View Full Version : Tac Tissy is a hero.

VIP3R 237
02-08-15, 20:56
I'm sure many of you follow Tac Tissy on Facebook and other social media. Today she posted this video. Poor girl, my thoughts and prayers are with her. She shows incredible courage to do this.


02-08-15, 22:35
Man she got the shit kicked out of her. Hope the scumbag gets what he deserves.

02-09-15, 12:13
Any source for those of us lo-tech folks who don't do facetube? - john

02-09-15, 12:33
I don't have facebook on my work computer but when I click the link, the video played just fine. Try it.

02-09-15, 12:45
Guessing she got throttled in a domestic violence situation?

02-09-15, 13:22
I dont have facebook either, does anyone have another link?

02-09-15, 13:31
Was it her spouse/SO that did that to her? I'm thinking he was the photog?

02-09-15, 14:12
Who is this woman again?

02-09-15, 14:43
Nothing irritates me more than a man that beats on a woman. Not saying that is what happened here... but....

I sure trust that this isn't a "manufactured incident" like progressives try and manufacture to promote their own cause or worldview. Looks legit to me at this point. Isn't it a shame that our society has trained me to first doubt such a report?

I trust she will take the lawful and legal actions the law allows her. I also trust this claim will be properly vetted.

Oh, and it appears it is not on her youtube list. To tell you the truth this is the first I have heard of her.

02-09-15, 15:49
I haven't got a Facebook and I cannot play the video.

I second the "Who is this lady?" as well as the "Why should I care?" questions posed in this thread.

Can someone just tell us wtf is going on?

02-09-15, 16:05
I don't have the, "WTF should I care?" Any time some dude roughs up some chick, that torques me. But I must concur on one point: "Who?"

02-09-15, 16:06
She appeared in the video describing her injuries from domestic violence.

Like I said earlier, I don't have facebook on my work computer yet I can view the video. Explain that to me all you computer genius.

Here is a little story about "tactissy", I only typed "tactissy" into google, it wasn't that tough.


02-09-15, 16:31
She appeared in the video describing her injuries from domestic violence.

Like I said earlier, I don't have facebook on my work computer yet I can view the video. Explain that to me all you computer genius.

Here is a little story about "tactissy", I only typed "tactissy" into google, it wasn't that tough.


Im just telling you what is happening on my computer

I click the link, I see the Facebook "thread" of comments but the video does not work. Explain that to me.

Thanks for pointing out it was domestic violence. Sounds like she picked a winner. It's not like nice guys just wake up one day and beat the shit out of anyone, let alone their woman. I hope she leaves him and prosecutes him.

02-09-15, 16:39
Reminds me of this speech:


I hope she doesnt take any half measures....im not advocating she murder him...but prosecute to the greatest extent of the law.

02-09-15, 19:51
Been following her for a while and starting middle of last year she started to seem "off". Saw her video yesterday and it explained a lot.

She is a good face for female shooters.. This just pisses me off.

02-10-15, 07:37
Info on who is TacTissy click here (http://lmgtfy.com/?q=tactissy)

02-10-15, 08:15
You know what pisses me off just one notch less than someone beating up a pretty lady? That people need to be "connected" to someone "famous" in order to give a sh!t who that person is....

That woman is an ardent 2A supporter. Like most of us here.

I've never met a single one of the posters in this thread in real life. If you caught a beat down, I would show some fvcking empathy/sympathy instead of asking, "Who?" or "Why should I care?"

02-10-15, 08:45
The Domestic Violence cycle is a dangerous thing. In several cases I have observed over the years, the end of the Domestic Violence cycle results in death. If someone close to her did this, I hope she gets help getting out of the cycle.

02-10-15, 10:12
The Domestic Violence cycle is a dangerous thing. In several cases I have observed over the years, the end of the Domestic Violence cycle results in death. If someone close to her did this, I hope she gets help getting out of the cycle.

I think it is just as dangerous to get in the mix with folks in this situation until you know the whole and true story.
No one deserves a beating, but often facts get bent to make a point and to draw folks on to ones side in an issue.

02-10-15, 11:02
The woman with this much firearm savvy gets beat up?


