View Full Version : Always be aware of your surroundings, and make sure your lady is too.

01-23-15, 11:47
Moments After a Woman Pulls Up At a Drive-Thru ATM, Things Take a Sudden Terrifying Turn


Lets see, by herself at an ATM, not paying attention, and taking way to damn long.


01-23-15, 11:59
Oh... My... God... That is one fine piece of shit:mad:

Glad she got away unharmed.

01-23-15, 12:05
Wow, just wow.
Notice how he used his sleeves as gloves? Knew right away to throw her in the trunk? He did F-up and look right in to the camera for the Detective.
Any more story on this?

01-23-15, 12:10
Too bad it wasn't someone that was aware of their surroundings with a gun handy.

01-23-15, 12:16
Holy shit.

01-23-15, 12:16
To me, the only question is why in hell didn't she just drive away RAPIDLY!!

01-23-15, 12:17
And they have not been able to find the shit head yet. Just glad she got away.

01-23-15, 12:22
Good thing the trunk must have had an emergency release inside, who knows what else might have happened.

01-23-15, 12:31
I always have my gun within reach at drive thru atm's

01-23-15, 13:16
Drive thru's suck from a security standpoint. You have to roll window down and expose yourself while operating the buttons. This is doubly true if you're doing something other than a simple withdrawal. Too many buttons and down time.

I tell the wife to keep her head on a swivel, but I'm not sure what she actually does. Also tell her to toss the cash and card into purse or in the cup holder; get the window up ASAFP and get that car moving. No sitting around trying slide the card back into its pocket and organize the cash.

I'm surprised she didn't run the ****er over. Sadly when they do catch this O2 thief it'll probably be a catch and release thing. He seems to have a decent idea about what he is doing and it ain't cause he's been off to da kollege.

01-23-15, 13:32
Good thing the trunk must have had an emergency release inside, who knows what else might have happened.

Not all federal mandates are bad

01-23-15, 13:42
Not all federal mandates are bad

No, and that one may have saved her life.

01-23-15, 13:52
A few years back we had several incidents where women were abducted in our area. Some were abducted at an ATM and some were abducted in a shopping center parking lot. The suspect would have them drive to different ATM's until the maximum amount of money allowed to be withdrawn in one day was collected from the ATM's. One woman was forced to drive to her home where she was bound and her residence ransacked before the suspect fled in her vehicle. Fortunately, none of these incidents turned out to be a homicide.

Who knows what some of the women were thinking in regard to their plan should this happen to them. It was widely know that a few years prior to the string of abductions, a woman was withdrawing money from an ATM in another part of town after dark when someone attempted to rob her. The suspect pointed a handgun at her, she attempted to drive away, then she was shot in the head and killed.

You definitely need to be alert. An ATM is an excellent place to catch someone off guard.

Onyx Z
01-23-15, 14:16
Who knows what some of the women were thinking in regard to their plan should this happen to them.

I really don't think most people (generally speaking, not just women) are aware of what can and will happen. They have the "oh, it will never happen to me" mentality. It really is sad how many people are unaware of their surroundings. Get your head out of your phone, people!

I always have my pistol sitting on my lap ready to go when I pull up to the ATM. And I NEVER go at night. That's just dumb.

01-23-15, 14:21
I'll be showing this to my wife as I think others should as a big FAT eye opener.

01-23-15, 14:59
I really don't think most people (generally speaking, not just women) are aware of what can and will happen. They have the "oh, it will never happen to me" mentality. It really is sad how many people are unaware of their surroundings. Get your head out of your phone, people!

I always have my pistol sitting on my lap ready to go when I pull up to the ATM. And I NEVER go at night. That's just dumb.

Really? I go to the ATM at night all the time. Of course, the red and blue lights on top of my car are probably a pretty strong deterrent. :p

01-23-15, 15:00
I always have my gun within reach at drive thru atm's

**** that. Whenever I pump gas or use an ATM I always have my hand on my gun.

This girl was a dumbass. Reasons:

1) Texting at an ATM at night. She could have easily seen old boy walking up behind her if she just had her head up. Our eyes are great at detecting motion.

2) Not driving away as soon as she saw a dude walk up to her car at an ATM. No one does this for good reason.

The video I posted in the machete thread is good reason that even big guys with guns can fall victim to this type of attack. Keep your gun on you. That dude had his in his center console and it almost cost him his life.

01-23-15, 15:01
I hate drive up ATM's head is always on a swivel and since I carry AIWB I have quick/easy access to my pistol while in my car.

Luckily I don't frequently use them anymore.

Glad she was able to get away.

01-23-15, 15:56
The wife watched this over my shoulder. She basically said she would have opened the door, while accelerating the car and smeared that guy all over the deposit tube that was dead ahead of her. Then went like Hell and called the cops.

01-23-15, 16:07
**** that. Whenever I pump gas or use an ATM I always have my hand on my gun.

This girl was a dumbass. Reasons:

1) Texting at an ATM at night. She could have easily seen old boy walking up behind her if she just had her head up. Our eyes are great at detecting motion.

2) Not driving away as soon as she saw a dude walk up to her car at an ATM. No one does this for good reason.

The video I posted in the machete thread is good reason that even big guys with guns can fall victim to this type of attack. Keep your gun on you. That dude had his in his center console and it almost cost him his life.

You must live in a rough area to be that paranoid to pump gas:sarcastic:

01-23-15, 16:20
The wife watched this over my shoulder. She basically said she would have opened the door, while accelerating the car and smeared that guy all over the deposit tube that was dead ahead of her. Then went like Hell and called the cops.

While that is probably the best course of action once the dude is that close, you do run the risk of him getting a lucky shot off and your brains ending up on the back windshield.

