View Full Version : Why are people so quick to jump on PTSD as

01-18-15, 10:07
the root of some violent action?

(Just hearing some guys talk about the "PTSD maniac" that killed Kyle)

I am not talking about those people with a PTSD diagnosis for secondary gain. Those people with PTSD from watching ISR feeds and because a mortar hit their FOB a mile away doing it for some VA percentage can all go screw off.
Those doing it to be 100% disabled and can't work for 3K from the VA a month and 2.5K from SS never planning to work again in their life can also all go screw off. (I have been told guys that can't work due to PTSD get 100% disability at that amount and cannot get a job)

OK, for those with genuine PTSD that are having some sleep problems, moody relationship problems, anger issues at work, anxiety, etc. I get it. If you spent significant portions of your life getting shot at or having people bleed on you or seeing lots of dead people you used to be friends with-
your wife's panic over who is going to be ten minutes late for soccer practice and the 20th urgent email you got over some EO training you missed are just some annoying shit you might get irked about.

Now, with hundreds and hundreds of friends, colleagues, etc. known for years I have never know a violent, dangerous, homicidal PTSD maniac. Not one. And none have become 100% disabled for it and can't work.

And guess what, service members were doing dumb shit like getting DUIs, or getting drunk and punching some mouthy prick at a bar before they were combat vets. But now it is all PTSD.

But every time a veteran is in the media doing something violent, it is PTSD.

Even when someone is having hallucinations and is obviously a typical late adolescent/young adult onset of schizophrenia having psychotic symptoms- nope,

Guy is a thug involved with drugs and prostitutes and shoots someone-

etc. etc.

Does the media even f-ing try to do some research and put out accurate information? All I hear about the shit bag that murdered Kyle is he had PTSD. Yet when you read about his symptoms, there was way more going on than PTSD.

How about an article on missed diagnoses of severe mental disorders because people want to chalk it up to PTSD?

01-18-15, 11:36
It is part of the libtard agenda to discredit those that have served and are predominantly Conservative. It also make them feel better about themselves for not doing anything to support this Country. Their goal is to say that all the serve have PTSD so that way they can eliminate that section from society and therefore remove more competition.

It is also a way to try and remove firearms. The majority that serve have firearms. If all of them are "nuts" and crazy people are not allowed to have firearms then the segment of the population that they fear the most will be disarmed.

This is not some tin foil hat kind of stuff. The litards have come out and said it in not so many words.

It is also good media, "crazy PTSD VET shoots up the place with his evil Black Rifle". And we know which agenda the media follows.

That is why I have always laughed then I hear about Joe "working" the PTSD angle to get more VA benefits. Hell, I had a VA rep tell me that I should put that on my claim because of my MIL record....I was like WTF are you talking about? I don't have PTSD. Well you should from what you have done, so you might as well get the benefits form it..............Are you F!@#ing kidding me?

01-18-15, 12:25
Does the media even f-ing try to do some research and put out accurate information? All I hear about the shit bag that murdered Kyle is he had PTSD. Yet when you read about his symptoms, there was way more going on than PTSD.

How about an article on missed diagnoses of severe mental disorders because people want to chalk it up to PTSD?
My wife and I were talking about this a couple of nights ago, she is a mental health tech in the USAF reserves. Without seeing his whole background it's speculation, but she said it's not unusual for someone to be schizophrenic, and not show up in their psych evaluations when they first enter the service, as it often begins to manifest in a person's 20s. Routh was about the right age for it to manifest, which could have complicated things if he did indeed suffer from PTSD as well. That's not to say schizophrenics are inherently violent, either, but delusions and hallucinations can be some of the symptoms. That's another disorder that is way more complex than the media would portray as well. Facts don't sell copy and ad time like sensationalism, sadly.

My dad has PTSD, full disability from the VA. (Vietnam era veteran.) He's not a violent man by any means, but there were times we had worried that he might harm himself before he finally got officially diagnosed and treated. (So much so that my mom had me take all of his firearms in to my possession.) It's a shame that there are people who will play that card to take advantage of the system when there are people who really do suffer from it. I can tell you the old man did not take being told he could no longer work very well.

01-18-15, 14:01
I have to totally agree with Doc Sherm on this.
It's and agenda these folks have and as much as the "Support the Troops" they really don't want to have any contact with them when they come back.
They learned a lot about what they failed in doing in the 60's and 70's, now the game for them has changed.
Seen a Liberal trying to make the VA better lately?
That's your answer...

01-18-15, 15:52
The scary thing is, about 95% of Americans, including supposedly educated people, form all their opinions on information from fictional entertainment. With PTSD, most of what people think they know about it they learned from First Blood. PTSD, in reality, can make people distant, panicky, depressed, and unable to relax. What it doesn't do is turn people into psycho killers. The public's perception of PTSD is more of a combination of antisocial personality disorder and multiple personalities: When you set off a combat vet, his other personality, his inner Hannibal Lecter, comes out and stays out.

But that's an inconvenient truth to the left. They want us to believe that the millions of combat veterans are the greatest threat to public safety in the U.S. Forget drug cartels, forget ISIS, we have a bunch of well trained killers who are a balloon popping away from slaughtering an entire town. The only way we can deal with these people is: 1) Disarm them, 2) Dispose of them.

01-18-15, 16:45
The scary thing is, about 95% of Americans, including supposedly educated people, form all their opinions on information from fictional entertainment. With PTSD, most of what people think they know about it they learned from First Blood. PTSD, in reality, can make people distant, panicky, depressed, and unable to relax. What it doesn't do is turn people into psycho killers. The public's perception of PTSD is more of a combination of antisocial personality disorder and multiple personalities: When you set off a combat vet, his other personality, his inner Hannibal Lecter, comes out and stays out.

But that's an inconvenient truth to the left. They want us to believe that the millions of combat veterans are the greatest threat to public safety in the U.S. Forget drug cartels, forget ISIS, we have a bunch of well trained killers who are a balloon popping away from slaughtering an entire town. The only way we can deal with these people is: 1) Disarm them, 2) Dispose of them.

Just saved me some typing.

01-18-15, 19:25
Because it fits an agenda they support. It's as simple as that. They can get $$ for their little empires and they can get political leverage.

Mauser KAR98K
01-18-15, 20:47
Meanwhile the people who suffer from it are not getting the help they need. Furthermore, we are not looking for ways to better treat it, or identify it better.

Indtead, returning vets are either gaming the system as others have noted for theor bennifit, or sadly vets will not seek treatment because of the stigma that has been placed on them and are afraid they will loose their rights.

The libs are redoing vietnam all over again against our vets, but on a very sadistic way.