View Full Version : Training Gem...

12-19-14, 19:18

This little gem was sent to me via facebook.... I'll just let it speak for itself :)

12-19-14, 19:24
When he was talking thru course of fire, I thought it was joke/spoof.... Then he did it.:fie:

12-19-14, 19:39
Whiskey tango foxtrot? Where to begin...... I know, why the **** did I just give him a ****ing view?

12-19-14, 20:31
Nice truck though

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

12-19-14, 20:36
"Comments are disabled for this video."

Always a sign of quality.

JBecker 72
12-19-14, 20:43
I liked when he dropped his gun and flopped out of the truck.

12-19-14, 20:49
I liked when he dropped his gun and flopped out of the truck.

Actually I think he meant to do that. :suicide:

Also, I was actually expecting him to craw over the middle console and go that route, would have been more entertaining in my opinion.

12-19-14, 20:54
"Comments are disabled for this video."

Always a sign of quality.


I thought the same exact thing when I first pulled it up.

12-19-14, 20:57

Definitely on my list of people I want to train with in 2015 :p

12-19-14, 21:25
I'd say he's being tactically tactical doing the fish flip out out of the truck into the dynamic prone.

What a dink. Maybe no one told him that bullets go through doors.

Some one needs to come up with a name for that maneuver. I was waiting for him to shoot out the front tire. That's they only thing that could have made it better.

12-19-14, 21:26
This guy is awesome. I want to learn to shoot while hanging upside down from a car door!

12-19-14, 21:31
You all know every view on youtube = money for him right? The more it is linked and shared the more money he makes to put up more crap.

12-19-14, 21:39
Doesn't look like he is monetized. So watching it doesn't directly make him money.

12-19-14, 21:53
I liked when he dropped his gun and flopped out of the truck.

That was like the ULTIMATE hillbilly ninja move. Just needed banjos.

This video has "almost" convinced me that I need to start my own tactical training youtube channel. I'm pretty sure me rappelling down the side of my residential home in 80s urban camo with a MP5 will get LOTS of hits.

12-19-14, 21:59
I genuinely thought it was a spoof. But it's not is it?

12-19-14, 22:00
That was like the ULTIMATE hillbilly ninja move. Just needed banjos.

This video has "almost" convinced me that I need to start my own tactical training youtube channel. I'm pretty sure me rappelling down the side of my residential home in 80s urban camo with a MP5 will get LOTS of hits.

And if you had the ads set up you could probably finance another H&K for the collection. So, in other words you should do it. Name it the MP5 Ninja Channel and get someone to do a kick ass 80's style musical/video intro and make it into a series. lol.

Mr blasty
12-19-14, 22:00
That was like the ULTIMATE hillbilly ninja move. Just needed banjos.

This video has "almost" convinced me that I need to start my own tactical training youtube channel. I'm pretty sure me rappelling down the side of my residential home in 80s urban camo with a MP5 will get LOTS of hits.


Sent from my SM-G900T using Xparent BlueTapatalk 2

12-19-14, 22:06
And if you had the ads set up you could probably finance another H&K for the collection. So, in other words you should do it. Name it the MP5 Ninja Channel and get someone to do a kick ass 80's style musical/video intro and make it into a series. lol.

I'm pretty sure CarniK Con is already a thing.


12-19-14, 22:30
So let me get this straight . . .

When you find yourself taking gunfire from the front of your POV you are supposed to exit the driver's door away from the incoming rounds only to RE-enter said vehicle again through the rear door that now has incoming rounds pelting the back seats/window?

Got it.

Okay and after hanging like a spider monkey from the door handle I'm supposed to THROW MY GUN on the ground away from me and execute a controlled fall only to regain THROWN GUN from the ground and engage the threat from the prone.

Got it!

I'm glad that is clear should I ever find myself in a similar situation . . .

12-19-14, 22:45
So let me get this straight . . .

When you find yourself taking gunfire from the front of your POV you are supposed to exit the driver's door away from the incoming rounds only to enter said vehicle again through the rear door that now has incoming rounds pelting the back seats/window?

Got it.

Okay and after hanging like a spider monkey from the door handle I'm supposed to THROW MY GUN on the ground away from me and execute a controlled fall only to regain THROWN GUN from the ground and engage the threat from the prone.

Got it!

I'm glad that is clear should I ever find myself in a similar situation . . .

