View Full Version : Why do men like guns? (Rhetorical)

01-05-15, 20:38
Got a few vintage books from a nutty Bro-in-law. :cool:


01-05-15, 20:41
This one is timeless.


01-05-15, 20:41
For me it is because I am fascinated by things that are mechanical, I love to shoot for accuracy on a target, and I like the noise that they make.

01-05-15, 20:43
I worry about those that don't...:)

01-05-15, 20:45
Very cool. What book is it?

Straight Shooter
01-05-15, 21:31
Just over Christmas I had a conversation while some nephews were playing with some toy "navy seal" guns and gear they just got. I told everyone that male children were naturally attracted to weapons and fighting and ruffhouse, and its only after being scolded and told how "violence is always wrong..guns are bad..blah blah blah" yall know the rest that boys stop doing what they are naturally built and attracted to. By the same token, I said its also wrong to let those atrractions go unfettered and not give training and rules about weapons and fighting. I still don't see a problem with giving toy guns for gifts, as many do, cause we had multiple generations raised on them before we started seeing some of the madness we've seen in the last 10-15 years or so. I attribute a large part of that to prescription drugs...pharmacutical baby sitters I call em...and these off the wall violent video games, made for adults supposedly, but played primarily by kids, due to lack of parenting. So, as per the OP..its just natural for men/boys to like weapons, period.

01-05-15, 21:38
. I attribute a large part of that to prescription drugs...pharmacutical baby sitters I call em...and these off the wall violent video games

Perhaps, but I also see not beating some ass when needed as an issue too. For instance that POS "special snowflake" Lanza should've had his ass beat more than once it would seem. Me thinks mommy didn't dare disrupt his "special snowflake" status.

Liking guns/violence/war is normal everyday boy stuff. Couple that with an obvious behavior disorder and you are risking a heinous event.

01-05-15, 21:41
Because men like being free.

Straight Shooter
01-05-15, 21:54
Perhaps, but I also see not beating some ass when needed as an issue too. For instance that POS "special snowflake" Lanza should've had his ass beat more than once it would seem. Me thinks mommy didn't dare disrupt his "special snowflake" status.

Liking guns/violence/war is normal everyday boy stuff. Couple that with an obvious behavior disorder and you are risking a heinous event.
I agree 100% about the lack of ass whippins. I forgot to include that in my post.

01-05-15, 21:55
So this thread went from a funny excerpt to:

1) "alpha males"

2) blaming violence on video games

3) advocating corporal punishment of children with intellectual disabilities/ psychiatric illnesses

God help us...

26 Inf
01-05-15, 22:05

01-05-15, 22:48
So this thread went from a funny excerpt to:
1) "alpha males"
2) blaming violence on video games
3) advocating corporal punishment of children with intellectual disabilities/ psychiatric illnesses
God help us...

You saw how last year's Christmas Presents thread went, right? This is still tame, and comparatively germane to the topic at hand... ish.

I think there is an entire subset of dudes that take an interest in mechanical elegance and expressions of material science brilliance in all forms - watches, knives, airplanes, cars, bikes, electronics, and firearms. The use of the phrase 'contemplation of things that please him' is actually quite apt - and to be completely honest any male with no appreciation of any aforementioned things has in my experience been impossible to relate with about anything but music.

01-05-15, 22:53
One theory: (normal) men are attracted to weapons the way (normal) women are attracted to babies. Part of what we are and what we do in the normal course of living our lives.

I have other theories, if you wish.

VIP3R 237
01-05-15, 23:09
One theory: (normal) men are attracted to weapons the way (normal) women are attracted to babies. Part of what we are and what we do in the normal course of living our lives.

I have other theories, if you wish.

This is true. we got my 2 year old boy a little cap gun for Christmas and sure enough he knew how to hold it and pull the trigger without any help from anyone.

01-06-15, 00:03
Post of the year so far . . .

01-06-15, 00:04
Because men like being free.

Took the words right off my keyboard.

01-06-15, 08:04
Very cool. What book is it?

I'll have to get the exact title.... It's basically an old 60s era book on the ins and outs of being a gun collector.

I have another one from 65 which is the Winchester Cartridge book. Both pre date the .223 Rem cartridge. Pretty cool.

