View Full Version : Olympia, WA Open Carry Rally Backfires

El Cid
01-19-15, 19:04
Okay... I get the open carry thing. I don't agree with it for tactical reasons, but I get the purpose. But please get some chaperones for these events! It seems there are always a couple in the crowd who think it's appropriate to have long guns at the low ready. If you're open carrying a long gun (or in this case an AR pistol) then sling it like a responsible adult please.

This group caused the Lt. Governor to make firearms illegal to possess at that location because of this nonsense. If anyone knows this Jason McMillan please help him because his cranial-rectal inversion is the most severe case I've seen in years. Honestly given the recent events in the world, if I was on a jury for a person (LEO or private citizen) shooting this clown as he entered the legislative building like this I would vote to acquit.



Gun rights advocate Jason McMillon carries his AR-15 pattern pistol into the Legislative Building at the Capitol in Olympia, Wash., Thursday, Jan. 15, 2015. (Photo: Ted Warren/AP)

Blaming a rally by a group of legally armed Second Amendment advocates at the state Capitol in Olympia Thursday, Washington’s Lt. Governor ruled Friday that guns are now banned from the chamber.

The rally of some 200 gun rights activists on the steps of the Capitol building Jan. 15, was a continuation of the vocal opposition to the state’s background check ballot referendum, I-594, passed by voters last November. However, when the protest spilled over into the public gallery, there was an altercation between an open carrier and a state police lieutenant that ended with threats of removal and arrest.

The next day, Lt. Gov. Brad Owen (D) who serves as the president of the state Senate, announced a prohibition on the open carry of firearms in the public gallery moving forward.

“I don’t want the people who are on the floor being fearful of doing their job,” Owen told the Seattle Times, stressing that he had the support of both caucuses in the Senate in his move. “I don’t want parents concerned about the safety of their kids as pages.”

The event that led to the ban occurred when State Patrol Lt. Mike Eggleston in the gallery confronted an activist Jason McMillon on Thursday. Eggleston advised McMillion that he was carrying his Rock River LAR-PDS pistol in a “tactical” manner. After threatening McMillion with arrest, the activist, a 20-year military veteran, concealed the firearm.

Eggleston contended that the manner McMillion was carrying his gun was in violation of state law, which prohibits displaying a firearm to “intimidate another or that warrants alarm for the safety of other persons.”

One of the harshest critics of the events behind the crackdown in the state Capitol came from Alan Gottlieb, chair of the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms and founder of the Second Amendment Foundation, both of which are headquartered in the state. It is the SAF that is leading the charge against I-594 in the courts.

“This is the result of a few stupid extremists on our side who not only handled their firearms unsafely, but made the hundreds of Second Amendment supporters at the rally look foolish,” Gottlieb told Guns.com. “Irresponsible actions get us bad results. Unfortunately, some of the fools in town are on our side. This kind of childish theater hurts our cause. The gun ban crowd is having a field day over this.”

Gottlieb was largely correct in his final assessment.

Over the weekend, the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence used images from the event published by the Associated Press on their social media page Saturday, labeling the activists, “Insurrectionist thugs.”

This was followed up by a post Sunday from Moms Demand Action, now allied with former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, who blamed the National Rifle Association for the event. This stemmed from the fact that NRA lobbyist Brian Judy spoke at the rally on the Capitol’s steps.

“This isn’t your grandparents’ NRA,” read a statement on the Moms’ Facebook page. “Instead of spending their resources on promoting sportsmanship, the NRA cheerleads armed gun extremists who brandish their weapons at statehouses.”

The open carry ban in the Capitol’s gallery is expected to take effect as early as Jan. 19.

01-19-15, 19:13
That's not open carry, that's brandishing a firearm. Thanks mouth breather you're really helping our cause. On a side note, are my eyes deceiving me or is he missing sights?

