View Full Version : Well this school is about to have a very bad New Years....

12-18-14, 16:39
School takes cane from 8-year-old blind boy (http://www.myfoxtampabay.com/story/27660073/missouri-school-takes-cane-from-8-year-old-blind-boy)

This is going to get expensive for them... This is a federal violation.

12-18-14, 16:45
Federal huh?

Well he is white, so they probably violated his Civil Rights too, oh wait never mind . . .

12-18-14, 17:08
Well he is white, so they probably violated his Civil Rights too, oh wait never mind . . .

Everything on this board is about "color". Someone HAD to start it. :rolleyes:

12-18-14, 17:15
Response from a local...

–]thelexisage 2328 points 1 day ago*

Can i clarify? This happened in my city. And Ive watched a ton of parent and school interviews on it.

The school provided the kid with the cane because his parents didnt get him one. At some point he started hitting other kids with his cane. After being asked to stop multiple times he kept hitting other kids.

The school took away the cane that they provides him and gave him a pool noodle instead.

Edit: the events happened on the bus.

Now... what parent doesnt get a cane for their blind child is another issue entirely....

12-18-14, 17:22
Everything on this board is about "color". Someone HAD to start it. :rolleyes:

If by "color" you mean "race" perhaps it has something to do with the perpetual non-stop headlines of late?

Oh and JFYI I was being facetious due to the fact that taking a blind kids walking stick away is apparently a Federal violation . . .

But if we are to argue over color what shall it be FDE or Wolf Grey, or is that Gray I can never get those two right?

12-18-14, 17:24
I love it when people use a disability as an excuse to be an ass hole. All of this would be taken care of it you were allowed to punish kids in school for being bad.

12-18-14, 17:24
Response from a local...

Well that sheds a different light on the matter now doesn't . . .

And yeah, what "parents" don't get their blind child a cane?

12-18-14, 17:26
But if we are to argue over color what shall it be FDE or Wolf Grey, or is that Gray I can never get those two right?

No, it is the true debate between Coyote, FDE, & MJK........ :jester:

12-18-14, 17:28
And yeah, what "parents" don't get their blind child a cane?

Maybe they did and he was beaing thier asses with it.Think they would let him keep it ?

12-18-14, 17:31
No, it is the true debate between Coyote, FDE, & MJK........ :jester:

Well thank all that is holy Ranger Green came to be . . .

12-18-14, 17:32
Maybe they did and he was beaing thier asses with it.Think they would let him keep it ?

This could be true, but if he was confined to a wheel chair would they simply force him to flop around on the ground if he ran over their feet with it?

Who know's man, but as usual there is always more to the story.

12-18-14, 19:32
I love it when people use a disability as an excuse to be an ass hole. All of this would be taken care of it you were allowed to punish kids in school for being bad.

When I was kid, it was bad form to punch a person in the face with glasses. I never really subscribed to that line of thinking. A blind kid who decides to hit my son with his cane for sport can expect my kid to shove said cane up his ass - sideways. After all, I'm a big supporter of equal opportunity for the disabled.

12-18-14, 19:58
When I was kid, it was bad form to punch a person in the face with glasses. I never really subscribed to that line of thinking. A blind kid who decides to hit my son with his cane for sport can expect my kid to shove said cane up his ass - sideways. After all, I'm a big supporter of equal opportunity for the disabled.

That is what I am saying. Treat everyone as equals. Isn't that what we are supposed to do?

12-18-14, 20:01
Everything on this board is about "color". Someone HAD to start it. :rolleyes:

Well when everything on the news stops being about race/color I'm sure we'll return to discussions of political views. But I don't expect that to happen anytime ever.

12-18-14, 20:08

Yeah, because "we" on this forum are the same as the MSM, right? Not reasonable men. Awesome.

12-18-14, 20:32
When I was kid, it was bad form to punch a person in the face with glasses. I never really subscribed to that line of thinking. A blind kid who decides to hit my son with his cane for sport can expect my kid to shove said cane up his ass - sideways. After all, I'm a big supporter of equal opportunity for the disabled.

You would advocate your kid to hit a kid born without eyes because your kid was hit with a cane?

How exactly do you think these kids were hit? It is not like he ran over to them on the play ground and started swinging... Give the kid a wide birth and he will never find you.

12-18-14, 22:43
Well that sheds a different light on the matter now doesn't . . .

