View Full Version : Fort Bliss shooting

01-06-15, 21:17
Surprised to see this wasn't being discussed yet:


01-06-15, 21:20
tragic. hope it wasnt ptsd related.

01-07-15, 01:34
hope it wasnt ptsd related.

Nah, probably just another jihadist answering the Islamic State's call to murder MIL/LEO. . . oops I mean work place violence.

01-07-15, 02:59
tragic. hope it wasnt ptsd related.

Right now it sounds like somebody who got tired of waiting for the proper care and / or didn't believe they were receiving adequate care and reached their breaking point and likely targeted the doctor they believed was responsible.

So it's either a nutjob who went of the deep end or a guy who might have just decided it just wasn't worth it anymore to go on.

01-07-15, 06:35
The VA clinic came under scrutiny last year after a federal audit showed it had some of the nation's longest wait times for veterans' trying to see a doctor for the first time. A survey of hundreds of West Texas veterans last year found that they waited an average of more than two months to see a Veterans Affairs mental health professional and even longer to see a physician.
Couldn't possiblly be related ?

01-07-15, 08:42
Appears per latest update to be a murder-suicide. http://www.kfoxtv.com/news/features/top-stories/stories/BREAKING-EPPD-assisting-Fort-Bliss-over-reports-of-active-shooter-at-WBAMC-67279.shtml#.VK1FiXvVqWl

01-07-15, 12:32
Friend of mine (retired Army/USCG) flies Medivac there. He was off when it happened.

01-07-15, 13:41
Some folks have invited the POTUS to come visit the VA in Arizona when he comes to visit.
I don't think he will be making a stop as he passes through, something tells me with all of the issues the VA has had and especially the VA in Arizona he wont want to stop for a Photo Op.
I'm beginning to agree with some folks who have pushed for a draft or at least that our elected officials to have served and/or to have a serving family member. Things have a different perspective when you have some "skin" in the game.

01-07-15, 15:13
have always thought at leat the president can only be someone who was in the military ! I mean if you are going to be commander you better know whats up
the fact obama did not even know the difference of a corpse and corpsman shows we need this changed ASAP

01-08-15, 18:00
the fact obama did not even know the difference of a corpse and corpsman shows we need this changed ASAP

I hate to break it to you, but i don't think he knows the difference between his asshole or a hole in the ground.

01-08-15, 23:41
I hate to break it to you, but i don't think he knows the difference between his asshole or a hole in the ground.

Well he sure knew where it was back when he was in Shitcago as did several now dead male acquaintances.

01-09-15, 08:50
"Service guarantees citizenship." If only.

01-09-15, 09:04
It's been on the news off and on over the last couple of days. This morning I saw an update stating that the shooter knew the Doctor and had issue with the Doctor. The shooter also was a previous employee of the VA there. He had threatened the Doctor recently.

01-10-15, 13:33
tragic. hope it wasnt ptsd related.

More details emerging suggests that it wasn't. This is why we need to be careful of the stigma of returning veterans and PTSD. Most veterans leaving the service even after the last 13ish years of war won't have experienced much to make a violent action and PTSD any relevant link. Really, it's misunderstood how few of today's military carry the lions share of the direct face to face combat. Some of those few have PTSD that's ruining their lives in many ways yet will likely never lift a hand to another human being again. If a paramedic was diagnosed with an anxiety "disorder" (for lack of a better term) you wouldn't automatically assume he was going to start shooting up his workplace because of the trauma patients he treated. Not everything leads to a propensity for violence.

I'm not saying you were implying any notion that veterans with true PTSD symptoms are ticking time bombs. I'm just pointing out that within the first five comments on the shooting, it was mentioned for a reason. Media has conditioned us to make these conclusions when there's endless possibility for motive. Maybe the shooter on base shot his neighbor for banging his wife while he was deployed. Not because he's rotted with PTSD, but because he didn't like someone nailing his wife in his own home.

Nah, probably just another jihadist answering the Islamic State's call to murder MIL/LEO. . . oops I mean work place violence.

Probably, right? I mean clearly this is a constant problem. I can't even go to the grocery store anymore because the endless amount of attacks from ISIS sleeper cells and their mooooslim sleeper cells up in this bitch murdering errrrybody. But we don't hear about it because HUSSEIN is a sympathizer and orders a cover up to protect his peeps and classify it as workplace violence.

The cover up has been working so well, I can't remember the last time since Hassan that a legitimate Islam-extremist-motivated shooter attacked Americans on US soil and it was written as workplace violence. Can you refresh my admittedly busted memory machine? See, after I had a bunch of close calls with organized extremist groups trying to kill me, they finally winged me pretty good. Bleeding from the nose and ears and trying to spit out the battery I thought was in my mouth, I still remember the face of the asshole that shot the RPG at me. That's about all I remember though, entire chunks of my life until then are a mystery to me, but the cool thing is I get to meet new people for the first time over and over again. Keeps life interesting. So I'm admitting my poor memory and happy to learn more about these ISIS/ISIL wars raging in our streets. When was the last time you got sucked into one of these battles? I'm sure it happens all the time.

Or maybe it had nothing to do with it. Sorta like all the previous incidents of disgruntled employees attacking coworkers or employers prior to the organized mooooslim multi-pronged attack on us.

