View Full Version : Copper prices collapse

01-14-15, 12:36
Probably wishful thinking, but any possible impact on ammo prices?:


01-14-15, 13:16
I wouldn't say a 25c drop is a collapse. 2.80 down to 2.55. Imo won't affect shit. If it dropped to 1.50 we might see something. The 25c drop is per oz so 4 bucks a lb.

01-14-15, 13:21
There goes my brass scrap value. :(

These things hardly impact ammo prices. I'm sure the major producers are hedged on their raw materials.

01-14-15, 14:32
I'm sure the major producers are hedged on their raw materials.

That they most definitely are. Short term - raw material prices going down will not affect anything at all. They are most definitely locked in at a certain price for this fiscal year already.

01-15-15, 09:14
A member here who does not have enough posts to post here sent me this in a PM. I think it was very interesting, and the link he provided gives some good info about the subject.

Hi Eurodriver - metals are something that I "do" for a living, so I was keen to see the thread started yesterday in which you responded. It's a highly complicated subject (metals prices, both short term and long term), and much of the popular print and video press usually get it only about 10-20% right, so most non-industry players have a hard time trying to parse what's going on.

There was a good piece in the Financial Times this morning, http://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/0/e356dbb2-9c00-11e4-a6b6-00144feabdc0.html#axzz3OtulAiuj , speculating on what was happening in the insider baseball world of Chinese hedge funds - this might provide some explanation, but who knows. There's also lots of news out this morning confirming that copper prices have already started to rebound from this unusual sharp drop. I don't have posting rights to General Discussion, so if you feel like it, you might want to pass some of this along in that thread.

Thanks (either way).

Best regards, - Hdog83

01-15-15, 09:16
Well I guess the copper thieves are going to have to up their game now.

01-15-15, 09:21
Well I guess the copper thieves are going to have to up their game now.

Sounds twisted maybe, but I've always enjoyed seeing the photos of the charred remains of people up on a pole trying to steal live transformers.

Darwin at his finest.