View Full Version : Why you Shouldn't Support Military Fakers

01-03-15, 19:41
Kinda goes with saying. However, Andrew nails it, as usual

So it was that Cory built a business and a large YouTube following due in no small part to his false background stories. The other reason he came to prominence – rather, they came to prominence – is that they were not shy about marketing their videos with the use of Erika’s “assets.”

As I stated previously, military service has become a selling point to some – and Cory used his military background the same way he used Erika’s body, to attract men who should have known better. In all likelihood, he didn’t see a difference between lying about his military background and Erika’s body – they were just things he could use to advance his career.

01-03-15, 19:55
So Cory and Erika are fake? Erika is so hot!

01-03-15, 20:02
wow someone lied on the internet to attract people and make money ! shocked :)

sorry for the sarcasm :) but yeah seems there are a ton of fakers all the time about everything that anyone does anymore very few folks have morals these days sadly

01-03-15, 20:03
Been going on for years. He admitted in a video he has had no military service.

01-03-15, 20:03
^^^ yep. Cory is a faker.

01-03-15, 20:04
Andrew was on a spirit walk?

26 Inf
01-03-15, 20:15
Must have been a slow day in blog-ville. No shit, you shouldn't support military fakers? Really?

If you need to be told why you shouldn't support someone that is dishonest you are probably beyond hope.

If you are a Cory fanboy nothing Andrew says is going to change it.

Lets be real, Cory would have been able to sell videos in duo with Erica regardless of what he said his background was - Erica's presence sold the stuff more than he did.

Equally disturbing are the folks who will accept as gospel anything that a 'Tier 1 Operator/SEAL/Recon Marine/Ranger/SF/PJ' says, because, well, after all, they were a 'Tier 1 Operator/SEAL/Recon Marine/Ranger/SF/PJ.'

Whatever happened to listening and learning and then using your own mind to evaluate and discern what is best for your situation, instead of letting people make your decisions for you?

01-03-15, 21:16
I have no problem with Erika, everyone uses the assets they have in the way they believe will be most effective.

01-03-15, 21:16
This is the most interesting part.

Having completed my spirit walk/vision quest, I now return to blogging.

01-03-15, 21:49
I saw right through Cory in under a minute.

Not sure how he had so many fooled (not so much by his military service but just his persona as an "expert" in general).

01-03-15, 21:57
I lol'ed when I saw that this dude puts on classes......lol still gets me.

My main thing is the lying. He lied. Plain and simple. I don't really care what it was about, he lied (and dangled his woman out there to make a buck).

(I completed my spirit walk a few months ago, should I now get into blogging???)

01-03-15, 23:11
My main thing is the lying. He lied. Plain and simple. I don't really care what it was about, he lied (and dangled his woman out there to make a buck).

This is what ruins any credibility he may have ever had.

I completed my spirit walk a few months ago, should I now get into blogging???

Oh, please do, J-Dub. It may be your calling in life. That is sure to keep us.....entertained for the first quarter of this year or at least the rest of the weekend.

01-03-15, 23:13
Must have been a slow day in blog-ville. No shit, you shouldn't support military fakers? Really?

If you need to be told why you shouldn't support someone that is dishonest you are probably beyond hope.

If you are a Cory fanboy nothing Andrew says is going to change it.

Lets be real, Cory would have been able to sell videos in duo with Erica regardless of what he said his background was - Erica's presence sold the stuff more than he did.

Equally disturbing are the folks who will accept as gospel anything that a 'Tier 1 Operator/SEAL/Recon Marine/Ranger/SF/PJ' says, because, well, after all, they were a 'Tier 1 Operator/SEAL/Recon Marine/Ranger/SF/PJ.'

Whatever happened to listening and learning and then using your own mind to evaluate and discern what is best for your situation, instead of letting people make your decisions for you?