01-06-15, 08:14
They go BOOM

/end thread

01-06-15, 08:40
A lot of stuff.
I got my first BB Gun at maybe 8 and I really became very interested in being able to shoot it well. By the time I had got to where I was shooting it maybe 30 yards and was able to hit a soda can using vast amount of windage and elevation, I began to appreciate that there is a bit of math and science in this stuff.
My Grandfather passed away when I was 10 and I inherited an ancient single shot .410 that my Dad and I restored to like new condition in the basement as he told me about my Grandfather, being a Sportsman while hunting and gun safety. By the time I was done restoring the shotgun it was fall and time for my first hunt.
The first lesson that I learned was taught to me using that shotgun, and a half rotten pumpkin resting on a fence post. "There are no accidents" and the results of being foolish are pretty easy to show a kid when you can put your whole hand through the hole in that pumpkin.
Then the next spring shooting NRA small bore at school, we had a rifle team and shot some beautiful ancient .22 cal. target rifles every Monday evening in the school gym. We were coached by our Shop Teacher who I later learned had run up a few beaches in the Pacific as a Teenage Marine Rifleman.
Why do I like guns?
Because it was a great mix of mechanics, physics, concentration, competition, responsibility and companionship with a lot of burnt powder and tradition mixed in.

01-06-15, 08:48
The Thread title is rhetorical, boys. The point of the thread is that it's humorous to see the old time gun books and ideas.

01-06-15, 09:07
You saw how last year's Christmas Presents thread went, right? This is still tame, and comparatively germane to the topic at hand... ish.

I think there is an entire subset of dudes that take an interest in mechanical elegance and expressions of material science brilliance in all forms - watches, knives, airplanes, cars, bikes, electronics, and firearms. The use of the phrase 'contemplation of things that please him' is actually quite apt - and to be completely honest any male with no appreciation of any aforementioned things has in my experience been impossible to relate with about anything but music.

A femal coworker remarked today that we talk about guns more than we do boobs in the office. I told her guns aren't any more fun, but they're definitely cheaper and easier to maintain! :D

01-06-15, 09:21
Sounds like a good office.

01-06-15, 09:39
Sounds like a good office.

Yep. None of us have any filters. The only PC we speak is "PC Load Letter? WTF does that mean?" :D

01-06-15, 09:43
Yep. None of us have any filters. :D

That's good. I get one gun chat per month if lucky here. ;) (that's why i'm always on the forum)

01-06-15, 09:45
That's good. I get one gun chat per month if lucky here. ;) (that's why i'm always on the forum)

We share AR build tools and do ammo/reloading group buys in mine. :)

01-06-15, 09:55
We share AR build tools and do ammo/reloading group buys in mine. :)

I'd love to hand prime brass at my desk, but they might be pushing it.

01-06-15, 10:25
It progressed for me.

1. As an engineer I started out being interested in them mechanically.
2. Then as I learned more I got interested in them historically.
3. Then I started shooting a little and decided that was a hell of a lot of fun.
4. From there it progressed to just wanting to be more prepared.

01-06-15, 10:26
I'd love to hand prime brass at my desk, but they might be pushing it.

Working in federal facilities, Uncle Sam shits a brick over spent brass. I was actually turned away at the gate once for having spent brass in the truck cup holder...

01-06-15, 12:34
So this thread went from a funny excerpt to:

1) "alpha males"

2) blaming violence on video games

3) advocating corporal punishment of children with intellectual disabilities/ psychiatric illnesses

God help us...

Spare me. Now that POS was "siiiick" and needed "heeeelp". Gimme a break.

Back on track: Boys like guns. What is frustrating is those families that do not allow toy guns or other things "violent". They are emasculating their sons, creating progressive/libtard eunichs.

01-06-15, 12:38
For me it was initially a skill/hobby that replaced sports after mutiple injuries. Self defense was a 2ndary aspect. I suppose we all, deep down yearn to be free and not ruled by other men. There's no other stronger symbol of freedom of free man.

01-06-15, 13:28
Such a crazy coincidence. My top five things I like the most are:
1. Curvaceous gals in bikinis.
2. Guns
3. Apple pie
4. Scotch whiskey
5. Risqué stories

01-06-15, 13:38
Such a crazy coincidence. My top five things I like the most are:
1. Curvaceous gals in bikinis bringing you glasses of Scotch Whiskey
2. Guns
3. Apple pie with a side of bacon
4. ???
5. Risqué stories

Minor modification to that list.

01-06-15, 14:04
Minor modification to that list.

That's a better list. Now there's room for either cash or beer.

01-06-15, 14:12
Welcome to 2015. Comply or get out.

1. People.
Gender is a construct of an oppressive society. You are required to validate and legitimize feelings and beliefs of everyone except conservatives.

2. Peace, at all costs.
All guns should beat into plowshares and your enemies will do likewise. Closely related to: It is not the criminals fault, it is your fault. Just hand over your wallet and apologize.