01-19-15, 19:24
The idiocy displayed by these open carry imbeciles is uncanny. Open carry is just stupid. Period. If I'm at local restaurant, coffee shop, library, whatever, and someone enters the establishment holding a weapon in this manner, there is an excellent chance he will be shot, because the next words out of his mouth might be allah akbar, I don't know. The open carry people do as much damage to gun owners as the liberal anti gunners.

01-19-15, 19:33
I don't see any sights.

I don't even know what to type beyond that. Amazing, just amazing.

Dead Man
01-19-15, 19:43
I would definitely be making plans to open fire if I saw someone looking like that with a weapon like that in that position like that in a place and time of peace. That picture has "mass murder in 5, 4, 3...." written all over.

Ho-lee shit.

01-19-15, 19:47
It wouldn't surprise me to find out that idiots like that are actually plants by Bloomberg.

Dead Man
01-19-15, 19:52
It wouldn't surprise me to find out that idiots like that are actually plants by Bloomberg.

I actually had this thought myself. That's precisely the kind of tactic that **** likes to use.

01-19-15, 19:52

It's almost enough to make me oppose open carry and I'm a huge open carry advocate.

I think the problem is the word "carry" and people with a room temperature IQ think that means you can play with your damn firearm. Rifles need to be SLUNG and not handled just as handguns are HOLSTERED and not handled.

But once again people think having a gun means they can engage in some kind of "live action" Call of Duty poses and take cool pictures for the internet.


You open carry a rifle for two reasons:

1. You have a general valid need to be armed with a rifle.

2. You are exercising your rights so that people are aware that such rights exist.

There is only ONE reason to handle a rifle you are carrying.

1. You are preparing to use it.

Once again we seem to be at the mercy of the lowest common denominator. ****ing moron probably thinks he's on top of his game because of trigger finger placement.

01-19-15, 20:03
It wouldn't surprise me to find out that idiots like that are actually plants by Bloomberg.

The picture proves that no matter on what side of an issue you stand on, there will be outstanding displays of stupidity. Someone among the protesters should have approached him long before and told him to sling it across his back or don't come to these protests. We as firearm owners need to take care of the dumb on our own side.

01-19-15, 20:31
Someone among the protesters should have approached him long before and told him to sling it across his back or don't come to these protests. We as firearm owners need to take care of the dumb on our own side.

Though I wouldn't go as far as saying he was on our side, I do agree that self regulating is a necessity. Knowing the history and tactics of the Statist Left, the chance that this man was planted isn't only possible but even probable. This is how it's done, from Hating Breitbart: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=vIWj8jR-c3Y

01-19-15, 20:32
I have heard that these F'ing morons, inserting and removing mags, racking the charging handle WHILE IN THE CHAMBER GALLERY. Some of these open carry people have got to be the stupidest people ever born.

Now if you go to open carry forum, these people can do no wrong, try and say anything about these people and now you are the anti liberal.

01-19-15, 20:35
That guy in the picture is asking to be shot.
I don't understand how this demonstration had anything to do with " I will not comply I594"

01-19-15, 20:36
He is wearing a Single Point Sling... prolly doesn't want to get hit in the Twig & Berries... just sayin'

But yeah he should prolly be tarred and feathered for being such an A-hole...

01-19-15, 20:37
When it is a pistol, does a sling count as holster?

01-19-15, 21:18
Another prime example of OCR. This is very damaging to any and all pro-open carry efforts. This nincompoop obviously lacks the sense that God gave a fence post.

01-19-15, 21:18
These open carry idiots are VERY bad for our 2a cause.

01-19-15, 21:36
Another prime example of OCR. This is very damaging to any and all pro-open carry efforts. This nincompoop obviously lacks the sense that God gave a fence post.

Agreed. You can hit the top of a fence post with a hammer, and it will quietly stay in one spot and behave.

These dimwits, not so much.

01-19-15, 22:06
He is wearing a Single Point Sling... prolly doesn't want to get hit in the Twig & Berries... just sayin'

But yeah he should prolly be tarred and feathered for being such an A-hole...

A start would be a sling appropriate for the situation.