Yep. And don't listen to those know nothings like LAV, or Hackathorn. This guys is where it's at.

12-19-14, 23:02
And if you had the ads set up you could probably finance another H&K for the collection. So, in other words you should do it. Name it the MP5 Ninja Channel and get someone to do a kick ass 80's style musical/video intro and make it into a series. lol.

"Hold it, men. He's not bluffing.

Listen to him, men. He's just crazy enough to do it!"

12-19-14, 23:07
"Hold it, men. He's not bluffing.

Listen to him, men. He's just crazy enough to do it!"

Do you really think this crowd is going to stop you from making a fool of yourself? I mean after all the men's magazines, martial arts videos, ect that you've posted here?


Think of this way. You could start it off dead serious and carter to the mall ninja crowd as their true sensei. You could then slowly redirect them, and train them to not be as completely moronic and idiotic. You could do the world a great favor. Or use them to take over a portion of the internet as your private domain served by retards. Whichever you choose. :big_boss:

12-19-14, 23:11
That was like the ULTIMATE hillbilly ninja move. Just needed banjos.

This video has "almost" convinced me that I need to start my own tactical training youtube channel. I'm pretty sure me rappelling down the side of my residential home in 80s urban camo with a MP5 will get LOTS of hits.
As long as your home is a 1 story ranch. That's some serious repelling right there.....

12-19-14, 23:15
"Hold it, men. He's not bluffing.

Listen to him, men. He's just crazy enough to do it!"


12-19-14, 23:22
That was like the ULTIMATE hillbilly ninja move. Just needed banjos.

This video has "almost" convinced me that I need to start my own tactical training youtube channel. I'm pretty sure me rappelling down the side of my residential home in 80s urban camo with a MP5 will get LOTS of hits.

By "80s urban camo" do you mean a feathered mullet, Van Helen concert shirt (the black ones with the white 3/4 sleeves), some ripped jeans and high top Vans/Chuck Taylors? If so then there is simply no question, it HAS to be done.
Or did you mean the ol' black, gray and white "normal " Camo? In which case, skip it as I think there's a bunch of them already

Alex V
12-19-14, 23:26
I'm glad he was able to "get enough targets on round" even though his hand was wobbly while hanging from the car door.

Next evelution is hanging from the car door while your buddy is driving the truck toward the gunfire.

This video is full of win!

12-19-14, 23:28
As long as your home is a 1 story ranch. That's some serious repelling right there.....

You could skip the rappelling part and simply employ that "flop, drop and roll" technique he utilized coming down from the pickup. Oh and don't forget the tactical reacquiring of your pistol.

Or is it "drop, flop and roll"?...

12-19-14, 23:59
Next evelution is hanging from the car door while your buddy is driving the truck toward the gunfire.

That was my thought, he really needs to be doing this at 55mph . . .

12-19-14, 23:59
Do you really think this crowd is going to stop you from making a fool of yourself? I mean after all the men's magazines, martial arts videos, ect that you've posted here?


Think of this way. You could start it off dead serious and carter to the mall ninja crowd as their true sensei. You could then slowly redirect them, and train them to not be as completely moronic and idiotic. You could do the world a great favor. Or use them to take over a portion of the internet as your private domain served by retards. Whichever you choose. :big_boss:

If I start a tactical training channel it will be deadly serious and will be conducted with the expectation that members of special forces of all nations will use it to reevaluate their dated training methods.

It will be a combination of serious business ninjutsu adapted for the modern world, modern non conventional shooting methods designed for unconventional threats from deadly terrorists to rogue government forces and plenty of previously top secret information and training methods.

If you don't see it coming...if you didn't expect THAT...that is exactly what I plan to show people how to do. Guys flopping out of trucks like a fish dropped on a boat deck won't even know what hit them.

12-20-14, 00:15

This was the first thing that came to mind.

12-20-14, 06:12
You guys may be laughing now, but speed it up and add Yakety Sax as the soundtrack and you'll be laughing even harder.

12-20-14, 08:14
Did anyone save the video? He took it down...

Sent from my Galaxy Tab S using Tapatalk

JBecker 72
12-20-14, 09:27
"Hold it, men. He's not bluffing.

Listen to him, men. He's just crazy enough to do it!"

Won't somebody help that poor man?

12-20-14, 09:33
Won't somebody help that poor man?
Haaa great movie.

