well hidden and you will have to lie well. Having to hold up without AC, electricity and running water would be bad enough but unarmed with looters roaming around.:eek:

06-26-08, 04:10
As an L.E. person myself, I think I would either let people know what was coming, or turn in my badge.

06-27-08, 17:01
You should see the condition of those guns. Beat up and rusted beyond recovery. Wh at a unlawful order given by the chief. Probably came from that useless mayor.

You also forgot that useless Governor......

06-27-08, 19:14
Has anyone actually looked into the power FEMA has in such a situation! :eek: I promise you it is not pretty. Reader's digest, they can deny any and all constitutional rights at any time.

06-27-08, 19:57
WY now has a statute that expressly PROHIBITS such asshattery :D

06-27-08, 20:32
WY now has a statute that expressly PROHIBITS such asshattery :D

Many states have such provisions now. However, rights can not be taken away... privileges can.... but not rights... Makes you think, do we have rights or privileges in this country? God bless the USA I love her and there isn't a better place in the world to live but damn, what have we let ourselves become.

06-27-08, 21:54
I'm suprised they didn't pick the wrong house to confiscate from, Like anybodys on this website:D I'm pretty sure most of us would outgun the LEO's

06-27-08, 21:56
I'm suprised they didn't pick the wrong house to confiscate from, Like anybodys on this website:D I'm pretty sure most of us would outgun the LEO's

You would shoot a law enforcement officer? Not judging just asking.

06-27-08, 22:00
You would shoot a law enforcement officer? Not judging just asking.

If they tried to take my firearms in that situation, I'm not sure what I'd do. I have respect for LEO's, my uncle and his son are LEO's. But I'm not going to let them take my only means of defense in that kind of situation. That place was like a war zone. I'd defend myself from anyone trying to violate my 2nd amendment right and my right to defend myself. In that senario, I might view them as the enemy.

06-27-08, 22:02
If they tried to take my firearms in that situation, I'm not sure what I'd do. I have respect for LEO's, my uncle and his son are LEO's. But I'm not going to let them take my only means of defense in that kind of situation. That place was like a war zone. I'd defend myself from anyone trying to violate my 2nd amendment right and my right to defend myself. It that senario, I might view them as the enemy.

10-4 :cool:

06-27-08, 22:08
Just because they are police, I don't think they should have the power to just blindly violate the constitution and then expect people to just go along with it. I asked my VA State Police buddy if he ever thought a person had the right to defend themselves against a Police Officer. He said if the officer was violating the law and you were in danger from the officers actions, then yes. But, BUT, he said you had better be right when the dust settles, or else you were DONE.

06-27-08, 22:09
God bless the USA I love her and there isn't a better place in the world to live but damn, what have we let ourselves become.

I hear you Brother. Take it from someone who has shed blood for this country, and put his life on the line many times to defend the constitution and the rights we have, watching this video literally made me sick.

06-27-08, 22:12
I hear you Brother. Take it from someone who has shed blood for this country, and put his life on the line many times to defend the constitution and the rights we have, watching this video literally made me sick.

This still is, and always will be the Greatest Nation on earth. Even if the communist, I mean Demotards take office and it all spirals down the shitter. I'll go down defending her to the last.

06-27-08, 22:12
Just because they are police, I don't think they should have the power to just blindly violate the constitution and then expect people to just go along with it. I asked my VA State Police buddy if he ever thought a person had the right to defend themselves against a Police Officer. He said if the officer was violating the law and you were in danger from the officers actions, then yes. But, BUT, he said you had better be right when the dust settles, or else you were DONE.

It ain't just about being right when the dust settles. You have the legal right (in Florida) to resist an illegal arrest. The problem is... Regardless of the legality of the arrest, it WILL be finished most times. So, you resist... get your ass beat severely, spend time in jail, wait for court date, pay for an attorney, reject a plea deal, take your chance in court, get found innocent... Who won?

06-27-08, 22:13
I hear you Brother. Take it from someone who has shed blood for this country, and put his life on the line many times to defend the constitution and the rights we have, watching this video literally made me sick.

Roger that and thank you for your service.

06-27-08, 22:16
It ain't just about being right when the dust settles. You have the legal right (in Florida) to resist an illegal arrest. The problem is... Regardless of the legality of the arrest, it WILL be finished most times. So, you resist... get your ass beat severely, spend time in jail, wait for court date, pay for an attorney, reject a plea deal, take your chance in court, get found innocent... Who won?

I mean't the worst kind of situation, one in which you were on the winning side of a gun fight.

06-27-08, 22:16
As was said in the video, "Where are the guns?" Did NOPD sell them? Destroy them? Loose them? That's a lot of guns unaccounted for!


Don't worry, they are in good hands:


06-27-08, 22:17
Don't worry, they are in good hands:


Damn, What do you say to that?:(

06-27-08, 22:18
Don't worry, they are in good hands:


Got nothing to say...........

06-27-08, 22:53
Got nothing to say...........

Nothing good to say...something like "I hope you two rot in hell you pinko commie bastards" come to mind...

06-27-08, 22:56
Nothing good to say...something like "I hope you two rot in hell you pinko commie bastards" come to mind...

Oh plenty comes to mind... My internal edit button keeps my fingers from typing it though. ;)

06-28-08, 01:54
I believe you are generally allowed to meet the unlawful use of force with an on par level of force. It goes without saying you better be damn careful.

Maybe one of our LEO's could chime in here and clarify.

I'm curious too: what was the legal grounds for entering people's homes? Exigent circumstances?