If this is what happened....it is tragic and I hope she is alright and takes legal action against the aggressor.

02-10-15, 11:08
I think it is just as dangerous to get in the mix with folks in this situation until you know the whole and true story.
No one deserves a beating, but often facts get bent to make a point and to draw folks on to ones side in an issue.

Valid point. No one should get directly involved unless they have complete facts. We are merely commenting on the video and what little information we have right now. Domestic Violence victims in general need to escape the cycle. It's a tough thing to get them to do. I have seen it too many times and some of the women wound up killed by their partner.

I would be interested in seeing complete police reports about the incident, but that will never happen. Well I guess I should not say never, because people post just about everything on the internet.

02-10-15, 11:22
You know what pisses me off just one notch less than someone beating up a pretty lady? That people need to be "connected" to someone "famous" in order to give a sh!t who that person is....

That woman is an ardent 2A supporter. Like most of us here.

I've never met a single one of the posters in this thread in real life. If you caught a beat down, I would show some fvcking empathy/sympathy instead of asking, "Who?" or "Why should I care?"

So if she looked like a troll and didn't support the 2nd amendment you wouldn't give a shit?

Im sorry I haven't shown any "fvcking empathy/sympathy". Im going to go out on a limb here and say that this isn't the first physical incident Ms. Tissy has been subjected to. I would venture to guess whomever whipped her ass has been verbally and physically abusive throughout their relationship. Most domestic beaters don't just wake up one day and decide to open a can of whoopass on their significant other. It usually increases in violence over time, and progressively gets worse. Hope she leaves the moron she was with, however I wouldn't count on it...unless this like the 13th or 14th time she's been smacked around, then she might.

As someone who sees domestic violence everyday in some form, and sees the "victims" of domestic violence refuse to either take the steps to remove themselves from the violent relationship, or even refuse to help with the DV investigation........ya my empathy/sympathy ran out a while ago.

This type of stuff happens thousands of times a day in this country, and people only give a shit when they see a video involving someone they "like".

02-10-15, 11:22
You know what pisses me off just one notch less than someone beating up a pretty lady? That people need to be "connected" to someone "famous" in order to give a sh!t who that person is....

That woman is an ardent 2A supporter. Like most of us here.

I've never met a single one of the posters in this thread in real life. If you caught a beat down, I would show some fvcking empathy/sympathy instead of asking, "Who?" or "Why should I care?"

OP posts a link to a facebook page with title "Tac Tissy is a Hero" and then says "I'm sure many of you follow her. Something bad happened to her etc etc." with zero info given. I don't need to be "connected" to "Tac Tissy" to care, but I need to know what happened to even know that I should care.

How was I supposed to know who Tac Tissy is or that she got beat up from the OP given that the video doesn't work?

I still don't even know the full story (as I still cannot watch the video) which is exactly why threads like these suck because they result in miscommunication. (I.e. you think people need to feel "Connected" to a celebrity to care, when in reality we just want to know why the OP knows who she is in the first place) It's not too much to ask for OPs of threads to give the 4 W's. "Hey guys, this is Tac Tissy. She got into a fight at her house with her daughter, and her daughters boyfriend beat her up really good. She's a 2A supporter and we should all take note of how this can happen"

What is her video even about?

02-10-15, 11:24
The Domestic Violence cycle is a dangerous thing. In several cases I have observed over the years, the end of the Domestic Violence cycle results in death. If someone close to her did this, I hope she gets help getting out of the cycle.

I agree.

I have seen the cycle of domestic violence work its way through many families, both male and female victims and eventually (but not always) end in death.

Action needs to be taken by the victim, and the pro-2A community needs to back this.

02-10-15, 11:33
I think people are a little too loose with using the term "Hero" in this day and age. I consider her a victim who chose to post a video and make a few comments about her incident on the internet.

J-Dub is right. This sort of thing is a daily occurrence. It can be frustrating to watch a victim not take steps to leave a physically abusive relationship.

02-10-15, 11:41
I think people are a little too loose with using the term "Hero" in this day and age. I consider her a victim who chose to post a video and make a few comments about her incident on the internet.

J-Dub is right. This sort of thing is a daily occurrence. It can be frustrating to watch a victim not take steps to leave a physically abusive relationship.

