View Full Version : What did your family waste $$$ on for Christmas gifts?

12-28-14, 00:12
It kills me every single year, sh*t I don't need, don't want, and will NEVER use.

Example: I am a professional technician, I use professional tools... but yet I get a "Wallet Ninja" 18 tools in one "As seen on TV" that's not coming from my 9 year old son but grown adult N laws.

And yes,... I kid you not.... a musical tie! I don't even wear a damn tie unless I'm going to a funeral!

I hunt out of a $350+ climbing stand... why in the Hell do I need a swivel seat that fits on a 5 gallon bucket?

Thought that counts right?

I would much rather have a gift card to Subway for a free lunch, or just buy me a box or two of ammo.

12-28-14, 01:57
Could be worse, when my father was alive he sometimes wore a Rolex submariner, so what does his hillbilly father in law get him one year? A "fake" Rolex.

And yes he knew it was fake when he bought it. He bought a fake $30 Rolex for a man who owned the real thing. WTF is that?

12-28-14, 02:03
We don't give junk, but we also don't go crazy on the gifts. In the past we have hand made our gifts for each other and they were all useful gifts. My inlaws send the kids money, my parents send the kids money. I got two items that my wife and kids knew I could use... a big ass cast iron frying pan for our camping outings and two gas jugs that have real vents for my snowmobile.

12-28-14, 02:29
I got the most worthless book about guns, ever. Written by someone who is apparently in a ban country so it's lacking in real pictures and indepth descriptions. Did you know the muzzle velocity of a M14 is 1950 fps? Fun fact from my awesome book. The wife tried so points anyways.

12-28-14, 02:33
Reminds me of last years "crabby" Christmas gift thread :lol:

12-28-14, 02:34
Reminds me of last years "crabby" Christmas gift thread :lol:

Why? You get a used dress from the thrift shop also?

12-28-14, 03:00
No, just reminded me of that.

Dead Man
12-28-14, 03:16
I received three very nice shirts from my wife, and a gift card to my favorite local Mexican restaurant from my sister-in-law. On the flip-side of this; I don't have to buy many gifts, either. I did not get my sister-in-law anything (though I'm sure my wife did, which means I did), but I did buy my wife a $550 mixer. I know people who spend more than that on piles of crap to pass out to hordes of people. But are those hordes of people ****ing them? My wife ****s me. She ****s me especially well when I buy her nice shit.

It's simple math, for me.

12-28-14, 05:41
My wife and I both needed tires so guess what we got? Yep that pretty much blew the budget but it was money well spent,

12-28-14, 07:00
I know people who spend more than that on piles of crap to pass out to hordes of people. But are those hordes of people ****ing them? My wife ****s me. She ****s me especially well when I buy her nice shit.

Stay classy :rolleyes:

12-28-14, 07:05
My less-than-two-year-old daughter got a 'Frozen' alarm clock. Like she needs an alarm clock.
At least I get to hear "Let it go" start over every 10 seconds while she hammers on the buttons. :(

12-28-14, 07:21
It kills me every single year, sh*t I don't need, don't want, and will NEVER use.

Example: I am a professional technician, I use professional tools... but yet I get a "Wallet Ninja" 18 tools in one "As seen on TV" that's not coming from my 9 year old son but grown adult N laws.

And yes,... I kid you not.... a musical tie! I don't even wear a damn tie unless I'm going to a funeral!

I hunt out of a $350+ climbing stand... why in the Hell do I need a swivel seat that fits on a 5 gallon bucket?

Thought that counts right?

I would much rather have a gift card to Subway for a free lunch, or just buy me a box or two of ammo.

wallet ninja? I got a wallet monkey. Totally useless!

An Undocumented Worker
12-28-14, 07:46
Whoa whoa hold up, is this wallet monkey anything like infamous trunk monkey, guaranteed to get you out of troublesome situations?

12-28-14, 08:53
We're very practical. My wife's pretty into fitness so I got her a big blender for making smoothies, a nice pair of headphones for her workout music, a microfiber face towel, etc plus some stuff for the range for her. I got some reloading dies, dress shirts and socks for work, a really nice flashlight, and lots of snacks.

