View Full Version : 2 NYPD dead in "execution"

12-20-14, 16:52

They believe it may be Ferguson related, but I think that is a bit too early considering an incident like this occurred in Las Vegas earlier this year that wasn't.

My buddy has a son and daughter that both walk the beat in Brooklyn. Shot a text out to him to see if they are ok and he hasn't responded yet.

Title edited after 2nd LEO dies.

12-20-14, 17:02
I was just about to post this myself. The article that I read claimed that the man posted on social media that he was going to kill two NYPD officers as revenge for Garner. Prayers go out to their families.

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12-20-14, 17:06
I was just about to post this myself. The article that I read claimed that the man posted on social media that he was going to kill two NYPD officers as revenge for Garner. Prayers go out to their families.

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Prayers to the families.

As you, read he did it to avenge Eric Garner and Michael Brown. Then the coward took his life.

The rest of you LEO's stay safe!


forgot to add: for sure a war on cops and the shit-head mayor of NYC is surely to assume some of the blame.

12-20-14, 17:10
RIP Officers. It's like 'grand theft auto' on streets of NYC.

12-20-14, 17:12
UPDATE.. Second officer dies...Followed link and it was posted by fox news that the second officer died..Well, I think enough is enough.. While the protestors have every right to protest, they DO NOT have the right to kill police as revenge for Garner. Time to take the gloves off...

12-20-14, 17:14
Just saw this mess on the TV while at the gym. Prayers to the families.

Not really surprised that a nut job would take the whole "What do we want?...Dead Cops!" chants to heart and try to make a name for himself. Would like to hear more facts about the situation. Wonder where ole Jesse and Al are???

12-20-14, 17:15

They believe it may be Ferguson related, but I think that is a bit too early considering an incident like this occurred in Las Vegas earlier this year that wasn't.

My buddy has a son and daughter that both walk the beat in Brooklyn. Shot a text out to him to see if they are ok and he hasn't responded yet.

And will people march in outrage of this act? Of course not. RIP officers. Only good news:

"The suspect then fled to a nearby subway station before he was shot and killed. It was unclear whether the suspect was shot by police or committed suicide."

Hopefully the former, but dead as he should be at least.

JBecker 72
12-20-14, 17:19
Damn. RIP to the officers.

12-20-14, 17:19
And will people march in outrage of this act? Of course not. RIP officer and hopeful recovery for the other. Only good news:

"The suspect then fled to a nearby subway station before he was shot and killed. It was unclear whether the suspect was shot by police or committed suicide."

Hopefully the former, but dead as he should be at least.

I feel quite certain that this act will be celebrated in some circles. The cops in NY are headed for tough times considering the general public as well as the mayor are against them.

12-20-14, 17:36
Posted in the Garner thread, reposting here:

A couple of screenshots from the (now deactivated) Instagram account of the killer, along with a screenshot from news footage today.



12-20-14, 17:50
Wow, another tragic incident in Obama's America. RIP the officers and prayers to their families.. I don't think this crap is going to stop as long as the divider in chief is on the thrown.

12-20-14, 18:59
Had no idea he had posted about this.

What a nut. I feel for all LE, But especially those like NYPD that have politicians actively harassing them.

12-20-14, 19:20
Is is very sad to say that one of the officers just got married 2 months ago and the other one had recently turn 40 9 days ago. One of them has a 13 year old who wrote the most beautiful message a father could ask.

Happy birthday to the best dad in the world, you are always there for me even when it's almost impossible. We have so many good times it's not even funny, I love you so much.....How does it feel to be 40 ? Your getting old dad but you still look good . Hope you have the best birthday, you deserve it.

12-20-14, 19:23
Maybe it's time for the NYPD to stage a "Day without Cops" let true anarchy reign for 24 hrs and let the general public get a true vision of what these guys keep in check every day.

12-20-14, 19:44
Thank you mass media for your sensationalist "journalism" that continues to perpetuate the "us against them" mindset.

**** that coward scumbag.

12-20-14, 19:51
Thank you mass media for your sensationalist "journalism" that continues to perpetuate the "us against them" mindset.

**** that coward scumbag.

Have they covered this yet?

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12-20-14, 20:06
Have they covered this yet?

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My comment was made in regards to the race baiting in the Mikey Brown and Garner incidents. They started running a false narrative from the get-go in regards to Ferguson, and it has done nothing but escalate.

12-20-14, 20:10
From P.O. Ramos' Son:

Today I had to say bye to my father. He was their for me everyday of my life, he was the best father I could ask for. It's horrible that someone gets shot dead just for being a police officer. Everyone says they hate cops but they are the people that they call for help. I will always love you and I will never forget you. RIP Dad.


12-20-14, 20:14
NYPD officers turn away from Mayor de Blasio as he enters police presser for murdered cops.


12-20-14, 20:27
I hope that POS rots in the deepest pit in hell.

12-20-14, 20:36
what a shitbag. too bad he didnt get run over by a bus this morning instead.

12-20-14, 21:10
Maybe it's time for the NYPD to stage a "Day without Cops" let true anarchy reign for 24 hrs and let the general public get a true vision of what these guys keep in check every day.


The general public is on the side of LE. it's just the outspoken few who cause these issues.

12-20-14, 21:14

The general public is on the side of LE. it's just the outspoken few who cause these issues.

What better way to make your point and force the "few" to STFU?

12-20-14, 21:15
Like I said in the "no bill" thread, the lawless thugs got what they want, dead cops.

Al Sharpton and his followers should be happy now. I hope the NY police would hold up their promise to keep the politicians from attending the officer's funeral.

RIP officers.

12-20-14, 21:26
Bo Dietl on fox news said it right, catch the clip online if they post it.

Mayor Bozo encouraged this and he has blood on his hands. The rest of us get to dust off ours blues and make plans for a funeral.

12-20-14, 21:29

12-20-14, 21:35
I hope the NYPD stays home until New Years.
Let Di Bozo choose a side when the bank robberies and kidnappings hit home.

12-20-14, 21:36
I hope that POS rots in the deepest pit in hell.

Are you referring to de Blasio or the shooter? Oh well, I suppose there is room for both.

12-20-14, 22:30

The general public is on the side of LE. it's just the outspoken few who cause these issues.

That's an interesting thought and you both may be correct. The general public in the United States is with the cops. However, the general public in NYC, and more specifically the black neighborhoods, is off the reservation. Although I've not seen recent approval numbers, de Blasio carried NY with about 80% of the vote and that is after running as a socialist in the economic heart of capitolism.

12-20-14, 22:37
My comment was made in regards to the race baiting in the Mikey Brown and Garner incidents. They started running a false narrative from the get-go in regards to Ferguson, and it has done nothing but escalate.

I agree 100%. I wish the media would be held liable for falsely reporting the facts of a case and pay for the damage from protests. I'll concede that LE should make the facts public sooner. If I have to limit my 2nd Amendment rights and prove that I am responsible then they should be forced to do the same with the 1st Amendment.

12-20-14, 22:37
That's an interesting thought and you both may be correct. The general public in the United States is with the cops. However, the general public in NYC, and more specifically the black neighborhoods, is off the reservation. Although I've not seen recent approval numbers, de Blasio carried NY with about 80% of the vote and that is after running as a socialist in the economic heart of capitolism.

It was very obvious as De Blasio was no where in the running until, literally, the day the ad hit the TV showing his bi-racial family and in particular, his son with the afro. Sadly it was like the presidency in 2008 all over again; electing someone for all the wrong reasons. He is just awful and there is certainly no love lost with City Hall and NYPD. Just this last week the mayor's office issued report that many of the paintings of white American persons like Washington, Hamilton, Jefferson were being taken down from Gracie Mansion and are to be replaced with pictures "that better represent the city's cultural diversity".

12-20-14, 23:28
Are you referring to de Blasio or the shooter? Oh well, I suppose there is room for both.

Well the shooter ??? Those cops did NOTHING to deserve that!

12-20-14, 23:44
Dammit. I was really worried about this. :(

My thoughts and prayers are with the murdered officers, their families, and fellow members of the NYPD.

Be safe. Please, be safe.

12-20-14, 23:45
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v505/Jr1572/DBC523F1-9F66-44A5-A8EB-B564C9C630B3.png (http://smg.photobucket.com/user/Jr1572/media/DBC523F1-9F66-44A5-A8EB-B564C9C630B3.png.html)


12-21-14, 02:03
Maybe it's time for the NYPD to stage a "Day without Cops" let true anarchy reign for 24 hrs and let the general public get a true vision of what these guys keep in check every day.

The wrong people would suffer, those who such an act would seek to punish would actually have a field day.

More bizarro world racism where people don't care about right or wrong and only care about the skin pigment of individuals. Today this insane world view killed two people who took a job trying to help a community. Didn't matter if they personally had anything to do with the Garner incident or not, it was the equivalent of randomly killing black people in New York because somebody you know was killed by a black person.

Remember back in 2008 when complete fools were actually suggesting that if we elected a black President it would virtually end racism?

12-21-14, 02:05
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v505/Jr1572/DBC523F1-9F66-44A5-A8EB-B564C9C630B3.png (http://smg.photobucket.com/user/Jr1572/media/DBC523F1-9F66-44A5-A8EB-B564C9C630B3.png.html)


I hope the racist community that brought this about is proud of what they accomplished today.

12-21-14, 02:42
Regardless of how the dumbshit got elected, he is in fact the mayor. What does this say about the electorate of NYC? Many people have warned that the flames have been get stoked over and over. It was inevitable that this would happen and we will probably see more of it.

