View Full Version : Car Explodes Outside Sarcelles Synagogue (Near Paris)

01-07-15, 08:56
Title says it all currently:


If linked to the Paris shooting not good at all.

Alex V
01-07-15, 09:05
Crap is going down for sure over there. Let's see what the cheese eating surrender monkeys gonna do...

01-07-15, 09:11
Title says it all currently:


If linked to the Paris shooting not good at all.

They are now saying it was an "Accidental Fire" and not connected to the Paris incident. Apparently some news outlets were/are trying to associate the two incidents.

01-07-15, 09:39
French media outlet Metronews reports that there's been a car explosion in front of a synagogue in Sarcelles, a city near Paris where three gunmen attacked the office of satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo just hours earlier.

Cars may catch fire and burn, but they don't usually explode.
I'm thinking someone is either a very nervous reporter and looking for a story where there isn't one or things are a little more intense than most in France would like to admit.
I'm thinking if it is true and things have gone to hell in a hand basket, then next just go to Notre Dame and look at the statue that sits out front, you know that big guy on the Horse. They should get the answer for the next course of action from him.

01-07-15, 09:56
French media outlet Metronews reports that there's been a car explosion in front of a synagogue in Sarcelles, a city near Paris where three gunmen attacked the office of satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo just hours earlier.

Cars may catch fire and burn, but they don't usually explode.
I'm thinking someone is either a very nervous reporter and looking for a story where there isn't one or things are a little more intense than most in France would like to admit.
I'm thinking if it is true and things have gone to hell in a hand basket, then next just go to Notre Dame and look at the statue that sits out front, you know that big guy on the Horse. They should get the answer for the next course of action from him.

These animals understand nothing but the sword. Let them have it.

01-07-15, 10:54
Where is Charles the Hammer when you need him?

01-07-15, 15:14
many of the french welcomed the nazis with open arms not sure why anyone would think they would change there ways :)

01-07-15, 15:25
Crap is going down for sure over there. Let's see what the cheese eating surrender monkeys gonna do...

I grew up in Belgium so not a huge France fan... I haven't like the French well before not liking the French was cool...but look at recent history: The French intervened in Malawi and drove out AlQaeda. The French were going to bomb Syria with us until the president flip flopped. The French were leaders in the Libyan campaign. The French went to Afghanistan. Other than not going into Iraq - a decision that is looking better and better - recent French policy points to a much more aggressive France than we have seen in the past.

01-07-15, 19:56
The French intervened in Malawi and drove out AlQaeda.

You mean Mali?

01-07-15, 19:57
I grew up in Belgium so not a huge France fan... I haven't like the French well before not liking the French was cool...but look at recent history: The French intervened in Malawi and drove out AlQaeda. The French were going to bomb Syria with us until the president flip flopped. The French were leaders in the Libyan campaign. The French went to Afghanistan. Other than not going into Iraq - a decision that is looking better and better - recent French policy points to a much more aggressive France than we have seen in the past.

France also has a decent sized population that vote consistently for the National Front and the Le Pen family, so they are by no means a nation of "wusses".

01-07-15, 23:53
This seems to parallel the other current ongoing thread.