Don Robison
12-28-14, 09:03
Apparently everyone thought I needed new boxers since I got 20 pairs of them. The best and most timely gift I got was a new pair of Chuck Taylor's from my daughter because I pitched a pair a couple days before Christmas.

12-28-14, 09:48
wallet ninja? I got a wallet monkey. Totally useless!


I'll practice throwing it like a Ninja with a throwing star, it's metal it could be deadly. :sarcastic:

12-28-14, 10:03
I got one of those wallet knives as a stocking stuffer..... It most in jest I think.

Pork Chop
12-28-14, 11:02
My less-than-two-year-old daughter got a 'Frozen' alarm clock. Like she needs an alarm clock.
At least I get to hear "Let it go" start over every 10 seconds while she hammers on the buttons. :(

Sounds like my house. I swear we are like a Smithsonian exhibit on all things "Frozen".

My wife's grandmother spends about $100 in shipping every Christmas to send us all her old magazines from the last year, along with random, bizarre things that puzzle the mind. This year was jello (like in the box from the store ready to be made) cereal, pencil erasers, thrift store books we won't read and crossword puzzles cut out of her local newspaper over the year. It's like someone spent $100 to drop off a bunch of shit they needed to throw away, which is what we do with 90% of it.

12-28-14, 11:14
I fell pretty bad when my G/F buys me anything, She doesn't have the cash to spend on me and I ask her not to.
So what do I get?
A new turn table that works through the USB port and turns your LP's in to digital.
I have some pretty severe hearing loss and I dont own any albums and haven't since 1981. Great gift, but I will never use it I'm sure.
I wish She would have read some O'Henry and just kept the money for herself.

12-28-14, 11:31
I would much rather see my family either keep the money (as none of us are well off)
Or donate the $10-$20 or whatever amount on the gift that is completely useless just to be able to say "I got you something" to a food bank, homeless shelter, animal shelter etc... they need that more than I need the junk I mentioned getting.

Don't get me wrong everyone likes to get gifts and it's the thought that counts but certain things you just can't help but ask REALLY? There are people starving and I get a musical tie :blink:

12-28-14, 12:14
An R2D2 translation book complete with sound boar . Cool for about 30 seconds, but I haven't even pushed all the buttons yet. I doubt I will.

12-28-14, 13:17
A red Nikon Coolpix L830 point-and-shoot camera.

Basically does nothing that I can't do with my iPhone while at the same time not being small enough to fit in my pocket. (While also not being a phone, a GPS, an internet browser, a mobile YouTube viewer, a....) Well... not entirely true, as I can use it with gloves on. So it's a bulky iPhone camera for use with gloves.

12-28-14, 15:20
My sister is notorious for re-gifting junk to family. She is a successful, well off attorney so it isn't due to a low income.

Last year my wife broached the subject of not giving gifts except to children and was rudely rebuffed, my sister likes getting gifts.

Her husband is a great guy and gave me a framed copy of a scanned photograph of my grandfather fishing. He knew I made a comment once how I wanted a copy and remembered. It was a wonderful gift.

This year my sister gave me a cheap Chinese mini-hatchet and a used book. They both are going into the Salvation Army box.

http://i1106.photobucket.com/albums/h368/Aggie84/202edd70-2cbb-415a-9463-b26f4de27522_zpsff035f10.jpg (http://s1106.photobucket.com/user/Aggie84/media/202edd70-2cbb-415a-9463-b26f4de27522_zpsff035f10.jpg.html)

12-28-14, 15:25
I grew up with a very open honest family about gifts and likes and dislikes :)

trying to teach my kids the same thing

we cut way back this year and next year even more I think
we moved from our place in the Islands that was small and packed everything in a half container and today I think we would take two containers to go back so its thinning time and that started with the giving

12-28-14, 18:41
We decided as a family to forego the gift giving this year. We donated 20% of the gift budget to feedingamerica.org and spent the rest on a long weekend getaway. Any toys or gadgets we would have given/received would eventually be forgotten. The memories we made spending time together unplugged from the daily stresses will be long remembered. Like most kids, ours are way too spoiled and just don't need any more stuff. Hopefully this will be our new tradition and hopefully it will spread...