It seems to me that this is one of the most common things you hear when asking someone about why they bought a DPMS/Bushmaster/Springfield XD/SiG P250/whatever: Because a friend who is a 'Tier 1 Operator/SEAL/Recon Marine/Ranger/SF/PJ' told them it was as good as (or even better than) anything/everything else. Same reasoning often behind why a Colt LE6920/Beretta 92FS/5.56mm/9mm is junk....

That being said, I'd rather people hero worshipped guys like Costa, Haley, Vickers, Falla, &c. than guys like Michael Vick, Lebron James, 50 Cent, Snoop Dog, &c.

01-03-15, 23:31
And yet how many bought up Strider blades?

01-03-15, 23:35
Equally disturbing are the folks who will accept as gospel anything that a 'Tier 1 Operator/SEAL/Recon Marine/Ranger/SF/PJ' says, because, well, after all, they were a 'Tier 1 Operator/SEAL/Recon Marine/Ranger/SF/PJ.'

Were you/are you an operator/SEAL/ Recon Marine/Ranger etc..?

26 Inf
01-03-15, 23:45
It seems to me that this is one of the most common things you hear when asking someone about why they bought a DPMS/Bushmaster/Springfield XD/SiG P250/whatever: Because a friend who is a 'Tier 1 Operator/SEAL/Recon Marine/Ranger/SF/PJ' told them it was as good as (or even better than) anything/everything else. Same reasoning often behind why a Colt LE6920/Beretta 92FS/5.56mm/9mm is junk....

That being said, I'd rather people hero worshipped guys like Costa, Haley, Vickers, Falla, &c. than guys like Michael Vick, Lebron James, 50 Cent, Snoop Dog, &c.


01-03-15, 23:46
Don't get me wrong no matter what it is in life as far as instruction and advice goes you must use your own best judgement. But when it comes to someone who has been there done that, and know for a fact they have and you haven't I''d listen up. It's hard to know the truth on Youtube and the WWW., I don't know any that would recommend the above mentioned firearms, but I'm sure they are out there.

01-03-15, 23:51
(I completed my spirit walk a few months ago, should I now get into blogging???)

Cool, I narrowly escaped making a snarky, perhaps regrettable comment out of total ignorance, WTF is a flipping "Spirit Walk"?

Wasn't this guy a Marine? If we have Marines doing spirit walks, I think I just figured out why the Navy needs SEAL's. [emoji3]

01-03-15, 23:54
Cool, I narrowly escaped making a snarky, perhaps regrettable comment out of total ignorance, WTF is a flipping "Spirit Walk"?

Wasn't this guy a Marine? If we have Marines doing spirit walks, I think I just figured out why the Navy needs SEAL's. [emoji3]

Greenside Corpsman. I think his spirit walk comment was mostly tongue in cheek. It's been a lot of small prop flying and hiking, if his instagram feed is any indication; just looked like a break from the gunnerding he is most known for

01-03-15, 23:54
Cool, I narrowly escaped making a snarky, perhaps regrettable comment out of total ignorance, WTF is a flipping "Spirit Walk"?

Wasn't this guy a Marine? If we have Marines doing spirit walks, I think I just figured out why the Navy needs SEAL's. [emoji3]

.......it was a joke.

26 Inf
01-03-15, 23:57
Were you/are you an operator/SEAL/ Recon Marine/Ranger etc..?

Really? That's what you took from that?

01-04-15, 00:03
Greenside Corpsman. I think his spirit walk comment was mostly tongue in cheek. It's been a lot of small prop flying and hiking, if his instagram feed is any indication; just looked like a break from the gunnerding he is most known for

Thanks. I didn't take it that way, but knew he was MIA for a while...

01-04-15, 00:19
Whatever happened to listening and learning and then using your own mind to evaluate and discern what is best for your situation, instead of letting people make your decisions for you?

No not at all, read my second reply, meaning use your own common sense on who you get your info from, not everyone is a wannabe mall ninja is all I was meaning. I have several friends/family members that were Recon Marines, uncle in SS Sister was USAF F16 pilot in Desert Storm, I trust their advice. Not to saying everyone is who they say they are, some talk the talk and that's all they do, hence the thread title "fakers".

