View Full Version : ? Where is the where I can get it thread ?

11-21-14, 19:42
Made post in optics on deal on Aimpoints.
Got closed ?
Where is where can I get it ,

This sure is a Finicky site .

Onyx Z
11-21-14, 19:51

11-21-14, 19:53
The Official Where Can I Get It Thread (https://www.m4carbine.net/showthread.php?100661-The-Official-Where-Can-I-Get-It-Thread)

It is a sticky in the AR General Discussion subforum. It would behoove you to read the sticky threads in a subforum before you post in it, as well as any thread regarding rules or expectations.

11-21-14, 19:59
Should have its own title maybe?

11-21-14, 20:01
A word, if I might.

This is not a finicky site. It's a site that is organized so people can find information.

The thread you were politely asked to post in is almost 3 years old, and has almost 12,000 posts. It's searchable, like the rest of this site. So when somebody wants to find something, they can search that thread, check the responses by the date they were posted, and have very current information.

Posting a bunch of individual threads all over the place greatly reduces the utility and purpose of the posts.

I would also point out that it's a good plan to read, study, search and learn how a site operates, rather than asking it to adapt to you. That approach is conducive to a longer tenure. You have been given good advice in this thread, and in other threads as well. People have explained to you how the place works.

Getting pissy is not a good plan.

11-21-14, 20:02
Should have its own title maybe?

It does have it's own title, it's called "The Official Where Can I Get It Thread". It is about as descriptive as we could make it.

11-21-14, 20:08
Sorry now I know .
But if your fairly new .... Hard to find .
Maybe main menu would be better ?

11-21-14, 20:12
Seriously, just do some reading. We are not going to redesign the entire website. Please read.

Click on the big button on the upper left that says "Forum". That will display the sub-forums. Start reading. Please start with the stickies.

As I said, you have been given this advice before.