I agree again.

02-10-15, 11:51
The video included a still photo of her busted face and eye.

Here's a screen shot.


02-10-15, 12:04
You can see all of TacTissy's videos and reviews on YouTube. Just search her name on YouTube. I have met her several times and we have a mutual friend. She is a nice girl and she deserves all the support she can get to get through this. She's pretty tough but we all need all the extra help we can get when times are tough.

02-10-15, 12:26
You can see all of TacTissy's videos and reviews on YouTube. Just search her name on YouTube. I have met her several times and we have a mutual friend. She is a nice girl and she deserves all the support she can get to get through this. She's pretty tough but we all need all the extra help we can get when times are tough.

Thanks for confirming to the non believers that this person is not real.

02-10-15, 12:37
Yeah that new fangled Google thing is tough to work sometimes.

It's way cooler to act aloof, and post "Who?" or "Why should I care?". And then act indignant when the "cool/aloof" vibe wasn't universally embraced.

Noted. I'll try it some time.

3 AE
02-10-15, 14:04
On the looks of it, one would assume that she was the victim of domestic abuse based on her comments and photo of her in the video. Still, I would personally not jump to a conclusion without more info. With todays access to social media, one starts to make a case just on emotional content without all of the facts.

Case in point, talked with an off duty LEO a few years ago about a domestic dispute case he was involved with. He said things aren't always what they seem. He gets the call and arrives on scene to see a petite woman outside with a busted up face, blood pouring out of her nose, screaming that her boyfriend was trying to kill her. They question the boyfriend and find out that the two of them had gotten into an argument over alleged cheating on his part. Which led to her firing three rounds at him and incredibly all missed. Where upon he proceeded to try and disarm her which resulted in her getting punched in the face a few times in order to get her to release her grip on the pistol. She claimed she was assaulted, he claimed self defense. She later admitted to being hurt and upset and didn't remember firing off the rounds. He didn't want to press charges because he still loved her! Go figure.

02-10-15, 23:15
On the looks of it, one would assume that she was the victim of domestic abuse based on her comments and photo of her in the video. Still, I would personally not jump to a conclusion without more info. With todays access to social media, one starts to make a case just on emotional content without all of the facts.

Case in point, talked with an off duty LEO a few years ago about a domestic dispute case he was involved with. He said things aren't always what they seem. He gets the call and arrives on scene to see a petite woman outside with a busted up face, blood pouring out of her nose, screaming that her boyfriend was trying to kill her. They question the boyfriend and find out that the two of them had gotten into an argument over alleged cheating on his part. Which led to her firing three rounds at him and incredibly all missed. Where upon he proceeded to try and disarm her which resulted in her getting punched in the face a few times in order to get her to release her grip on the pistol. She claimed she was assaulted, he claimed self defense. She later admitted to being hurt and upset and didn't remember firing off the rounds. He didn't want to press charges because he still loved her! Go figure.

Yeah it amazes me what people don't know about domestic/family violence. I did a report in my family violence class last year. My research concluded that men are more often victims of violence than women with women slightly more prone to extreme physical violence/death. Yet all we hear about is women being whooped.

02-11-15, 00:24
Tactissy was pointed out to me at a gunshow last summer. She seemed to be a very nice, genuine person. This does not look like a situation where she's playing up something to get sympathy or just to make trouble from somebody. In fact, it's quite the opposite. She's actually downplaying what happened. If you've ever had dealings with domestic violence, you'd know that victims and survivors often do.

I wish her the best and hope her healing, physical and spiritual, continues and she gets healthy and strong soon. I also hope she finds the courage and strength to get out of that situation and can protect herself from future abuse.

Cory, please pass my best wishes to her

02-11-15, 00:49
I wish her the best and hope her healing, physical and spiritual, continues and she gets healthy and strong soon. I also hope she finds the courage and strength to get out of that situation and can protect herself from future abuse.


02-11-15, 07:15
Yet all we hear about is women being whooped.

Did your research uncover why that is?

26 Inf
02-11-15, 11:21
Yeah it amazes me what people don't know about domestic/family violence. I did a report in my family violence class last year. My research concluded that men are more often victims of violence than women with women slightly more prone to extreme physical violence/death. Yet all we hear about is women being whooped.