01-19-15, 22:13

Open carry is OK here in WA, but IIRC LE has been given guidance about what is OK and what is "threatening" (aka brandishing). (We have a law on the books about intimidation)

IIRC, the guidance was that holstered handguns and slung longarms fit into the OK category. You'll probably get a LE "contact", but as long as you seem OK, that's about all.

A handgun in the hand was specifically in the not OK. Don't remember specifically on long arms, but my guess is in the hands seems likely in the not OK camp.

The guidance seems pretty reasonable. The idiot in the photo would have had a long talking to pretty much any where else and clearly was given leniency due to the media coverage.


I agree with those that suggest these ignorant stunts hurt out case. If your going to advocate you should know the law, think about the repercussions and help convince people the right to bear arms is in their interest.



Mauser KAR98K
01-19-15, 22:48
I really want to call plant. That guy is an orgy of stereotypes: flannel shirt, trench coat, AR something in hand, rolled bill cap, drop leg holster.

My god that is damaging.

01-19-15, 23:31
I really want to call plant. That guy is an orgy of stereotypes: flannel shirt, trench coat, AR something in hand, rolled bill cap, drop leg holster.

My god that us damaging.

And yet we probably all have seen at least six guys just like him at the local rang. Sadly tards exist.

01-19-15, 23:34
. Sadly tards exist.

Only because no one is willing to flush them.

01-20-15, 00:02
I really want to call plant. That guy is an orgy of stereotypes: flannel shirt, trench coat, AR something in hand, rolled bill cap, drop leg holster.

My god that us damaging.


But a simple application of Occam's Razor suggests otherwise, however.

01-20-15, 01:24
Only because no one is willing to flush them.

As much as I'm all for individual expression and all that, when it comes to gun rallies...SOMEBODY needs to function as organizer and room monitor and make sure everyone is on the same page. Open Carry groups desperately need self policing. We can do it for ourselves, or we can continue to let other people and laws do it for us.

It is theoretically possible to have an open carry event where every person is responsibly armed. That means handguns in holsters, rifles slung to the rear. They aren't in your hands because you aren't getting ready to shoot people.

Responsible open carry is possible, they do it all the time in Switzerland.


Of course for them it's about responsible carry and not trying to live out a Navy Seal fantasy.

01-20-15, 03:22

Motards like this are what keep Taurus/Cheaper Than Dirt/Olympic in business . . .

El Cid
01-20-15, 07:12
Until the OC crowd as a whole understands that holding a long gun like that is the same as walking around with a handgun in their hand we will continue to see this nonsense. There was even a photo on the Mega Arms FB page of a rally with two idiots posing with AR's at the low ready. I'm really hoping they weren't Mega employees as I really like that company.

ETA: Found it. Same rally as the one in my OP.

01-20-15, 07:35
I really want to call plant. That guy is an orgy of stereotypes: flannel shirt, trench coat, AR something in hand, rolled bill cap, drop leg holster.

Technically, he is wearing a duster, but it still has the same effect. What law enforcement agency is respnsible for security at the legislative building? It seems to me that this OCR should not have been allowed to enter the building in such a way. Yes, they had to be aware of the rally, but walking through the front door mean-mugging with a pistol at low ready seems like someone that would need immediate attention.

01-20-15, 08:08

Seriously, is this dude real? I have to believe it was plant, it's the only way I can have even a shred of faith left in humanity. My young daughter has a pet rock that I am pretty sure has a higher IQ than this retard.

01-20-15, 09:43
What are the brandishing laws there?

Just because you can open carry doesn't mean you get to open brandish and be a retard about it.

Unless weapons are on your back, chances are your being an idiot an sending the wrong message.

01-20-15, 10:01
So OCT must have decided that they have done enough damage here and moved on.

Morons like that are probably plants and should have been told to eff off and duct taped to the nearest tree before the start of the rally. People like this idiot are the reason lots of people shy away from Constitutional carry and open carry in general. The more you see these type of assholes within a movement the more you want to distance yourself from that movement and say **** it

If that guy walked into a place I was at he'd be dead. Brandishing a weapon like that is a bad idea. I'm surprised the LEO allowed him in.