12-21-14, 02:43
I hope the racist community that brought this about is proud of what they accomplished today.
The sad thing is they probably are...

F@#%ing sh*#ty....RIP

12-21-14, 04:24
Vile postings on the murder of the two officers!

example of one:

im glad he killed those cops now they know how we feel.
5:23 PM - 20 Dec 2014


The Mayor has Blood on his hands!

12-21-14, 04:46

12-21-14, 05:36
Forwarded from a friend in the NYPD who asked that it be shared -


FROM NYC PBA: Starting IMMEDIATELY- At least two units are to respond to EVERY call, no matter the condition or severity, no matter what type of job is pending, or what the opinion of the patrol supervisor happens to be. IN ADDITION: Absolutely NO enforcement action in the form of arrests and or summonses is to be taken unless absolutely necessary and an individual MUST be placed under arrest. These are precautions that were taken in the 1970's when Police Officers were ambushed and executed on a regular basis. The mayors hands are literally dripping with our blood because of his words actions and policies and we have, for the first time in a number of years, become a "wartime" police department. We will act accordingly. FORWARD MESSAGE IN ITS ENTIRETY TO ANY AND ALL MOS

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12-21-14, 05:59
I'm totally on board any and precautionary and operational changes that center on or around officer safety but characterizing the response of the entire NYPD as being that of a "wartime" agency? Not so much... Be it figuratively or literally.

12-21-14, 06:26
Regardless of how the dumbshit got elected, he is in fact the mayor. What does this say about the electorate of NYC? Many people have warned that the flames have been get stoked over and over. It was inevitable that this would happen and we will probably see more of it.

If you're right, count on all the good intelligent people currently in LE getting out. At the end of the day this is a job, people can make money doing something else.

Then people will see what its like when all the bad apples run the show (which is what the Feds want at this point.....any excuse to Federalize).

Im kinda bummed that oil is down, there goes my back up plan.....ugh guess I'll have to put my degree to work and start teaching....

12-21-14, 07:08
Word coming in that a local, to me, LEO was also shot and killed last night.

12-21-14, 07:28
Word coming in that a local, to me, LEO was also shot and killed last night.

Tarpon Springs PD: http://www.baynews9.com/content/news/baynews9/news/article.html/content/news/articles/bn9/2014/12/21/tarpon_springs_polic.html

Suspect in custody.

12-21-14, 07:30
Info released by Baltimore County Police:

NYPD Murders Linked to Owings Mills Shooting
Dec 20, 2014 9:03:00 PM EST

The man who shot an Owings Mills woman early this morning is also the suspect in the murders of two New York Police Department officers at about 3 p.m..

The suspect is Ismaaiyl Abdula Brinsley, 28. His address is unknown at this time.

At 5:48 a.m., Baltimore County Police were dispatched to the 10000-block of Mill Run Circle, 21117. The police investigation revealed that the female victim, who is 29, was shot in her apartment by a man believed by police to have been Brinsley. The victim was shot in the abdomen and is expected to survive. Her name has not yet been released.

The suspect fled the scene before police arrived. BCoPD detectives became aware at about 1:30 p.m. of Instagram posts by the suspect that included threats against police officers. BCoPD immediately began trying to determine the location from which the posts were sent and found that the posts indicated the suspect was in Brooklyn, NY. BCoPD also tracked the phone the suspect was using.

At about 2:10 p.m., BCoPD made a phone call to the 70th precinct in New York, advising NYPD that the phone of a suspect wanted for a shooting in Owings Mills was pinging at a location in the 70th precinct. NYPD and BCoPD discussed the threatening Instagram posts during that phone call. Also around 2:10 p.m., BCoPD faxed a "wanted" poster to NYPD with information about the suspect, Brinsley.

Around 2:50 p.m., BCoPD sent a teletype with the same information contained in the flyer to NYPD's real-time crime center -- essentially, a data warehouse.

The investigation of the Owings Mills shooting by BCoPD's Violent Crimes Unit is ongoing. BCoPD continues to assist NYPD with its investigation. Additional information will be provided as it becomes available.


Damn shame they knew the area he was in but couldn't get to him in time.

12-21-14, 08:13
It appears that the murderer has an extensive criminal record extending to my area:


Just noticed that one of the officers murdered was Chinese descent. Maybe the Chinese and other Asians will stage protests and start riots? Well, we're too busy working, contributing to society and obey the laws.

12-21-14, 08:34
If you're right, count on all the good intelligent people currently in LE getting out. At the end of the day this is a job, people can make money doing something else.

Then people will see what its like when all the bad apples run the show (which is what the Feds want at this point.....any excuse to Federalize).

Im kinda bummed that oil is down, there goes my back up plan.....ugh guess I'll have to put my degree to work and start teaching....

I can't speak to the intelligence of the various LEOs I know, but I can't think of a one who'd leave the job over it. They take their oaths and their job very seriously. If it comes to that, I'll bet there will be many a non LEO who will step up and stand with them when it counts.

12-21-14, 08:45
Good folks.....


Mauser KAR98K
12-21-14, 09:22
My God. This is pushing me more and more to really get back in LE work.

If we had a true President, Sharpton would be in jail for encouraging this. This is not the same country that my father told me about.

12-21-14, 09:33
My God. This is pushing me more and more to really get back in LE work.

If we had a true President, Sharpton would be in jail for encouraging this. This is not the same country that my father told me about.

These types and those who support them are barking up the wrong tree.

This is a huge motivator to do good work out there.

12-21-14, 09:35
I can't speak to the intelligence of the various LEOs I know, but I can't think of a one who'd leave the job over it. They take their oaths and their job very seriously. If it comes to that, I'll bet there will be many a non LEO who will step up and stand with them when it counts.

I take my job very seriously, but if this type of stuff continues and becomes the norm (like the mainstream media, AG, and POTUS want), I can support my family some other way.

Mauser KAR98K
12-21-14, 09:51
I'm a truck driver by trade currently, and a recent college graduate this time last year. My first attempt at an LE career was a failure. I was too young, too naive, and really unsure if myself and my options. 10 years later doing one of the few tough/real jobs, and getting a degree in history (tons of report writing), I really want to take another stab at it. My current job pays way more, but I really want to do my best and make a difference for a community, especially now. I just may avoid a big city municipality this time.

God rest their souls. Their end of watch was cut short.

12-21-14, 10:00
I take my job very seriously, but if this type of stuff continues and becomes the norm (like the mainstream media, AG, and POTUS want), I can support my family some other way.

Understood, but if good people leave vs standing, firm, the risk to you and yours only increases in my view. I'd pass no judgement regardless of the choices made by an LEO under the circumstances.

12-21-14, 10:05
I'm a truck driver by trade currently, and a recent college graduate this time last year. My first attempt at an LE career was a failure. I was too young, too naive, and really unsure if myself and my options. 10 years later doing one of the few tough/real jobs, and getting a degree in history (tons of report writing), I really want to take another stab at it. My current job pays way more, but I really want to do my best and make a difference for a community, especially now. I just may avoid a big city municipality this time.

God rest their souls. Their end of watch was cut short.

I'm currently trying again as well. The problem is I have a major thing working against me: I was let go from a job (non-law enforcement) in the middle of last year. I was on the initial 3 month probationary period, of the 4 people hired with me, the other 3 were offered full time positions. I had no discipline or integrity issues while I was there and I was praised for my work ethic, but their conclusion was that for someone to work as hard as I was and STILL not meet their standards showed alarming incompetence. I was told the most they could expect me to succeed in would be janitorial duties or food service and I should never consider entering their field of work (social type work) again. Now, only 5 days later, I was offered the job I currently have and I have excellent reviews, but that scathing review, after only three months on the job, could haunt me for the rest of my life. Most PDs realize that past moral failings can be learned and not repeated, but incompetence is usually forever. So I may have a few years before I'm not laughed out of every PD where I drop off my application, if I'm not just wasting my time altogether.

At any rate, LE is the field I want, so hopefully departments will take my last job as a fluke. If I didn't want it before, seeing the quality of people who are protesting police these days tell me I'm headed for the right side.

12-21-14, 10:12
I'm currently trying again as well. The problem is I have a major thing working against me: I was let go from a job (non-law enforcement) in the middle of last year. I was on the initial 3 month probationary period, of the 4 people hired with me, the other 3 were offered full time positions. I had no discipline or integrity issues while I was there and I was praised for my work ethic, but their conclusion was that for someone to work as hard as I was and STILL not meet their standards showed alarming incompetence. I was told the most they could expect me to succeed in would be janitorial duties or food service and I should never consider entering their field of work (social type work) again. Now, only 5 days later, I was offered the job I currently have and I have excellent reviews, but that scathing review, after only three months on the job, could haunt me for the rest of my life. Most PDs realize that past moral failings can be learned and not repeated, but incompetence is usually forever. So I may have a few years before I'm not laughed out of every PD where I drop off my application, if I'm not just wasting my time altogether.

At any rate, LE is the field I want, so hopefully departments will take my last job as a fluke. If I didn't want it before, seeing the quality of people who are protesting police these days tell me I'm headed for the right side.

Just something to consider - they cannot actually tell anyone why you were let go. All they can do is say what dates you were employed and when you left. It may depend on state law though, so I would check that.

Being fired or "let go" from a job does not mean anything unless there is a police report and a history of being fired from several jobs that come with it.

12-21-14, 10:33
There is blood on the liberals hands. How could anyone not see this coming.

12-21-14, 10:38
There is blood on the liberals hands. How could anyone not see this coming.