12-28-14, 19:03
Sounds like my house. I swear we are like a Smithsonian exhibit on all things "Frozen".

My wife's grandmother spends about $100 in shipping every Christmas to send us all her old magazines from the last year, along with random, bizarre things that puzzle the mind. This year was jello (like in the box from the store ready to be made) cereal, pencil erasers, thrift store books we won't read and crossword puzzles cut out of her local newspaper over the year. It's like someone spent $100 to drop off a bunch of shit they needed to throw away, which is what we do with 90% of it.

Are you serious? That's actually pretty funny.

Anyway, you guys want a Frozen alarm clock?

12-28-14, 19:52
thankfully my wife only gets me a few "fluff" gifts, usually food or BBQ related, then things I ask for. Not hurting for money which makes it tough to buy something that she (or I) didn't just buy ourselves.

My aunt and mom are big on the POS flashlights and the multi "tools" like that hatchet above. Gifts=love.

12-28-14, 21:04
We tried to avoid the junk buying as a family this year. Worked better than the past. Years past I've gotten some horrendous junk. To the point I wished they hadn't and just kept their money. Like cheapo flash lights and knives.

It's the thought I know, but buying trash is just wasteful.

This year I did an Amazon wish list of things I actually need or want. Worked well.

But the idea of no gifts and just take a trip instead I think is awesome. I'm so tired of having a house full of crap. Mainly toys for the kids. I told the old lady that this can't continue with the toy thing. It's getting out of hand with relatives , friends and family.

I live in a big old house and I'm tired of it.I want a smaller house, with less shit in it. I'm tired of heating and cleaning the damn thing.

Sorry to rant. But the travel thing, what a concept. You've genuinely inspired me. Now to just convince everyone else in the family.

12-28-14, 21:32
A couple of years ago I started keeping an Amazon wish list set up. Now pretty much everyone in the family does as well. Now when Christmas or someone's birthday is coming up everyone knows to check the wish list and guess what......people get stuff they actually want. And if friends or someone asks for suggestions they're either referred to the appropriate list or a specific item from the list is recommended. It works great.

12-28-14, 22:16
We tried to avoid the junk buying as a family this year. Worked better than the past. Years past I've gotten some horrendous junk. To the point I wished they hadn't and just kept their money. Like cheapo flash lights and knives.

It's the thought I know, but buying trash is just wasteful.

This year I did an Amazon wish list of things I actually need or want. Worked well.

But the idea of no gifts and just take a trip instead I think is awesome. I'm so tired of having a house full of crap. Mainly toys for the kids. I told the old lady that this can't continue with the toy thing. It's getting out of hand with relatives , friends and family.

I live in a big old house and I'm tired of it.I want a smaller house, with less shit in it. I'm tired of heating and cleaning the damn thing.

Sorry to rant. But the travel thing, what a concept. You've genuinely inspired me. Now to just convince everyone else in the family.

We put a toy moratorium in effect with our kids when they were very young. When we sent out Christmas cards we mentioned that any and all toys sent to our kids would be sent back. It pissed off relatives far and wide, but we didn't get piles of shit for Christmas.

Now, traveling with the family is one of the rings of Hell as far as I am concerned. I love my kids, but not when they are with me on vacation.

Amazon wishlist is fine, until your teenage son thinks it's funny to populate his adult sister's wish list with piles of sex toys. Biggest laugh we've gotten in a long time :D

12-29-14, 00:29
We put a toy moratorium in effect with our kids when they were very young. When we sent out Christmas cards we mentioned that any and all toys sent to our kids would be sent back. It pissed off relatives far and wide, but we didn't get piles of shit for Christmas.

Now, traveling with the family is one of the rings of Hell as far as I am concerned. I love my kids, but not when they are with me on vacation.

Amazon wishlist is fine, until your teenage son thinks it's funny to populate his adult sister's wish list with piles of sex toys. Biggest laugh we've gotten in a long time :D
Spit out my beer reading that last paragraph... very funny. Thanks.

How does one go about the toy moratorium. Any tips? I don't want a full moratorium, but my kids got so many toys that that they can't even play with them all. I'm happy and proud that so many people love them, but I know that this can't keep going.