01-20-15, 10:17
This is making it too easy for the anti-gun liberals.

01-20-15, 11:08
This is making it too easy for the anti-gun liberals.

I have to agree and it is a sad thing to see after all the money we spent and hard work we invested to battle the Anti-2nd Amendment crowd. This sort of demonstration sets us way back and we have to regain the ground we lost through more expense and hard work.

01-20-15, 11:13
I'm all for a united 2A front, but if someone pushes the OCers under the bus, I'm not going to pull them up. Like I've said before, OCers are like the tranny's to the LGBTalpabet crowd. You don't lead with them, you lead with lipstick lesbians and gays on sitcoms- women who defend themselves from stalkers and former military guys lighting up home invaders.

If the OCers can't help themselves and do stupid stunts like this, why should we try to save them?

01-20-15, 12:45
This is exactly why we can't have OC in Texas.
Between the lunatics who decided this was a good way to make their point and the whiney Libs that feed on this crap, we're screwed.
I'm still waiting for an AD/ND at one of these places to drive the point home.

01-20-15, 13:20
Ocers are anti-gun plants.

So, don't waste your emotion on them.

What they're doing isn't stupid considering their goal - Their goal is to promote anti-gun sentiment by virtue of making pro-gun people look like knuckle dragging troglodytes.

01-20-15, 14:48
exactly what I was going to say
and really what is odd most rednecks that wear rolled ball caps flannel and jeans think trench coats/duster looks are for other types !

I think some might wear those jackets who are more the cowboy types but would not be doing the things they do ?

more the type on rare occasion in AZ I see come in off the ranch with horse trailers and have a 6 gun strapped to them they are often super dirty and you can tell working whole diff thing for sure

I really want to call plant. That guy is an orgy of stereotypes: flannel shirt, trench coat, AR something in hand, rolled bill cap, drop leg holster.

My god that is damaging.

01-20-15, 14:55
I like to be able to open carry cause it is a bit more comfy when I am camping :) and that is about the only time I would want to open carry

I might say all but a few of us here also know OC is painting a shoot me first situation ?

01-20-15, 17:49
Definitely missing sights... I'm reallly glad I was unable to attend this as the urge to smack him would have been hard to resist.

I've been thinking these knuckleheads that do this crap are plants for a while now. Nobody could really be stupid enough to think this could help the cause.

01-20-15, 18:09
Another thing that strikes me as odd. He's holding the AR with right hand and his drop leg holster is on his left side. Any of you guys run your pistol on your offhand side?

01-20-15, 18:12
Who would know enough about the AR to know that they can legally build a pistol AR lower, but not know enough to put sights on the gun? Notice the rail covers in random places...wearing conflicting styles of clothing? There is another crew that does dumb crap like that. The Hollywood liberals.

Definitely missing sights...
I've been thinking these knuckleheads that do this crap are plants for a while now.

01-20-15, 18:15
Ya a few things just stand out as a bit odd.. Nice finger discipline though

01-20-15, 18:26
Another thing that strikes me as odd. He's holding the AR with right hand and his drop leg holster is on his left side. Any of you guys run your pistol on your offhand side?

You have to be prepared to cross-draw bro.

01-20-15, 18:38
You have to be prepared to cross-draw bro.

What was I thinking...[emoji21]

01-20-15, 19:13
That's not open carry, that's brandishing a firearm.

I didn't read the OP, didn't read past this reply, just looked at the title and the picture.

This is not open carry. This is retardation/brandishing.

I will just tell myself these people are plants from the 'other side', especially with something as weird as the right handed AR and left side leg rig (but then people like Vickers shoot pistol one way and rifle the other so...)

01-20-15, 19:18
Ya a few things just stand out as a bit odd.. Nice finger discipline though

Finger on the trigger carrying it like that I wouldn't be surprised if somebody shot him or knocked him the **** out before he shot somebody

01-20-15, 22:25
What are the brandishing laws there?