01-04-15, 00:33
It seems to me that this is one of the most common things you hear when asking someone about why they bought a DPMS/Bushmaster/Springfield XD/SiG P250/whatever: Because a friend who is a 'Tier 1 Operator/SEAL/Recon Marine/Ranger/SF/PJ' told them it was as good as (or even better than) anything/everything else. Same reasoning often behind why a Colt LE6920/Beretta 92FS/5.56mm/9mm is junk....

Like I always tell people...of the approx. 2,500 active duty Navy Seals out there, I've met all 15,000 of them.

01-04-15, 00:34
Really? That's what you took from that?

I was just asking have you been there done that?

01-04-15, 00:36
Like I always tell people...of the approx. 2,500 active duty Navy Seals out there, I've met all 15,000 of them.

This^^ Well said

26 Inf
01-04-15, 01:42
I was just asking have you been there done that?

Guy, I'm nearly 61 years old, I was in the Marine Corps two weeks after my 18th birthday, too late to kill a Commie for Mommy 1972-1976; Army Reserves from 1978 to 2001. Didn't do Desert Storm, got out before the GWOT. Marine time included two years as Training NCO at a Marine Barracks where I ran ranges and trained the security guard platoons to use the M-14, shotgun and 1911. Got out went to work as a police officer and concurrently joined the USAR, went through Jump School, Pathfinder Course, a two-week sniper course at the USAMU, Jumpmaster, Air Assault Rappelmaster, spent 11 years on jump status ultimately ending up the last 6 of those years as the PSG of a DRU Pathfinder Platoon. When the USAR went Combat Service Support and lost their infantry units, I became a military instructor teaching PLDC, ANCOC and the 11B courses for the Reserves (11B was through the TXARNG Academy); after I got promoted to MSG, I went to DCSOPS and spent the remainder of my time as the NCOIC of the Individual Training Section where I did staff visits and actually tried to help units.

On the police side, yes, I've pointed guns at folks who had guns, no I've never shoot anyone - that means I don't know anything apparently. Been in LE and LE training since 1976. Early on I became the departments firearms instructor because, 1) I was by far the best shot on the department (not saying much); 2) I wasn't scared to teach. I've been to more LE related firearms instructor courses than I can count. Until the H&K ITD (International Training Division) shut down I attended just about everything they offered, I'm (was) one of their few Master MP5 Instructors. I conduct instructor and operator level courses on pistol, shotgun, subgun (not for several years) patrol rifle, less-lethal projectiles (12 gauge primarily), ECD's, RBT and emergency vehicle operations. I've testified and been certified as an expert witness on use-of-force issues in both state and federal court. For the last couple decades I've been a full time instructor.

I'm a Gemini, I raced MX and Desert when I was a young man, I go to Church nearly every Sunday, and this post is longer than my penis.

So long story short, no, I don't know anything because I've never shoot anyone. Don't listen to anything I say, ever.

Get my point?

01-04-15, 01:59
Guy, I'm nearly 61 years old, I was in the Marine Corps two weeks after my 18th birthday, too late to kill a Commie for Mommy 1972-1976; Army Reserves from 1978 to 2001. Didn't do Desert Storm, got out before the GWOT. Marine time included two years as Training NCO at a Marine Barracks where I ran ranges and trained the security guard platoons to use the M-14, shotgun and 1911. Got out went to work as a police officer and concurrently joined the USAR, went through Jump School, Pathfinder Course, a two-week sniper course at the USAMU, Jumpmaster, Air Assault Rappelmaster, spent 11 years on jump status ultimately ending up the last 6 of those years as the PSG of a DRU Pathfinder Platoon. When the USAR went Combat Service Support and lost their infantry units, I became a military instructor teaching PLDC, ANCOC and the 11B courses for the Reserves (11B was through the TXARNG Academy); after I got promoted to MSG, I went to DCSOPS and spent the remainder of my time as the NCOIC of the Individual Training Section where I did staff visits and actually tried to help units.