With the total effect on them to likely simply call for more gun control is my guess.

12-21-14, 11:10
There is blood on the liberals hands. How could anyone not see this coming.

Is not the definition of liberalism the belief that consequences are never the result of someone's actions?

12-21-14, 11:19
And in other news,...
During the rally, protesters shouted "While you're on your shopping spree, black people cannot breathe" - a reference to the chokehold police placed on Eric Garner, who died in New York. As they were dispersing, they walked down the hall with their arms raised, shouting "Hands up, don't shoot!" That saying has been used in Ferguson, Missouri, in protests against the death of 18-year-old Michael Brown, and in demonstrations elsewhere.

About 30 minutes after the planned protest began, a final warning to disperse was given, and police in riot gear began clearing the rotunda, the Star Tribune reported. A large group of protesters began leaving the mall, but others migrated to a shopping area and occupied two levels. A small "die-in" was staged in front of several stores.
After everything that has happened there is no way I could be a Cop. I appreciate the service they provide, but it is things like the deaths of these two Officers and the actions taken by radical leftist such as above that would try my ability to provide a public service to folks like these.

12-21-14, 11:40
If you would like to donate to this 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization, please make a check payable to the NYC PBA Widows and Children's Fund, and send it to Michael Morgillo or Joseph Alejandro at the Patrolmen's Benevolent Association, 125 Broad Street, 11th Floor, New York, NY 10004-2400.

If you want to donate to the NYPD PBA survivors fund.

12-21-14, 11:54
Florida LEO KIA last night was former NYPD and father of 5


Alpha Sierra
12-21-14, 11:57
And in other news,...
During the rally, protesters shouted "While you're on your shopping spree, black people cannot breathe"
I'm sorry but I would have lost it. A huge F@CK YOU would have come out at the top of my lungs.

12-21-14, 12:18
Unfortunately, the moral compass of the citizens of this country is at an all-time low. We have, collectively as a country, surpassed that point where just simply "changing" people attitudes is not even a remote possibility.

My thoughts and prayers not only go out the families of these fallen officers, but also to those who continue to put their uniform on and go out there to attempt to retain law and order.

12-21-14, 12:38
And in other news,...
During the rally, protesters shouted "While you're on your shopping spree, black people cannot breathe" - a reference to the chokehold police placed on Eric Garner, who died in New York. As they were dispersing, they walked down the hall with their arms raised, shouting "Hands up, don't shoot!" That saying has been used in Ferguson, Missouri, in protests against the death of 18-year-old Michael Brown, and in demonstrations elsewhere.

About 30 minutes after the planned protest began, a final warning to disperse was given, and police in riot gear began clearing the rotunda, the Star Tribune reported. A large group of protesters began leaving the mall, but others migrated to a shopping area and occupied two levels. A small "die-in" was staged in front of several stores.
After everything that has happened there is no way I could be a Cop. I appreciate the service they provide, but it is things like the deaths of these two Officers and the actions taken by radical leftist such as above that would try my ability to provide a public service to folks like these.

After knowing enough LEOs and seeing and experiencing the job through their eyes, I came to that conclusion a long time ago. I wouldn't last a week. Hence, one of various reasons i have the level of respect and defense for those of the thin blue line, which is not just a metaphor.

12-21-14, 13:13
After knowing enough LEOs and seeing and experiencing the job through their eyes, I came to that conclusion a long time ago. I wouldn't last a week. Hence, one of various reasons i have the level of respect and defense for those of the thin blue line, which is not just a metaphor.

Agreed. Patrolling the shittiest neighborhoods every night is not something I could do.

I had a close friend, a 160th SOAR pilot that had been shot at almost weekly for months, dissuade me from local LE years ago. He said "remember when you were in Iraq and every time you left the wire you had an assault rifle , body armor head to toe, 60 guys with you and a mine resistant vehicle? Now imagine being alone, in a thin skinned vehicle armed only with a sidearm and the same amount of people want to kill you. Except here everyone who isn't trying to kill you is trying to get you fired or arrested."

12-21-14, 14:56
I'm sorry but I would have lost it. A huge F@CK YOU would have come out at the top of my lungs.

Along with **** Eric Garner, **** Michael Brown and **** Trayvon Martin.

12-21-14, 15:38
Again we see how liberalism is simply about adolescent emotional exhibitionism.


12-21-14, 16:25
[QUOTE=BoringGuy45;2048045]I'm currently trying again as well. The problem is I have a major thing working against me: I was let go from a job (non-law enforcement) in the middle of last year. I was on the initial 3 month probationary period, of the 4 people hired with me, the other 3 were offered full time positions. I had no discipline or integrity issues while I was there and I was praised for my work ethic, but their conclusion was that for someone to work as hard as I was and STILL not meet their standards showed alarming incompetence. I was told the most they could expect me to succeed in would be janitorial duties or food service and I should never consider entering their field of work (social type work) again. Now, only 5 days later, I was offered the job I currently have and I have excellent reviews, but that scathing review, after only three months on the job, could haunt me for the rest of my life. Most PDs realize that past moral failings can be learned and not repeated, but incompetence is usually forever. So I may have a few years before I'm not laughed out of every PD where I drop off my application, if I'm not just wasting my time altogether.

At any rate, LE is the field I want, so hopefully departments will take my last job as a fluke."

During rough periods in my life I've been helped by two old dead guys, both ancient Stoics: Marcus Aurelius and Epictetus. (one a Roman emperor, the other an emancipated Roman slave).

"Diogenes rightly answered one who desired letters of recommendation from him: 'At first sight he will know you to be a man; whether or not you are a good man or a bad man, he will know likewise; and if he does not, he will never know it, though I should write a thousand times'. "

Onward through the fog.

12-21-14, 16:46
I'm currently trying again as well. The problem is I have a major thing working against me: I was let go from a job (non-law enforcement) in the middle of last year. I was on the initial 3 month probationary period, of the 4 people hired with me, the other 3 were offered full time positions. I had no discipline or integrity issues while I was there and I was praised for my work ethic, but their conclusion was that for someone to work as hard as I was and STILL not meet their standards showed alarming incompetence. I was told the most they could expect me to succeed in would be janitorial duties or food service and I should never consider entering their field of work (social type work) again. Now, only 5 days later, I was offered the job I currently have and I have excellent reviews, but that scathing review, after only three months on the job, could haunt me for the rest of my life. Most PDs realize that past moral failings can be learned and not repeated, but incompetence is usually forever. So I may have a few years before I'm not laughed out of every PD where I drop off my application, if I'm not just wasting my time altogether.

At any rate, LE is the field I want, so hopefully departments will take my last job as a fluke. If I didn't want it before, seeing the quality of people who are protesting police these days tell me I'm headed for the right side.

Just something to consider - they cannot actually tell anyone why you were let go. All they can do is say what dates you were employed and when you left. It may depend on state law though, so I would check that.

Being fired or "let go" from a job does not mean anything unless there is a police report and a history of being fired from several jobs that come with it.

[QUOTE=BoringGuy45;2048045]I'm currently trying again as well. The problem is I have a major thing working against me: I was let go from a job (non-law enforcement) in the middle of last year. I was on the initial 3 month probationary period, of the 4 people hired with me, the other 3 were offered full time positions. I had no discipline or integrity issues while I was there and I was praised for my work ethic, but their conclusion was that for someone to work as hard as I was and STILL not meet their standards showed alarming incompetence. I was told the most they could expect me to succeed in would be janitorial duties or food service and I should never consider entering their field of work (social type work) again. Now, only 5 days later, I was offered the job I currently have and I have excellent reviews, but that scathing review, after only three months on the job, could haunt me for the rest of my life. Most PDs realize that past moral failings can be learned and not repeated, but incompetence is usually forever. So I may have a few years before I'm not laughed out of every PD where I drop off my application, if I'm not just wasting my time altogether.

At any rate, LE is the field I want, so hopefully departments will take my last job as a fluke."

During rough periods in my life I've been helped by two old dead guys, both ancient Stoics: Marcus Aurelius and Epictetus. (one a Roman emperor, the other an emancipated Roman slave).

"Diogenes rightly answered one who desired letters of recommendation from him: 'At first sight he will know you to be a man; whether or not you are a good man or a bad man, he will know likewise; and if he does not, he will never know it, though I should write a thousand times'. "

Onward through the fog.
Couple things I'll add. If the agency your applying for is worth their salt they'll be looking at the totality of who you are as a person. In life sh*t happens. If during the process they give you the opportunity to discuss at length your past (good or bad) be honest and just explain the matter. I've met plenty of officers and agents who have said the same thing to me. Not always is the best performer on the job the one with the spotless record.

As for the BI if 9/10 jobs say you were a competent individual the validity of the 10th job gets called into question.

Also as an FYI depending on the state as mentioned, previously, limits may be on what past employers can and cannot release. In my state they can pretty much just acknowledge my employment and dates but when one fed agency showed up with shiny gold badges to complete my BI my past supervisors sang like birds and produced my employment records. Nothing bad to my knowledge but state restrictions didn't matter is my point.

Point is if you get the chance to explain matters spoon feed everything to them. Consistency is important.

12-21-14, 18:00
If you want to donate to the NYPD PBA survivors fund.

Thank you for the information, I was looking for something along these lines.

12-21-14, 19:46
I wouldn't recommend anyone getting into law enforcement today. Ive got 18 years, and to be frank it aint worth it. Your damned if you do, and damned if you don't.