Just because you can open carry doesn't mean you get to open brandish and be a retard about it.

Outside of the context of CCW, I don't think the term brandishing is used, but there is a law that has been used to guide LE enforcement WRT OC here in WA. Basically functionally equivalent to a brandishing law, but not firearms specific.

IIRC, the law states you cannot use any object to intimidate people, be it baseball bat, knife, hammer, firearm, etc.

My understanding is LE has translated that to guidance where they consider holstered and slung firearms to be considered non threatening and firearms in the hand something a reasonable person may find threatening.

So, OC is OK as long as you are holstered or slung. You may get a LE "contact", but it's probably going to go pretty smooth assuming you behave civilly.


01-20-15, 23:06
exactly what I was going to say
and really what is odd most rednecks that wear rolled ball caps flannel and jeans think trench coats/duster looks are for other types !

I think some might wear those jackets who are more the cowboy types but would not be doing the things they do ?

more the type on rare occasion in AZ I see come in off the ranch with horse trailers and have a 6 gun strapped to them they are often super dirty and you can tell working whole diff thing for sure

I went to High School with a guy who wore ball caps religiously, plaid shirts, blue jeans, cowboy boots (usually caked in mud and horse crap), really believed that the South would rise again. You wanna know what he wore on days that were rainy or chilly (it's Montana - if school was in session, there was always a chance of snow)? A duster. Not too dissimilar to the one this chap is wearing.

So it's not exactly that improbable. Especially in Washington, the land of 360 days a year of rain - the other 4 are just overcast. And the 1 don't count.

Another thing that strikes me as odd. He's holding the AR with right hand and his drop leg holster is on his left side. Any of you guys run your pistol on your offhand side?

Dual-wield, bro!

01-20-15, 23:10
exactly what I was going to say
and really what is odd most rednecks that wear rolled ball caps flannel and jeans think trench coats/duster looks are for other types !

When you say rolled ball cap are you talking about the non straight/flat ball cap bill? Cause I would have to say that is the norm here in Texas.

01-21-15, 05:28
yeah :) its norm I think in lots of places :) I do it half way hate the flat bill look myself when I wear them

more saying the outfit as a whole does not seem to be what most folks would wear ? especially in WA
and as said the drop leg wrong side etc... just seems made up like OK what do people wear and put it all together as a whole

like OK crazy gun people wear long coats CHECK
those gun things that go on the leg CHECK
scary gun in hand CHECK
jeans CHECK
ball cap rolled CHECK
flanel CHECK
boots CHECK

OK now go out and act like you are a conservative best you can CHECK

When you say rolled ball cap are you talking about the non straight/flat ball cap bill? Cause I would have to say that is the norm here in Texas.

01-21-15, 05:31
went so school there and my family most all lives there now and have to say dusters are pretty darn rare there IMHO
again IMHO guy just looks made up :)

but could be a guy like your HS mate ? but then you go OK gun is setup all wrong and holster etc...

I went to High School with a guy who wore ball caps religiously, plaid shirts, blue jeans, cowboy boots (usually caked in mud and horse crap), really believed that the South would rise again. You wanna know what he wore on days that were rainy or chilly (it's Montana - if school was in session, there was always a chance of snow)? A duster. Not too dissimilar to the one this chap is wearing.

So it's not exactly that improbable. Especially in Washington, the land of 360 days a year of rain - the other 4 are just overcast. And the 1 don't count.

Dual-wield, bro!

01-21-15, 10:29
Slung with off hand in pocket and no mag in I see as totally different than the basketball diaries dipshit in the first photo.

El Cid
01-21-15, 12:25
Slung with off hand in pocket and no mag in I see as totally different than the basketball diaries dipshit in the first photo.

