View Full Version : Old Russian recruitment/training video

01-11-15, 21:10
Found this on Youtube just now. Looks like an old USSR recruitment video. Pretty cheesy and grainy but fun to breeze thru for purely comedy purposes.


01-11-15, 21:42
love watching there training stuff :)

part gymnast part solider part stuntman %100 Russian :) and why I want to go there and absorb the culture sometime I think there driving videos are great also :)

01-11-15, 21:51
part solider part stuntman %100 Russian


01-11-15, 22:29
yeah remember that when it was posted :) hahahaha for sure a Russian thing I guess :)


Heavy Metal
01-11-15, 23:56
Rewind it.

Alex V
01-12-15, 06:36
Not a recruitment video since military service was compulsory for all men in the USSR. No need to advertise something that you have to do lol. I have not watched the whole 50min video but 5min in it seems like an informational video for the populous explaining the types of training for "special forces" units.