View Full Version : Civilian Warriors: The Inside Story of Blackwater by Erik Prince

01-19-15, 09:15
So, I've had my eye on this book since it came out, and right around Christmas time, since I was getting some junk from Amazon, I picked it up. I got a used copy (very good) for about $8. The book was just as described.

I've always had a fascination with Blackwater, I remember watching an episode on an outdoor channel of a Blackwater 3 gun?, many many moons ago when the range was just a path in the swamp. I'm not sure if my critique of the book will come across as a "review"?

That said, going in I never accepted the argument that PMC's were "mercenaries", I guess that's due to my time in the Army, and in Afghanistan, and ya I'm a fan as well.

The book gives a great amount of insight into Prince's childhood and his family growing up. The book then moves on to describe the "genesis" of Blackwater, the inspiration and the people who helped him found it. There is no doubt that Prince was in the "right place at the right time" when he started his company. He is a shrewd business man and his
time in the "teams" and his connection to certain people definitely made a difference in the success of his company. We can't overlook the fact that his father build quite an empire before his death, and that enabled Prince to act on his business plan. It is obvious though that his work ethic and his drive made Blackwater the success it was.

The book also describes the "deconstruction" as well. It was disappointing to see the Dept of State turn on itself and the company, along with all the politics of the Nisour square and Fallujah incidents, never mind the gaggle of "bottom feeding" lawyers that go after a successful company just for the money.

The book talks a bit about some of Prince's ideas like privatizing the Fire Dept? and he envisioned Blackwater taking over some roles that the UN provides. There are no world domination theories or of Prince's desire to create his own Army.

He built quite a company that operated with thousands of PMC's , seventy aircraft and revues in the billions.

Overall a good read. Thanks for coming out. Cheers


01-19-15, 09:34
Thanks for the recommendation. I have been in the mood for a good read.

Blackwater has always been a topic of interest for me.

01-19-15, 15:57
I got the book when it first came out. It is a good read and the fact that the State Department turned on them isn't any real surprise. That is typical Government 101 put the blame on someone else and the deny till you die.

02-13-15, 16:34
This was a good recommendation. It was interesting to learn about Blackwater and the history of private military contractors. I was unaware that they have played such a large part in our nations history.

02-13-15, 21:35
Related, is the documentary "shadow company" accurate?