View Full Version : Girl shoots brother with parents' gun

01-09-15, 20:40

While technically not a self-defense situation at that point... I hope the jury chooses not to convict her.

Because... what the hell.

Authorities say a 15-year-old girl who was repeatedly locked in her room with just a blanket and a bucket fatally shot her 16-year-old brother this week in White Springs, Fla.

Police say the 16-year-old boy locked his sister in her room on Monday while their parents were out of town. After he fell asleep, the 15-year-old allegedly talked her 11-year-old sister into unlocking the door.

Police say the teen girl then broke into her parents' room through a window and used their pistol to fatally shoot her brother.

The teen girl had endured years of abuse, police say. According to police documents, their mother reported that they often locked their 15-year-old in her room, and their father said they had done so for up to 20 days straight. The room that they kept her in contained a blanket and a bucket filled with urine, police reported.

In 2010, the teen girl's uncle was convicted of molesting her. Then, in 2011, the girl's mother reportedly caught the siblings having sex. The teen girl had also tried to commit suicide in the past, but it was not reported to authorities.

Prosecutors are mulling whether to charge the 15-year-old girl and her 11-year-old sister as adults. Their parents also face child neglect charges.

01-09-15, 21:01
saweet jebus....wow. Im guessing this took place in a trailer?

01-09-15, 21:09
saweet jebus....wow. Im guessing this took place in a trailer?


More details, give or take in that link.

"a small white house off a dirt road in rural north Florida"

01-09-15, 21:19
Bad news. Too much bad news lately. Very sorry to hear.

01-09-15, 21:50
This is just crazy. What is up with people now days.

01-09-15, 22:04
Some unlucky chap will eventually marry this girl and wonder why she is batshit crazy.

01-10-15, 00:35
This is just crazy. What is up with people now days.

This crap is hardly new...what baffles me is that it still happens. Given what that girl was put through, in her mind this was probably the most reasonable and normal response. Any 16 year old male that willingly has sex with and then locks up his sister and forgets about it, especially one who has been abused in the past, well...we probably didn't miss out on much getting to see the grown up version of that individual.

And why exactly are they charging the 11 year old sister? Because she unlocked the door? And the parents are being charged with neglect ONLY?!?

01-10-15, 01:07
This story makes me wonder if we are getting the full and true set of events in this family. Either that or Florida Family Court in that county buried its head in the sand. One or the other.

Last I read they were trying to decide whether or not to certify both the 11 year old and the 15 year old to stand trial as adults. That would suggest that the 11 year old was more involved than just letting her sister out of the room. It would suggest conspiring and possibly aiding and abetting.

01-10-15, 01:51
Why does the fact that this took place in Florida not surprise me?

Mauser KAR98K
01-10-15, 07:11
Something tells me that if the girl hadn't blown away her sick brother, this would have kept going even if the "authorities" had gotten further involved.

Her attorney should honestlyhave a slam dunk case. 11 year old probably feared she would be next.

DA doesn't have their priorities straight in the terms of justice.

01-10-15, 08:45
The down side is She didn't get to shoot Mom and Dad.

01-10-15, 09:24
Carcosa. That's sad, prayers sent for her.
Oh, and as a good citizen, I volunteer to place .22lr in the pelvis of mom, dad, and uncle pederass.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

01-10-15, 09:44
Glad the 16yr old brother is Dead.... sadly, the Parents should be too.

Hope she walks free and is able to get the help she needs.

01-10-15, 10:24
Some people just don't deserve to have kids in the first place. What a sick and twisted mess. That boy was on his way to grow up to become more of a nutjob and do more harm. Way to go parents.

01-10-15, 10:33
Assuming that the parents admission of locking up the girl were after the shooting and not before: other wise this country is more FUBAR than I thought.

The girl is abused for years by the parents, uncle and brother. She finds a way to protect herself and the criminal "justice" system is considering charges?? I certainly hope there is a LOT of missing information. If not then I see no reason why a slave shouldn't be able to face shoot her abusers at any opportunity.

01-10-15, 10:45
Plus the girl had already attempted suicide? Still getting locked up like an animal? Had every right to shoot everyone involved had they been around, luckily she didn't turn the gun on herself or sister given that kind of history, hope she gets help but you can't completely heal those kinds of scars.