01-23-15, 16:26
While that is probably the best course of action once the dude is that close, you do run the risk of him getting a lucky shot off and your brains ending up on the back windshield.


01-23-15, 16:34
I wouldn't call the girl a "dumbass" not everyone walks around on eggshells scared of their own shadow. Hindsight is always 20/20 especially from the outside looking in after the fact, coulda..shoulda...But is definitely a lesson learned at her expense of what can and does happen.

01-23-15, 17:10
While that is probably the best course of action once the dude is that close, you do run the risk of him getting a lucky shot off and your brains ending up on the back windshield.

In her defense we watch it on a phone and it appeared he switched that cell phone over to his right hand. After your comment we watched it again on a 24" monitor and could clearly see the small revolver. That changes things for sure. However, my wife is mean and unpredictable, she might have still tried to run him over. ;)

01-23-15, 18:32
ATM's need Mirrors.

01-23-15, 19:10
I wouldn't call the girl a "dumbass" not everyone walks around on eggshells scared of their own shadow.

That's why these things happen. Don't go off on the liberal angle and say that self defense folks are "paranoid". Being alert of your surroundings isn't only smart, it's responsible.

You must live in a rough area to be that paranoid to pump gas:sarcastic:

I drive my Mercedes passed this every day. It gets really...rough after dark where I am.


01-23-15, 19:41
Don't go off on the liberal angle and say that self defense folks are "paranoid". Being alert of your surroundings isn't only smart, it's responsible.

I drive my Mercedes passed this every day. It gets really...rough after dark where I am.

Not going off on a liberal angle, I just think people should be aware and prepared, but not scared chickens either.

The Obama Market Hood ... I can understand

01-23-15, 20:14
But it's your "Friendly Neighborhood Store"!!! :neo:

01-23-15, 20:43
But it's your "Friendly Neighborhood Store"!!! :neo:

Shit...looks like a scene off "Friday"

01-23-15, 21:38
Here's an idea. How about not even having an ATM card at all? I've never had one, don't need one and see no reason for them. Just one more thing that can go wrong.

01-23-15, 21:48
Here's an idea. How about not even having an ATM card at all? I've never had one, don't need one and see no reason for them. Just one more thing that can go wrong.

You know how I know you're above the age of 35? :p

01-23-15, 21:55
Here's an idea. How about not even having an ATM card at all? I've never had one, don't need one and see no reason for them. Just one more thing that can go wrong.

Who uses cash? I probably touch less than a grand a year. Maybe 500 bucks.

01-23-15, 22:50
keep your car in D at a drive through ATM. It can be hard to do this maybe just keep it in N, youre just a split second from D. Dont hang around with your window down after the transaction. DO NOT GET OUT OF YOUR CAR.

01-24-15, 00:38
Glad to hear the woman came out of this unharmed. She could have been raped and butchered. I hope she walks away from this and uses it as a learning moment and makes the applicable life changes.

Soft targets are just that, ATMs make great choke points. A guy I played football with in Jr. High attempted to rob an off duty LEO in his POV at an ATM not to long after we graduated from HS. The off duty LEO had his baby in the backseat. Needless to say the little Tupac wannabe got a chest full of GLOCK that day.

01-24-15, 02:32
Glad to hear the woman came out of this unharmed. She WOULD have been raped and butchered. I hope she walks away from this and uses it as a learning moment and makes the applicable life changes.

Fixed it for you. I'm amazed that there are still people who don't know that "if you get in the trunk, you aren't ever coming out of it."

01-24-15, 16:33
You know how I know you're above the age of 35? :p

Back when I was a kid we had to walk 10 miles UPHILL in the snow to get to school. BOTH WAYS!!!

01-24-15, 16:40
I had my wife watch it. She said as soon as that guy came around the ATM machine toward her window she would have floored it and ran is ass over. I said, "But he only had a cell phone at first." She said, "Too bad. Shouldn't be approaching ladies at night at an ATM machine." I said, "But he might have shot you trying to drive away..." She said, "Better to be shot at than raped, killed, or put in your own trunk and then raped or killed later." I just smiled at that point. End of discussion. A+.

Damn feisty Italian women... Gotta love 'em.

01-24-15, 18:45
I had my wife watch it. She said as soon as that guy came around the ATM machine toward her window she would have floored it and ran is ass over. I said, "But he only had a cell phone at first." She said, "Too bad. Shouldn't be approaching ladies at night at an ATM machine." I said, "But he might have shot you trying to drive away..." She said, "Better to be shot at than raped, killed, or put in your own trunk and then raped or killed later." I just smiled at that point. End of discussion. A+.

Damn feisty Italian women... Gotta love 'em.

Back in college that had some LEO come give orientation to the freshman. He covered how you never want to go someplace with a BG- things are not going to get better when he gets you out of public eye. The LEO said crash your car, crap yourself- get shot. If the BG is willing to shoot you in public, he will shoot you in private- and there won't be anyone around to help you.

01-24-15, 18:58
If the BG is willing to shoot you in public, he will shoot you in private- and there won't be anyone around to help you.

Very good point.

01-24-15, 22:23
good timing. I just scolded my wife for practically the same thing tonight.

We went to a drive up, stand alone ATM about 9 pm. I pulled the truck about 10 feet away from the ATM, walked up to it to make a deposit. While the machine was doing its thing I stepped back a few feet and was looking around. At one point I noticed my wife, in the shotgun seat, playing on her phone.

Cordially I thanked her for paying attention to the surroundings. "Im not worried because you have the gun." To which I reminded her that I cant see through a truck and watch what was on her side (in the dark, to boot).

Man I was pissed. Just showed her this thread too.