View Full Version : Muslim Leaders to Hold ‘Stand with the Prophet’ Rally in Texas

01-13-15, 08:18

Son of a bitch, right here in my back yard.

Muslim leaders from across America will gather in Texas this weekend to hold the annual Stand With the Prophet in Honor and Respect conference, a weekend forum that is being billed as a “movement to defend Prophet Muhammad, his person, and his message,” according to event information.

Organizers of the event place the blame for Islam’s bad reputation on the media and so-called American Islamophobes who have “invested at least $160 million dollars to attack our Prophet and Islam,” according to the conference web page.

Keynote speakers at the event will include Georgetown University professor John Esposito, founding director of the school’s Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding, which has come under fire for, among other things, hosting 9/11 Truthers and a member of Egypt’s Nazi Party.

Also scheduled to attend the forum is controversial New York-based Imam Siraj Wahhaj, who was an “unindicted co-conspirator” in the 1993 World Trade Center bombings trial. Wahhaj has called the FBI and CIA the “real terrorists” and expressed a desire for all Americans to become Muslim, according to the New York Post.

01-13-15, 08:32

01-13-15, 08:32
I'm sure we will be paying the bill for their security there too.
The odd thing about this sis they are almost taunting someone to make a bad move on them, asking to be hit, wanting the 15 minutes on TV.
I hope everyone ignores them.

01-13-15, 09:14
I have no problem with this. This activity is protected speech.

Thank you. I had no idea but your comment is most helpful.

Protected speech? Of course, but that doesn't mean that I have to like the fact that a bunch of dirt bags will be spewing feces out of their mouth in a nice little get together not all that far from me. The same goes for people like the Westbero tards.

01-13-15, 09:21
I'm sure POTUS will send more admin officials then he sent to France

01-13-15, 09:25

01-13-15, 09:37
Peaceful display of freedom of speech?

Sounds like a well adjusted member of society.

01-13-15, 10:06
I'm thinking of marketing some "Je Suis Charles Martel" with "It's Hammer Time" printed on the back.
Just pull up across the street and sell them by the gross.
Just another Peaceful display of the Freedom of Speech,............

but I would imagine those folks waiting for free Community College might miss the joke.

01-13-15, 10:11

01-13-15, 10:16
the school’s Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding

It's funny that they have things like this. Muslim-Christian Understanding. I've had dialogs with enough Muslims to know that there is a huge divide that will never be filled or compromised upon between practicing Christians and practicing Muslims. Muslims with whom I've spoken will often try to give me the idea that we have basically the same beliefs by insisting just how high in regard Muslims hold Jesus. They will say how they accept that He was born of a virgin, He a miracle worker and a great prophet and how they share our belief that He will come again at the end of this age. They then insist that if Christians just came to accept that Mohammad was also a prophet, we would all be on the same page. They also claim that the Bible is inspired by God.

The problem is, that shows just how little they understand Christianity. We Christians believe that Jesus is the Son of God, not a mortal prophet. We believe that He died on the cross whereas the Muslims insist that God would never let such a thing happen to one of His prophets. Also, Christians believe that Jesus will return to rule. The Muslims insist He will return to correct all the Christians in their erroneous belief that He is the Son of God and tell them to follow the teachings of Mohammad, who is greater than Him. Also, while they claim the Bible is inspired by God and true, they also add the caveat that has been corrupted and the Quran offers the corrections. Finally, they'll insist that Christianity as we believe it was true for its time, so we're technically not holding a false belief. It's just that Islam superseded and replaced Christianity and we need to get with the program.

I'm sorry, but though Christianity and Islam have some shared roots, there will never be an understanding on foundational principals. The best we can do is agree to disagree.

01-13-15, 10:20
I'm thinking of marketing some "Je Suis Charles Martel" with "It's Hammer Time" printed on the back.
Just pull up across the street and sell them by the gross.
Just another Peaceful display of the Freedom of Speech,............

but I would imagine those folks waiting for free Community College might miss the joke.