Are you referring to the Mega photo? I still think it's ridiculous. He still has his firing hand on the grip. He has it slung in front as if ready for something. In my opinion it's still the same as walking around with an unholstered handgun. When folks get upset, you can't say, "but there's no magazine and my left hand is in my pocket." It is better than the mope in the duster for sure - but not much better. In my mind, to say you are Open Carrying a long gun it should be slung on your back/shoulder. The only reason to have it slung in front is if you plan/expect to use it.

01-21-15, 12:41
Are you referring to the Mega photo? I still think it's ridiculous. He still has his firing hand on the grip. He has it slung in front as if ready for something. In my opinion it's still the same as walking around with an unholstered handgun. When folks get upset, you can't say, "but there's no magazine and my left hand is in my pocket." It is better than the mope in the duster for sure - but not much better. In my mind, to say you are Open Carrying a long gun it should be slung on your back/shoulder. The only reason to have it slung in front is if you plan/expect to use it.

Or your long gun/sling doesn't work very well on your back/shoulder.

Sure, if I was going to a public gathering or demonstration or just walking around just to walk around and wanted to open carry a rifle I would select on that was setup to carry well across my back, but then there are also times I, say, walk a short ways from my car to the range with my rifle/range bag and the rifle I'm bringing that day is one that doesn't really work slung on my back or even on my shoulder, but it works pretty well up front.

There are a lot of variables out there, it's pretty hard to tell other people there is only one reason for something.

01-21-15, 12:46
look at comments at bottom of article:
Jason A McMillon · Top Commenter
It's great how people can claim to know what I was doing or not when they were not there. Oh look his finger was "near" the trigger. He was "Brandishing". They should have ...... Him! I was there, I carried my "Pistol" as safe as it could be carried. They do not manufacture holsters for that weapon and the single point sling I have is so it's not dropped on accident. "Positive weapons control" is why its in my hands with the muzzle down "Pointed in a safe direction" and finger "straight and off the trigger." with the weapon on "Safe." Now can anyone tell me if it had a "Chambered round" or not?

here is his facbook"

01-21-15, 13:13
"The only reason to have it slung in front is if you plan/expect to use it."

I see it as safer.

Having a handgun in a decent position holster and a long gun slung up front are equivalent in my opinion.

Having a long gun slung on back is begging for someone you can't see to grab it.

01-21-15, 13:21
Are you referring to the Mega photo? I still think it's ridiculous. He still has his firing hand on the grip. He has it slung in front as if ready for something. In my opinion it's still the same as walking around with an unholstered handgun. When folks get upset, you can't say, "but there's no magazine and my left hand is in my pocket." It is better than the mope in the duster for sure - but not much better. In my mind, to say you are Open Carrying a long gun it should be slung on your back/shoulder. The only reason to have it slung in front is if you plan/expect to use it.

This is one of those cases where you have to apply some common sense (not so common) the goal you're trying to achieve and Rights you're trying to protect and your own personal POV and wishes. You want to convince people you have a right to open carry and people who open carry are not a threat to the public, you don't walk into a public dwelling with an AR at the low ready wearing a duster and looking like the stereo type bad movie shooter those same people already fear. Like blocking traffic to protest racial injustice, your cause may be noble, but you fu$%#ed totally in your approach and lost ground vs gaining any.

I would blame no one, LEO or civi, for being uncomfortable with his approach, and no one walks around like that on the range when outside of intended shooting areas, or anywhere else where safety is balanced with Rights and others concerns: gun shows, police stations, etc, etc.

His excuse as to why he was doing it (above) is BS and if I were as an open carry rally and saw that, I'd be gone never to return, even if I "get" their intent.

Open carry groups need to police themselves now and set out some best practices for their rallies if the true intent of the rally is to sway people/law makers in favor of open carry by stating what they expect of those who attend: handguns in appropriate holsters, rifles slung over in X recommended configuration.

If the goal is to keep pushing the limits of what law makers, LE, and non open carry advocates will tolerate, than showing up looking like a wanna be character from The Matrix with AR at low ready and finger indexed (regardless of status of the weapon) is the way to go I guess.