It's a bummer to see obviously intelligent guys falling right into the most predictable methods of dehumanization efforts. Turn neighbors against each other, make them fear each other, and categorize a portion of the population as having lives less valuable then others. Give them an enemy they can't see so they're too distracted to see what kind of business is taking place by the ruling authority. Keeps the slobs from organizing and demanding accountability. But that's not what's happening here...nah, there's not like an instruction manual for PSYOP tactics. Oh look! The "Mike Brown Band" and all the other ghetto trash "Dindus" are getting all uppity again, almost forgot their breed have lower value. And dammit, another cop harassed a middle class Christian guy in the heartland. Assholes, can't they go back to leaving the rule bending and authority abuse to the ghettos where nobody matters and it doesn't affect me? Country is going to shit and it's these subhumans that are rotting it from the core.


01-10-15, 13:37
It's been on the news off and on over the last couple of days. This morning I saw an update stating that the shooter knew the Doctor and had issue with the Doctor. The shooter also was a previous employee of the VA there. He had threatened the Doctor recently.

Oh...wait. So it was just a guy with a history of making threats who was likely terminated in a poorly advised manner? It was a failure in the modern workplace to recognize the need for threat assessment in the corporate environment?

But how does that happen? He had to have been black right? At the very least do we know how long he's been a member of ISIS/ISIL? I don't understand...something's being covered up here. He had PTSD from his four years at the IPAC building and that's why he was at the VA facility right?

01-10-15, 17:40
Oh...wait. So it was just a guy with a history of making threats who was likely terminated in a poorly advised manner? It was a failure in the modern workplace to recognize the need for threat assessment in the corporate environment?

But how does that happen? He had to have been black right? At the very least do we know how long he's been a member of ISIS/ISIL? I don't understand...something's being covered up here. He had PTSD from his four years at the IPAC building and that's why he was at the VA facility right?

You're right, no Muslims killing anyone these days. Nothing to see here.

I think the point that others are making, through a lot of sarcasm, is that there are plenty of events occurring worldwide where the primary motive is that "I'm Muslim and you're not". Okay, this one does not appear to be one of them but there sure are enough to justify a little animosity being created amongst us infidels.

01-12-15, 11:40
You're right, no Muslims killing anyone these days. Nothing to see here.

I think the point that others are making, through a lot of sarcasm, is that there are plenty of events occurring worldwide where the primary motive is that "I'm Muslim and you're not". Okay, this one does not appear to be one of them but there sure are enough to justify a little animosity being created amongst us infidels.

I'm not arguing in favor or defense of the muslims. As an organization that claims to be one large community without borders, they sure are moving slow to getting their shit together. There's infighting among them for a reason though, look at the way ISIS went against Hezbollah who wasn't cool with Al Qaeda who was getting shown the door by the FSA (Free Syrian Army, not the handout queens we always call the Free Shit Army) all in one far away place. Some of it was Sunni against Shia. Then again, some of it was people fighting for their home getting sick of people fighting for religious extremism. Politics as usual, same as it always has been.

But you are right. It's a preferred tactic by groups that lack the numbers and infrastructure to go toe to toe with an obviously overwhelming and advanced enemy. They pick targets with innocent people and create as many casualties as they can. Much like a sniper hitting a man in the open, it allows an opportunity to create the maximum casualties with the least risk of becoming overwhelmed and out maneuvered. And after the sniper slips away, he's shaken the mental will and might of the survivors. War of attrition and all even if it's seen by us as cowardly and vile. It gets shit done. The U.S. hasn't been attacked in almost a decade and a half by Islamic extremist organizations yet we are still living our lives in the shock waves of fear they created.

People kill each other for all kinds of stupid reasons. We're not as innocent, if we were to say all Americans condone our governments actions, as we might like to think. We just don't do our killing in our back yards where we have to see the mess. But workplace violence has been going on since Bongo the caveman got sick of breaking rocks in the sun while the profits went to some asshole in a nice cool cave. Neighbors have killed each other over whose lonely wife wandered over to get her needs met.

If we are making assumptions as soon as we hear something happened, we're allowing ourselves to be blinded and opening ourselves to an attack we should see coming. If the OKC Bombing happened today, how many members would spew their anti-GroupX rhetoric based on the current media frenzy. M4C is a mixed group ranging from casual hobbyists to professional end users, but the intelligence level reflects individuals from all walks that understands the importance of product research and training based on real world tested tactics. If we're talking statistics, being an American male who carries daily for defensive purposes, Muj are the lowest on your list.

I get it, it's said with some sarcasm by some people. But some aren't and in the interest of risk management or threat assessment it would be beneficial to let go of the sentiment that's being sold, no matter who is the Nazi/Communist/Gay AIDS Carriers/East Bloc/Terrorist of the decade.

01-15-15, 04:12
Or maybe it had nothing to do with it. Sorta like all the previous incidents of disgruntled employees attacking coworkers or employers prior to the organized mooooslim multi-pronged attack on us.

Your probably right, after all I bet it will come out that those young men who shot up Charlie Hebdo and others in Paris last week must have been disgruntled employees and it had nothing to do with Islam . . .