Lol. I like. I'd buy one. Tgen again i actually know who Martel was....

01-13-15, 10:22

01-13-15, 10:38
You're most welcome. I love the first amendment to the U.S. Constitution and the protections it affords. Unfortunately, like most other rights, it has been watered-down and violated.

I am sorry their speech offends you.

reply removed due to misunderstanding.

01-13-15, 10:46

01-13-15, 11:42
I removed my reply. My apologies.

01-13-15, 11:48

01-13-15, 12:23
It's funny that they have things like this. Muslim-Christian Understanding. I've had dialogs with enough Muslims to know that there is a huge divide that will never be filled or compromised upon between practicing Christians and practicing Muslims. Muslims with whom I've spoken will often try to give me the idea that we have basically the same beliefs by insisting just how high in regard Muslims hold Jesus. They will say how they accept that He was born of a virgin, He a miracle worker and a great prophet and how they share our belief that He will come again at the end of this age. They then insist that if Christians just came to accept that Mohammad was also a prophet, we would all be on the same page. They also claim that the Bible is inspired by God.

The problem is, that shows just how little they understand Christianity. We Christians believe that Jesus is the Son of God, not a mortal prophet. We believe that He died on the cross whereas the Muslims insist that God would never let such a thing happen to one of His prophets. Also, Christians believe that Jesus will return to rule. The Muslims insist He will return to correct all the Christians in their erroneous belief that He is the Son of God and tell them to follow the teachings of Mohammad, who is greater than Him. Also, while they claim the Bible is inspired by God and true, they also add the caveat that has been corrupted and the Quran offers the corrections. Finally, they'll insist that Christianity as we believe it was true for its time, so we're technically not holding a false belief. It's just that Islam superseded and replaced Christianity and we need to get with the program.

I'm sorry, but though Christianity and Islam have some shared roots, there will never be an understanding on foundational principals. The best we can do is agree to disagree.

Yup. Not anywhere even close to the same. Hard to say it's all the same when it is believed Jesus, Christian's Lord and savior, will be at Mohammed's right hand to slaughter the Christian infidels, opponents of Islam in the end of days.

What gets me with all of this pathetic whining is how deflecting it is. The media and islamophobia are the problem, they say, disseminating negativity about the prophet and Islam. NO fool! The freaking jihadis chopping heads off and murdering cartoonist and Jews are the problem. Rather than clean their own house of jihadism they just continue whining to the people getting there heads severed that they are biased, all the while enjoying the protections of our free society. Clean your own house, so called Muslim moderates! Then talk to the west about islamophobia and bias.

Oh and another thing, welcome to the secular age, pansies. I garuntee more money has been spent on scholarship, media, history channel documentaries, etc. that seek to disprove, discredit and spead outright lies and slander about the Bible and Chist Jesus than has ever or will ever be spent in the west on bias against Islam. What a joke! But the left eats it up, and that is their play. This is conquering via political expediency.

01-13-15, 13:27
I have no problem with this. This activity is protected speech.

So are Klan rallies, doesn't mean I have to like them.

01-13-15, 13:29

01-13-15, 13:34
I have no respect for zealots on either side, but on saying that, just how many radical Christians and Jews behead their enemies or strap on a bomb and get on a Bus?
The problem with Islam is they refuse to address the radicals. I would think the House of Saud should stand up and take action to stop the radicals, or at least address the issues. They are the keepers of Mecca and Medina and hold the role of the protectors of Islam.
I have no Islamaphobia, but I also have no respect for those who wont get off their collective butts to fix their problem that for the most part they created and sat back and watched spin out of control.
The time will come to fix the issue, they have had the chance to take a stand.