Would like to accomplish the objective without a mt fuji sized pile of butt hurt to deal with.

12-29-14, 00:55
My sister is notorious for re-gifting junk to family. She is a successful, well off attorney so it isn't due to a low income.

I know thousands of those people.

Dead Man
12-29-14, 02:00
It wasn't this year, but my cousin gave me an opened bottle of stale bourbon last year. It looked like it only had a few sips missing. I don't even drink. She gave my wife a painted green and gold elephant medallion and necklace at the same time. My wife said it looked like it came out of a quarter crank machine. I think those were the worst junk gifts I've seen since childhood. Thankfully, I didn't get anything from her this year. She sells medical equipment and her husband is a commercial real estate financier. I'm sure they gross close to seven figures. It definitely doesn't have anything to do with money - it's all upstairs.

12-29-14, 02:18
Spit out my beer reading that last paragraph... very funny. Thanks.

How does one go about the toy moratorium. Any tips? I don't want a full moratorium, but my kids got so many toys that that they can't even play with them all. I'm happy and proud that so many people love them, but I know that this can't keep going.

Would like to accomplish the objective without a mt fuji sized pile of butt hurt to deal with.

We just wrote an honest note that the generosity of prior years had provided our children with enough toys and we'd appreciate no more toys. It was 15 years ago, so I asked my wife how we worded it and she can't remember either. She did note that I didn't say I'd send them back, I said I'd donate them to Toys for Tots. I stand corrected.

12-29-14, 03:37
I actually had a really good Christmas gift wise which is unusual for me. My wifes family always buy me "gun stuff" that isnt gun stuff. They think I like it because I like guns. So I have an ashtray shaped as a gun even though I dont smoke. I have a spare key shaped like a gun as well. However they seem to be coming around after 10 years.

My mother doesnt like to give money as she finds it impersonal and either hits it out of the park, last year I got a nice GoreTex jacket, or gets me something that goes straight to Goodwill. My sister and my dad are okay with cash gifts and that works awesome.

My wife went way overboard on my gifts this year and bought me a mountain bike and gave me 200 bucks for my SBR tax stamp.

Alex V
12-29-14, 08:50
Useless gifts used to happen fairly often here. But my wife setup an Elfster account and it changed everything! Elfster is similar to an Amazon Wishlist but you can link items from anywhere.

Now both my wife and I get exactly what we want, there is no waste, and everyone is happy.

12-29-14, 09:13
My less-than-two-year-old daughter got a 'Frozen' alarm clock. Like she needs an alarm clock.
At least I get to hear "Let it go" start over every 10 seconds while she hammers on the buttons. :(

I have been fortunate enough to miss the Frozen craze, she was the only girl in her pre k class that did not dress as Elsa for Halloween. She likes paw patrol so she got some of those toys, but for the most part we took it easy. My local range does toys for tots every year so we picked out some toys for that and canned food for the families. We also went online and picked out some gifts for Children's Healthcare of Atlanta since they do not allow you to actually bring them to the children. My wife got some pajamas and she got me some nosler bullets to support my habit.
I felt like we did fairly well keeping the waste down, I wish I could say the same for the grandparents.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

Crow Hunter
12-29-14, 14:49
I got the most worthless book about guns, ever. Written by someone who is apparently in a ban country so it's lacking in real pictures and indepth descriptions. Did you know the muzzle velocity of a M14 is 1950 fps? Fun fact from my awesome book. The wife tried so points anyways.

I may have that book. The writer in mine said that the "Ping" of the M1 Garand was a detriment because the enemy would know where the shooter was.....

Ummm, okay. The previous 8 BOOMs wouldn't?

I think this guy was from England. Probably never even actually held a firearm before, much less shot one.

Crow Hunter
12-29-14, 14:58
Spit out my beer reading that last paragraph... very funny. Thanks.

How does one go about the toy moratorium. Any tips? I don't want a full moratorium, but my kids got so many toys that that they can't even play with them all. I'm happy and proud that so many people love them, but I know that this can't keep going.

Would like to accomplish the objective without a mt fuji sized pile of butt hurt to deal with.

