View Full Version : Michael Moore: Snipers aren't heroes

Amp Mangum
01-19-15, 08:16
Is it a coincidence that uber-liberal movie director Michael Moore posted a comment on social media calling snipers “cowards” on the same weekend “American Sniper” dominated ticket sales at movie theaters, breaking several box office records?


01-19-15, 08:24
He probably just watched the movie.

01-19-15, 08:26
Who cares what that lump says about anything? If his Uncle was actually in WW2 I bet he is quite proud of his lib-lump Nephew.

01-19-15, 08:37
How has this fat fcuk not died of a heart attack yet. I think quest is to make the general public stupider.

Amp Mangum
01-19-15, 08:41
Seth Rogen: ‘American Sniper’ Like Fake Nazi Propaganda Film


01-19-15, 08:53
And if the movie would have come with gravey and a side of mashed potatoes and a dozen dinner rolls these two would have loved it.

01-19-15, 10:04
Who cares what that lump says about anything? If his Uncle was actually in WW2 I bet he is quite proud of his lib-lump Nephew.

How has this fat fcuk not died of a heart attack yet. I think quest is to make the general public stupider.

I am shocked that (a) he is still alive, (b) anyone cares.

I, like many others, sat in a theatre stunned into silence by the contents of that movie. Given that many in theatre were members of the newly degenerate class of skinny jean, flannel, bearded liberal types, I thought it was pretty shocking.

People like Michael Moore will always hate people that actually go out and fight evil, rather than complaining about people who make money, in order to make money, all from behind the safety of a camera while scarfing down another 10,000 calories on their journey to self inflicted mortality by obesity.

People pick their own heroes, if I hear someone quoting michael moore as if it is of some importance, I can pretty much decline to waste another second of my auditory perception on that individual and direct my attention elsewhere.

Doc Safari
01-19-15, 10:23
My hope is that Michael Moore will take a canoe trip through rugged country and end up being buggered by a bunch of inbred mountain people.

I'm hearin' the banjos...

01-19-15, 10:27
Holy crap, Michael Moore is still alive!!... Yup I still don't give two sh!ts about him.

01-19-15, 10:47
He's just another repellent liberal with nothing worthy to say...ignore him.

01-19-15, 11:01
I'm curious how M.M. got the news of how his Uncle died?
Just thinking a lot of folks lost Family, but not many were told the exact cause of death. I'm thinking he just needed some attention and wanted to spout some more anti American stuff as soon as someone made a great movie.

01-19-15, 11:04
Well I would say a lot of people disagree with the fat ****.


Weekend Report: 'Sniper' Sets January Record with Stunning $90 Million Debut

01-19-15, 11:16
Seth Rogen: ‘American Sniper’ Like Fake Nazi Propaganda Film


He is just pissed that American Sniper pulled in more in the first showing then his did total.

Doc Safari
01-19-15, 11:23
Well I would say a lot of people disagree with the fat ****.


My girlfriend and I saw Sniper last night. We got there an hour early to get our tickets and there was already a line. I asked if there were still good seats available and the ticket girl said there were, but that the show was expected to sell out. By the time the movie started I don't think there were more than a handful of empty seats in the theater.

I later found out some other friends of ours had tried to get in Saturday night and were told their showing sold out the day before!

I'm not surprised it's the number one movie.

01-19-15, 12:42
A struggle to stay relevant by someone campaigning to become bomb-thrower-in-chief.

01-19-15, 12:52
Maybe he needs to go do a documentary on ISIS in Iraq to show us stupid Americans how they are not the enemy and then get captured and beheaded.....
I have no use for the fat F***!

01-19-15, 13:42
Maybe he needs to go do a documentary on ISIS in Iraq to show us stupid Americans how they are not the enemy and then get captured and beheaded.....
I have no use for the fat F***!

I might even donate for that, :cool:

01-19-15, 13:58
...why is there a thread on here about some fat stoner's opinion about something he doesn't understand?

01-19-15, 13:59
Someone afraid of a treadmill has ZERO right to call a SEAL a coward. :mad:

01-19-15, 14:07
Someone afraid of a treadmill has ZERO right to call a SEAL a coward. :mad:

Dude, I'm no where near that fat and I'm scared shitless of treadmills! As are most human beings, regardless of fitness level.


01-19-15, 14:08
Michael Moore:

Snipers are cowards because they often engage multiple armed and hostile targets by themselves.

Islamic radicals are heroes because they storm into magazine offices and shoot unarmed employees.

01-19-15, 14:17
So what does MM think of Ozero then?? How much more "cowardly" can you get than droning a target?

MM is a deuche and I hope I'm on the jury for the SEAL or other sniper that beats him to a bloody mess.

01-19-15, 14:19
Michael Moore, the Fat Glot? As in Micheal Mooreglot? Mein Glot, is he ever a flaming liberal! This has glotten out of hand, the glotonous shapeless putrid ooze continues to absorb common sense and exude Moore stupidity as it alters reality to one Moore suitable to it's simple needs and appetites- where the Moore one bleats piteously, the Moore likely one is to get a diaper change and bottle with a free cell phone, resentful that the one who dies with Moore blankies than anyone else still takes a dirt nap.

The mooreglot feeds off the dumbfounded looks received as it's insipid assertions grow Moore asinine. Reality is further warped as it's altered by the mooreglot, to fit the Moore ridiculous version of a world where Emperor ObaMao is actually wearing clothes and Knows What's Best.

If all this seems like nonsense, just give in to the seductive voice whispering "All you have to do is dial Fahrenheit-911. Everything will be made known to you"

01-19-15, 14:30
Michael moore..... forgot about that ay hole.

He's just mad because he isn't relevant, at all.