On the police side, yes, I've pointed guns at folks who had guns, no I've never shoot anyone - that means I don't know anything apparently. Been in LE and LE training since 1976. Early on I became the departments firearms instructor because, 1) I was by far the best shot on the department (not saying much); 2) I wasn't scared to teach. I've been to more LE related firearms instructor courses than I can count. Until the H&K ITD (International Training Division) shut down I attended just about everything they offered, I'm (was) one of their few Master MP5 Instructors. I conduct instructor and operator level courses on pistol, shotgun, subgun (not for several years) patrol rifle, less-lethal projectiles (12 gauge primarily), ECD's, RBT and emergency vehicle operations. I've testified and been certified as an expert witness on use-of-force issues in both state and federal court. For the last couple decades I've been a full time instructor.

I'm a Gemini, I raced MX and Desert when I was a young man, I go to Church nearly every Sunday, and this post is longer than my penis.

So long story short, no, I don't know anything because I've never shoot anyone. Don't listen to anything I say, ever.

Get my point?

Dude, about that penis thing. I'm reading your post on an iPhone 6 which only has a 4.7" retina display. If that is the most you are packing, well then you were cheated. Otherwise, I'd say that you military creds sound reasonable.

01-04-15, 02:08
Guy, I'm nearly 61 years old, I was in the Marine Corps two weeks after my 18th birthday, too late to kill a Commie for Mommy 1972-1976; Army Reserves from 1978 to 2001. Didn't do Desert Storm, got out before the GWOT. Marine time included two years as Training NCO at a Marine Barracks where I ran ranges and trained the security guard platoons to use the M-14, shotgun and 1911. Got out went to work as a police officer and concurrently joined the USAR, went through Jump School, Pathfinder Course, a two-week sniper course at the USAMU, Jumpmaster, Air Assault Rappelmaster, spent 11 years on jump status ultimately ending up the last 6 of those years as the PSG of a DRU Pathfinder Platoon. When the USAR went Combat Service Support and lost their infantry units, I became a military instructor teaching PLDC, ANCOC and the 11B courses for the Reserves (11B was through the TXARNG Academy); after I got promoted to MSG, I went to DCSOPS and spent the remainder of my time as the NCOIC of the Individual Training Section where I did staff visits and actually tried to help units.

On the police side, yes, I've pointed guns at folks who had guns, no I've never shoot anyone - that means I don't know anything apparently. Been in LE and LE training since 1976. Early on I became the departments firearms instructor because, 1) I was by far the best shot on the department (not saying much); 2) I wasn't scared to teach. I've been to more LE related firearms instructor courses than I can count. Until the H&K ITD (International Training Division) shut down I attended just about everything they offered, I'm (was) one of their few Master MP5 Instructors. I conduct instructor and operator level courses on pistol, shotgun, subgun (not for several years) patrol rifle, less-lethal projectiles (12 gauge primarily), ECD's, RBT and emergency vehicle operations. I've testified and been certified as an expert witness on use-of-force issues in both state and federal court. For the last couple decades I've been a full time instructor.

I'm a Gemini, I raced MX and Desert when I was a young man, I go to Church nearly every Sunday, and this post is longer than my penis.

So long story short, no, I don't know anything because I've never shoot anyone. Don't listen to anything I say, ever.

Get my point?

Sir, reading that just brought a smile to my face, thank you. And I mean that sincerly if what you say is true, and my case in point you don't know who you are talking to on the world wide web or watching on Youtube, my Dad was a Vet round same time you described maybe a little earlier, thanks for clarifying and thank you for your service.

01-04-15, 02:13
Dude, about that penis thing. I'm reading your post on an iPhone 6 which only has a 4.7" retina display. If that is the most you are packing, well then you were cheated. Otherwise, I'd say that you military creds sound reasonable.