My plan, if we had ever had kids, was to set up 529 plans for our kids and ask if gifts were to be given that it be in the form of contributions to the 529. We would take care of buying the toys. Things that are creative and don't make noise on their own. Like Legos or Lincoln Logs or board games.

We never had kids but I think we are going to start doing this for our nephew. He has a room in my in-laws house just for all his toys and watching him get another trunk full of crap this Christmas was ridiculous. Minecraft toys? You have a game and you buy toys so you can play the game when you are not playing the game? And how many versions of Steve do you actually need to play Minecraft on the living room floor?

I don't get it.

12-29-14, 15:32
No waste here... $400 cash from the folks to go toward my 2 tax stamps. It was mistakenly labeled as "Eye-Glasses Fund"

12-30-14, 10:14
My In-laws kill me... They are very southern and like to give us things with our last name painted, etched, carved etc into the item. We aren't even in the same universe taste-wise so now I have:

A large plate with my last name painted on it in some kind of cursive font (with handy display stand)!
A bamboo cutting board with my name etched in it (again with display stand)!!
A ceramic rooster (wtf is with the chicken and rooster crap) again with my name circling the roosters junk... (We got the matching chicken the year after)..

The worst damn part is we have to keep the crap to put up when they come and visit. :suicide:

I can't wait to see what new kitsch item I get next year.

12-30-14, 10:21
Have certainly had my years matching those above but this year was actually really good and overall very low key in comparison to years past where the wife and I have lost control and been on a gift frenzy. This year the wife got me gift cards to Bass Pro and Cabelas in sizeable amounts which allowed me to stretch our dollar on hunting gear I needed as I found it on sale or clearance. The in-laws, specifically my father-in-law, tracked down a new but discontinued model of a Remington Field/Gutting knife to give me which matches that he provided to his own sons as they were growing up. So that meant a lot. This year we wanted to make it about her parents who are very frugal, down to earth people. Got a new pair of boots for the FIL which easily are double what he'd ever agree to pay. He gets his use out of things on the farm though so he deserved it. He also got a Deer Cam which he most likely would have never spent money on. For him, his eyes lit up like a kid on Christmas so this year was a success.

12-30-14, 10:41
My sister buys me a f*cking Polo shirt, or some other yuppie attire every year.

Luckily, my mother bought me ammo and a local carbine course :cool:

12-30-14, 16:21
Crappy gifts are either a blessing or a pain.

The better ones I get every year (booze I don't drink or clothes I won't wear) become gifts I send out next year for Christmas. Less money an less shopping I have to do! LOL

Anyone else have to obnoxious wealthy relatives that give crazy expensive gifts? Ones that make the rest of us look bad at gift time? You know the type.

Yeah...we just grit our teeth and suffer through this time of year. It will all be over with real soon...hang in there.

12-30-14, 19:10
No waste here... $400 cash from the folks to go toward my 2 tax stamps. It was mistakenly labeled as "Eye-Glasses Fund"

Mistakes happen nobody is perfect :p

12-31-14, 04:54
:lol: great thread idea.

This year wasn't bad. With our son on the way the wife and I decided not to spend any money on ourselves, instead spend it on things for the baby room. That was until our seven year old Samsung flat screen went Tango Uniform the week before Thanksgiving. So at least I got to take advantage of Black Friday deals on a new TV. Ordered one from Amazon on Thanksgiving day at it arrived with a busted screen. Had to send it back and get a refund, thanks Amazon. Luckily found the same TV for $10 more at Wal-Mart.com, they literally took from the week of Thanksgiving till the week of Christmas to get our new TV to the store after using their Site-To-Store shipping. My parents bought us our son's crib which converts to a toddler bed then a twin bed for when he is older, huge score for us! We bought the little guy a Britax convertible car seat and a ton of Fisher-Price infant educational toys.

In years past, my ex in-laws knew I was a "gun guy" so they got me this super huge coffee table book on collector grade engraving field guns, think $200K Berretta over and under shotguns. Yeah that found its way to Half Price Books in a hurry. A buddy I work with had me rolling with a story about his in-laws showing up randomly at his garage sale selling all the shit they have given them over the years, much butt hurt ensued.