I'm a proponent of open carry, but when ever you have to depend on the use of common sense by human beings, you can count on someone showing they were born without any and screwing it up for everyone else.

It's really those within the open carry community who need to deal with that behavior before it turns ugly at some rally.

01-21-15, 14:26
Having a long gun slung on back is begging for someone you can't see to grab it.

I really don't see that being a successful idea.

01-21-15, 15:19
Having a long gun slung on back is begging for someone you can't see to grab it.

That sounds like it would be a rather difficult task. What with the sling and all. Not to mention that the person carrying it most likely has a pistol, open or concealed (or one of each), somewhere on their person. I suppose somebody could just come up from behind and smack them in the back of the head with an object but the same is true of a person carrying a front-slung rifle or a holstered handgun.

01-21-15, 23:37
I don't open carry a long rifle,
but when I do-
I won't sling it on my back.

(while wishing I have scantily clad women surrounding me as I say it)

01-22-15, 13:29
RCW 9.41.270

Weapons apparently capable of producing bodily harm—Unlawful carrying or handling—Penalty—Exceptions.

(1) It shall be unlawful for any person to carry, exhibit, display, or draw any firearm, dagger, sword, knife or other cutting or stabbing instrument, club, or any other weapon apparently capable of producing bodily harm, in a manner, under circumstances, and at a time and place that either manifests an intent to intimidate another or that warrants alarm for the safety of other persons.

(2) Any person violating the provisions of subsection (1) above shall be guilty of a gross misdemeanor. If any person is convicted of a violation of subsection (1) of this section, the person shall lose his or her concealed pistol license, if any. The court shall send notice of the revocation to the department of licensing, and the city, town, or county which issued the license.

(3) Subsection (1) of this section shall not apply to or affect the following:..........................Deleted to conserve space.

[1994 sp.s. c 7 § 426; 1969 c 8 § 1.]

Someone could argue that carrying a rifle, carbine or pistol at low ready "warrants alarm", so the person depicted in the photo in post 1 is not doing anything to help promote open carry.

If I were organizing an open carry demonstration, I would use the photo as an example of how not to dress and carry. When we organize pro 2nd Amendment rallies in my home state we ask people not to wear camouflage clothing or a shirt with writing on it that could be perceived to hurt our cause, such as "I don't dial 911 or Kill 'em all and let God sort "em out." We also ask people to not wear clothing, such as a trench coat like one worn by a person involved in a school shooting incident. Perception is everything in politics.

Were these people plants? Doubtful. On occasion, I see people dressed and equipped like the man in the photo at the local gun shop that has an indoor range. Talking to them does no good. If I were planning a rally on Monday, I would tell them the rally was going to be held on Wednesday.

01-22-15, 14:12
The crowd that says "open carry on your back at a protest is stupid" isn't wrong, they just don't seem to get the context of this situation.

It's about brandishing vs not. Not how accessible your weapon should be in the perfect world.

Unless you keep a rifle with an adjustable 2 point cinched tight to your chest, and hands off of it, or, on your back, your going to have a hard time winning a brandishing argument/complaint. Just about every state has some kind of brandish law on the books.

Look up your state by brandish rules, you may be very surprised by what you find.

Here's a few examples.

California Penal Code 417 (a)(2): Defines “brandishing” a firearm as follows:

(2) Every person who, except in self-defense, in the presence of any other person, draws or exhibits any firearm, whether loaded or unloaded, in a rude, angry, or threatening manner, or who in any
manner, unlawfully uses a firearm in any fight or quarrel ….

Virginia Code 18.2-282:

It shall be unlawful for any person to point, hold or brandish any firearm or any air or gas operated weapon or any object similar in appearance, whether capable of being fired or not, in such a manner as to reasonably induce fear in the mind of another or hold a firearm or any air or gas operated weapon in a public place in such a manner as to reasonably induce fear in the mind of another being shot or injured. However, this section shall not apply to any person engaged in excusable of justifiable self-defense.