01-13-15, 14:05
I think you need to truly talk to more then and you will realize to them the radicals are just doing stuff they wont but they are not against it deep down

when really pressed most do feel if you do not convert or are a Christian well yeah you should be killed or forced into slavery and well that is what the future holds for you

I have no respect for zealots on either side, but on saying that, just how many radical Christians and Jews behead their enemies or strap on a bomb and get on a Bus?
The problem with Islam is they refuse to address the radicals. I would think the House of Saud should stand up and take action to stop the radicals, or at least address the issues. They are the keepers of Mecca and Medina and hold the role of the protectors of Islam.
I have no Islamaphobia, but I also have no respect for those who wont get off their collective butts to fix their problem that for the most part they created and sat back and watched spin out of control.
The time will come to fix the issue, they have had the chance to take a stand.

01-13-15, 14:09
I have no respect for zealots on either side, but on saying that, just how many radical Christians and Jews behead their enemies or strap on a bomb and get on a Bus?

In Ireland there's a group that has many fans,
They kill and are violent, they're called blacks and tans
They don't face Mecca, and many are priests
On Christmas is the day, all of them feast.
Along the same lines, they ones that they fight
Also kill kids, and rape through the night.
I know the Troubles are not very old,
But to pretend Christians are peaceful is so very bold.

01-13-15, 14:11
These people are just looking for some free press. Same crap just a different day. They are putting it out there in hopes people will protest and such. Then they can do the whole poor me crap. F@#$ them.

The part the really makes me mad if the "islamphobic" crap. Really? Since when can I not lime something and that means I am afraid of it. I HATE peas but in no way am I afraid of them.....like I am secretly afraid that in my sleep peas are going to come and lodge themselves in my nose? These people are you stupid and trying to push their fellings of inadequacies on to others.

01-13-15, 14:13
These people are just looking for some free press. Same crap just a different day. They are putting it out there in hopes people will protest and such. Then they can do the whole poor me crap. F@#$ them.

The part the really makes me mad if the "islamphobic" crap. Really? Since when can I not lime something and that means I am afraid of it. I HATE peas but in no way am I afraid of them.....like I am secretly afraid that in my sleep peas are going to come and lodge themselves in my nose? These people are you stupid and trying to push their fellings of inadequacies on to others.

This is absolutely true,
Homophobia too.
The real threat to free speech comes from people like this.
Liberals and hippies, to disagree is racist.

01-13-15, 14:39
In Ireland there's a group that has many fans,
They kill and are violent, they're called blacks and tans
They don't face Mecca, and many are priests
On Christmas is the day, all of them feast.
Along the same lines, they ones that they fight
Also kill kids, and rape through the night.
I know the Troubles are not very old,
But to pretend Christians are peaceful is so very bold.

Let me know when Irish start killing people around the world and sawing heads off just for not believing in a free Ireland, unified Ireland, or whateverthe**** they wanted/want.

01-13-15, 14:42
I didn't say you have to...

Was just stating my position, wasn't really commenting on yours. I think we're on the same page.

01-13-15, 14:44
Liberals and hippies, to disagree is racist.

Which ironically is itself racist, often more racist than what they are attempting to criticize. But irony never stopped idiots.

01-13-15, 15:15
In Ireland there's a group that has many fans,
They kill and are violent, they're called blacks and tans
They don't face Mecca, and many are priests
On Christmas is the day, all of them feast.
Along the same lines, they ones that they fight
Also kill kids, and rape through the night.
I know the Troubles are not very old,
But to pretend Christians are peaceful is so very bold.

You are historically correct but ubiquitiuos condonation of aggressive, offensive, posturing, evangelisticly motivated violence while whining about bias and attempting to leverage victims status is not a phenomena present in today's Christendom. While one could also point to violence in Scripture as a point of comparison you will be even more hard pressed to find a Christian commentary that interprets such events and stories prescriptively. Unlike the large numbers of organized Islamic fascists in the world today. There is no real similarity of comparison speaking contemporarily.

01-13-15, 15:16
Let me know when Irish start killing people around the world and sawing heads off just for not believing in a free Ireland, unified Ireland, or whateverthe**** they wanted/want.