Could you share your references?

02-11-15, 21:29
Did your research uncover why that is?

I cannot remember specifically what caused what.

As for references the statistics came from the Journal of Aggression, Conflict and Peace Research, the US National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey, the CDC, and the U.S. Department of Justice.

I still have my power point somewhere on this. Can you upload those on here?

26 Inf
02-11-15, 22:00
Thanks. From a LE perspective well over 90% of the reporting parties/victims are female. I could see how the numbers could swing if you are using self-reporting on questionnaires rather than arrest data. Interesting.

02-11-15, 22:25
Thanks. From a LE perspective well over 90% of the reporting parties/victims are female. I could see how the numbers could swing if you are using self-reporting on questionnaires rather than arrest data. Interesting.

I do remember from the book a big reason why men do not report it is that they feel ashamed, embarrassed, they wouldn't be believed, emasculated, and there is virtually no resources for men subjected to domestic violence, etc.

02-11-15, 22:26
I have no doubt that there are a number of men who are abused and don't report it. However a lot of Women don't report it either.

As I have mentioned before I am part of a community that practices various different lifestyles. Many of the people I know are involved in BDSM. One thing you learn after a while is to tell the difference in behavior when you see someone who is getting beaten as part of a fun time vs. someone who is being abused. We are big on self policing because of such issues. And the signs are there. It is always the eyes.... That hollow look someone gets over time as they are beaten down by the emotional abuse. I am amazed constantly by how often it is ignored though. And when it isn't ignored the attitude seems to be one of ambivalence.

Also it is easy for people on the outside to look at it and say they should just leave, or defend themselves. But it isn't that easy for them. Sometimes they are so conditioned or scared, or both, that leaving isn't an option. Excuses are always made. He/She just had a bad day. I pissed him/her off. I should not have done X... We have all heard them. And we all know it is BS. My wife has pissed me off royally We have had some knock down drag out yelling matches. But never has either of us laid a hand on the other in anger.

02-11-15, 22:34
I have no doubt that there are a number of men who are abused and don't report it. However a lot of Women don't report it either.

As I have mentioned before I am part of a community that practices various different lifestyles. Many of the people I know are involved in BDSM. One thing you learn after a while is to tell the difference in behavior when you see someone who is getting beaten as part of a fun time vs. someone who is being abused. We are big on self policing because of such issues. And the signs are there. It is always the eyes.... That hollow look someone gets over time as they are beaten down by the emotional abuse. I am amazed constantly by how often it is ignored though. And when it isn't ignored the attitude seems to be one of ambivalence.

The thing is many of those reports and surveys included both males and females. They both go vastly under-reported but they still showed males > females.

On another note..what the hell??

02-12-15, 23:49
She was not in a relationship from what some gather, it was done by someone else close to her.

02-13-15, 00:11
I have no doubt that there are a number of men who are abused and don't report it. However a lot of Women don't report it either.

As I have mentioned before I am part of a community that practices various different lifestyles. Many of the people I know are involved in BDSM. One thing you learn after a while is to tell the difference in behavior when you see someone who is getting beaten as part of a fun time vs. someone who is being abused. We are big on self policing because of such issues. And the signs are there. It is always the eyes.... That hollow look someone gets over time as they are beaten down by the emotional abuse. I am amazed constantly by how often it is ignored though. And when it isn't ignored the attitude seems to be one of ambivalence.

Also it is easy for people on the outside to look at it and say they should just leave, or defend themselves. But it isn't that easy for them. Sometimes they are so conditioned or scared, or both, that leaving isn't an option. Excuses are always made. He/She just had a bad day. I pissed him/her off. I should not have done X... We have all heard them. And we all know it is BS. My wife has pissed me off royally We have had some knock down drag out yelling matches. But never has either of us laid a hand on the other in anger.

Kwelz....you never fail to weird us out lol.

02-13-15, 01:03
Kwelz....you never fail to weird us out lol.

Not my intent. Was just trying to out into context. My point being that the bruises aren't what really shows the abuse.

02-13-15, 11:23
She was not in a relationship from what some gather, it was done by someone else close to her.