12-21-14, 20:24
I would love to see an serious case of the blue flu when it comes to deDeuchebagio's security detail. A general blue flu won't have the impact that we think it would. The general population no longer has the balls to take advantage of the situation. Too many years of pussification to even consider taking out the trash. Not that I blame them as those living within the rules have something to loose and you can bet your favorite testicle that the whole legal system would come down on them like a ton of bricks.

I believe that these things will continue to slowly boil for atleast the next 2 years while these agitators (not the shooters, but the race baiters like Sharpton, Holder...) know they have effective cover. If the LEO community lashes out they will be nationalized so that we can protect the civil rights of Americans. If the community lashes out against the trash with the LEO turning a blind eye we will get some more regulations to deal with.

We are seeing the end results of putting brainless dumbasses in charge for decades. Never ends well and usually the wrong people end up hurt.

12-21-14, 23:32
I take my job very seriously, but if this type of stuff continues and becomes the norm (like the mainstream media, AG, and POTUS want), I can support my family some other way.

If it helps, I understood you and couldn't fault you in the slightest. We need "good cops" but I don't expect anybody to sacrifice themselves for those they serve.

12-21-14, 23:37
I wouldn't recommend anyone getting into law enforcement today. Ive got 18 years, and to be frank it aint worth it. Your damned if you do, and damned if you don't.

If it helps, if I saw you in trouble and you were on your own, I'd get into things with you. I wouldn't hang my ass in the wind for just anybody either.

12-22-14, 05:40

Straight Shooter
12-22-14, 07:14
I couldn't be a cop if I wanted to, and wouldn't be one if I could. I ****ing HATE scum, scuzzy, trashy people. They way they look. Talk. Act.Smell. They are animalistic. They do NOTHING but drain resources from taxpayers. I wouldn't want to put my hands on them to arrest them, nor even ride in a patrol car with them. They are worse than a mongrel dog. How THE HELL yall interact on a day to day basis with these vermin is beyond me. Every word out of their filthy meth mouths a lie. I just don't know why anyone would do that job, for that pay, with the kind of liability cops have.
And as for NYC...I WISH theyd take off from now until Jan.2nd. NO cops for Christmas, NO COPS for the stupid ass ball drop. I no longer give a shit or tinkers damn about that city, and most others. They want a pinko ****in Mayor? Ok...REAP WHAT YOUVE SOWN YOU LIB PIECES OF SHIT. NO 911. NOBODY coming to save your anti-gun/anti-self defense asses. F-YOU...DIE ALREADY I say.

12-22-14, 07:30
Somne in the MSM are directly blaming Sharpton for the building tensions between LEO's and the Public.
It's one thing to have a protest, but when those within your ranks begin to call for the deaths of Police during the event, it's gone too far and he needs to be held accountable. Just how many times can this guy be allowed to do this type of stuff?

It’s all about him.

The Rev. Al Sharpton claimed Sunday that he’s received death threats in the wake of execution-style murders of two NYPD officers in Brooklyn.

Sharpton, appearing alongside the wife and mother of Eric Garner, played a voicemail for reporters purportedly of a racist threat made against him.

“To blame the mayor and others is not what we need,” Sharpton said. “The blame game will only lead to further kinds of venom and further division.”
Similar protests wracked New York, where protesters allegedly assaulted two NYPD officers and blocked traffic on the Brooklyn Bridge.

Protesters chanted violent slogans: “What do we want? Dead cops!”


CNN commentator and retired NYPD detective Harry Houck said it was people like Sharpton who are to blame for the officers' deaths. He said the tenor of protests has turned ugly.

"We have two dead police officers and I guess Al Sharpton got what he wanted," he said. "Everybody's talking about killing a cop, that you've got to take a cop out for Eric Garner."

12-22-14, 09:44
This is what Barry and Eric want. They want the public to believe Cops are evil and out to get them, and they want Police to believe citizens are evil and out to get them. They are seeking to cause such tension and distrust between both groups (or communities) that they have to come in and "save the day" by whatever means they believe are "necessary". Be it federalization of Police, gun control, martial law, etc, etc.

They want the country divided, its obvious. They are using the mainstream media and their hate mongers to sell the narrative.

12-22-14, 10:17
This is what Barry and Eric want. They want the public to believe Cops are evil and out to get them, and they want Police to believe citizens are evil and out to get them. They are seeking to cause such tension and distrust between both groups (or communities) that they have to come in and "save the day" by whatever means they believe are "necessary". Be it federalization of Police, gun control, martial law, etc, etc.

They want the country divided, its obvious. They are using the mainstream media and their hate mongers to sell the narrative.
Dang, that's like the second time this year I agree with you.

Spot on. Feds are definitely wanting to fly in wearing a cape and save us.

This whole situation is messed up. And I don't think the violent "protesters" thought this through. Terrified police are trigger happy police. Can't blame them for being on edge.

Next time someone's baby is choking in the hood, I will not be surprised to hear the first responders never arrived. The hood is going to rot very quickly I imagine. Just another clever way of burning their own house down.

12-22-14, 11:07
A Self Fulfilling Prophesy.
Take the story and tweak it a bit to sow the seeds of division and then sit back and watch what happens.

I'm surprised the Officers Families are letting the Mayor in to their homes to "consol them", he has a bit of responsibility for their deaths. If it were my Family Member I would burn the F'ing welcome mat as he stood on it.

Democratic New York City mayor Bill de Blasio launched a disgusting attack on the New York Police Department officers that symbolically turned their backs on him before a press conference to address the shooting deaths of officers Rafael Ramos and Wenjian Liu.
How did de Blasio’s office respond? By attacking the officers.

“It’s unfortunate that in a time of great tragedy, some would resort to irresponsible, overheated rhetoric that angers and divides people,” de Blasio spokesman Marti Adams said in a statement following the union leaders’ remarks.

But I'm sure the "Liberal Elite" De Blasio doesn't even have the humanity to understand it.

12-22-14, 11:54
I couldn't be a cop if I wanted to, and wouldn't be one if I could. I ****ing HATE scum, scuzzy, trashy people. They way they look. Talk. Act.Smell. They are animalistic. They do NOTHING but drain resources from taxpayers. I wouldn't want to put my hands on them to arrest them, nor even ride in a patrol car with them. They a worse than a mongrel dog. How THE HELL yall interact on a day to day basis with these vermin is beyond me. Every word out of their filthy meth mouths a lie. I just don't know why anyone would do that job, for that pay, with the kind of liability cops have.
And as for NYC...I WISH theyd take off from now until Jan.2nd. NO cops for Christmas, NO COPS for the stupid ass ball drop. I no longer give a shit or tinkers damn about that city, and most others. They want a pinko ****in Mayor? Ok...REAP WHAT YOUVE SOWN YOU LIB PIECES OF SHIT. NO 911. NOBODY coming to save your anti-gun/anti-self defense asses. F-YOU...DIE ALREADY I say.

Mutts are the best. Everything is worse than a mongrel dog!

12-22-14, 11:58
Somne in the MSM are directly blaming Sharpton for the building tensions between LEO's and the Public.
It's one thing to have a protest, but when those within your ranks begin to call for the deaths of Police during the event, it's gone too far and he needs to be held accountable. Just how many times can this guy be allowed to do this type of stuff?

It’s all about him.

The Rev. Al Sharpton claimed Sunday that he’s received death threats in the wake of execution-style murders of two NYPD officers in Brooklyn.

Sharpton, appearing alongside the wife and mother of Eric Garner, played a voicemail for reporters purportedly of a racist threat made against him.

“To blame the mayor and others is not what we need,” Sharpton said. “The blame game will only lead to further kinds of venom and further division.”http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2014/12/13/al-sharpton-leads-thousands-in-Saturday-march-on-washington-dc/
Similar protests wracked New York, where protesters allegedly assaulted two NYPD officers and blocked traffic on the Brooklyn Bridge.

Protesters chanted violent slogans: “What do we want? Dead cops!”


CNN commentator and retired NYPD detective Harry Houck said it was people like Sharpton who are to blame for the officers' deaths. He said the tenor of protests has turned ugly.

"We have two dead police officers and I guess Al Sharpton got what he wanted," he said. "Everybody's talking about killing a cop, that you've got to take a cop out for Eric Garner."

Isn't the blame game prety much the essence of his very existence??? :rolleyes:

A Self Fulfilling Prophesy.
Take the story and tweak it a bit to sow the seeds of division and then sit back and watch what happens.

I'm surprised the Officers Families are letting the Mayor in to their homes to "consol them", he has a bit of responsibility for their deaths. If it were my Family Member I would burn the F'ing welcome mat as he stood on it.

Democratic New York City mayor Bill de Blasio launched a disgusting attack on the New York Police Department officers that symbolically turned their backs on him before a press conference to address the shooting deaths of officers Rafael Ramos and Wenjian Liu.
How did de Blasio’s office respond? By attacking the officers.

“It’s unfortunate that in a time of great tragedy, some would resort to irresponsible, overheated rhetoric that angers and divides people,” de Blasio spokesman Marti Adams said in a statement following the union leaders’ remarks.

But I'm sure the "Liberal Elite" De Blasio doesn't even have the humanity to understand it.

The Mayor's mouthpiece doth protest too much, methinks. :(

12-22-14, 13:48
This is what Barry and Eric want. They want the public to believe Cops are evil and out to get them, and they want Police to believe citizens are evil and out to get them. They are seeking to cause such tension and distrust between both groups (or communities) that they have to come in and "save the day" by whatever means they believe are "necessary". Be it federalization of Police, gun control, martial law, etc, etc.

They want the country divided, its obvious. They are using the mainstream media and their hate mongers to sell the narrative.