Utah Section 76-10-506:

Threatening with or using dangerous weapon in fight or quarrel. (1) As used in this section, “threatening manner” does not include:

(a) the possession of a dangerous weapon, whether visible or concealed, without additional behavior which is threatening; or

(b) informing another of the actor’s possession of a deadly weapon in order to prevent what the actor reasonably perceives as a possible use of unlawful force by the other and the actor is not engaged in any activity described in Subsection 76-2-402(2)(a).

(2) Except as otherwise provided in Section 76-2-402 and for those persons described in Section 76-10-503, a person who, in the presence of two or more persons, draws or exhibits a dangerous weapon in an angry and threatening manner or unlawfully uses a dangerous weapon in a flight or quarrel is guilty of a class A misdemeanor.

(3) This section does not apply to a person who, reasonably believing the action to be necessary in compliance with Section 76-2-402, with purpose to prevent another’s use of unlawful force:

(a) threatens the use of a dangerous weapon; or

(b) draws or exhibits a dangerous weapon.

South Carolina Section 16-23-410:

Unlawful to present or point loaded or unloaded firearm at another person; felony; must be fined or imprisoned not more than 5 years.

Nevada Section 202.290:

Aiming firearm, whether loaded or not, or discharging where person might be endangered is a penalty; even if injury does not result; gross misdemeanor

Montana MCA 45-3-111:

(Montana approved legislation says simply that brandishing a firearm in self defense is not a crime.)

(1) Any person who is not otherwise prevented from doing so by federal or state law may openly carry a weapon and may communicate to another person the fact that the person has a weapon.

(2) If a person reasonably believes that the person or another person is threatened with bodily harm, the person may warn or threaten the use of force, including deadly force, against the aggressor, including drawing or presenting a weapon.

(3) This section does not limit the authority of the board of regents or other postsecondary institutions to regulate the carrying of weapons, as defined in 45-8-361(5)(b), on their campuses.

Arizona ARS 13-421: Justification; Defensive Display of a Firearm.

A. The defensive display of a firearm by a person against another is justified when and to the extent that a reasonable person would believe that physical force is immediately necessary to protect himself against the use or attempted use of unlawful physical force or deadly physical force.

B. This section does not apply to a person who:

1. Intentionally provokes another person to use or attempt to use unlawful physical force.

2. Uses a firearm during the commission of a serious offense as defined in section 13-706 or violent crime as defined in section 13-901.03.

C. This section does not require the Defensive Display of a firearm before the use of physical force or the threat of physical force by a person who is otherwise justified in the use or threatened use of physical force.

D. For the purposes of this section, “defensive display of a firearm” includes:

1. Verbally informing another person that the person possesses or has available a firearm.

2. Exposing or displaying a firearm in a manner that a reasonable person would understand was meant to protect a person against another’s use or attempted use of unlawful physical force or deadly physical force.

3. Placing the person’s hand on a firearm while the firearm is contained in a pocket, purse or other means of containment or transport.

Michigan Penal Code 750.234e:

Brandishing firearm in public; applicability; violation as misdemeanor; penalty. (1) Except as provided in subsection (2), a person shall not knowingly brandish a firearm in public.

(2) Subsection (1) does not apply to any of the following:

(a) A peace officer lawfully performing his or her duties as a peace officer.

(b) A person lawfully engaged in hunting.

(c) A person lawfully engaged in target practice.

(d) A person lawfully engaged in the sale, purchase, repair, or transfer of that firearm.

(3) A person who violates this section is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by imprisonment for not more than 90 days, or a fine of not more than $100.00, or both.

01-22-15, 16:26
really wish these ****tards would quit helping...

01-22-15, 16:33
really wish these ****tards would quit helping...


Look at the comments in the OP link. There is link to some young girls blog that has a picture of her, another girl and gas mask boy (looks to be same cat on right side of OP pic). All 3 are handling their rifles.
All around fail.h

ETA- correction: One of the females is taking a selfie. The third rifle can't actually be seen as being played with.
Here's link if you don't mind giving page traffic.