Ya well I suppose its all speculation since she went out of her way to make a video, and exclude all the details pertaining to the subject of the video. Doesn't make much sense to me, but then again watching some chick shoot a gun on youtube doesn't either so....

02-13-15, 13:13
never heard of the girl but I still have sympathy. unless they were the aggressor, nobody deserves to get beat that bad. I've been beaten in a fight where the first punch was so hard it made me piss my pants and I still didn't look that bad, much less permanent injuries.

pretty girl or not, 2nd A supporter or not, whoever did that needs to get shot in the nads with a taser and let them ride the lightning till the battery dies...

02-13-15, 14:00
Ya well I suppose its all speculation since she went out of her way to make a video, and exclude all the details pertaining to the subject of the video. Doesn't make much sense to me, but then again watching some chick shoot a gun on youtube doesn't either so....

Your posting in this thread doesn't make much sense to me. The speculation on the street says it will end - one way, or another.

02-13-15, 14:12
Not my intent. Was just trying to out into context. My point being that the bruises aren't what really shows the abuse.

To this day I remember my mother telling my father "Sometimes, I wish you just beat the crap out of me instead of treating me like this."

26 Inf
02-13-15, 15:14
never heard of the girl but I still have sympathy. unless they were the aggressor, nobody deserves to get beat that bad. I've been beaten in a fight where the first punch was so hard it made me piss my pants and I still didn't look that bad, much less permanent injuries.

pretty girl or not, 2nd A supporter or not, whoever did that needs to get shot in the nads with a taser and let them ride the lightning till the battery dies...

15.45 minutes by my calculations. Could cause a great deal of pain. Recidivism potential = Low.

02-13-15, 16:53
Didn't really bother with this thread or video until today.

I feel bad for what happened to her, its terrible and there is no excuse for it.

However in my mind what could have made her a hero is by setting a great example to other woman who suffer abuse. That great example would have been to identify her attacker, and press charges, and include that in the video. This would have been the truly difficult part and part that may have given others the courage to report and prosecute their attackers.

At this point her video just goes along with what we know, domestic abuse happens and it sucks. Breaking the cycle and inviting others to do the same could have made her a hero.

I hope she fully recovers and her attacker is dealt with.

02-13-15, 21:29
She posted a new Video today about being at a sports show. Looks like the scar across her face may be permanent.

She may well have identified her attacker and had him/her arrested. However it would not be smart for her to put it in her video.

02-14-15, 21:38
...the bruises aren't what really shows the abuse.

This is very very true.

Larry Vickers
02-16-15, 06:51
I haven't got a Facebook and I cannot play the video.

I second the "Who is this lady?" as well as the "Why should I care?" questions posed in this thread.

Can someone just tell us wtf is going on?

Ok I see why J-Dub got shown the door here - but honestly I'm not seeing why your not gone based on your 'why should I care' comment- if it were up to me your ass would be history for that line- smartass

02-16-15, 07:46
Regardless of who she is, and to be honest this is the first I have ever seen or heard of her, I believe it took a lot of courage for her to come out and bring this abuse to the public eye. Many people just sit back and take it over and over again. Eventually a point of no return is reached and someone ends up either dead or in jail. No one should have to be subjected to this abuse whether it's physical or psychological. If you have to ask yourself who is this person or why should I care or whats the whole story then obviously abuse as such is not much of an issue to you.

Maybe the title of this thread is a bit strong. However, if Tac Tissy can use her stage to highlight this issue and bring some good about by doing so, then yes that is a very good thing. I hope that whoever did this to her reaps their just desserts.

02-16-15, 11:24
I did not know who she was either but a little Google-ing around and you can find out.

That was terrible what happened to her. Fortunately she seems like a very strong woman and I bet she uses this incident to help others become aware of domestic violence and maybe others will avoid what happened to her.

Still don't know the whole story (...and not sure I want to) really this is her business.

I hope the person that did this is brought to justice.

02-16-15, 20:37
Ok folks I believe this thread has run its course. Domestic violence is no joking matter and a serious problem unfortunately. It isn't that difficult to do a quick search on who is who and what the issue is. I urge everyone to research first post second.