I agree. We've come a long way from Reagan.

12-22-14, 16:47

Judge Jeanine crushes mayor bozo and company

12-22-14, 19:15
This is what Barry and Eric want. They want the public to believe Cops are evil and out to get them, and they want Police to believe citizens are evil and out to get them. They are seeking to cause such tension and distrust between both groups (or communities) that they have to come in and "save the day" by whatever means they believe are "necessary". Be it federalization of Police, gun control, martial law, etc, etc.

They want the country divided, its obvious. They are using the mainstream media and their hate mongers to sell the narrative.

Our local Leo's received an alert from the FBI about shitbags traveling to our AO to get pulled over and cause trouble, possible shootings. Anybody else hear about this in your neck of the woods? Maybe bad Intel to drive a wedge?

12-22-14, 19:36
This may not be directly related but I am certain more details will come out. Trying to apprehend one suspect and stabbed to death by another.


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12-22-14, 19:39
This may not be directly related but I am certain more details will come out. Trying to apprehend one suspect and stabbed to death by another.


Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

Dont know why this is going around....this was from 2011.

12-22-14, 19:55
Dont know why this is going around....this was from 2011.

So it is, that just showed up in my inbox and I completely overlooked the date. Not entirely a bad thing that this is old I guess, given the current circumstances.

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12-22-14, 20:18
Forwarded from a friend in the NYPD who asked that it be shared -


FROM NYC PBA: Starting IMMEDIATELY- At least two units are to respond to EVERY call, no matter the condition or severity, no matter what type of job is pending, or what the opinion of the patrol supervisor happens to be. IN ADDITION: Absolutely NO enforcement action in the form of arrests and or summonses is to be taken unless absolutely necessary and an individual MUST be placed under arrest. These are precautions that were taken in the 1970's when Police Officers were ambushed and executed on a regular basis. The mayors hands are literally dripping with our blood because of his words actions and policies and we have, for the first time in a number of years, become a "wartime" police department. We will act accordingly. FORWARD MESSAGE IN ITS ENTIRETY TO ANY AND ALL MOS

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Someone clarify this for me. Is the NYPD in the habit of arresting people that don't need it? "Unless absolutely necessary"?? Really? That makes it sound like there's a lot of bullshit arrests going on.

If so, maybe some of the anger over the years is justified (thinking items like their "stop and frisk" policy, not this incident)

12-22-14, 20:23
Someone clarify this for me. Is the NYPD in the habit of arresting people that don't need it? "Unless absolutely necessary"?? Really? That makes it sound like there's a lot of bullshit arrests going on.

If so, maybe some of the anger over the years is justified (thinking items like their "stop and frisk" policy, not this incident)

Basically saying dont go out and look for arrests, make them if you get a radio call or there is a sight crime in progress you observe. Police generate more arrests without radio than with.

12-22-14, 21:45
Someone clarify this for me. Is the NYPD in the habit of arresting people that don't need it? "Unless absolutely necessary"?? Really? That makes it sound like there's a lot of bullshit arrests going on.

If so, maybe some of the anger over the years is justified (thinking items like their "stop and frisk" policy, not this incident)

I think they are pulling back on the "Broken Window Style" of proactive action.
As far as radio calls go, I would guess they are trying to avoid getting set up for an ambush. I wonder what kinds of threats they have been getting and who's been making them.
De Blasio and Sharpton have been all over the news today making statements to avoid all responsibility while back peddling and deflecting as fast as possible.

12-22-14, 21:50
Fox Affiliate Fakes "Kill a Cop" Chant (http://gawker.com/slimy-baltimore-fox-affiliate-caught-faking-kill-a-cop-1674040381).

Warning: The language in the linked article is very inflammatory. So inflammatory that I skimmed it, instead of reading it through.

Short version is that the Fox affiliate in question altered a chant of, "We can't stop/We won't stop/'Til killer cops are in cell blocks!" Into, "We can't stop/We won't stop/So kill a cop!"

It appears that someone or someones are trying to drive a wedge between the American people.

12-22-14, 21:52
Fox Affiliate Fakes "Kill a Cop" Chant (http://gawker.com/slimy-baltimore-fox-affiliate-caught-faking-kill-a-cop-1674040381).

Warning: The language in the linked article is very inflammatory. So inflammatory that I skimmed it, instead of reading it through.

Short version is that the Fox affiliate in question altered a chant of, "We can't stop/We won't stop/'Til killer cops are in cell blocks!" Into, "We can't stop/We won't stop/So kill a cop!"

It appears that someone or someones are trying to drive a wedge between the American people.

That's been the agenda since 2008 IMO.

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12-22-14, 22:15


And finally this,
This Housing Project was so bad that eventually it had to be torn down, not because it wasn't viable, but because of the levels of violence that continued to occur daily. Fencing was used to cover balconies to prevent people from being thrown off the side of the building. Tunnels were created that allowed someone who was being sought out by the Police to move from Apartment to Apartment without entering the hallway.
One of the typical ways to set an ambush for the Cops was to 911 a "Shot Fired and then jam the elevator and throw firebombs down at the Cops as they tried to come up the stairwell, I actually got to talk with a Cop that had this happen to him.
These were the "Bad Old Days." and most of this stuff was swept under the carpet by Mayor Daley and his cronies,
This is the kind of stuff you will see when liberal Politicians take sides for votes and against Cops. I'm not advocating Law Enforcement by any means necessary, but when your "Peaceful Protestors " lead by the likes of Sharpton begin to openly call for the killing of Cops we've gone too far,

12-22-14, 22:18
Fox Affiliate Fakes "Kill a Cop" Chant (http://gawker.com/slimy-baltimore-fox-affiliate-caught-faking-kill-a-cop-1674040381).

Warning: The language in the linked article is very inflammatory. So inflammatory that I skimmed it, instead of reading it through.

Short version is that the Fox affiliate in question altered a chant of, "We can't stop/We won't stop/'Til killer cops are in cell blocks!" Into, "We can't stop/We won't stop/So kill a cop!"

It appears that someone or someones are trying to drive a wedge between the American people.

The Author of this article is;
Miserable Shitehawk
Today 1:00pm
So I would just think a moment before going all out there on this one.

12-22-14, 22:28
The Author of this article is;
Miserable Shitehawk
Today 1:00pm
So I would just think a moment before going all out there on this one.

You have to listen to the C-SPAN video very carefully to understand what that lady was saying. In fact, the first couple of repetitions do sound like she is saying, "kill a cop." I'm not so sure that this was agenda driven.

12-23-14, 05:30
I think they are pulling back on the "Broken Window Style" of proactive action.
As far as radio calls go, I would guess they are trying to avoid getting set up for an ambush. I wonder what kinds of threats they have been getting and who's been making them.
De Blasio and Sharpton have been all over the news today making statements to avoid all responsibility while back peddling and deflecting as fast as possible.
Thanks to Voodoo and Averageman.

Saying it this way make it seem a lot more reasonable. I showed the Fox News article to my wife yesterday (IIRC, it said "avoid unncessary arrests") and she had the same WTF look on her face.

She's a bit more towards the analytical side than me (much more knee-jerk emotion), so usually I can count on her to make some reasoned opinions.

12-23-14, 09:41
This little shit kinda pisses me off...


12-23-14, 10:12
This little shit kinda pisses me off...


Christopher Cantwell

Well then, lets give the little shit a call and let him know....

I suggest you give him a call....its pretty fun.

12-23-14, 10:32
This little shit kinda pisses me off...


The entire article isn't the typical liberal drivel.

The Bigger Picture

"This isn’t about Eric Garner, or Michael Brown, or racism. This is the simple and inevitable outcome of millennia of government violence.

The State exists through force of arms alone. It is nothing more than an excuse to do harm. One class of people designated to do violence against all others. That it has gone on this long with so little retribution being paid to its agents is a phenomenon that history will someday look upon as bizarre.

There is only one law. The initiation of force or fraud against person or property is impermissible, the only justifiable use of force is in defense of person and property. This is almost universally understood throughout human society. The great deception of statism is that it provides an exception to this law for a class of people who call themselves “the government”, and that deception is becoming less and less credible by the moment.

With every day that passes, with every video of police brutality, with every war, with every false flag terrorist attack, with every torture report, with every blog, podcast, YouTube video, and radio broadcast that points out this reality, the deception becomes more obvious. The moment a person recognizes the deception for what it is, they become a threat to the lives and livelihoods of those who depend upon it for their sustenance. "

12-23-14, 10:40
The entire article isn't the typical liberal drivel.

No its the ranting's of an anarchist piece of shit. That endorses the murder of Police (yet doesn't have the balls to do it himself).

Just looking at the guy, all I see is "kiddy toucher".

Edit: and I've got to thank Skydivr for putting this P.O.S. on my radar...he was entertaining to talk to...."im recording you" lol good!

12-23-14, 11:42
No its the ranting's of an anarchist piece of shit. That endorses the murder of Police (yet doesn't have the balls to do it himself).

Just looking at the guy, all I see is "kiddy toucher".

Edit: and I've got to thank Skydivr for putting this P.O.S. on my radar...he was entertaining to talk to...."im recording you" lol good!

Yeah he's a nutbag.

Ismaaiyl Brinsley was no hero. As I hear it he shot his girlfriend not too long ago, and while there are plenty of reasons to hate and even kill police, Michael Brown isn’t one of them. As far as I’m concerned, his death is good news same as the death of the cops he shot. Three more violent criminals off the street, bad guys killing bad guys, seems to me like Saturday was a good day.