I wasn't gonna comment on the penis thing, but creds sound legit

01-04-15, 03:35
On the flip side of 26 INF post during my 05 tour the guy on our FOB with the most kills was our ****ing cook. Just happened to be on gate guard duty when a Toyota full of dudes ran the gate and he smoked them with his old ass M16A2. Dude has more confirmed kills than my 11B turned 18 series buddy. I can tell you though I know which one Im going to take advice from and its not the one with more notches on the butt stock. That is unless Im wanting to learn how to make a really okay omelet.

01-04-15, 03:44
I'm not sure why people think that Military service makes anyone an expert on weapons related topics.
You get issued a weapon or weapons, generally you wont get the new and cool stuff unless you're in some rather specialized unit. Most of the stuff you are being issued was someone else's gear and the care of it in the past can have been rather questionable.
So outside those few people operating in some special unit you're going to make do with what you have and take care of it the best you can. It's not magic, it's more making do. Some of that making do can be pretty innovative, but for the most part the great ideas that come out of the E-3 in a foxhole are pretty much ignored by the .mil community.
Unfortunately what I have noticed in the last decade is that if you have a great idea or some quality piece of gear, you're going to have to leave the military before it can get out there on the market.
And on the other side of that coin.
If you're a civilian, or even retired .mil, the people currently serving usually don't want to listen to your opinion, experience or ideas until there is a crisis and they are out of other options. I've seen a lot of really good equipment go to crap because someone refuses to read the instructions or listen to the SME.

And as for "Stolen Valor", I hate that crap. F'em, don't trust them and stay as far away from those folks as you can.
You can exaggerate your War Story all you want, right up until you claim to be something or someone you weren't, at that point you become a scumbag and not worthy of trust.
As far as the article goes, a little research shows this guy Cory is a liar, even James Yeager stepped up to make a video in his defense and that has to be a low point in anyone's life.

01-04-15, 09:00
Cool, I narrowly escaped making a snarky, perhaps regrettable comment out of total ignorance, WTF is a flipping "Spirit Walk"?

I have no clue, I was making a joke also. And I already tried my hand at blogging, however it wasn't about "tacticalteir1shit" (outdoors, archery, camping, hunting, etc) but I gave it up.

Alex V
01-04-15, 09:31
Who the F are Cory and Erika?

01-04-15, 10:35
Who the F are Cory and Erika?

If serious, search the tube.

Alex V
01-04-15, 11:07
If serious, search the tube.

I was serious when I first opened this thread. I did the search. But the sentiment remains the same. Why would anyone watch them? Why do we even know who they are?

01-04-15, 11:19
Why would anyone watch them?


ETA: I'm not a watcher......was only casually aware of their youtube channel, from watching Hickock45, I think.

01-04-15, 13:39

ETA: I'm not a watcher......was only casually aware of their youtube channel, from watching Hickock45, I think.

Because brains switch off when a piece of ass arrives. Basically, men are stupid.

01-04-15, 14:15
Because brains switch off when a piece of ass arrives. Basically, men are stupid.

More like, have a very strong instinct to find a compatible and healthy mate with which to pass down genes. I wouldn't call that stupid really, it's just how basically every living thing is.

01-04-15, 14:18
Because brains switch off when a piece of ass arrives. Basically, men are stupid.
You'd have to be gay to not want to hit that. But yes, sex sells.

Here's what I don't understand: military service does not equal firearms competency, so why fake it? The people that attend the training of a military poser are just as guilty as the guy himself. Why did you take this guys training class? Is it to learn how to shoot? Tactics? What? If you got out of it what you needed, then I don't see the issue. If a guy can't shoot, it doesn't matter what he was. I would take a class from an M class USPSA guy over a class from a whatever dude who only shoots OK. Most classes are just shooting classes anyway; military experience doesn't really matter in that avenue.

It's really the same as the guy who shows up to a carbine class with a PC and multicam pants. Let's pretend we're something we are not. That, or people are insecure in their own identities, so they attach themselves to someone else. Hero worship.

Alex V
01-04-15, 14:21

ETA: I'm not a watcher......was only casually aware of their youtube channel, from watching Hickock45, I think.