3. Quiché

4. Organic herbal latté with soy.

5. Entitlements

01-06-15, 14:42
Welcome to 2015. Comply or get out.

1. People.
Gender is a construct of an oppressive society. You are required to validate and legitimize feelings and beliefs of everyone except conservatives.

2. Peace, at all costs.
All guns should beat into plowshares and your enemies will do likewise. Closely related to: It is not the criminals fault, it is your fault. Just hand over your wallet and apologize.

3. Quiché

4. Organic herbal latté with soy.

5. Entitlements

What are you talking about? I love Quiche........ :jester:

01-06-15, 14:42
I'm not really a fan of quiche. Because bacon.

26 Inf
01-06-15, 15:04
I'm not really a fan of quiche. Because bacon.

Some of us have taste buds that can multi-task:


01-06-15, 15:07
What are you talking about? I love Quiche........ :jester:

Ditto. Also, canadian bacon can make quiche amazing too.

01-06-15, 20:04
They are big. They are heavy. They make loud noises. [Sarcasm]ninnys are scared of them.[/scarsm]

01-06-15, 20:37
Venison, elk, sausage, wild turkey breast, squirrels, rabbits, dove, pheasant...

01-06-15, 22:27
On topic - Men love guns because they are fun. I began my love affair with guns with my first BB gun, playing Army against other kids with a pain penalty instead of 'bang your dead' arguments was fun. The welts don't lie. Sure, I'd had 'play' guns but the BB gun was real. I also had a succession of them, because if you are a Tier 1 BB gun warrior, some Nancy always goes running home to Mommy, this means you lose your BB gun. Been shooting ever since. I like the experience of the immediate feedback you get after each shot, either dinging metal, busting a rock, or immediately knowing why you didn't bust the rock or hit the plate (after you've been doing it for a while). It is soothing and fun. It is also something that any moderately healthy person can enjoy, regardless of their athleticism.

01-07-15, 03:41
Ultimately, he bears sole responsibility for his actions.

But your shitting me, right?

He was a not mentally right, no amount of spanking, slapping, beating would have fixed him.

Lanza had Asperger's Syndrome which is a form of autism which includes social awkwardness, repetive behavior, restrictive behavior, difficulty in reading social cues, and failure to dsiplay appropriate empathy. Not generally associated with violence.

Well then, I guess somewhere he didn't get enough lovin', huh? Given that he murdered 26 people and what it nearly cost all of us I don't care if he was beaten in a closet every day of his worthless life. Really. He was a freak, a mass-murderous freak. I'll guess if he had surrendered to police you wouldn't think he should've faced the death penalty, right?

My old man was manic-depressive (bipolar these days). He was a real friggin' treat while growing up. Saw and experienced quite a few things I'd rather forget. Nonetheless, whenever shit happened I'd always hear "You dad has a problem." Gotta tell you, that wears REAL thin over time. As a result I really have NO empathy for mentally impaired people when it comes to violence. I make no apologies for it either. At this point in my life I ain't changing my views. It is what it is. Now, some non-violent kid who has some issues? Sure, we can talk about that. But when you cross that line of violence----and in Lanza's case he bulldozed across it----you bear any wrath, hatred, and "intolerance" that I can muster.

Straight Shooter
01-07-15, 05:48
The average age of a "gamer" (a person who plays video games) is 30 or 31 (depending on source) and there are more gamers over the age of 36 than between 18 and 35. Women 18 and older (30%) represent a larger slice of the gamer demographic than boys under the age of 17 (18%).

Is your next trick going to be to say how you're more likely to be shot by your own gun or to shoot your family than to use it to defend yourself or your family?

You're already on HuffPo. Only with conservatives instead of liberals.

Fjallhrafn- you've made my point for me. These games were MADE for the age groups you quoted, as I said ADULT games. These aren't made for 10, 12, 13 year old kids to play. Like poor precious little Lanza. I REFUSE to believe ,as it is contrary to common f-ing sense, that even people who are "mentally ill" or "sick" or whatever other word or phrase you wish to use, cant see and understand violence, and when physical pain is being inflicted. Further..I DONT GIVE A DAMN IF THEY UNDERSTAND IT OR NOT. SO WHAT if we punish them the same as everyone else and they "aren't capable of understading what they've done"? BULLSHIT. If they've been tried, convicted and appealed...then EXECUTE the bastards.

