View Full Version : A French Soldier's View of American Warfighters in A-Stan

Outlander Systems
12-20-14, 09:07
Some of y'all might appreciate this:


12-20-14, 09:36
I did. Makes me really miss putting my uniform on in the mornings.

12-20-14, 12:10
AMEN! Hooah

Too bad our own president doesn't feel that way about the American Warfighters!

12-20-14, 13:57
LOL someone fell face first into a pile of Army halal meals. Halalhalalhalalhalal.

I get the moto-vation angle of it and I won't hate on anything that increases morale and combat effective attitude, in spite of the best efforts of the PRCE-7 handsets and glow straps, chow hall glow belt police and bullet riddled clearing barrels on the O's entrance. But I'm skeptical of the veracity of such an aggressive oral service from a Frenchman who, though known for being a nation of latte sipping limp wristers, aren't even THAT ghey. Maybe it's because the other articles hosted there as news are some old debunked rumors and feely goods, or maybe it's been my limited experience that no European mil units are so hungry for American FreedomSnake that they put themselves down in a display of humble hero worship. Or because most of the pictures are of Marines...that would make more sense though...

"Vee love zess Americans and vee are zzzooooo jealous of zee big....oui oui!"

Outlander Systems
12-20-14, 14:46
LOL someone fell face first into a pile of Army halal meals. Halalhalalhalalhalal.

I get the moto-vation angle of it and I won't hate on anything that increases morale and combat effective attitude, in spite of the best efforts of the PRCE-7 handsets and glow straps, chow hall glow belt police and bullet riddled clearing barrels on the O's entrance. But I'm skeptical of the veracity of such an aggressive oral service from a Frenchman who, though known for being a nation of latte sipping limp wristers, aren't even THAT ghey. Maybe it's because the other articles hosted there as news are some old debunked rumors and feely goods, or maybe it's been my limited experience that no European mil units are so hungry for American FreedomSnake that they put themselves down in a display of humble hero worship. Or because most of the pictures are of Marines...that would make more sense though...

"Vee love zess Americans and vee are zzzooooo jealous of zee big....oui oui!"

lèvres de pics

12-20-14, 15:03
LOL someone fell face first into a pile of Army halal meals. Halalhalalhalalhalal.

I get the moto-vation angle of it and I won't hate on anything that increases morale and combat effective attitude, in spite of the best efforts of the PRCE-7 handsets and glow straps, chow hall glow belt police and bullet riddled clearing barrels on the O's entrance. But I'm skeptical of the veracity of such an aggressive oral service from a Frenchman who, though known for being a nation of latte sipping limp wristers, aren't even THAT ghey. Maybe it's because the other articles hosted there as news are some old debunked rumors and feely goods, or maybe it's been my limited experience that no European mil units are so hungry for American FreedomSnake that they put themselves down in a display of humble hero worship. Or because most of the pictures are of Marines...that would make more sense though...

"Vee love zess Americans and vee are zzzooooo jealous of zee big....oui oui!"

Man, you've been Debbie Downer lately. What gives?

12-20-14, 15:37
Man, you've been Debbie Downer lately. What gives?

I didn't know I had been. Though now that you say something, I suppose I should be more light hearted. I really didn't mean anything negative, obviously I don't think poorly of the U.S. Mil. There's just something kinda hokey going on in this story about the French guy and his love letter.

I guess it would be kinda like having an ugly friend that's always single and you know he's not fighting off swarms of perfect 10s from stealing his virginity. Then one day he starts showing you and the bros his texts from his new mega-babe, where she sends pictures that look a lot like Mila Kunis and all she texts him is that her friends are jealous that she gets to be the only gal in town that gets to enjoy his well endowed self. And you begin to think maybe he's the one doing the texting...for both sides.

Anyway I appreciate the check in direction and I'll try to be more fun. Winter, winter in New England, it's taken the juice out of my melons and ruined my holiday spirit.

Outlander Systems
12-20-14, 15:57
I didn't know I had been. Though now that you say something, I suppose I should be more light hearted. I really didn't mean anything negative, obviously I don't think poorly of the U.S. Mil. There's just something kinda hokey going on in this story about the French guy and his love letter.

I guess it would be kinda like having an ugly friend that's always single and you know he's not fighting off swarms of perfect 10s from stealing his virginity. Then one day he starts showing you and the bros his texts from his new mega-babe, where she sends pictures that look a lot like Mila Kunis and all she texts him is that her friends are jealous that she gets to be the only gal in town that gets to enjoy his well endowed self. And you begin to think maybe he's the one doing the texting...for both sides.

Anyway I appreciate the check in direction and I'll try to be more fun. Winter, winter in New England, it's taken the juice out of my melons and ruined my holiday spirit.

Nut up, Cowboy, you got dis.

Your Shot Show post had me in stitches.

Even if the Frenchman is blowing sunshine up our skirts, we all know the shit is true.

12-20-14, 16:55

Even if the Frenchman is blowing sunshine up our skirts, we all know the shit is true.


12-20-14, 17:09
Some of y'all might appreciate this:


I found this part the most interesting:

"The American soldier and Marine, however, are imbued from early in their training with the ethos: In the Absence of Orders: Attack! Where other forces, for good or ill, will wait for precise orders and plans to respond to an attack or any other 'incident', the American force will simply go, counting on firepower and SOP to carry the day.

This is one of the great strengths of the American force in combat and it is something that even our closest allies, such as the Brits and Aussies (that latter being closer by the way) find repeatedly surprising. No wonder is surprises the hell out of our enemies.)"

I was not aware our doctrine and approach that much different from close allies. Can someone comment/confirm? It was very nice to read such a glowing opinion from a non US mil and ally.

12-20-14, 17:52
Did like the Kipling quote though: "When your officer's dead and your sergeant turns white......"

Sounds like it's from the same poem that has "When your wounded and left on Afghanistan's plains....." ??????

Wow, my apologies to SOW_0331. Kipling has had a lock on the Debbie Downer thing for 100+ years! Jeesh, talk about dour and dreary......

12-20-14, 17:52