I'm going to take a wild guess that he's not going to take care of things himself when after writing this stuff someone decides to kick his butt.

12-23-14, 11:59
Yeah he's a nutbag.

Ismaaiyl Brinsley was no hero. As I hear it he shot his girlfriend not too long ago, and while there are plenty of reasons to hate and even kill police, Michael Brown isn’t one of them. As far as I’m concerned, his death is good news same as the death of the cops he shot. Three more violent criminals off the street, bad guys killing bad guys, seems to me like Saturday was a good day.

I'm going to take a wild guess that he's not going to take care of things himself when after writing this stuff someone decides to kick his butt.

Of course he isn't, he's just going to keep begging for money on his shitty blog.

12-23-14, 12:31
This little shit kinda pisses me off...


He's obviously just another one of God's Special Little Snowflakes. :rolleyes:

3 AE
12-23-14, 12:53
Yep, just another internet anarchist. What a glowing occupation to list on a resume! I did agree with one of the comments left by one poster.

Quote: "Cops job is to enforce the law. Kill the cops and it's me against you and you will lose."

Yes sir, I'll hold to that for sure.

12-23-14, 13:10
LOL the retard found this thread...sweet. He's already complaining about it on facebook. Guess he put that community college degree to good use!!!

12-23-14, 13:12
LOL the retard found this thread...sweet. He's already complaining about it on facebook. Guess he put that community college degree to go use!!!

This line from his original post is painfully ironic.

"They knew the public hated them for it, and they did not care."

Similarly it seems that Cantwell "just doesn't care" so by his logic I guess he deserves what ever comes his way.

12-23-14, 13:27
This line from his original post is painfully ironic.

"They knew the public hated them for it, and they did not care."

Similarly it seems that Cantwell "just doesn't care" so by his logic I guess he deserves what ever comes his way.

Careful pointing out his hypocrisy, anarchists HATE hypocrisy. He might spontaneously combust! LOL

12-23-14, 14:22
No its the ranting's of an anarchist piece of shit. That endorses the murder of Police (yet doesn't have the balls to do it himself).

Just looking at the guy, all I see is "kiddy toucher".

Edit: and I've got to thank Skydivr for putting this P.O.S. on my radar...he was entertaining to talk to...."im recording you" lol good!

He, might be a coward, I obviously don't condone murder of cops, but he hits the statism nail squarely on the head. This is not an issue that's as simple as you're ether with the police or or you're against them, and if you are, you MUST be an anarchist occupy Wall Street type.

12-23-14, 15:08
He, might be a coward, I obviously don't condone murder of cops, but he hits the statism nail squarely on the head. This is not an issue that's as simple as you're ether with the police or or you're against them, and if you are, you MUST be an anarchist occupy Wall Street type.

I never said that it was. However if you openly condone and call for the murder of anyone for no justification other than "I don't like them", you're an idiot....I don't care whatever else you have to spew.

The guy is the typical anti government loser. I'd bet money he is generally unsuccessful (I mean he is begging for money on his blog), been arrested numerous times, has no immediate relationships of worth, etc, and blames it all on big bad government because of course "it couldn't just be him".

Anarchists, Sovereign Citizens, and the like are in the business of placing the blame for all of THEIR shortcomings on the government, and anyone who works for the government. They are pathetic people that will not assume responsibility for their own actions. Kinda like commies or socialists blaming the "upper class" on all of their problems. Both ends of the spectrum then use propaganda to sell other dopes their bullshit agendas and turn it into a business (speaking engagements, etc, etc,). Which apparently this guy is still working on since....

"I am in desperate need of money. So if you appreciate the work I do, please consider donating, or advertising here."

In the words of the Big Lebowski "I suggest you do what your parents did, get a job sir!"

12-23-14, 15:15
How about we focus on the issue of the topic and not legitmize someone who is only looking to shock and gain attention.

12-23-14, 16:18
How about we focus on the issue of the topic and not legitmize someone who is only looking to shock and gain attention.

I mean this in the most respectful way possible, but we are discussing two of NY's finest who were executed due to rhetoric and hate speech.

This guy is spewing just that, only he feels that because he takes the "libertarian" anti-LE side he is somehow better and different than the "downtrodden black" anti-LE side.

j-dub hit the nail on the head. The sovereign citizens I've met (especially in Hawaii) fit his profile to the T. You'll never see a guy going into his $80k/yr job wearing a suit come home and type up some shit like that.

12-23-14, 17:40
I mean this in the most respectful way possible, but we are discussing two of NY's finest who were executed due to rhetoric and hate speech.

This guy is spewing just that, only he feels that because he takes the "libertarian" anti-LE side he is somehow better and different than the "downtrodden black" anti-LE side.

j-dub hit the nail on the head. The sovereign citizens I've met (especially in Hawaii) fit his profile to the T. You'll never see a guy going into his $80k/yr job wearing a suit come home and type up some shit like that.

That dude needs not be mentioned. He is not someone who has any affect on this situation and only attempts to exploit it by posting his misguided ramblings.

Sovereign citizens are nut-jobs - that's the extent of the conversation regarding him and his kind.

12-23-14, 18:44
911 operators made 'anti-police' remarks, causing quarrel with FDNY dispatchers as 2 NYPD cops were dying, sources say
The war of words occurred when news broke that NYPD cops Rafael Ramos and Wenjian Liu were shot Saturday. One dispatcher allegedly said the cops ‘deserved it,’ said a law enforcement source. A union spokesman for the 911 cop operators said the union was not aware of a shouting match.


12-23-14, 18:54
He's obviously just another one of God's Special Little Snowflakes. :rolleyes:
Ha, I like that. Added to the verbal abuse inventory

12-23-14, 20:27

12-23-14, 21:15
He does list reasons why, in his mind, it is justifiable to slay a peace officer. Most, of course, will disagree.

I don't care what he believes is justified "in his mind". Im sure Charlie Manson and the family thought they were justified...just like every other dirtbag that steals, robs, kills, etc.

If anyone believes murdering two people, no matter their profession is ok, they are a sick individual. Now factor in that the main reason they want those people to be killed is their profession...that's even more disturbing.

12-23-14, 22:33
911 operators made 'anti-police' remarks, causing quarrel with FDNY dispatchers as 2 NYPD cops were dying, sources say
The war of words occurred when news broke that NYPD cops Rafael Ramos and Wenjian Liu were shot Saturday. One dispatcher allegedly said the cops ‘deserved it,’ said a law enforcement source. A union spokesman for the 911 cop operators said the union was not aware of a shouting match.


Jesus fracking Christ. Are you kidding me?

This is like a bizarro version of the worst of the deep south in the 60s and the racial hatred used to justify the killing of people like the "freedom riders."

"They came down looking for trouble and found it."

Can somebody please flush ALL of these turds. That we have allowed this form of violent racism to exist into the 21rst century is appalling. That the President, AG and the Mayor are perpetuating it is one of the darkest moments we've ever seen. Even at the height of the problem in the 50s and 60s, Ike, Kennedy and LBJ were never siding with the racists.

You'd have to go all the way back to the 20s with Wilson to find a President wiling to support racism and incite unrest to come close to the level of Obama. The only other example is FDR who was willing to intern Japanese Americans. The only other example I can think of as bad is Hoover with his treatment of the Bonus Army.

But most of all I am sicked that with all the improvements in race relations that I experienced during the 80s, it has all been undone by those who are willing to see violent individuals as civil rights victims. I'm really angry about "race" issues for the first time in a long time. Even Bill Clinton was able to improve things in this area.

12-23-14, 23:02
So infuriating to listen to the mayor say anything any more. Today it was blaming the media for "somehow managing to find the violent/racist/cop killer-chanting protestors among all the peaceful ones".
He comes out with one statement after another against the police and then when the PD suggests officers don't want him or his cronies at funerals, they are fueling the fire!? He even got a duet going with a cardinal representing the church to suggest that everyone just get along. Then he goes right back to the same old schtick. It's getting so that any political or activist speaking comes off like a bad SNL skit. And some of this garbage really would almost be comical if it wasn't actually happening like it is...

12-24-14, 07:56
So infuriating to listen to the mayor say anything any more. Today it was blaming the media for "somehow managing to find the violent/racist/cop killer-chanting protestors among all the peaceful ones".
He comes out with one statement after another against the police and then when the PD suggests officers don't want him or his cronies at funerals, they are fueling the fire!? He even got a duet going with a cardinal representing the church to suggest that everyone just get along. Then he goes right back to the same old schtick. It's getting so that any political or activist speaking comes off like a bad SNL skit. And some of this garbage really would almost be comical if it wasn't actually happening like it is...

The Mayor wants as many votes as he can get, trying to play to the sympathies of the Protesters he chose a side. The NYPD would have been able to deal with that (seeing it for what it is) until things started getting out of hand. Protesters punching Cops was the turning point.
The radical left refuses to see that many of these deaths were brought on by violent actions against Cops. You don't get a free ticket to fight Cops and expect to walk away without something happening.
De Blasio should have seen the writing on the wall, these folks became emboldened and decided to up the ante a bit. Now the Mayor has alienated the Cops and no longer has any influence on the Protestors.
De Blasio called on the Protestors to quell the marches until the Cops were buried, that didn't happen if anything they are worse.
De Blasio had the Cops at the hospital turn their backs on him and now various union and police organizations are saying he has blood on his hands.
Pandering for votes while playing the game with the Left can come back and bite you. I predict he wont finish his term without either an escalation of these events the kind like we haven't seen since the seventies and/or he will leave before his term is over.
We're watching America change and I don't like the direction.

