View Full Version : Sons Of Liberty

01-28-15, 08:40
Anyone watch this 3 part series on the History Channel? It was fairly well done, but as expected, they took some liberties with the historical accuracy. Still, if it gets people interested in US history, all good in my view.

Onyx Z
01-28-15, 09:39
I really wanted to watch this, but missed it. I heard it was really good. I wonder if it will be on Hulu or Netflix?

01-28-15, 10:07
I've got them all on DVR but have only watched the first. It was entertaining but it was "history" and not history.

01-28-15, 10:18
I will start watching it tonight.

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01-28-15, 10:55
I thought it was great compared to other mini series they've done, but imo they took way too much creative liberties in making it.

01-28-15, 11:08
Well the History Channel at least let's you know what's important; First "Sons of Liberty" and on Memorial Day "Texas Rising".... Basically America happened and then Texas was the next most important thing. :cool:

01-28-15, 11:21
I thought it was great compared to other mini series they've done, but imo they took way too much creative liberties in making it.

But did they capture they essential aspects of the major events for a modern audience? It seems they did a decent job all things considered. I always prefer a good historical biography vs a fictionalized historical drama, but as they go, I thought they did well. I could see having kids watch this, then the lesson plan would be to discuss what they got right, and what they didn't for example. I had a teacher do that with A Bridge Too Far, and it worked really well for making dumb kids interested in WWII history.

Onyx Z
01-28-15, 11:30
Well the History Channel at least let's you know what's important; First "Sons of Liberty" and on Memorial Day "Texas Rising".... Basically America happened and then Texas was the next most important thing. :cool:

BOOM! America > Texas > Everything Else.

01-28-15, 12:07
Well the History Channel at least let's you know what's important; First "Sons of Liberty" and on Memorial Day "Texas Rising".... Basically America happened and then Texas was the next most important thing. :cool:

Well then, at least they got the important part right.
I liked it to a degree, but did they have to sex it up to make anyone interested in History? The thing is the actual founding of our Nation is so interesting already why not keep the fiction out of it and tell the real story?
They could have done a lot better, made it a six part series and educated some folks, instead we got this. I would guess though that this is somewhat better than nothing and perhaps someone will open a book and actually read up on it.

01-28-15, 15:35
Right now....if Texas left...we'd have no more America.

01-28-15, 15:45
Right now....if Texas left...we'd have no more America.


01-28-15, 16:05
Right now....if Texas left...we'd have no more America.

We will let Texas go as long as you revoke Jerry Jones travel Visa, and keep him in Texas.

Texas keeps that kid in the divorce. We don't want him.

01-28-15, 16:07
People in TX tend to be delusional about their own freedom..Last I checked you guys weren't totting legal (unregistered) FAs and SBRs/SBSs...You guys can't even OC pistols.

01-28-15, 16:10
People in TX tend to be delusional about their own freedom..Last I checked you guys weren't totting legal (unregistered) FAs and SBRs/SBSs...You guys can't even OC pistols.

They OC in Texas, remember?...(though not pistols)


01-28-15, 16:21
They OC in Texas, remember?...(though not pistols)

I specifically said pistols.

01-28-15, 16:21
Sorry for the derail! I've heard mixed things about the series..haven't seen it yet myself.

01-28-15, 16:30
They OC in Texas, remember?...(though not pistols)

They do OC pistols in Minnesota.....;)

01-28-15, 16:47
I thought they did a great job and I thought it had a good cast. I hope they continue the journey through the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

My teenage nephews dug it so thats a plus! There was a lot of googling people and places which helped to reinforce the message.

Onyx Z
01-28-15, 16:51
People in TX tend to be delusional about their own freedom..Last I checked you guys weren't totting legal (unregistered) FAs and SBRs/SBSs...You guys can't even OC pistols.

What state can you have legal unregistered FA's and SBR's?

01-28-15, 17:07
What state can you have legal unregistered FA's and SBR's?

None- which is my point.

01-28-15, 17:08
TEXAS !!! .... cause.... ummmm .... 'merica ?

Big A
01-28-15, 18:08
Overall I liked it. I thought it was entertaining and well done even with the far reaching embellishments and liberties taken.
I really enjoyed the way Raffe Spall played John Hancock, of all the characters I think he stole the show with how dainty and unaccustomed to getting his hands dirty he made him.

Two things that really bugged me were the head shots with muskets on the scurrying red coats at Barrett's farm. And Dean Norris as Ben Franklin using the term "bat shit crazy" as if it was common parlance of the well to do in the 18th century.

01-28-15, 19:48

I really wanted to watch this, but missed it. I heard it was really good. I wonder if it will be on Hulu or Netflix?

Onyx Z
01-28-15, 21:03
None- which is my point.

I totally missed that one... :o

01-28-15, 23:35
Right now....if Texas left...we'd have no more America.

Texas left America once.



01-29-15, 01:17
It was great! I'm lookinh forward to the Texas thing.. loved it..

01-31-15, 02:34

01-31-15, 11:58
Overall I liked it. I thought it was entertaining and well done even with the far reaching embellishments and liberties taken.
I really enjoyed the way Raffe Spall played John Hancock, of all the characters I think he stole the show with how dainty and unaccustomed to getting his hands dirty he made him.

Two things that really bugged me were the head shots with muskets on the scurrying red coats at Barrett's farm. And Dean Norris as Ben Franklin using the term "bat shit crazy" as if it was common parlance of the well to do in the 18th century.

I do believe the more accurate term in that time frame would have been:

Crazy as a shit house rat.

01-31-15, 17:19
Good entertainment.. Some of the best I've watched in some time. Liberties were taken, but overall well done..