View Full Version : Noob Q......What is a......

07-04-08, 21:35
Please forgive me for this stupid question but I must know. What is a Colt Delta H-BAR? I hear this sometimes and the ones I have seen are stupidly expensive. Looks like a regular Colt to me. What is the difference between these and a regular colt H-BAR or match target?

07-05-08, 09:50
The Colt Delta H-BAR is an accurized A2 Sporter with a Heavy Barrel. Usually seen with a carrying handle scope mount.

07-05-08, 12:17
To be more specific, H-BAR is Heavy BARrel

07-05-08, 16:22
i knew the h-bar = heavy barrel, but did not know deltas were accurized. Don't need that then, a regualr one will do nicely for me. thanks