Some may see them as "impersonal" but I'm a big believer in gift cards. No one wants you picking out their clothes for them, much less getting them the wrong size only to have to stand in line to exchange it.

12-31-14, 05:22
I received three very nice shirts from my wife, and a gift card to my favorite local Mexican restaurant from my sister-in-law. On the flip-side of this; I don't have to buy many gifts, either. I did not get my sister-in-law anything (though I'm sure my wife did, which means I did), but I did buy my wife a $550 mixer. I know people who spend more than that on piles of crap to pass out to hordes of people. But are those hordes of people ****ing them? My wife ****s me. She ****s me especially well when I buy her nice shit.

It's simple math, for me.


This thread really makes me thankful. My sister is the only one who isn't always the best at giving gifts - she tries, but most times I have no idea where she gets the idea from that I would ever use it. We've always done lists or asked what each other wanted. I'll type up a Word doc with links and everything usually and it works for the most part. My father-in-law would gets some really weird shit for my wife but luckily her mom just asks for an item of about $100 - this year I got an Eagle SBR bag from Natchez. My wife convinced me to get the Multicam one since I wasn't paying for it and she knew I wanted it over two of the half as expensive khaki version.

She was awesome and surprised me with a pair of military edition Beats from GovX. I had mentioned after a trip home how eventually I want to get over the ear headphones for those long plane rides and she managed to not only remember, but get the only pair of headphones I could see myself wearing and really liking. She also got me a box of DSG's cigars to try out, which are good enough for my ignorance in that field. She sucks when it comes to getting gifts though. Somehow she honestly just doesn't really care for material stuff. I could list thousands of dollars worth of stuff I want at any given time - its a damn chore to even get one thing from her, but at least it saves money.

12-31-14, 19:02
:lol: great thread idea.

This year wasn't bad. With our son on the way the wife and I decided not to spend any money on ourselves, instead spend it on things for the baby room. That was until our seven year old Samsung flat screen went Tango Uniform the week before Thanksgiving. So at least I got to take advantage of Black Friday deals on a new TV. Ordered one from Amazon on Thanksgiving day at it arrived with a busted screen. Had to send it back and get a refund, thanks Amazon. Luckily found the same TV for $10 more at Wal-Mart.com, they literally took from the week of Thanksgiving till the week of Christmas to get our new TV to the store after using their Site-To-Store shipping. My parents bought us our son's crib which converts to a toddler bed then a twin bed for when he is older, huge score for us! We bought the little guy a Britax convertible car seat and a ton of Fisher-Price infant educational toys.

In years past, my ex in-laws knew I was a "gun guy" so they got me this super huge coffee table book on collector grade engraving field guns, think $200K Berretta over and under shotguns. Yeah that found its way to Half Price Books in a hurry. A buddy I work with had me rolling with a story about his in-laws showing up randomly at his garage sale selling all the shit they have given them over the years, much butt hurt ensued.

Some may see them as "impersonal" but I'm a big believer in gift cards. No one wants you picking out their clothes for them, much less getting them the wrong size only to have to stand in line to exchange it.

Anything useful for a new little one is a great score, man I remember those days. Especially a big score like a crib/bed and think diapers diapers and more diapers!

Now I'm going to have to be on the lookout if we have a yard sale who is pulling in the driveway lol. That could be a very uncomfortable situation.

Picking out clothes for someone.... aw Hell don't get me started. Last year I got 4 Duck Dynasty T-shirts from my Mother N law. I've never even watched the damn show! Nor do I duck hunt. Let alone wear a shirt with some scrawny old man with a scraggly mountain man beard holding up his old flabby biceps!!!
30761 :no:

Edit because I no longer have the shirts but had to Google to give you the image of such a classy wardrobe attire.

01-01-15, 01:45
This thread helps me feel much better about my xmas "loot" over the years.
I often stand in line at lousy gas stations,hardware and convienience stores wondering who buys the odd gimmicky tools, knifes, gun shaped nicknacks or camouflaged anythings... only to be cruelly reminded every xmas that im a direct descendent of such people.