That's one thing I really hate about the internet. You can whip the PC propaganda around the world at light speed. You can make the bad guys into the victims and the victims into the bad guys and it seems 75% of the world just reads the title, accepts it as fact and doesn't do the slightest bit of research into the facts of the matter.

A tool which should level the playing field and give everyone the opportunity to educate themselves on virtually any subject in a way not previously possible has had for the most part the opposite effect and has seemingly made everyone even dumber and willing to embrace untruths in numbers that are amazing.

12-18-14, 22:47
Yeah, because "we" on this forum are the same as the MSM, right? Not reasonable men. Awesome.

Who are you quoting? And if it's me, what are you taking issue with?

12-18-14, 22:58
You would advocate your kid to hit a kid born without eyes because your kid was hit with a cane?

How exactly do you think these kids were hit? It is not like he ran over to them on the play ground and started swinging... Give the kid a wide birth and he will never find you.

It was on the bus. Where are they going to go? Anyhow, if you think blind and deaf kids can't be assholes too, you haven't been around many. One of the biggest dickheads I knew in my teenage years was blind. It's one thing to have a bit of an attitude from having a disability, it's quite another to be an asshole every single minute of every single day.

Dead Man
12-18-14, 22:59
I just want to know where the "noodle" came from. The bus driver just happened to have one on the bus with him/her?

12-18-14, 23:30
Bus monitor took the cane and escorted the kid to the principal's office when they arrived at school. The pool noodle has always been the alternative as it's hard to injure someone with that and it's still usable as a steering device. As it has been pointed out already, the cane wasn't "his."

Thing is as soon as the story hit the news it became trial by court of "Uninformed Public Opinion." So the kid got the cane back.

12-19-14, 03:25
Watching 2 inebriated blind guys go to full on fisticuffs over a chick is quite possibly the funniest thing I've ever seen. They can be assholes just like anybody else.

12-19-14, 04:17
If by "color" you mean "race" perhaps it has something to do with the perpetual non-stop headlines of late?

Well when everything on the news stops being about race/color I'm sure we'll return to discussions of political views. But I don't expect that to happen anytime ever.

I blame the sorry-ass white boy of a President - the one with the 'typically-white racist granny (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/taylor-marsh/obama-grandmother-typical_b_92601.html)' - for these problems.

If we'd of elected a BLACK MAN, like say, Herman Cain, to the presidency, we wouldn't be having these racial issues every other day!

12-19-14, 09:03
Watching 2 inebriated blind guys go to full on fisticuffs over a chick is quite possibly the funniest thing I've ever seen. They can be assholes just like anybody else.

Am I a bad person if this is the first thing that came to mind after reading your post???


12-19-14, 09:28
I missed something in the discussion. Are we talking about the color of the cane? Should all canes used by the blind be white? Suddenly that seems racist to me. Must be the programming I have been receiving from the media.

12-19-14, 11:23
I would think they would have had more to worry about with the parents of the the children getting hit by the cane than being sued by the parents of the blind kid.

To me it sounds the only place the school system went wrong was not putting the kid in a special ed program where his needs can be tended to by trained professionals.

12-19-14, 13:13
I would think they would have had more to worry about with the parents of the the children getting hit by the cane than being sued by the parents of the blind kid.

To me it sounds the only place the school system went wrong was not putting the kid in a special ed program where his needs can be tended to by trained professionals.
Can't thanks to the ever popular compassionate conservative and his predecessors. Disruptive students must be tolerated and coddled in the main stream or their nights are being violated.

You would advocate your kid to hit a kid born without eyes because your kid was hit with a cane?

How exactly do you think these kids were hit? It is not like he ran over to them on the play ground and started swinging... Give the kid a wide birth and he will never find you.

Damn right. Where on a bus can you give someone a wide berth. If some jack ass is sitting behind you whacking you with a stick what would you do. Want to be treated like an equal. Act like one.

Big A
12-19-14, 13:35
I love it when people use a disability as an excuse to be an ass hole. All of this would be taken care of it you were allowed to punish kids in school for being bad.

Sounds like Col Stinkmeaner form the Boondocks...



12-19-14, 15:00
Am I a bad person if this is the first thing that came to mind after reading your post???
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5PDdR6LLCmY (youtube;5PDdR6LLCmY)

Oh it's even funnier than that. Especially when they get to the point where they start poking each other with their canes.