There are hotter chicks presenting better content on TV/Internet. Plus, there is always RedTube LOL

01-04-15, 14:37
Because brains switch off when a piece of ass arrives. Basically, men are stupid.

Yea, pretty much. Worked on me for like 20 seconds, until it became painfully obvious she is showcased to get views. Meh, whatever...

01-04-15, 14:42
Im guilty of actually watching one video from this turd. Only because I wanted to hear what Ron Avery had to teach him.....and from the video I was shocked to find out that Cory himself "taught" classes lol...wow.

01-04-15, 14:56
It's really the same as the guy who shows up to a carbine class with a PC and multicam pants.
I did that once!

01-04-15, 22:40

ETA: I'm not a watcher......was only casually aware of their youtube channel, from watching Hickock45, I think.

I had never heard of them before this thread . . .

She has a banging body and an okay face. But she is wearing entirely too much clothing to keep my attention span for any length of time.

01-04-15, 23:10
I never once thought of him as military. I'm not sure what he has falsely claimed though (I don't watch their youtube channel enough). I always thought of him as an overly enthusiastic enthusiast. I'm not ashamed to say I am a fan of Erika though!

01-04-15, 23:29
Equally disturbing are the folks who will accept as gospel anything that a 'Tier 1 Operator/SEAL/Recon Marine/Ranger/SF/PJ' says, because, well, after all, they were a 'Tier 1 Operator/SEAL/Recon Marine/Ranger/SF/PJ.'

It's because people WANT to believe. If a person has too much integrity to lie and claim they are a SOF operator, the next coolest thing they can claim is that they are really good friends with some ex-high speed low drag operator who knows 200 ways to snap your neck and can make a head shot at 500 yards with a pistol while doing a back flip. People want heroes and because most of what the public knows about SOF is based on movies and books, it's easy to fool people.

For example, let's say there's this guy in a small town that everyone knows is a former SEAL who carried out the blackest of the blackest black ops with SEAL Team 6. He's the town hero. Then, a real SEAL gets wind of this and exposes this guy as a fake. The problem is, the town is already convinced that he's their finest citizen and this faker knows this. His neighbors, the mayor, the police chief, and all the kids worship the ground he walks on. If he wants to keep his reputation, all the faker has to do is claim that there's a political smear campaign going on against him. He did some horrible, illegal things for God and country, so the Navy has completely disavowed his service over the wars that could break out if his exploits were brought to light. All the faker's neighbors would say that yeah, they've known this guy years. They are 100% he is an ex-SEAL and a hero and how DARE you smear someone who has done more for this country than you could ever DREAM of?!!!

Because, if they accept that this guy is a phony, who is going to run his training program for kids who want to be SEALs someday? Who are guys going to call with gun questions? Who's going to give speeches on Memorial Day? In their mind, they're losing a chunk of the town's identity. Misguided certainly, but nobody wants to believe that the person who they aspire to be is nothing more than an illusion.

01-05-15, 00:01

ETA: I'm not a watcher......was only casually aware of their youtube channel, from watching Hickock45, I think.

Cute and all and definitely healthy, but given the hype I'm a bit disappointed. Never actually seen her before. I hope she can shoot and such because she's pretty ordinary by south florida standards.

01-05-15, 00:20
Im guilty of actually watching one video from this turd. Only because I wanted to hear what Ron Avery had to teach him.....and from the video I was shocked to find out that Cory himself "taught" classes lol...wow.

I watched a couple. One of them was probably the same you saw: The one with Travis Haley and Ron Avery instructing a sub-one second draw and shot.

The second one was the two of them doing some jungle shoot-thing that I lost interest in at about a minute in.

I did that once!

I don't see the problem with it, to be honest. It's every American's God-given right to wear body armor and camouflage clothing. Hell, Pat Rogers would likely insist on every good guy going into harm's way wearing camouflage - including cops, contrary to all the ballyhooing about police militarization. I believe it was from him that I first learned the term, "Target Indicator Black".

If you're pretending to be something that you aren't, that's another problem. But it is only tangentially related to the wearing of a PC and Multicam.