Suppose you were queried 'do you have any weapons in the house' and you said no and subsequently a search was conducted sans warrant? Hrm.....

06-28-08, 01:58
The disgusting part is that officers from other states followed these orders from a mere city official... I understand when it's your own boss and your lively hood is on the line... but damn someone else's boss? At what point do you make the decision that an order, while possibly lawful in some eyes, is going to let down the very citizens your sworn to protect? We've talked a lot about this at my unit... people are all over the chart on this subject. Hopefully state laws in place to prevent this sort of order from being issued will help in the future... but then again there were Constitutional Rights in place before Katrina.

tj, I would view it as an unlawful order, and refuse to follow it. But hey, that's just me.

Plus you have to think about the amount of TIME it took to grab all those guns, could that have not been used to ummm...STOP THE CRIMINALS? Just a crazy thought...sometimes I have them....

06-28-08, 02:07
tj, I would view it as an unlawful order, and refuse to follow it. But hey, that's just me.

Plus you have to think about the amount of TIME it took to grab all those guns, could that have not been used to ummm...STOP THE CRIMINALS? Just a crazy thought...sometimes I have them....

It's just common sense about letting law-abiding citizens have the means to lawfully protect themselves. But, there is a thing in some LE circles that only the cops should have guns. That line of thinking gets out of control when you have a democrat mayor and police chief issuing orders. The guys in LE who believe only they should be allowed to have guns would thus have no problems going on a gun grabbing mission while allowing criminals to roam the streets.

You just have to remember, LE is made up of all different sorts of people. Ask one of your budies something tonight and I can tell you plenty of other's who think 180 degrees differently.

We have good people and we have downright criminals wearing the same uniform. We've got those with the balls to stand up to BS orders and those who will follow the orders to a T without ever questioning them. The worst are the assclowns who follow the order, knowing its wrong, and then say "I was just following orders" when they are being questioned later.

I think these assclowns who went gun grabbing are going to be real damned sorry one day when the democrats make LE turn in their duty guns at the end of the shift. It isn't too far off for that in some places...

06-28-08, 02:12
tj, I dig ya. I guess I'm spoiled? maybe because most of the cops around here are pro gun. I can envision your scenario thou.

You reap what you sow.

I guess in some type of hypothetical NOLA situation, IF I had someone ask if they could consent search my house, my answer would be no and I would not answer any questions posed to me either, with the exception of providing requested identification. The 4th amendment was still in effect during all this right? I certainly would NOT consent to search of
my home, and I'd keep my damn mouth shut.

That's why I'm wondering about the exigent circumstances deal, and wondering what the answer is to THAT. You don't consent, and they do it anyway, would it be under a claim of exigent circumstances? I thought that was only allowed to prevent a crime in progress.

We need some dudes with shields to clarify this for us. The ones we have on this board are the good guys I think :D

06-28-08, 21:50
Don't worry, they are in good hands:


I remember how pissed the mayor was when this photo was first published by a N.O. newspaper. So well deserved...:D

David Thomas
06-28-08, 22:10
Don't worry, they are in good hands:


Damn, What do you say to that?:(

Job security and re-election. Which should tell you something about the fine folks living in N.O.

06-28-08, 23:20
So were those people busting down doors in no one answered. If they did a house to house search in my town, I wouldn't answer.

06-28-08, 23:29
"We're from the government, and we're here to help you."
Well thank you for your help officer. I don't own any guns, but thanks for trying to help me anyway. Be safe and drink milk.

06-29-08, 08:18
Don't worry, they are in good hands:


I've seen those two before somewhere...................

In all seriousness; as a good LE buddy of mine says, you can't win an arguement with a cop on the side of the road, only in court. Doesn't matter if he is right or wrong, the minute you get confrontational is the minute you get slapped with additional charges. A good number of the LE that was in that area after Katrina, was called in from other parts of the country. My county here in SC had close to 10 guys, some of whom I know, on hold ready to go. You have to understand that for some of the cops that came in from out of town, if would be like riding into the wild west. They were psyched up doing something that they probably would never get to do again, and if they stepped on the rights of the people of that area, so what, in a couple weeks they be back home again and never see those people again. For the good cop, this won't matter as he will do what is right no matter what. But for those who probably have no business being a cop in the first place, it would be a field day situation.

Another point, people always talk on and on about disaster preparations, & what barrel lenght AR would be best for this, what RDS would be ideal............. If you think of it from the point of view that there is a strong possibility that the weapon you have will get taken; and trust me if you put up a fight with LE, you will probably be outgunned and put down. Plus all of their versions of what happened will be the same, no matter what happened, so your dead ass will be the vilan. One would be better off with a weapon system that he could say yea, ok here ya go Mr. Gestapo take my AK, smile and give it away; but have 4 more put back & hidden.

The object in a situation like Katrina is survival, not a proving grounds for testing the real life usefulness of the Bill of Rights. If you find yourself in a situation like those people did, make records, take names, pictures....................then get them in court, that is the only way you will come out a winner, broke maybe , but a winner no less.

06-29-08, 15:28
"We're from the government, and we're here to help you."
Well thank you for your help officer. I don't own any guns, but thanks for trying to help me anyway. Be safe and drink milk.

You can try that tactic, but odds are you'd get dragged out of your house anyway, and anything not WELL hidden would get taken.

To prevent a situation like this, you really need a community working together.

50 or 60 law-abiding citizens holding ground and just saying, "No to confiscation" would send a clear message

06-29-08, 15:30
I haven't watched that video in a long time so excuse me if this was answered in it. Did they open safes? Or make their owners open safes?