01-01-15, 04:17
Picking out clothes for someone.... aw Hell don't get me started. Last year I got 4 Duck Dynasty T-shirts from my Mother N law. I've never even watched the damn show! Nor do I duck hunt. Let alone wear a shirt with some scrawny old man with a scraggly mountain man beard holding up his old flabby biceps!!!
30761 :no:

Edit because I no longer have the shirts but had to Google to give you the image of such a classy wardrobe attire.

I surmise that there will be more than a few grateful homeless guys wearing Duck Dynasty shit after this Christmas. Goodwill probably gets them by the garbage bag full lol.

Big A
01-01-15, 06:37
I got a magpul SGA sling mount for a mossberg...

I have 2 remington 870's and I asked for the complete setup (Stock, fore-end and sling mount) but all i got was the sling mount.

I haven't had a Mossberg in about 8 years...guess I have justification to buy a 590A1 now.

Getting gun stuff other than magazines is always hard. It's usually the wrong one or a completely different brand (read cheap Tapco/CAA shit).

01-01-15, 09:41
I surmise that there will be more than a few grateful homeless guys wearing Duck Dynasty shit after this Christmas. Goodwill probably gets them by the garbage bag full lol.

Well at least they'll have matching beards :jester:
Lord I apoligize fer dat one rite der

01-01-15, 12:04
I worked this year from the 23ed to the 27th, I was out of the country. All my wife wanted was some perfume so I gave it to her the day I left. I didn't ask for anything this year since there is nothing I need and what I want she'd have a cow over. So I get home take her to dinner on the 28th for an early anniversary. She gives me a card, in it is an invoice form my local Toyota dealer. She went and ordered me a new Tundra........ She's seen me build it on KBB and must of printed off my build sheet one night. She got with USAA used the car buying program and then got 0% financing....
DAM what a woman.
Well I'll have to wait 8 weeks for delivery, gives me plenty of time to sell my old truck.

01-01-15, 12:59
I worked this year from the 23ed to the 27th, I was out of the country. All my wife wanted was some perfume so I gave it to her the day I left. I didn't ask for anything this year since there is nothing I need and what I want she'd have a cow over. So I get home take her to dinner on the 28th for an early anniversary. She gives me a card, in it is an invoice form my local Toyota dealer. She went and ordered me a new Tundra........ She's seen me build it on KBB and must of printed off my build sheet one night. She got with USAA used the car buying program and then got 0% financing....
DAM what a woman.
Well I'll have to wait 8 weeks for delivery, gives me plenty of time to sell my old truck.

Wow..just wow. Does she have a single sister?

01-01-15, 14:26
I worked this year from the 23ed to the 27th, I was out of the country. All my wife wanted was some perfume so I gave it to her the day I left. I didn't ask for anything this year since there is nothing I need and what I want she'd have a cow over. So I get home take her to dinner on the 28th for an early anniversary. She gives me a card, in it is an invoice form my local Toyota dealer. She went and ordered me a new Tundra........ She's seen me build it on KBB and must of printed off my build sheet one night. She got with USAA used the car buying program and then got 0% financing....
DAM what a woman.
Well I'll have to wait 8 weeks for delivery, gives me plenty of time to sell my old truck.
Thats cool as hell. Sneaky too. I like it!

01-01-15, 15:09
I noticed that nobody got Old Spice shaving lotion or soap on a rope. Every year I threaten to give my wife a pair of crotchless panties but chicken out.

01-01-15, 16:47
Whoa whoa hold up, is this wallet monkey anything like infamous trunk monkey, guaranteed to get you out of troublesome situations?

Haha, I wish.


It's actually a metal tool that includes a bunch of semi-useless tools that I'll probably never need.

01-01-15, 18:10
Haha, I wish.


It's actually a metal tool that includes a bunch of semi-useless tools that I'll probably never need.

I actually had to give the Wallet Ninja a try opening a can of beans for shits and giggles, the damn thing actually worked pretty good, not sure about the 17 other uses though :neo:

01-01-15, 18:38
I usually only get cash and beer. Beer is always welcome and cash = gun stuff so I can't complain.

01-03-15, 19:21
I usually only get cash and beer. Beer is always welcome and cash = gun stuff so I can't complain.

^^^ Why can't I be so lucky? You should buy lotto tickets daily! :)