View Full Version : Horror Story: M&P 10 and S&W Customer Service - Now you see it, now don't... ?

01-23-15, 08:38
Anyone know what happened to this thread? It seems to have magically disappeared... ?

I've seen our mods edit threads and even cap them when they've gone completely sideways, but totally deleting a string without any residual comment or explanation seems a little odd, so thought I'd ask in case the site's having technical issues...

01-23-15, 08:45
Anyone know what happened to this thread? It seems to have magically disappeared... ?

I've seen our mods edit threads and even cap them when they've gone completely sideways, but totally deleting a string without any residual comment or explanation seems a little odd, so thought I'd ask in case the site's having technical issues...


01-23-15, 08:46

You will find what you seek here.

01-23-15, 08:58
Thanks for the info - understand why it was clipped - I must have been typing while that was listed...

Yes, I didn't realize it, but I guess it was my first... I've focused more on reading to this point; lots of good conversations and credible info shared...

And with that in mind, I'd received the following response from my inquiry regarding M&P10 parts that I thought was worth sharing:

"Just wanted to touch base with you on something that just came up. We were all informed by our director that we do not have parts YET, but we planning on having them in the very near future. Thanks for your support!"


They didn't go into detail as to why they didn't have them at the moment, but at least confirmed they planned on changing that soon, which may be helpful info to those currently using their rig or maybe considering it...

01-23-15, 13:35
As above.

01-23-15, 14:38
It was deleted quite frankly because any credibility that may have been there was lost when the OP failed to reveal that he made modifications. Very few if any companies would provide any kind of warranty after someone admitted as much.

If you buy a firearm and it doesn't work, contact the manufacturer and DISCLOSE everything and allow them to address it. If they don't, then seek other courses of action. I get a little annoyed when I see people making posts about "fit and finish" or minor cosmetic stuff, but they won't take the time to address manufacturing defects or failures.