View Full Version : Tax time again....

01-31-15, 09:45
That's right folks, its that time of year again.....to be reminded that there are lazy people out there that rely on YOU to work for them!! I'm just glad I can help support the welfare class!

I can not honestly understand how anyone in their right mind would think it is acceptable for a Government to tax you......because you have a job. Its asinine. We pay a tax to WORK. Taxing someone for a service they utilize, or a good they consume, Im fine with. But taxing someone simply because they have an income??? Its blows my mind.

You know, if I didn't know any better I'd think the government doesn't want anyone to work so we're all reliant on them for everything........

01-31-15, 10:00

01-31-15, 11:30


01-31-15, 11:56
In fact, I do know some people that work less,
in a field where they could get all they work they wanted,
that pays very well.

It simply gets to the point where they working for like fifty cents on the dollar for state and federal income tax and they say to hell with it.

01-31-15, 12:57
Yep. I take comp time instead of money on holidays. The government cant steal my time.

01-31-15, 13:07


01-31-15, 13:40
The 16th Amendment is just a cover for the Federal Reserve. They want people to think their taxes are paying for the Government, when in reality the Federal Reserve is the nations credit card. For those who don't receive a tax refund and have to actually write a check to the IRS, 40% of your money goes to the "City of London" and 60% of your money goes to the "Jesuits/Vatican".

01-31-15, 19:10
The 16th Amendment is just a cover for the Federal Reserve. They want people to think their taxes are paying for the Government, when in reality the Federal Reserve is the nations credit card. For those who don't receive a tax refund and have to actually write a check to the IRS, 40% of your money goes to the "City of London" and 60% of your money goes to the "Jesuits/Vatican".

Me for the last 2 years :(

01-31-15, 21:45
ill have to pay this year. One of the sucky parts of being self-employed. They take your money yet want to punish you for not buying their insurance... :no:

01-31-15, 23:14
The 16th Amendment is just a cover for the Federal Reserve. They want people to think their taxes are paying for the Government, when in reality the Federal Reserve is the nations credit card. For those who don't receive a tax refund and have to actually write a check to the IRS, 40% of your money goes to the "City of London" and 60% of your money goes to the "Jesuits/Vatican".

We must fund our Fabian Socialist overlords . . .

02-01-15, 00:08
We must fund our Fabian Socialist overlords . . .

Ha. Nice...

02-01-15, 00:14
Yep. I take comp time instead of money on holidays. The government cant steal my time.
Not yet. Stop giving them ideas comrade

02-01-15, 01:14
Thankfully the economy has devastated my business so Obama will be buying me a couple rifles this year, or at least I will when I pull a 100% refund. I know it's my own money, but I like to think of it as Obama buying me rifles.

02-01-15, 04:19
Well Damn, I get a refund every year.

02-01-15, 07:37
Well Damn, I get a refund every year.

You mean, you give the government an interest free loan every year.

Travis B
02-01-15, 08:00
You mean, you give the government an interest free loan every year.

Exactly. If you receive a large refund, you're doing it wrong.

02-01-15, 08:43
I went up a tax bracket. Very exciting stuff. I mean I worked harder, longer hours but man it was worth it. Then the government took a huge chunk of the extra money I made. Hopefully it went to some deserving 20 something who broke his pinky finger playing street ball 4 years ago and can't work. I just hope he gets my money really quickly. Poor guy.

02-01-15, 10:26
Exactly. If you receive a large refund, you're doing it wrong.
The smartest thing I ever did was sit down with a finacial advisor through my 401 K at work and pay a smart tax accountant to work with me. These guys have really helped me through the last six years.
The whole idea of your money coming back to you in a "refund" is so wrong and such a scam. Once you get set up right that money will be going in to an tax exempt or tax deffered account for your retirement rather than funding some fun and games for the FSA.
I honestly believe the whole system was set up to hit the guys who make enough money to pay in, but not enough to fight back with help from some professionals. The must feel like they have you so just shut up and pay or we'll take more of your stuff.

02-01-15, 17:11
Well Damn, I get a refund every year.

A full refund? Or portion of what you paid in all year?

02-01-15, 20:38
A full refund and then some due to education credits. It makes me sad that one day I'm going to be complaining about things like this.

02-02-15, 06:38
A full refund and then some due to education credits. It makes me sad that one day I'm going to be complaining about things like this.
It shouldn't make you sad to think you'll have to deal with this, this is life. What should make you sad is the system is rigged and you'll have to find the best way to find ways to deal with it.

02-02-15, 06:50
Thankfully the economy has devastated my business so Obama will be buying me a couple rifles this year, or at least I will when I pull a 100% refund. I know it's my own money, but I like to think of it as Obama buying me rifles.

Thats certainly how I've always looked at it :D

02-02-15, 07:56
I almost have to work as hard to keep some my money as I do to earn my money. So, I pretty much have to earn my money twice. The only thing the FSA has to do to make more money is procreate. FML! This shit is getting old.

02-02-15, 14:40
You think it is asinine for the govt to tax you because you have a job?

Did you catch the latest State of the Union speech?

Barry and his merry men think you and I are not paying ENOUGH in income taxes!

How's that for asinine?

02-02-15, 15:37
We're gonna basically break even by about $100 between state and federal this year, which is about the best I can manage since the state of AL basically makes it impossible to adjust your withholdings to match your estimated taxes.

02-03-15, 14:36
I wanted to fill this post with stories about working long hours with beautiful interns. However, my firm is global and crushes peepees for non-PC internet talk so I will simply say:

The Internal Revenue Code and federally mandated auditing requirements make me tons of money. :cool:

02-03-15, 17:26
I tried the whole adjusting taxes so I dont owe or get anything back and it ****ed me good. Now I just have my taxes set that I get a decent refund. I know its not all of what I pay but its better than owing a couple grand unexpectedly.

02-03-15, 22:41
I wanted to fill this post with stories about working long hours with beautiful interns. However, my firm is global and crushes peepees for non-PC internet talk so I will simply say:

The Internal Revenue Code and federally mandated auditing requirements make me tons of money. :cool:

When I was a lowly enlisted swine, I used to charge my 03 brothers a measly case of beer for filling out their 1040. Once, our basket leave coincided with tax time, and my squad stayed drunk for four days on all the Stroh's I had acquired.

The officers got charged more. A lot more. I ain't talking a handle jug of hard liquor - I'm talking cash money.

Them guidance counselors were right - an accounting degree can come in handy. But enfilade fire is frequently more useful in a pinch. :cool:

02-17-15, 12:18
And my refund this year was......


At least I don't owe anything?

Them guidance counselors were right - an accounting degree can come in handy. But enfilade fire is frequently more useful in a pinch. :cool:

No doubt about it. :)

Doc Safari
02-17-15, 14:44
My state refund was about a dollar, and my Federal tax bill was about a dollar. That is known as synchronicity.

This year?

Is it true you can just "check a box" that you have health insurance and you avoid the Obamacare penalty?

I know a couple of people who thought that they would be exempt since they don't work.

02-17-15, 14:45
Is it true you can just "check a box" that you have health insurance and you avoid the Obamacare penalty?

Yes. If you get audited, well, then you get audited, but you don't have to provide any documentation.