Little to do with religion, though it may have started that way, but most all of the above is true.
I never heard of one of those guys immigrating to Saudi Arabia and having fits about not getting his beer and sausage and deciding to take out a bus full of people who had little to do with that.

01-13-15, 15:21
In Ireland there's a group that has many fans,
They kill and are violent, they're called blacks and tans
They don't face Mecca, and many are priests
On Christmas is the day, all of them feast.
Along the same lines, they ones that they fight
Also kill kids, and rape through the night.
I know the Troubles are not very old,
But to pretend Christians are peaceful is so very bold.

Knock off the poetry shit, Dr. Seuss.

01-13-15, 19:19
You are historically correct but ubiquitiuos condonation of aggressive, offensive, posturing, evangelisticly motivated violence while whining about bias and attempting to leverage victims status is not a phenomena present in today's Christendom. While one could also point to violence in Scripture as a point of comparison you will be even more hard pressed to find a Christian commentary that interprets such events and stories prescriptively. Unlike the large numbers of organized Islamic fascists in the world today. There is no real similarity of comparison speaking contemporarily.

You are absolutely right,
The Muslims want to fight.
I'm not denying their mission
Because they aren't out fishin'
They want to kill the West
And think they are best.

But let's make sure we are clear,
That there is no better here
The historical clock just happens to chime,
On a peaceful Judeo-Christian time

Knock off the poetry shit, Dr. Seuss.

I'm just presenting facts,
Don't harass me like that.
You decision to comment
It's about made me vomit
I don't play around
I got the rhythm tight
I got the better sound.
I'll do it every night.
I've seen dudes like you
Ain't no clue what I've been through
Upset cuz I take the time
To prepare a rhyme.

01-13-15, 22:10
Knock off the poetry shit, Dr. Seuss.

Such profanity offends a mongoose!


01-13-15, 23:30

01-14-15, 03:24
You are absolutely right,
The Muslims want to fight.
I'm not denying their mission
Because they aren't out fishin'
They want to kill the West
And think they are best.

But let's make sure we are clear,
That there is no better here
The historical clock just happens to chime,
On a peaceful Judeo-Christian time

I'm just presenting facts,
Don't harass me like that.
You decision to comment
It's about made me vomit
I don't play around
I got the rhythm tight
I got the better sound.
I'll do it every night.
I've seen dudes like you
Ain't no clue what I've been through
Upset cuz I take the time
To prepare a rhyme.

Don't stop with the rhymes.

But needs more alliteration.

01-14-15, 04:48
Oh wow, you have my apologies.
I don't know why, I can't stop the symbologies.
Yesterday was wild and I had lots to drink
But now that Im sober, I still can't think.
Kind of amazed at the dudes getting mad
But ain't nothing they can say that'll make me sad!!

Ok, I'm done. Yesterday was interesting and I'd love to make a thread, but last time I did that SHIVAN came in and closed up shop.

Singlestack Wonder
01-14-15, 05:28
Time to get out the food vending trailers for the crowd that will feature pulled pork and ribs.....

Mauser KAR98K
01-14-15, 08:44
Will Westboro be there?

01-14-15, 21:30
I worry about a false flag operation, undertaken be extremists, in hopes of framing the West, and inflamming passions among the rest of the Islamic faith.

This event could be totally ignored by non Muslims, but if it LOOKS like an attack on Islam by non-believers...

01-14-15, 22:01
It's going to be in Garland. Have any of you folks ever met members of the Garland PD?

They tend not to take shit off anyone. If anyone does something stupid, they will get shut down quicker than you can say "Bad choice, bro."

01-14-15, 22:49
You have to ask Why Garland and why Texas?
Once you get that answer you have the reaction they want.

01-14-15, 22:49
You have to ask "Why Garland and why Texas?"
Once you get that answer you have the reaction they want.

01-15-15, 00:18
same reason they build mosques on top of Churches they destroy

hit smack dab center and then they will laugh at what they get away with and what this country has become on one half sadly

You have to ask "Why Garland and why Texas?"
Once you get that answer you have the reaction they want.