As for the video why didn't the guy just transition to he his weak side and hang out and underneath the driver side door? Seems way more efficient.... Lolz

12-20-14, 10:40
That was like the ULTIMATE hillbilly ninja move. Just needed banjos.

This video has "almost" convinced me that I need to start my own tactical training youtube channel. I'm pretty sure me rappelling down the side of my residential home in 80s urban camo with a MP5 will get LOTS of hits.
I'm going to suggest music from the A Team for the opener for you channel.

12-20-14, 12:46
Did anyone save the video? He took it down...

Sent from my Galaxy Tab S using Tapatalk

Must be a member here or somewhere else this was linked.

12-21-14, 00:02
Must be a member here or somewhere else this was linked.

This is all over, not just here. Popped up across FB and forums through the course of maybe one day.

12-21-14, 00:52
This is all over, not just here. Popped up across FB and forums through the course of maybe one day.

Yup, the kids call that "going viral" and the MSM calls it "trending" . . . :bad:

12-21-14, 00:57
Won't somebody help that poor man?

That's the surest way to get him killed!

12-21-14, 01:47
That's the surest way to get him killed!

It's so nice to be someplace where everyone get's my references.

Amp Mangum
12-24-14, 16:53

12-24-14, 16:59


I made the mistake of watching that video response to the OP while enjoying a lemon drop, damn near choked to death on Christmas Eve!

"Pull out your AR-15 which should be standard issue on all Toyota Tundras . . . "

A man after my own heart!

12-24-14, 17:07
Beards McOperator is the most awesomeness name I have ever seen.

Instant classic.

12-24-14, 17:08
Beards McOperator is the most awesomeness name I have ever seen.

Instant classic.
How has noone come up with this sooner? Genius

12-24-14, 21:24
Beards McOperator is the most awesomeness name I have ever seen.

Instant classic.

It sure beats Johnny Wadd!

12-26-14, 00:18


Not to be confused with Operator McBeards.

12-26-14, 18:35
You know your TTPs totally fail when even the airsofters parody you. :laugh:

12-28-14, 23:40
Found a copy of the original.


12-29-14, 11:39
Found a copy of the original.

Priceless. Any advice for those of us with only 2 doors? I could probably sneak into the trunk I guess.

12-29-14, 12:11
I'm glad I grabbed some peanut butter and chocolate covered caramel popcorn at work to go along with this video because it was epic.

Thank you tactical community for making these very informative videos possible.
Next week I'd like to see beard-to-beard combat techniques.

12-29-14, 12:33
Here's another doozy.


12-29-14, 12:55
Priceless. Any advice for those of us with only 2 doors? I could probably sneak into the trunk I guess.

Most two-door vehicles still have a back seat. So what you do, is you open the door and dismount, remembering that life is time. Move the front seat forward with inertia and displace into the back seat. Then you dynamically move the front passenger seat toward the threat and disruptively open the passenger-side door. Then you go in roll under door prone and engage the threat before dismounting the vehicle and continuing to slay bodies, as per SOP. Good to go?


12-29-14, 14:08
Most two-door vehicles still have a back seat. So what you do, is you open the door and dismount, remembering that life is time. Move the front seat forward with inertia and displace into the back seat. Then you dynamically move the front passenger seat toward the threat and disruptively open the passenger-side door. Then you go in roll under door prone and engage the threat before dismounting the vehicle and continuing to slay bodies, as per SOP. Good to go?

Could you show me with a video possibly?

12-29-14, 14:32
made sure to save it this time. Too good not to hold onto in case they manage to get the copies pulled.

12-30-14, 11:33
Here's another doozy.


I am absolutely speechless over that one! My Lord :eek:

12-30-14, 12:06
The video was removed?

12-30-14, 13:49
Here's another doozy.


Holy god....

12-30-14, 14:00
Here's another doozy.


I'm irrationally happy that someone re-uploaded that.

Holy god....

You missed the first thread? :(


It's also the 5th or so hit on Google if you look for "Sulsa Do Corps" hahaha

12-30-14, 14:21
Don't hate. That's straight ninja man

12-30-14, 17:29
Thank you tactical community for making these very informative videos possible.
Next week I'd like to see beard-to-beard combat techniques.

That sounds like some homo-erotic porno . . . :bad:

12-30-14, 18:55
That sounds like some homo-erotic porno . . . :bad:
What? Not a fan of the bush eh? Lolz.