12-24-14, 09:18
In addition to two felony counts — assaulting a police officer and inciting a riot — Mr. Linsker was charged with several misdemeanors and possession of a small amount of marijuana, a violation. He was also charged with attempted robbery because several protesters tried to strip the officers of their police radios, the authorities said.
The assistant district attorney asked that Mr. Linsker’s bail be set at $25,000. He said that Mr. Linsker was part of “an incredibly violent event” and that he had “acted in concert” with the assailant who struck the officer.
Judge Abraham Clott responded, “How is he responsible for what other people were doing?”
He was released on his own recognizance in Manhattan Criminal Court on Sunday.
I dont think this is the way to go with this, but they seem to think it will stop the trouble.

12-24-14, 09:23
He'll never get re-elected - the Majority of the voters in NYC recognize the police are there to protect them and he's now lost their confidence.

It's about to get worse, now that another black kid has been shot near Ferguson - that he pulled a gun on the officer will not matter, the press will go for the ratings...

12-24-14, 10:42
I don't really want to start another "shooting involving first responders / targeting of ______" thread so here's a different one from Jacksonville, FL


According to Lt. Jackson Short of the Jacksonville Sheriff's Office, five or six firefighters were outside of Station 28 pumping gas at the city gas pumps next to the station at the time of the shooting.
A firefighter was hit in the arm by a ricochet bullet, but his injury is minor and he will not need stitches, Short said.
The firefighters who were outside during the shooting were not able to get a good look at the suspect vehicle because lights were in their eyes, but they did give JSO a description of tail lights.
Short said JSO believes the firefighters were targeted because they were in a very well-lit area and clearly dressed in uniform. Short also said there is no reason to connect this drive-by to what's happening elsewhere in the country, like the fatal shooting of two officers in New York.

12-24-14, 12:23
I don't really want to start another "shooting involving first responders / targeting of ______" thread so here's a different one from Jacksonville, FL


According to Lt. Jackson Short of the Jacksonville Sheriff's Office, five or six firefighters were outside of Station 28 pumping gas at the city gas pumps next to the station at the time of the shooting.
A firefighter was hit in the arm by a ricochet bullet, but his injury is minor and he will not need stitches, Short said.
The firefighters who were outside during the shooting were not able to get a good look at the suspect vehicle because lights were in their eyes, but they did give JSO a description of tail lights.
Short said JSO believes the firefighters were targeted because they were in a very well-lit area and clearly dressed in uniform. Short also said there is no reason to connect this drive-by to what's happening elsewhere in the country, like the fatal shooting of two officers in New York.

That's messed up! I thought everyone loved firefighters....there goes my backup-backup plan....Im running out of plans!

12-24-14, 13:38
Yeah man! What the hell?

FD shows up, blocks traffic with their "apparatus" and tells LE "the scene is yours!" How could anyone hate them enough to shoot them?

12-24-14, 18:05
Groups such as CAIR have exploited the events in Ferguson and NYC by using these "protests" as an excuse to answer the Islamic State’s order to kill policemen that would “strike terror into the hearts of the enemies of Allah.”. Ismaaiyl Abdullah Brinsley was a Muslim convert and had ties to Masjid Al-Farooq in Brooklyn. They were responsible for the 1993 Trade Center bombing.

Cop killer Brinsley may have been a jihadist

Against them make ready your strength to the utmost of your power, including steeds of war, to strike terror into (the hearts of) the enemies, of Allah and your enemies, and others besides, whom ye may not know, but whom Allah doth know. Whatever ye shall spend in the cause of Allah, shall be repaid unto you, and ye shall not be treated unjustly. (emphasis added)


You won't be seeing any of this on MSNBC . . .

12-25-14, 00:38
Groups such as CAIR have exploited the events in Ferguson and NYC by using these "protests" as an excuse to answer the Islamic State’s order to kill policemen that would “strike terror into the hearts of the enemies of Allah.”. Ismaaiyl Abdullah Brinsley was a Muslim convert and had ties to Masjid Al-Farooq in Brooklyn. They were responsible for the 1993 Trade Center bombing.

Cop killer Brinsley may have been a jihadist


You won't be seeing any of this on MSNBC . . .

That's all that was missing. Now that all the shitbags are present and accounted for, will somebody please take out the trash.

12-25-14, 05:03
Not sure why people are shocked at firefighters being shot at. I have old family friends and relatives that have relayed this and this occurred in certain parts of L.A County several times.

12-25-14, 07:32
Not sure why people are shocked at firefighters being shot at. I have old family friends and relatives that have relayed this and this occurred in certain parts of L.A County several times.

Happened in Brooklyn when I was a kid regularly.

12-29-14, 10:35

12-29-14, 10:38
Another one in durham NC, news didnt really cover.

Two dudes walked up on a police car, officer got out and exchanged shots they fled.

12-29-14, 10:48

12-29-14, 11:12
It won't be long before LE agencies in large urban areas will mandate at all times: two officers per vehicle, plate-carriers, and carbines set-up for rapid deployment. LE agencies in Europe predominantly run two officers per vehicle.

I honestly have no problem with this... This is the norm in the rest of the world, or at least the countries I've been in that aren't as advanced as the US. If our "citizens" want to act like savages, they should be treated as such. You don't get to act like a 3rd world country and expect to have the white glove treatment in your interactions with the authorities.

I myself will simply stay out of their way and let them do their job.

12-29-14, 11:15
I honestly have no problem with this... This is the norm in the rest of the world, or at least the countries I've been in that aren't as advanced as the US. If our "citizens" want to act like savages, they should be treated as such. You don't get to act like a 3rd world country and expect to have the white glove treatment in your interactions with the authorities.

I myself will simply stay out of their way and let them do their job.

Police state brah

12-29-14, 11:19
Police state brah
Why are you like this?

It's not beyond the realm of this forum's ability to discuss potential unforseen consequences directly resulting from a shift to more heavy handed policing strategies, regardless of their need perceived or otherwise.

Perceptions about what's right, wrong, what works and what doesn't evolve over time so there is always potential for policy shifts to be more damaging over the long term and create more problems then they were intended to solve.

12-29-14, 11:26
Why are you like this?

It's not beyond the realm of this forum's ability to discuss potential unforseen consequences directly resulting from a shift to more heavy handed policing strategies, regardless of their need perceived or otherwise.

Perceptions about what's right, wrong, what works and what doesn't evolve over time so there is always potential for policy shifts to be more damaging over the long term and create more problems then they were intended to solve.

My point was (since you didn't get it obviously) that the average "I hate the govt" folks will scream even louder about the "Police State". If what was discussed occurs.

12-29-14, 11:42
My point was (since you didn't get it obviously) that the average "I hate the govt" folks will scream even louder about the "Police State". If what was discussed occurs.

It is kind of ironic. The same crowd in this situation who are all "f*** the police, kill one of ours take two of theirs" is the same crowd that depends on the government and it's law-abiding tax paying citizens for their means of living in this country. Lord knows they don't contribute anything. Beggars can't be choosers.

I think there's a difference between a police state and being adequately equipped to deal with the threats that are presented to you and other innocent bystanders.
Arming the police so they can do their job is fine. Arming the police so they can carry out illegal raids on those labeled as "nut job tea-baggers" by a corrupt government agency is a whole different discussion which has been had too many times.

I am 100% for LEO's being able to return safely home to their families.

12-29-14, 14:20
It is kind of ironic. The same crowd in this situation who are all "f*** the police, kill one of ours take two of theirs" is the same crowd that depends on the government and it's law-abiding tax paying citizens for their means of living in this country. Lord knows they don't contribute anything. Beggars can't be choosers.

I'm sure they all would love to wear a label as they bleed us dry. They have no issue calling themselves a number of scary names, why not just take the online posting and cross balance them with the welfare lists and save us all from being bled dry?
Take a close look at who they are and where they come from and ask yourself why they are entitled to you tax dollars in order to promote this?
I'm positive that after listening to a number of their broadcasts and looking at a few of their web sites you could clean house pretty damned quickly.
But then who would march, watch MSNBC or promote the agenda?

12-29-14, 20:04

12-29-14, 23:42
LE should be equipped well to deal with criminals; the citizenry, however, should be equipped equally well. No other alternative must be tolerated.

I can say first hand there's very little argument against that. I think both the police and most gun owning citizens know that if the "hands up don't shoot" crowd were to take over, one of the first things that would occur would be the disarming of private citizens.

12-30-14, 09:21
I can say first hand there's very little argument against that. I think both the police and most gun owning citizens know that if the "hands up don't shoot" crowd were to take over, one of the first things that would occur would be the disarming of private citizens.
And in LA.

Two men opened fire on a police car patrolling a tough part of Los Angeles, but the two officers inside were not injured and one was able to shoot back, authorities said Monday. One suspect was later arrested and the other was on the loose.

The shooting occurred amid heightened tensions over attacks on police elsewhere in the country after grand juries declined to indict white officers in the killings of unarmed black men.

The two officers were responding to an unrelated radio call and driving slowly in a neighborhood when they saw two men on a sidewalk and the flash of a rifle being fired, police said.

Responding to a call and then Rifle fire? I wont jump to a conclusion, but I'm glad I'm not a Cop right now.

12-30-14, 12:51
The number of law enforcement officers killed by firearms jumped by 56 percent this year and included 15 ambush deaths. But gun-related police deaths still remain far below historic highs and lower than the average annual figures in the past decade, according to a report released Tuesday.
Among the ambush assaults were the fatal attacks on two police officers in New York City on Dec. 20. Officers Wenjian Liu and Rafael Ramos were gunned down in their patrol car by Ismaaiyl Brinsley, who then ran into a subway station and killed himself. Brinsley had made threatening posts online and references to the Garner and Brown cases.

