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View Full Version : "The Benghazi Scandal Just Got Very Interesting Again"

12-05-14, 07:50

"..According to the House report, no security officer was ever given an order to stand down or told to not prepare to aid in the rescue effort.

However, CIA contractors have called that "grossly inaccurate." Paronto said during his hearing that he was delayed and told to wait to provide security for the State Department building twice. During that time, he heard Tiegen be told to "stand down."

Furthermore, the CIA contractors told CNN that the CIA staff had known for approximately two weeks prior to the attack that a possible incident was likely. The contractors noted that after having received a be-on-the-lookout report, "the operators moved their body armor, long guns, ammunition, night-vision goggles, and other tactical gear into their bedrooms, so they could more quickly ‘jock up,’ as they called preparing for battle."

12-05-14, 08:11
I am a little perplexed as to how a Republican led House Intelligence Committee could drop the ball in such spectacular fashion. I suppose that it's up to Trey Gowdy to set the record straight.

12-05-14, 08:23
They didn't drop the ball cause they never had it. Congress just doesn't care plain and simple it's all a dog and pony show.

12-05-14, 08:35

12-05-14, 14:11
For the most part the Republican party is full of dottering old codgers like Boherner who would rather avoid the controversy and allow the Democrats to walk all over them, the people and the Constitution. I don't see any valid fight coming out of someone old enough to be my Grandfather amounting to much more than a fart in a windstorm.
It's time for these guys to GTF out of the way and let guys like Trey Gowdy take the helm.

12-05-14, 16:38
I am a little perplexed as to how a Republican led House Intelligence Committee could drop the ball in such spectacular fashion. I suppose that it's up to Trey Gowdy to set the record straight.

They didn't drop the ball cause they never had it. Congress just doesn't care plain and simple it's all a dog and pony show.
I'm starting to come to the realization that gowdy is only where he is to appease those of us actually care. Nothing actually is intended to change however.