01-07-15, 05:53
My old man was manic-depressive (bipolar these days). He was a real friggin' treat while growing up. Saw and experienced quite a few things I'd rather forget. Nonetheless, whenever shit happened I'd always hear "You dad has a problem." Gotta tell you, that wears REAL thin over time. As a result I really have NO empathy for mentally impaired people when it comes to violence. I make no apologies for it either. At this point in my life I ain't changing my views. It is what it is. Now, some non-violent kid who has some issues? Sure, we can talk about that. But when you cross that line of violence----and in Lanza's case he bulldozed across it----you bear any wrath, hatred, and "intolerance" that I can muster.

The old mental disorder defense song and dance falls on deaf ears with me. If a person is mentally ill and a threat to the public at large they are still a threat period. In theory one could argue anyone who has harmed another human is mentally ill. I'm sick of seeing guys and gals on our death row here get a stay of execution after spending twenty years appealing their case.

"Oh he's sick he didn't mean to do it" or "he didn't know what he was doing" and I love "they were off their meds" so lets not give him the juice . . . **** that noise.

01-07-15, 08:13
Thread cleaned up, warnings and infractions passed out. Continue on-topic discussion consistent with forum rules, please.

01-07-15, 08:24
Anyway... there's some more cool stuff in the book. I'll try to post later.

How NOT to lean someone's rifle, etc. It's kind of interesting to travel back in time.

01-07-15, 09:34
Anyway... there's some more cool stuff in the book. I'll try to post later.

How NOT to lean someone's rifle, etc. It's kind of interesting to travel back in time.

I look forward to this info. Fascinating.

01-07-15, 09:41
Because men like being free.
In light of today's events I'm quoting this. A very visceral and fundamental notion.

Took the words right off my keyboard.

Big A
01-07-15, 12:45
You saw how last year's Christmas Presents thread went, right? This is still tame, and comparatively germane to the topic at hand... ish.

I think there is an entire subset of dudes that take an interest in mechanical elegance and expressions of material science brilliance in all forms - watches, knives, airplanes, cars, bikes, electronics, and firearms. The use of the phrase 'contemplation of things that please him' is actually quite apt - and to be completely honest any male with no appreciation of any aforementioned things has in my experience been impossible to relate with about anything but music.

Thread should have ended right here^

Such a crazy coincidence. My top five things I like the most are:
1. Curvaceous gals in bikinis.
2. Guns
3. Apple pie
4. Scotch whiskey
5. Risqué stories

So apple pie ranks #3 over fossil fuel powered motor vehicles....:blink: Maybe you had too much of #4 when you created your list?

I'm not really a fan of quiche. Because bacon.

Some of us have taste buds that can multi-task:


I'm with JP here, that just seems like unnessecsry extra filler that would take up space better ocupied by bacon and whiskey...:p

01-07-15, 12:59
Anyway... there's some more cool stuff in the book. I'll try to post later.

How NOT to lean someone's rifle, etc. It's kind of interesting to travel back in time.

I bet you wish you had that book back in Nam.

26 Inf
01-07-15, 13:00

01-07-15, 13:03
What are you guys talking about? This is supposed to be a funny (in a nostalgic kinda way) thread.

3 AE
01-07-15, 14:36
For the simple fact that most girls/women don't like guns. Too easy First Sergeant! :D

01-07-15, 14:40
I bet you wish you had that book back in Nam.

Yep. All we had were a few Risque stories to share! :sarcastic:

What are you guys talking about? This is supposed to be a funny (in a nostalgic kinda way) thread.

Thank God a few of you get it. Thought I was posting on TOS for a minute there.

01-07-15, 15:04
Because men like being free.

And having the tools to retain that freedom.

01-07-15, 15:10
Yep. All we had were a few Risque stories to share! :sarcastic:

Well, you made due with what you had. It's not like apple pie & curvaceous gals in bikinis were growing on mangrove trees. And only the guys with a lot of 'Dong' could acquire Scotch whiskey.

Funny, back then they had mancaves before mancaves were cool.

I wish my sanctum, that separates me from the tensions of everyday life, had as many wall hangers as the one depicted in the book.

01-07-15, 17:44
Shooting is a lot of fun, especially at reactive targets. As a child learning to shoot, it had nothing to do with self defense or freedom. That came later.

01-07-15, 18:27
I like guns cause they go "pow pow pow"

Just like I go "pow pow pow" on an eventful weekend

3 AE
01-07-15, 20:26
I like guns cause they go "pow pow pow"

Just like I go "pow pow pow" on an eventful weekend

I see you have the big bore guns. Mine only go "pew,pew,pew"! :D

01-08-15, 00:30
One thing I did like back in school was History, especially the Civil War. I like watching Civil War reenactments, think about having to reload and fight like they did back in those times with ball and black powder, makes you really appreciate being able to drop a mag and pop a new one in.

Did someone mention tools of Freedom?