01-19-15, 15:21
Seth Rogen: ‘American Sniper’ Like Fake Nazi Propaganda Film


Fu*k him too. He's not funny.

01-19-15, 15:29
Michael Moore think suicide bombers are the real heroes. Up close and personal blowing children to bits in the name of Islam. MM is a true liberal. But then again he makes his money off the backs of others painful tragedies.

And Seth Rogan is typecast as a bumbling idiot in every film. And even in the name of celebrating the Constitutional win I couldn't get myself to see his garbage about the DPRK. I'm guessing he plays an immature moron. Anyone care to correct me?

Amp Mangum
01-19-15, 15:53
Moore says his sniper tweets, in which he wrote "snipers aren't heroes," was made in reference to Martin Luther King, Jr., a celebrated civil rights activist assassinated by a long-distance gun shot from James Earl Ray on April 4, 1968.

"I think most Americans don't think snipers are heroes," Moore said. "Hopefully not on this weekend when we remember that man in Memphis, Tennessee, who was killed by a sniper's bullet."


Doc Safari
01-19-15, 15:59
"I think most Americans don't think snipers are heroes," Moore said.

The only type of hero Michael Moore would recognize is the sandwich kind.

01-19-15, 16:02
Michael Moore, the Fat Glot? As in Micheal Mooreglot? Mein Glot, is he ever a flaming liberal! This has glotten out of hand, the glotonous shapeless putrid ooze continues to absorb common sense and exude Moore stupidity as it alters reality to one Moore suitable to it's simple needs and appetites- where the Moore one bleats piteously, the Moore likely one is to get a diaper change and bottle with a free cell phone, resentful that the one who dies with Moore blankies than anyone else still takes a dirt nap.

The mooreglot feeds off the dumbfounded looks received as it's insipid assertions grow Moore asinine. Reality is further warped as it's altered by the mooreglot, to fit the Moore ridiculous version of a world where Emperor ObaMao is actually wearing clothes and Knows What's Best.

If all this seems like nonsense, just give in to the seductive voice whispering "All you have to do is dial Fahrenheit-911. Everything will be made known to you"

This is good stuff right here.

Reminds me of Moore in Team America movie.

01-19-15, 16:20
If he was threatened by some mad individual with a knife to his throat, who could only be saved by an FBI sniper.

Think he'd change his mind about snipers or simply tell the killer, please kill me as I'm against snipers and their actions?

01-19-15, 16:22
Fu*k him too. He's not funny.

He should take his fat ass back to Canada. I can't stand that f***er.

01-19-15, 16:24
This is good stuff right here.

Reminds me of Moore in Team America movie.
Like the Film Actors Guild.....lol... love that movie.

01-19-15, 16:44
It's possible he was referring to the MLKjr assassination, seeing as it was MLK weekend.

Edit: oh he literally said he was. He apparently is praising American Sniper, but isn't mentioning the real life Chris Kyle at all.

His comments are still ridiculous. America was born in the death throes of gentlemanly warfare, you could even say it sped it's demise. For a long time now, war has been about winning at almost all costs. Are pilots cowards because they drop bombs? What about artillery? Tankers? Hell, are infantry that use nvgs at night cowards?

01-19-15, 17:24
If he was threatened by some mad individual with a knife to his throat,
How the F big is that knife?
F that piece of whale crap and the pot head too. I wouldn't waste a dime on a movie from either of them. They are free to consume glutinous amounts of food and be able to spew their leftist propaganda because of real men like Chris Kyle.

01-19-15, 17:35
It amazes me how people refuse to feed the trolls that post on message board, but do so when they are rich and famous.

Threads like this are exactly what MM wanted when he wrote that.

01-19-15, 17:44
For more on Michael Moore, see Team America.

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk

01-19-15, 18:51
who's Michael Moore?

01-19-15, 19:21
I don't get why the media is giving his opinion so much attention when he has a proven track record of being a constant thorn in everybody's side

01-19-15, 20:35
Did anyone really expect a huge soft ball of fat, who has never had to fight for anything a day in his life, to really have a different opinion?

01-19-15, 21:13
It's possible he was referring to the MLKjr assassination, seeing as it was MLK weekend.

Edit: oh he literally said he was. He apparently is praising American Sniper, but isn't mentioning the real life Chris Kyle at all.

His comments are still ridiculous. America was born in the death throes of gentlemanly warfare, you could even say it sped it's demise. For a long time now, war has been about winning at almost all costs. Are pilots cowards because they drop bombs? What about artillery? Tankers? Hell, are infantry that use nvgs at night cowards?

If he was referring to the MLK assassination then what does "invaders r worse" mean?

01-19-15, 22:49
Like the Film Actors Guild.....lol... love that movie.

Surprise cockf*gs !

01-20-15, 03:48
who's Michael Moore?

Rosie O'Donnell's genitalia . . .

Amp Mangum
01-20-15, 09:02
Former Navy SEAL: Michael Moore Career ‘a Really Good Confirmed Kill’


01-20-15, 12:30
Michael Moore is a s#!tstain on the a$$ of America. Why anyone would care what he thinks about anything is beyond me.

01-20-15, 19:13
Dakota Meyer fires back at the tub of lard Michael Moore.

Scout.com - College and High School Football, Basketball, Recruiting, NFL, and MLB Front Page (http://www.scout.com/story/1503741-dakota-meyer-blasts-moore-s-coward-remarks?s=143)

01-20-15, 23:53
If Michael Moore burst into flames, I would break out a bag of marshmallows.

Michael Moore is running his mouth, so he can get attention. He is getting the attention he wants.

01-21-15, 06:53
Michael Moore is running his mouth, so he can get attention. He is getting the attention he wants.

Yep. He's so irrelevant and he knows it...

Amp Mangum
01-24-15, 09:00