View Full Version : Activist critical of police undergoes use of force scenarios.

01-08-15, 10:03
Activist critical of police undergoes use of force scenarios. I will give the activist protester credit for doing it, and as expected, his attitude changes quickly. I'd say he actually shot the very large man approaching faster than many an LEO would. Will reverend Al et al try it? Of course not. Everyone should see this. Comes has no surprise to me as I have done it.


01-08-15, 10:14
Good for him, and the S.O. for inviting him.

01-08-15, 11:29
I had the same realization as the Reverend when I joined Law Enforcement. Battles against the police are fought in court, not the streets.

01-08-15, 12:02
Sell out uncle tom trying to talk educated no heart no soul fake brother.

01-08-15, 17:47
Sell out uncle tom trying to talk educated no heart no soul fake brother.


01-08-15, 17:58

I highly doubt it....i sense sarcasm..

Mauser KAR98K
01-08-15, 19:03

Might want recalibrate your sarcasm meter.

01-08-15, 19:31
Not so easy once you are holding the stick, is it?

Savior 6
01-08-15, 19:59
That's outstanding!
Getting a view from another standpoint. I'm reminded of Piazza from Front Sight granting interviews only to reporters willing to take his SMG class. Showing nay sayers the realities of the firearms world is key to removing the ingnorance. Most anti-gun people seem to have some preconcieved notion that gun people are looking for any reason to pick up a gun and rapidly fire in all directions. Even telling anti-gunners the four universal gun safety rules can help aleviate the idea that gun people run around all day with their fingers on the trigger.

01-08-15, 20:05
The Reality is the race baiters like Sharpton, Farrakhan and Jackson don't care about the facts, they only wish to devied the races for political power.

01-08-15, 21:19
Excellent. I respect the Rev. for his integrity and being open minded on camera.

This was a victory for the Sheriff's office and all local LEO. All involved deserve an atta-boy and a bonus.

01-08-15, 22:21
Agreed, Hats off to the Rev. Not many would have made those (on air) statements admitting that your previous assertions (which fueled the anger of an entire community) were based more on emotion than experience or understanding.

Classy move on Maricopa's part. Well planned scenarios.


El Vaquero
01-08-15, 22:30
Why didn't he shoot em in the leg??!! He didn't have to kill him!! **sarcasm**

01-08-15, 23:08

Huge help!

01-09-15, 01:07
Agreed, Hats off to the Rev. Not many would have made those (on air) statements admitting that your previous assertions (which fueled the anger of an entire community) were based more on emotion than experience or understanding.

Classy move on Maricopa's part. Well planned scenarios.


Problem is 75% of the people with issues had race based objections that can never be overcome by anything because at the end of the day it is a race issue. This is why we don't know the names of any black people killed by black people in the last month. The few who can be brought up to speed are just as easily dismissed as sellouts.

01-09-15, 04:22
This guy is a tool. He recent held a protest of one of our shootings by marching the victims casket through downtown Phoenix. Officers responded to this ladies apartment for mental health reasons at request of her family. Lady charges officers swinging a claw hammer outside the apartment and she is shot and killed. Every witness on the news stated the officer were in danger and the shooting was justified.


01-10-15, 00:56
To make the simulations totally legit, I think they should be based on real encounters, preferably ones that were dash/body camera captured. Why? The scenario where the two guys are fighting and the guy charges the cop is a little too over the top. Can it happen; sure- but it seems a bit odd, sort of designed to get the guy shot. If you have real world encounters, you take away that kind of issue. The one where the guy goes around the back of the car and shoots surprised the crap out of them. Have them run a pseudo traffic stop twenty times, and have the guy only pull a gun once...

01-10-15, 07:52
To make the simulations totally legit, I think they should be based on real encounters, preferably ones that were dash/body camera captured. Why? The scenario where the two guys are fighting and the guy charges the cop is a little too over the top. Can it happen; sure- but it seems a bit odd, sort of designed to get the guy shot. If you have real world encounters, you take away that kind of issue. The one where the guy goes around the back of the car and shoots surprised the crap out of them. Have them run a pseudo traffic stop twenty times, and have the guy only pull a gun once...

Actual it is not that odd trust me if it makes sense it rarely happens. Shit some place you try that by yourself a crowd will surround you and you will get beat down by random fist.

01-10-15, 08:15
Your right, the one aggressor charging the police is odd. Usually both start hitting you if you try to intervene. (women are the worst for it by the way) Rookies learn that real quick. David

To make the simulations totally legit, I think they should be based on real encounters, preferably ones that were dash/body camera captured. Why? The scenario where the two guys are fighting and the guy charges the cop is a little too over the top. Can it happen; sure- but it seems a bit odd, sort of designed to get the guy shot. If you have real world encounters, you take away that kind of issue. The one where the guy goes around the back of the car and shoots surprised the crap out of them. Have them run a pseudo traffic stop twenty times, and have the guy only pull a gun once...

01-10-15, 09:21
I give the Rev. Much respect for going through the training. I bet it is a life lesson he never forgets. It is easy to stand on the sidelines and criticize without ever seeing the other sides perspective.

Getting perspective changes everything, in most cases and applies to most things in life, not just this specific instance. Very few things are black and white.

01-10-15, 09:32
I give the Rev. Much respect for going through the training. I bet it is a life lesson he never forgets. It is easy to stand on the sidelines and criticize without ever seeing the other sides perspective.

Getting perspective changes everything, in most cases and applies to most things in life, not just this specific instance. Very few things are black and white.

I would say yes, until he started back tracking on Twitter. Still trying to appease the FSA.