Floyd also pointed to the fatal shooting of two Las Vegas police officers ambushed in June as they were eating lunch in a pizza shop, and a Pennsylvania state trooper killed in an ambush in September by a survivalist who then led police on a 48-day manhunt.

12-30-14, 14:56
BOSTON – Two Boston police officers were hospitalized after they were kicked, punched, and choked by six teenagers related to a person they were arresting, authorities said.

The officers, a woman and a man, went to an apartment in the city's Roxbury neighborhood on Monday morning to serve a warrant on a 19-year-old man for defaulting on court appearances, the Boston Herald reported.


EDIT: wonder why Warren Bilhelm Jr. in 2002 changed his name to Bill De Blasio?

12-30-14, 19:43
ops anonymously told the New York Post that they aren't making arrests for minor crimes because they fear for their safety following the murders of two NYPD officers.

"I’m not writing any summonses. Do you think I’m going to stand there so someone can shoot me or hit me in the head with an ax?” a cop, who was granted anonymity by the Post, said. "I’m concerned about my safety. I want to go to home to my wife and kids.”

To back up these assertions, the Post reports in a separate story that arrests have nose-dived by 66 percent over the last week, fueled by huge drops in arrests for minor offenses.

12-30-14, 20:19
Well, I hope if nothing else this serves as a come to Jesus moment for the non FSA NYC residents who'll realize the police won't be there to protect them and due to liberalism they cannot lawfully arm themselves

01-04-15, 10:35
I’m not the first person to observe that the New York police unions’ current mini-rebellion against Mayor Bill de Blasio carries anti-democratic undertones, and even a faint odor of right-wing coup.
One NYPD source says officers are taking the memo from Bratton as a “veiled threat” and may very well disobey him.
“I never signed anything giving up my constitutional rights,” one NYPD cop said. Additionally, an online image with a skull and crossbones, captioned “Keep calm and turn your back,” is being circulated among law enforcement.

01-04-15, 13:01
Just got done at the funeral, spoke to a few nypd guys, all have same to say, mayor bozo is bad for the city and very anti-police. They are making a statement that they wont accept it.

01-04-15, 13:16
Fascist-coup (http://www.breitbart.com/big-governm...-fascist-coup/)

Am I the only one that finds this ironic, with the left's "supposed" support for the Unions and all that? Yet when the Police are in Solidarity against this bozo mayor it is somehow facism? I'd be willing to bet most the NYPD is fairly solidly Democratic leaning.

I guess as long as you vote for them and their ilk and keep your mouth shut they will "support" you. Open your mouth against one of them and you're suddenly labeled a "Facist".

01-04-15, 13:42
Fascist-coup (http://www.breitbart.com/big-governm...-fascist-coup/)

Am I the only one that finds this ironic, with the left's "supposed" support for the Unions and all that? Yet when the Police are in Solidarity against this bozo mayor it is somehow facism? I'd be willing to bet most the NYPD is fairly solidly Democratic leaning.

I guess as long as you vote for them and their ilk and keep your mouth shut they will "support" you. Open your mouth against one of them and you're suddenly labeled a "Facist".

You know when I read about how unions are used by the left, how monies from union funds are taken from the workers to promote a candidate that the rank and file may not support. When I think back about how unions were used sometimes violently in support of Obamacare, then this....
I can only laugh, the left plays a much better game and has all the tools.

01-04-15, 14:32
I've not ready every post in this thread.

That noted: I wonder how much in tourism dollars will be lost when tourists shun NYC like the plague since the police are not effectively policing...? (and, I don't blame the police inaction either...)

01-04-15, 14:54
Thousands of city police officers turned their backs Sunday as they watched Mayor Bill de Blasio eulogize an officer shot dead with his partner, repeating a stinging display of scorn for the mayor despite entreaties from the police commissioner not to do so.

Police have now arrested some of those responsible. Here is a quick look at the profiles of those arrested:

The ringleader, Eric Linsker, is a “police hating poet” andprofessor at CUNY. Police had to stop him from allegedly tossing a trash can from a “walkway to the Manhattan-bound roadway.”
Jarrod Shanahan is a teaching assistant at The City University. He’s written a piece celebrating anti-police protests for VICE, taught an Introduction to Marx class at the Brooklyn Brainery, and read his poetry at Occupy Wall Street in 2012 “before the pigs reinforced order.”
Cindy Gorn is a professor and graduate student at Columbia University who teaches “geography from the perspective of Marxist philosophy.”
Zachary Campbell is a professor at Rutgers University.
Campbell’s wife Marcia Garcia is a program coordinator at the Queens Museum of Art.
Robert Murray works for the SEIU — one of the country’s largest labor unions.

01-04-15, 17:38
Just got done at the funeral, spoke to a few nypd guys, all have same to say, mayor bozo is bad for the city and very anti-police. They are making a statement that they wont accept it.

What was the citizen turn out? Did NYC citizens come out in large numbers to show support for this fallen LEO and outrage of the event? The citizens had an opp to show the NYPD in person they support their efforts.

01-04-15, 17:41
What was the citizen turn out? Did NYC citizens come out in large numbers to show support for this fallen LEO and outrage of the event? The citizens had an opp to show the NYPD in person they support their efforts.

Seeing as how the weather stifled LE turnout, there was a minimal turnout by the local populace. Of course I was no where near the church so I don't know how the area there was.

01-04-15, 20:28
time when someone fires on LEO for no reason to simply put that person down

same thing with these punks that steal cars then go on wild chases endangering lives and other things and then scream like a baby when tackled just make em take a dirt nap ! and start posting how it happens on TV and make it known these things wont be tolerated

no more long sentencing times either start doing it within a week solid proof and or confession means harsh penalties and a true 3 strikes you are out meaning out of life !

I feel sorry for the good LEO whos hands are so tied and scrutinized because for sure there are some bad ones that draw the attention to the good ones
amazing though are current society and press seems to think thugs are the same way that some how most thugs are good people and only a few bad ? time to turn the table but that is fantasy talk sadly

01-05-15, 11:46

More shots fired at deputies in Florida.

01-05-15, 12:28
Thousands of city police officers turned their backs Sunday as they watched Mayor Bill de Blasio eulogize an officer shot dead with his partner, repeating a stinging display of scorn for the mayor despite entreaties from the police commissioner not to do so.

Police have now arrested some of those responsible. Here is a quick look at the profiles of those arrested:

The ringleader, Eric Linsker, is a “police hating poet” andprofessor at CUNY. Police had to stop him from allegedly tossing a trash can from a “walkway to the Manhattan-bound roadway.”
Jarrod Shanahan is a teaching assistant at The City University. He’s written a piece celebrating anti-police protests for VICE, taught an Introduction to Marx class at the Brooklyn Brainery, and read his poetry at Occupy Wall Street in 2012 “before the pigs reinforced order.”
Cindy Gorn is a professor and graduate student at Columbia University who teaches “geography from the perspective of Marxist philosophy.”
Zachary Campbell is a professor at Rutgers University.
Campbell’s wife Marcia Garcia is a program coordinator at the Queens Museum of Art.
Robert Murray works for the SEIU — one of the country’s largest labor unions.

Lenin would be proud. :rolleyes:

01-05-15, 12:42
Sounds like a few of my undergrad professors. Socialist POSs....

01-05-15, 16:42
Lenin would be proud. :rolleyes:

Right up until he was done with them, once the revolution was complete he lined them against walls by the thousands and they got a well deserved bullet for their efforts.

01-05-15, 16:49
Right up until he was done with them, once the revolution was complete he lined them against walls by the thousands and they got a well deserved bullet for their efforts.

Shhh people don't want to know historically accurate Events.

01-05-15, 19:35
Shhh people don't want to know historically accurate Events.

"Comrades! The kulak uprising in your five districts must be crushed without pity ... You must make example of these people. (1) Hang (I mean hang publicly, so that people see it) at least 100 kulaks, rich bastards, and known bloodsuckers. (2) Publish their names. (3) Seize all their grain. (4) Single out the hostages per my instructions in yesterday's telegram. Do all this so that for miles around people see it all, understand it, tremble, and tell themselves that we are killing the bloodthirsty kulaks and that we will continue to do so ... Yours, Lenin. P.S. Find tougher people."

Somewhat ironic...

01-05-15, 23:46
Two NYC officers wounded (not life threatening)


01-06-15, 08:39
Geeeze. What in the hell is going on with these folks. Is there an over abundant supply of stupid in the water up there.

Hope the two guys make a quick recover and the shooters reap what they sow.

Any idea if this was a rob something so cops show and then shoot them or just a plane Jane robbery.

01-06-15, 10:49
Geeeze. What in the hell is going on with these folks. Is there an over abundant supply of stupid in the water up there.

Hope the two guys make a quick recover and the shooters reap what they sow.

Any idea if this was a rob something so cops show and then shoot them or just a plane Jane robbery.

From what I've read, it looks more like just a plain 'ol robbery gone bad. But right now, there's a war on the police by street gangs. The police are seen as literally just another gang; the badge is no different than Crips blue, Bloods red, or Latin Kings black and yellow. If you're a Crip, you don't submit to the police anymore than you would submit to a Blood. You kill cops, you treat them as just another clique trying to challenge you for turf.

01-06-15, 11:03
They were not showing each other their gun while going up an elevator were they?