View Full Version : What Christmas "Good Deeds" have you done?

12-24-14, 17:28
What Christmas "Good Deeds" have you done?

Tis the season to give. I'm wondering what others here have done to help any of those in need this time of year in your community. I'll share a couple of our family traditions.

Each year as I have two growing children, we purge the outgrown clothes and toys and donate them. My wife works at the school my children attend and unfortunately sees children who are not going to have the Christmas a lot of their peers are going to have.

I am an avid hunter along with several other family members and friends, we donate meat and can goods each and every year. Just a couple things we have made a tradition out of.

So what did you do to make someone's day on Christmas that you may barely know or not even know them at all?

It's pretty awesome to see someone's face light up that is less fortunate, and greatful of your "Good Deeds"

Merry Christmas and thank you to all who have served for the USA

and to all a good night.

12-24-14, 23:03
Every year I donate my time and my semi/45' trailer to haul food a hundred miles to the three local food banks for their Thanksgiving and Christmas "blessings". The blessings are for distributing complete Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners to those that are in need. It's the least I can do for the communities that support my business, which in turn supports my family and the families of those that work for my company.

12-25-14, 00:10
I went to good will and made homeless person packs. 6 pairs of socks, a warm hat, and gloves. Each packs costs about 8 dollars and I hand them out to people that look like they need them. Read: not the person holding a sign saying "God Bless" in their Dockers and North Face, but the ones with clothing hanging off of them and rummaging around in dumpsters.

12-25-14, 00:33
I was able to setup a monthly "guardian angel" donation for a local animal shelter. Here's wishing for a safe and happy holiday season to all.

Onyx Z
12-25-14, 01:52
I tried to give a homeless man some food... keyword tried:

Yesterday, I ran through the McDonald's drive-thru to grab a light snack while I was out and about finishing up my Christmas shopping. As I'm ordering, I decided to grab a few more than my usual Hot-n-Spicy to give to a homeless man that's usually around the corner. It's Christmas after all, and no one deserves to go hungry on Christmas. I pay for everything at the first window and pull up to the second window to grab my food and low and behold, there he is inside, buying a meal with a gift card someone gave him...

12-25-14, 09:35
Very nice, a little bit can go a long way. There is an elderly woman/neighbor down the road that struggles to make it on her own and we are out in the sticks. Taking her venison is like you handed her a million dollars.

12-26-14, 11:28
I drove my Mother back & forth to family Christmas dinner, a 3 hour round trip. She's in her mid 70s and has had a stroke. She hates my car and my driving, and normally pitches an absolute fit over both the entire time we're in the car. Thankfully she was good for most of yesterday, but she got a bit weepy towards the end of the trip back to her home.

12-26-14, 19:53
I allowed my in-laws to return to their own homes unscathed.

Tremendous self-control.

12-26-14, 20:36
I allowed amy in-laws to return to their own homes unscathed.

Tremendous self-control.

Haha! I have to go to my in-laws tomorrow fun fun! Last Christmas shindig thank the Lord!

12-28-14, 09:04
I allowed my in-laws to return to their own homes unscathed.

Tremendous self-control.Mine are still here. It's a struggle. I just spent yesterday at the range and all night reloading to avoid their incessant chick flick marathon and their living Seinfeld character reenactment which is their other preoccupation. It's a moron-a-thon.