View Full Version : NO More Notortiety for killers

01-31-15, 13:13
A group from the Aurora Theater shootings have created this group. The good thing here is, no matter where people fall on other issues relating to mass killings (e.g, gun control, mental health, etc), I think we can all agree on this: The media needs to stop making celebrities of these creatures, which is a motivator for why they do it! This group seeks call out the media to stop doing it, and that's something I can VERY much get behind. How about you? From the site:

The quest for notoriety and infamy is a known motivating factor in mass killings and violent copycat crimes. In an effort to reduce future tragedies, We CHALLENGE THE MEDIA to stop the gratuitous use of the name and likeness of mass shooters thereby depriving these violent individuals the spotlight they so crave.

WHAT MASS KILLERS WANT — AND HOW TO STOP THEM by Ari N. Schulman in The Wall Street Journal.

FBI adopts “Don’t Name Them” campaign. FBI to media: DON’T NAME MASS SHOOTERS.

HOW THE MEDIA CAN PREVENT MASS SHOOTINGS. Forensic psychologist Dr. Park Dietz worries the media has encouraged copycats of mass shootings. LISTEN


“DONT SAY HIS NAME” NPR broadcast: On The Media LISTEN 1/30/2015

One day after Aurora theater shooting, victim’s Dad presents challenge to Anderson Cooper of CNN. VIDEO 7/20/12

Aurora theater shooting victim’s Dad to media: “You guys (media) can change overnight, all you have to do is have the courage to stop.” VIDEO

“We’ve had 20 years of mass murders throughout which I have repeatedly told CNN and our other media, if you don’t want to propagate more mass murders, don’t start the story with sirens blaring. Don’t have photographs of the killer. Don’t make this 24/7 coverage. Do everything you can not to make the body count the lead story, not to make the killer some kind of anti-hero. Do localize the story to the affected community and make it as boring as possible in every other market. Because every time we have intense saturation coverage of a mass murder, we expect to see one or two more within a week.” – Park Dietz, MD, PhD, MPH. Dietz is a forensic psychiatrist who has consulted or testified in many of the highest profile US criminal cases.



Interview on NPR


01-31-15, 14:42
yup have always said they need to isolate the person in the media you can report the crime and incident but no name no sex nothing about them at all

and make it a crime if someone releases that info like friends family etc... so nobody can ever know except those around

a double edge sword but to me mass murder is something that has happened since history began so how to do it today with our freedoms

01-31-15, 14:43
witnesses will speak. to media who is willing to post. blood makes $$$

Straight Shooter
01-31-15, 15:48
They are asking the "media" to cut its own throat, so to speak. NOT gonna happen.

01-31-15, 18:12
Really the problem isn't media promotion so much as public fascination and in some cases glorification.

How many sick bitches wanted to marry Richard Ramirez? How many psychos continued to follow Manson after the murders? We have a disturbingly large "sick" segment of society and it is only made worse by our extreme tolerance (and sometimes defense) of them.

01-31-15, 18:51
Those sick ****s are referred to as coward.

The info given out should be about the victims and those who were involved, what they did and nothing about the coward POS.

02-01-15, 00:37
Limiting freedom of speech will not stop mass murder. Period.

It is a complicated problem, one that will never be fully solved; but restricting rights is not the solution. Plain and simple.

There would never be a way to keep this type of info from being made public no matter the restrictions or law on the books.

It is sad and sickening that these things happen, but they do; and short of re programming the human condition (Impossible) they will continue to happen.

There is no single variable, or combination of variables short of stopping humans from being human that we can control to stop evil from being evil.

Good men will always have to fight evil men. Best to be realistic.

I do agree that the "hype" helps perpetuate the the realization of mad men's fantasies and the media needs to react in a different manner; but nothing will stop mad men from acting as mad men. Best to prepare as individuals to meet evil head on with extreme prejudice than to place responsibility on others to do "something"; when nothing can or will be truly effective at stopping evil; other than extinguishing it as it rears its ugly head.

There is more wrong with media than I can expound upon in a single post; but limiting the dissemination of information will not stop these atrocities from occurring.

Savior 6
02-01-15, 02:50
Demand for the product will always be there and the media will always be willing to cash in on it.

I believe that 24 hour news channels are what perpetuated this demand and that either the 24 hour news or the demand would have to stop to put an end to this "noteriety phenomenon". Neither of which will.

We as a society are already too far down the rabbit hole.

02-01-15, 07:22
The only way the media will slow or stop their coverage of mass killings is if more people with firearms stop the killers before they can amass a large enough body count. The media hates it when 1) someone is self sufficient and proves they don't have to have a government agency to take care of an immediate situation, 2) a firearm is used to prevent a crime and 3) the drama ends before it gets newsworthy.

02-01-15, 11:00
Demand for the product will always be there and the media will always be willing to cash in on it.

I believe that 24 hour news channels are what perpetuated this demand and that either the 24 hour news or the demand would have to stop to put an end to this "noteriety phenomenon". Neither of which will.

We as a society are already too far down the rabbit hole.

Like what was said in the movie The Dark Knight about the Joker: Some men just want to see the world burn. I don't usually like to take wisdom from movies, but that statement rings very true. Most people want to pass on from this life knowing that they made a difference and were a positive influence on the world. I would say that many people who do evil do so thinking they have good intentions. But some people are just plain sadistically, chaotically evil. They want to do nothing but cause pain, chaos, and death. They are willing to die for the cause of knowing that they caused chaos. With 24 coverage of these people's names and faces, they will die happy, knowing that they accomplished their goal of making others suffer.

02-01-15, 17:16
We as a society are already too far down the rabbit hole.

And in so many ways I don't even want to contemplate. There are so many things I wish I didn't know.

02-03-15, 19:46